A bit of a breakthrough. (long post)

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A bit of a breakthrough. (long post)

Post by david » Sat Aug 05, 2006 2:10 pm

Hi all,

I've successfully completed three weeks of N-days (the third time I've done so). After the weekend I'll hit 21 days and post on that thread, but right now I would like to post about another sort of success.

I'm always researching diet and exercise mostly because I'm curious from a sort of anthropological standpoint about how the industry is reacting to this "obesity epidemic." In the past, if I came across an idea or system which seemed logical I would try it out--especially if I was on a plateau as far as fat loss or exercise was concerned.

I've looked at a bunch of exercise info in the past couple of weeks and have seen some really good ideas but, rather than putting shovelglove on the back burner while I try it out, I have figured out how to integrate the ideas into the shovelglove "template." In other words, I'm sticking with what I know works while also flexibly incorporating ideas which "add a bit of spice to the dish."

On the No-S front, I spent a good bit of time last week researching "Paleo" eating. In my opinion, Paleo eating is logical, it's probably very good for you, and for me it's.....not doable. Reinhard's lesson about not engaging an eating plan you can't stick with forever has finally sunken in! I realized that if I did the Paleo thing that there is no way I can just cut all sugar, dairy, wheat, rice, etc. out of my diet and thus, the diet would fail with time and I would be dragging my butt back to No-S again. It's far more logical to just stay with No-S, huh? However, that doesn't mean I can't incorporate Paleo ideas into my No-S. Already, many of my meals are made up of a hunk of meat and fresh fruit or vegetable. There could be times where I'll have a Paleo day or even a Paleo week within the template of No-S.

Anyway, for me this mental turning point has been a bigger breakthrough than losing a few pounds or upgrading to a heavier hammer. I feel like I've gained some wisdom.


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Post by VanillaGorilla » Sat Aug 05, 2006 3:32 pm

I have an eating plan for myself that includes some of the paleo philosophy. I try to stick to mostly meat, veggies and fruit Sunday-Thursday (my work week) and confine my "junkier" foods and starches to the weekends.

Part of it was experimentation on my part after some health issues last year. I won't get into them too deeply, but suffice to say, I had a spell where I lost 30+ lbs. in less than 90 days because I plain could not eat without immense pain in my stomach. Even half a sandwich would leave me doubled over (sometimes on the floor) in agony. Long story short...After numerous medical tests and no answers, I ended up cranking up my fiber intake through supplementation and altering my diet and felt a lot better. So these days, most of my carb intake is of the fiberous variety through veggies and fruit and a minimum of starches, processsed sugars and flour.

I don't live it to the letter of the law, mind you. If I want some rice or a potato with my dinner during the week, then I have it. But overall, I'm just plain used to eating the way I do and am fairly satisfied with it. It's habit now and it's fine by me.
My eating habits are basically No S with my spin on it for my tastes/health requirements. The paleo mentality along with the No S ideals leave me feeling satisfied and at a pretty decent weight with plenty of energy to spare for work, workouts, etc.

Reinhard's principals fit in quite nicely with whatever style of eating one chooses, imo. As long as it is a sensible, healthy plan and you exercise some willpower and "don't be an idiot" as he so suitably puts it, one should be quite successful.
If you like pastas, potatoes, etc...Then go for it and eat them. Just do it sensibly. Personally, I've found the diet that seems to agree best with my stomach and stick to that. Less flour, starchy carbs, etc works out good for me, but I still use the principals of No S, because too much is still too much regardless of what kind of food it is, imo.

Of course...As I type this I am wondering why I ate too much pizza last night. :lol:
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sat Aug 05, 2006 4:44 pm

That's awesome David!!!!

Self realizations like that are worth so much!!!!
It seems like if a person were to say, "A diet you can't stick with is doomed to fail" would make a dent in peoples minds when they are considering life changes like diet and exercise, but it really isn't until you have that "light" go on, in your day to day life, that the words and concepts turn into a reality...

When I read Reinhards original homepage, the "Aha" light just went on like a fire alarm, but philosophy is one thing.. Experience is the greatest guru around, and I my first few years were (and still are) filled with those "Aha" moments, and the initial gut feeling I had about doing this, just keeps getting more and more validated every day!
Anyway, for me this mental turning point has been a bigger breakthrough than losing a few pounds or upgrading to a heavier hammer. I feel like I've gained some wisdom.
I wholeheartedly concur!
And that is really priceless, because once you have one of those types of epiphanies (sp???)no one can ever take that from you..

So continued good luck!

And btw.....Regarding the "Long post" warning......

I say "Ha!" :twisted:

You're a lightweight my dear! :lol:
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Post by david » Fri Aug 11, 2006 5:59 pm

Vanilla, have you noticed any changes from eating paleo other than the digestive ones? The main thing people cite seems to be an increase in energy on the paleo plan but I get that from No-S.

Deb, yes, philosophy often breaks down when the rubber meets the road. That's why we make adjustments and try again. Good luck with your veg No-essing!


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Post by VanillaGorilla » Sat Aug 12, 2006 2:13 am

Vanilla, have you noticed any changes from eating paleo other than the digestive ones? The main thing people cite seems to be an increase in energy on the paleo plan but I get that from No-S.
Definitely increased energy, yes. But as you said, No-S can do the same thing for you. Just the mere fact that the body doesn't have to process so much food is a huge help regardless what style of diet you follow. I also experienced a substantial loss of bodyfat. I'd attribute that to the change in diet, increased workout intensity and portion control within the confines of said diet.
The biggest change for me was definitely from a digestive standpoint, though. I just plain feel better. Even a relatively small amount of starchy carbs/procesed foods seems to mess with my digestion nowadays, so I limit them and stay away from milk for the most part. If I confine my junkier eating to 1-2 days on the weekend, I do alright. Anything beyond that seems to really tax my stomach too much.
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Post by david » Sat Aug 12, 2006 2:35 pm

That makes sense--especially the flexibility part.


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