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Starting properly

Posted: Sun May 11, 2014 1:33 pm
by palmas
Hello everyone i,ve been on this site a month or so,and i,ve been playing at this diet, but still managed to lose 5 ibs,i intend to give it a much better go now and look forward to seeing good results and simplifying my life.What a great forum this is so much great information and great helpful people.I should say i don,t see this as a diet just sensible normal eating.

Posted: Sun May 11, 2014 2:09 pm
by wosnes
Congratulations on your weight loss and best wishes for your continued success.

Posted: Mon May 12, 2014 5:52 am
by clarinetgal
Welcome, and nice job! :D

Posted: Mon May 12, 2014 11:20 am
by MerryKat
Well done & Welcome!!

Posted: Mon May 12, 2014 12:36 pm
by eschano
Welcome! Looking forward to reading your thread :)

Posted: Mon May 19, 2014 8:44 pm
by oolala53
Hope you're still with us!

Posted: Wed May 21, 2014 12:40 am
by Ursula
Me too... If not, come back!!!

Still here

Posted: Mon May 26, 2014 9:15 pm
by palmas
Hi everyone yes i,m still around,thanks for the encouragement.I am a work in progress,not perfect but better in general,i have lost five or 6 pounds,some days i,m ok,other days really bad,but a loss is still good and gives me hope.I realise i am an emotional eater,when i,m stressed,angry, bored etc,i think of food,it,s my crutch,that,s my biggest battle.Also i must learn hunger is ok,and i do not have to eat at the first sign of it.Thanks again for the encouragement,it,s much appreciated.

Posted: Mon May 26, 2014 10:30 pm
by oolala53
Most people eat sometimes when they aren't hungry and/or for emotional reasons. N days are THE best antidote I've found for that. Well, N days and just learning that most life problems are managed, not solved, so I might as well learn to tolerate the difficulties. I used to think that if I could just solve my problems, the urges to overeat would go away, but it turns out it's harder to solve all the other problems than to just WAIT for that next meal. That solves one problem right there.

Posted: Tue May 27, 2014 2:06 am
by harmony
I am an emotional eater, too. I rarely get 2 days on any plan before I sabotage my efforts in some way. I also occasionally experience intense physical hunger that turns me into a terrible monster-like personality that scares little children (as well as adults). And I tend to be a bit all or nothing as well.

I decided to divide my day up into 3 segments (1. breakfast to lunch 2. lunch to dinner 3. dinner to bedtime) and then I use the Green and Red system for each segment. It allows me to start over fresh at each meal if I need to. One day at a time, one meal at a time. So far it has helped me be gentler on myself.

Posted: Tue May 27, 2014 2:32 am
by oolala53
Very good idea, harmony, if it keeps you on track. Sometimes just getting through a few hours if all we can face.

I wouldn't call it sabotaging, though. That implies evil intent. You have just yourself convinced at that moment that the pleasure of eating right then is worth more than the pleasure of eating later. It's just a habit. It's actually your brain's habit. It will do and say just about anything on its own to get you to keep the habit. You may have to fake it some until you give yourself experiences of outlasting the urge. That will get your prefrontal cortex firing, and that, as Martha Stewart would say, is a good thing.

Posted: Tue May 27, 2014 3:38 pm
by harmony
oolala53 wrote:. It's just a habit. It's actually your brain's habit. It will do and say just about anything on its own to get you to keep the habit. You may have to fake it some until you give yourself experiences of outlasting the urge. That will get your prefrontal cortex firing, and that, as Martha Stewart would say, is a good thing.
I will do my best to remember this. I think it may be helpful for me. Thanks. :D

My brain does say some pretty outlandish things. lol. I have caught onto it a few times now. It is funny to think that my brain has "a mind of its own". The idea of parenting oneself makes more sense now.

Great idea

Posted: Tue May 27, 2014 7:39 pm
by palmas
That,s a great idea harmony,i will take that on board.You,re right oohlala there just habits that i,ve learned over the years,i need to make better ones.


Posted: Tue May 27, 2014 7:50 pm
by palmas
Sorry oolala53 i spelt your name wrong in the previous post,i appreciate your insight and comments.

Posted: Wed May 28, 2014 8:33 am
by eschano
Lol, I think I've misspelled oolala's name 100 times but the main thing is that when I write her name - in whichever form - or read her thread I am immediately placed on French riviera with that amazing holiday feeling, sun, and great food habits.

Posted: Wed May 28, 2014 11:59 am
by wosnes
eschano wrote:Lol, I think I've misspelled oolala's name 100 times but the main thing is that when I write her name - in whichever form - or read her thread I am immediately placed on French riviera with that amazing holiday feeling, sun, and great food habits.
When I try to spell her name using my tablet, it auto corrects to Oklahoma!

Posted: Thu May 29, 2014 7:17 pm
by oolala53
I'm not attached to any certain spelling. :D

Thanks for the kind kudos, though!

Posted: Fri May 30, 2014 2:17 am
by automatedeating
Eschano, that is hilarious! When I read her name, I always imagine her as an exotic dancer (I'm not coming on to you, I promise OOLALALAALALALALA!)

Posted: Fri May 30, 2014 6:32 am
by oolala53
If you mean "strikingly unusual or strange-emphasis on strange- in effect or appearance," then I am indeed an exotic dancer.

Posted: Fri May 30, 2014 8:59 am
by eschano
Lol! Who knew so many people had different interpretations for your name oolala ;)

starting again

Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2014 7:58 pm
by palmas
Hi everyone i,ve lost my way lately,and i,ve not been no s ing,but i,ve re read the book and been reading on here,and i am going to start again.I know people say it can take a few goes so i,m not going to be hard on myself.At least the intention is there, and although i look at other ways of weight loss,this one just seems the most simple and logical to me.I don,t expect to be perfect,just better and that,s a good place to start,good luck everyone.

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2014 2:04 am
by oolala53
Kudos to you, palmas, for being willing to try again, and so soon. I first tried No S back in the fall of '08 and I fell out of it from Thanksgiving until after Christmas a YEAR later.

I've suggested recently that those having a hard time perhaps start with even smaller chunks, such as having only one gap a day with no snacks and sweets for a week, and working your way up, week by week. Others have had a little easier success by having a snack in the longer gap, so they have four "meals" until it occurs to them to let it go.

Warmest wishes!


Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2014 5:12 pm
by palmas
Thanks oolalah these are some great ideas,and i am going to apply them,i,m not in any rush,after all i,ve been fat for years.

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2014 10:08 am
by eschano
Welcome to your new try palmas!