What the doctor said about NoS

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What the doctor said about NoS

Post by Mavilu » Thu Oct 30, 2008 10:43 pm

Yesterday I had an appointment with my doctor, because I've been having some back issues.
So, we discussed the problem and he basically told me that pinched nerves go and come and even if we try to avoid surefire ways to pinch our nerves, they might happen just the same and that it might take months to recover (yikes!).
Well, that means that from now on who knows when I'll be able to move around and when I'll have to be "resting" for weeks or months.
I was quiet in thought for a moment and he said he'd noticed that I had lost weight since my last visit (yay, hard facts written in paper!), was I too worried about this and had I lost my appetite?.
Nah!, I said, I told him I'm making an effort to lose weight and I told him how.
So, with his chin on his hand and his elbow on the examining table (a true sign that he is interested) he told me that he had seen the book at the bookstore and wondered how many people would have the guts to go back to eating without dieting and without all that bussiness of eating within two hours and such.
He agreed on your points and especially that we had always eaten this way "we still do in my family!" he happily chipped in, and he was happy to see me reversing to my old state (that is, much, much thinner naturally, but he is too polite to say so).
So, anyway, not to brag, but this guy is really into the medicine trade and he is very good: he is president of this an chairman of that, has written a couple of books and frequently writes for the Kaiser newsletters, but he is very weary to tell people they need to lose weight, probably because he is so polite, so he said he was going to check out the book and that he might start recommending it to his patients (it seems that he might have found the way to tell them "lose weight!" without actually saying it).
I'm thinking it would be nice to see if the Kaiser bookstores would carry your book as well, I wonder how to introduce it to the Kaiser Foundation??.

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Oct 30, 2008 11:15 pm

That's cool Mavilu!
Congrats on your weight loss and good luck with the pinched nerve.
Why not go and get a nice massage from a good therapist who knows about doing therapeutic work?
I am one. You may not be able to get to the nerve issue, but at least they could treat the affected muscles and hopefully relieve some triggerpoints for you?
Take care.
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Post by la_loser » Fri Oct 31, 2008 2:10 am

Ouch--that sounds really painful. I'm glad to hear about your doctor's reaction. My doc had a similar one. . . she's not yet said she'd start recommending it but I'm guessing that will come when I've managed to lose some more pounds.

I'm looking forward to the day No S gets a nod on one of the morning talk shows. . . I'm betting it happens!

I'm glad Deb suggested the massage; I'd already thought of that and was going to say the same thing when I got back online tonight. The last several times something has gone bonkers with my old self (back pain, neck/shoulder pain, knee injury), I've relied on my awesome massage therapist. Certainly, I see the doc first but rather than following up with a visit to my chiropractor, I've found that FOR ME, the massage is a real miracle maker. And I even get a discount because of my insurance. I'm sure that chiropractics is a good answer for many (worked well for me in lots of cases) but I'm totally sold on massage therapy.

I hope you feel better and are pain free soon.
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Post by blueskighs » Fri Oct 31, 2008 12:48 pm


what a GREAT share! I find that very inspiring!

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Post by becca » Fri Oct 31, 2008 4:38 pm

Yeah, I think this works because it's about building new habits.

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Post by reinhard » Fri Oct 31, 2008 5:13 pm

That's great, Malivu! Thanks for letting us know.

I've gotten good responses from doctors, too. A general practitioner acquaintance of my father in law bought 10 copies of No-s for his waiting room.


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Post by Mavilu » Fri Oct 31, 2008 11:27 pm

Massages, that actually never crossed my mind, since I never had a massage, but it is an awsome idea!.
I'll have to find if I can have someone that's covered by our insurance.
Oh, whatever it takes to relive this discomfort, thank you so much for the suggestion!.

Reinhard, yeah, I just wanted you to know, in case Kaiser decides to contact you and make you their eating healthy poster boy, hehe!.

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Post by kccc » Fri Oct 31, 2008 11:58 pm

Mavilu, you will LOVE a massage!

Hope your back heals fast - and I think that your doctor's reaction was pretty cool!

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Post by ou812 » Sat Nov 01, 2008 11:45 pm

Good to hear confirmation from the world of medicine.

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Post by winnie96 » Sun Nov 02, 2008 1:38 am

Mavilu -- a year and a half ago, I would wake up every morning almost in tears due to neck and back pain, which would continue throughout the day. I tried just about everything: chiropractor, physical therapy, even drugs, but no real relief. My massage therapist could straighten me out for a few days, but nothing lasted. He finally suggested the exercises in this book:

"7 Steps to a Pain-Free Life: How to Rapidly Relieve Back and Neck Pain", by Robin McKenzie (available on Amazon, among other places).

Coincidentally, at my next PT session, my physical therapist gave me these same things to do, and today, I am pain free about 95% of the time, and I think it's due to doing two of the exercises in this book: one involves pulling your chin into your neck, and one is sort of a Yoga Cobra pose deal. I do them 3 or 4 days a week, and it's been revolutionary for me. I now get up every morning and do a delightful Shovelglove routine with an 8 pound sledgehammer -- believe me, this would not have been even remotely possible last year.

Just wanted to mention this, as I know how debilitating and discouraging that constant pain can be. It may not apply at all to your situation, but based on my experience, it might be worth investigating. If you have a physical or massage therapist who can walk you thru the routine, that would be even better than the book. "Doing" is often more effective than "reading about". Plus they might be able to evaluate whether this is applicable to your problems.

I hope you can find a solution, or at least some relief ... best wishes!

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Post by Mavilu » Mon Nov 10, 2008 2:55 am

Uh, I almost missed a couple of posts!

KCCC, yes, I think I will!, too bad that my insurance only pays refered massage sessions and my docotr apparently didn't see it as necessary, oh well, next time I get an attack I'm so asking him to give me a referal!.

ou812, oh yeah, have no doubt; there's absolutely nothing wrong with NoS, as it has been said again and again, this is the way people has been eating for ages.

winnie96, I need to check out that book, the doctor gave me a little leaflet (leaphlet, leafphlet??) that among other exercises had a very shy Cobra Pose, so it must be good.
Thank you so much for your input!.

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