Have I become intrinsically moderate?

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Have I become intrinsically moderate?

Post by xJocelynx87 » Thu Sep 17, 2009 3:55 pm

Hi all,

As some of you may know, I fell off the No-S wagon in July, but still completely agree with the No-S lifestyle, read the boards every day, and consider myself part of the No-S community. Since July, I've attempted to get back on the No-S wagon several times, without success. The problem, I think, is that I've continued to lose weight (about 5lbs since mid-July, before that I lost about 8lbs doing No-S) just eating healthy foods, and having snacks or treats in moderation. I have a passion for nutrition, so eating healthily just comes naturally to me. I no longer feel the need to binge (I used to have an eating disorder, so this is HUGE for me!) and I just kinda feel like the normal 21-year-old college girl that eats well, walks alot, goes to the gym occasionally, and snacks on junk with her friends from time to time.

I'm now wondering if I should continue to attempt No-S, or if maybe I've become, as Reinhard calls it, 'intrinsically moderate'. Could it be that I no longer have a warped relationship with food, and thus no longer need as much structure as No-S provides? I love No-S and the comfort that following it brings, but I feel as though the reason I have not been able to get back on track is because every time I do, I feel as though it may be TOO structured because I know I can treat myself here and there and still lose weight (it happened!). Is any of this making sense?

Feedback please!


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Post by kccc » Thu Sep 17, 2009 4:58 pm

If what you're doing works for you... Why change?

The "no bingeing" sounds very important - congrats! And it sounds as if you're eating 3 meals, just adding some snacks? (I really do think regular meals form a strong core to build on, especially after that recent article someone posted on research relating to how the body changes on response.)

I do hope you'll continue to feel "part of the community". :). And if the time comes when you NEED more structure, you'll remember that this works.

Best wishes! :)

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Post by mimi » Thu Sep 17, 2009 5:59 pm

I have a passion for nutrition, so eating healthily just comes naturally to me. I no longer feel the need to binge (I used to have an eating disorder, so this is HUGE for me!) and I just kinda feel like the normal 21-year-old college girl that eats well, walks alot, goes to the gym occasionally, and snacks on junk with her friends from time to time.
This sounds wonderful and it seems to be working for you! Why stray from it? Enjoy living your life as a normal 21-year-old college girl!

Mimi :D
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Post by xJocelynx87 » Thu Sep 17, 2009 6:10 pm

Thanks for the responses! :)

Yes, if it ain't broke, don't fix it. Problem is, I still have about 10lbs I'd like to lose. Thus far, No-S and regular exercise has been the ONLY way I've ever healthily lost weight. These facts tell me that I could eat how I'm eating now and maintain, but could I continue to lose? As I mentioned before, I have lost about 5lbs since falling off the wagon, but will it keep up? Should I jump back on No-S as soon as I can to avoid any backsliding? These are a few of the thoughts I'm pondering.

Thanks for listening. :)

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Post by wintry » Thu Sep 17, 2009 6:47 pm

Congrats! Personally, I think you should keep up your current regimen and see where you plateau, before deciding whether or not you need to try No-S'ing again.... why No-S if you don't need to? :D

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Post by reinhard » Thu Sep 17, 2009 8:47 pm


If no-s has trained you to be "intrinsically moderate" -- that's wonderful!

If you feel this new sense of moderation is sufficient, and if the rules feel like a chore, by all means feel free to graduate beyond them.

I personally find the rules unobtrusive enough (even pleasant!) that I don't think I'll ever give them up, however intrinsically moderate I become.

Also, moderation isn't quite like "riding a bike," you can unlearn it... continuing to abide by the rules are a safeguard against that.

But it sounds like you're doing quite well as is. Maybe give it another month and see where you are. Either way, keep us posted! No-s "graduates" are as welcome here as current no-essers.


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Post by wosnes » Thu Sep 17, 2009 9:41 pm

xJocelynx87 wrote:
Yes, if it ain't broke, don't fix it. Problem is, I still have about 10lbs I'd like to lose.
I can't stress over 10 lbs. Could be you're not supposed to lose those last pounds. I'd see what happens over time -- like a year or so.
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Post by xJocelynx87 » Thu Sep 17, 2009 9:59 pm

Thank you so much for all the help, everyone! You're all so helpful...that's why I love it here!

I think I'm going to give it another week or two to really think about how I'd like to eat FOREVER. While how I'm eating now is sort of 'freeing', doing No-S would probably be better for me from a health perspective. Currently, I end up sleeping late some days, not eating breakfast, and SOMETIMES, grabbing unhealthy snacks, but not usually. Most days I still get 3 meals in, with the occasional snack or treat (which is nice given my hectic, college lifestyle). But if I know that No-S is a better way for me to eat, I want to engrain those habits ASAP. That's where I'm at...I'll keep you all posted!

Hang in there....tomorrow's Friday!


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Post by clarinetgal » Thu Sep 17, 2009 11:11 pm

I'm another one who says keep doing what you're doing, since it seems to be working for you. You can always add more structure to your eating if you feel you need to, but for now, it sounds like you're doing fine. :D

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