not so new, but still confused...

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not so new, but still confused...

Post by stacers » Sat Jan 17, 2009 4:46 pm

Hi again,
I have been doing this for a month and a half now...not cheating during the week, not overdoing on the weekend, exercising 3/4 times a week for 30 minutes (kettlebell) and still not a single pound lost...I am getting very frustrated, and just don't know if I should keep doing this. But I absolutely hate the idea of going back to something else... Reinhard, if you're out there, any suggestions??? Please help!!!
Stacey Van Wormer

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Post by vmsurbat » Mon Jan 19, 2009 5:29 pm

Actually for my height and frame I am "overweight". I am only 5'1" and right now weigh 137. That's frustrating since early this summer I weighed only 125. Of course before I started this I was eating pretty bad! But at least this has given me a sense of relief and freedom that I am changing some bad habits...sweets definitely and snacking. Since I've tried pretty much every diet known to man, I have become pretty disciplined about portion sizing so that has not been a problem.

I am sorry that you are feeling so frustrated. I took the liberty of rereading your first post about not losing weight to see what might be the connection.

Several thoughts:

1. You are not *that* far from your target weight (assuming that to be 125) so you are most likely to lose in a less dramatic fashion than those of us with much more to lose.

2. You've increased your exercise quite a bit, if I read your current post correctly. Is it possible that you are exchanging fat for muscle? Have you checked other measurements lately? Any loss in the waist, arms, hips, thighs? Clothes fitting with just a bit more ease?

3. I think it is great that you've been able to stick with NoS with very few slip ups right from the beginning. Is it possible, though, that because of the heavy holiday season which just passed or because of the great freedom in menu choices that NoS allows, that your meals, although NoS compliant were/are just plain richer than in a non-holiday season? For example, ordinary mashed potatoes might be made with a little milk and butter, but holiday mashed potatoes with a carton of cream..... Same amount on the plate, but definitely a different effect on weightloss efforts.

BTW, I think you deserve a pat on the back for NOT gaining through the holidays, especially if you had been gaining since early summer, preNoS.

4. Lastly, you state that you gained 12 pounds in just a few months (less than six--which means at least a two pound per month gain). Had you changed your habits in any way that might account for that gain? New job? Less activity? Eating out more? New baby? Entering menopause? If you *haven't* had a physical lately, you might want to check into that--there might be more than just too much food and bad eating habits contributing to your somewhat recent gain.

Again, I know you can't help but feel a bit discouraged by the numbers on the scale (I've been there), but there has got to be a reason why the scale is not budging--keep posting (maybe a sample week of menus?) and maybe others will have some ideas to share, too.

Vicki in MNE
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Post by stacers » Mon Jan 19, 2009 7:21 pm

Thanks Vicki,

As to your suggestion about muscle versus weight, that's part of my frustration! I have definitely gained muscle (my rear is not hanging down to my ankles anymore), but my jeans are still too tight rather than looser. And I don't know if I'm checking my body fat on my scale at the wrong time of day or what, but it still doesn't where it should if I'm gaining muscle....maybe it's time for a new scale... As to the holidays, I cooked myself and I don't like a lot of goop in my mashed potatoes, so that wasn't a problem. And I really only used one extra s day. I really don't heavy meals. Like today for breakfast I had a bowl of cream of wheat with a little sugar, and a glass of juice. For lunch a slice of toast w/ peanut butter, and a small bowl of fruit. For supper I'm making a cheddar cauliflower soup. I mean does that sound over the top? I'm really conscious to eat more fruit and vegetables too so just don't know.

I do also have an underactive thyroid, so that has been a problem for the last ten years, but I weighed 185 about 15 years ago, and have managed to stick around 140 at my most since then. So I think that's an accomplishment. I also do feel it's possible my hormones are out of whack, and have been for a long time. I definitely could be close to menopause, and am going to a doctor this week who specializes in bioidentical hormone therapy to check into my hormone levels. So I'm wondering if that's partly why my body doesn't want to budge. Oh well, I feel good that I'm at least doing what I can now to be healthy if anything! So thanks again for your help. I appreciate it!
Stacey Van Wormer

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Re: thanks

Post by vmsurbat » Mon Jan 19, 2009 8:47 pm

stacers wrote:
I do also have an underactive thyroid, so that has been a problem for the last ten years, but I weighed 185 about 15 years ago, and have managed to stick around 140 at my most since then. So I think that's an accomplishment. I also do feel it's possible my hormones are out of whack, and have been for a long time. I definitely could be close to menopause, and am going to a doctor this week who specializes in bioidentical hormone therapy to check into my hormone levels. So I'm wondering if that's partly why my body doesn't want to budge. Oh well, I feel good that I'm at least doing what I can now to be healthy if anything! So thanks again for your help. I appreciate it!

Based on what you wrote about your meals, I don't think you are overdoing the food one bit.

I *highly* suspect hormones and thyroid problems. I discovered last year that I had been suffering from an underactive thyroid (probably the last 5 years)--only caught because I had to have a physical for our life insurance policy.

In doing some research, I discovered that the old guidelines for acceptable TSH levels has changed--from about 5 to about 3. I find that I experience a tremendous difference in my health when my TSH levels max out about 3 vs. 4-5. (Not noticeable re: weight, but in many other areas--physically and mentally). So, that is something to consider.

Also, I am nearing 50 (sigh), and I have found that women's body shapes DO change--after years of having a waist, it seemed to disappear in a night. Now, at similar weights to the past, my waist measurement (in particular) is an inch bigger (other parts, not so much). And I was never an "apple" shape before.

I think your last sentence sums up best what we ought to (ultimately) be striving for:
I feel good that I'm at least doing what I can now to be healthy if anything!
Keep up the good work,
Vicki in MNE
7! Yrs. with Vanilla NoS, down 55+lb, happily maintaining and still loving it!

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Post by reinhard » Tue Jan 20, 2009 3:23 pm


I'm sorry you havn't seen better "results"... but do remember that the point of no-s is to eat moderately, not to lose x amount of weight. Now moderate eating usually does result in weight loss, but not always, and not always quickly.

It sounds like you feel like you are eating moderately (and sanely) with no-s. If so, no-s is "working." I would be very careful about piling on immoderate additional rules to accelerate weight loss.

Normally, I'd advise adding moderate exercise (this is a good idea no matter what your BMI), but it sounds like you're doing this already, too.

I know this is not what you want to hear, but status quo is probably your best bet. The advantages of eating and moving moderately far outweigh the risks of extreme exertions for a few extra pounds. And keep in mind that many people take a LONG time to see results on no-s. Sometimes they even GAIN weight initially. If your behavior is good, if you feel confident that you're practicing moderation, doing more would probably be counterproductive. And it sounds like you were gaining, pre-nos, so arresting that has been a definite, measurable kind of progress. Plus there's the whole muscle vs. fat issue -- with your exercise, you almost certainly have lost fat, which is what your really ought to care about versus mere crude pounds.

If, on the other hand, you think or suspect that excess is still creeping in, have a look at the "mods" thread to see how others have customized no-s to their particular situations and preferences. I'd be very careful about doing this, because it's hard to find rules that are both clear enough to turn into habit and humane enough not to chafe, but it's certainly an option if vanilla no-s doesn't seem sufficient -- you don't have to ditch the whole thing.

Lastly, please do look into the thyroid issue with your doctor. It's possible that he might suggest some (no-s compatible) changes to meal composition that might make a decisive difference.


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Re: not so new, but still confused...

Post by paulawylma » Mon Jan 26, 2009 2:02 am

[quote="stacers"]Hi again,
I have been doing this for a month and a half now...not cheating during the week, not overdoing on the weekend, exercising 3/4 times a week for 30 minutes (kettlebell) and still not a single pound lost...I am getting very frustrated, and just don't know if I should keep doing this. But I absolutely hate the idea of going back to something else... Reinhard, if you're out there, any suggestions??? Please help!!![/quote]

Have you check other signs of progress besides weight and BMI (based on weight)? Weight is not the best way to guage fitness or fat loss. It is just the most convient and the one most people know about. It is also very easy--but not very accurate in determing health or short term success (weight varies throughout the day). Assuming you don't have access to special fat measuring equipment, try using the tape mesure. A lot of experts prefer Hip to Waist Ratio (HWR) to BMI and WebMD has a waist-height (WHtR) calculator. To find your HWR just divide your waist measurement by your hip measurement. You want it to be below .90 for men and .85 for women--though any waist measurement above 35 inches for women and 40 inches for men is considered unhealthy. To check your WHtR divide your waist measurement by your height in inches. Anything under .50 is considered healthy. Both of these are based on research that says that fat stored around the waist harms health more than fat stored on hips and thighs. When the scale doesn't bulge, check to see if your waist measurement went down.

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Post by resident0063 » Mon Jan 26, 2009 5:10 am

I think that you need to consider the alternatives and realize you are already successful. First, you did go throught the holiday season and you did not gain weight. That is a big success there. Usually people will weight the most in January that they will weigh all year. More important, even if you maintain your weight, as in don't lose another single pound, you might be in your best position. You could do an extreme diet, lose plenty of weight, and then almost invariably regain it when you can no longer sustain that diet. Or you could do this, if you can sustain it, and at the very least maintain your weight. I think the best question when doing a diet is not so much am I losing especially if you are not that far from your goal. Instead, you should ask yourself if you are uncomfortable. Is it getting easier or harder? The general advice I get on these boards is that this gets easier. I hope that your M.D. is of help regarding the hormone issues. Weight aside that sounds like a health problem that certainly should be addressed.

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