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S days make me feel so out of control

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2014 1:44 pm
by sage
Hi! I am fairly new. For the first time in ten years I feel at peace with food. That is HUGE!! On S days, even though I don't overdo it, I feel really crappy, out of control, I don't enjoy food as much and I get a little depressed. I am thinking of having sweets with meals a few times on S days, but I may have to cut snacking all together. Does anyone else have experience with this?

Thank you!

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2014 5:25 pm
by Redrockin
Snacking is my slippery slope. I have a hard time not turning a snacking episode into a binge episode. I am trying to take the advice of people on this forum -- to first stablize the No-S days and then worry about the S days, but I am also struggling with this issue! Adding that sweet/snacky food to a meal instead of eating it alone seems like a good bet.

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2014 6:36 pm
by sage
I am glad that I am not the only one experiencing this, but I am sorry that you are struggling as well. Yes, I think I'll have to cut out the snacks all together for now. Thank you!

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2014 10:08 pm
by wosnes
For different reasons I stopped snacking except for emergencies (a meal will be delayed for several hours). Sweet or snack type foods are included with meals and not necessarily just on S days. The only food I've had trouble incorporating into a meal is popcorn.

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2014 2:33 am
by gingerpie
Hi, snacking is why I'm here. :roll: no worries, if you feel bad after S day snacking, you are in your way to giving it up. Sometimes I feel sorry for myself because I can't snack the way I used to and I refuse to eat "snack food" with a meal because I don't want to inadvertently teach my kids that snack food=real food. Sometimes I also feel bad because "other people" get to eat whatever they want but I can't. The negative feelings pass through and then I feel grateful that I have enough money to buy and eat all the non-snack food that I want.

You are making big changes in your eating habits. It is bound to bring up some sadness. Be nice to yourself and treat yourself kindly. The way you would treat sometime else who was sad.

I'm sure you will find your way.

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2014 7:59 pm
by noni
After two years of "anything goes" weekends, I'm in the process of No Snacking on S days. I'll be having sweets with my meals, or instead of, such as a cinnamon bun for breakfast. Snacking just makes me want to snack more. Even a piece of fruit can get me started.

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2014 8:04 pm
by aspencer27
sage, I have been feeling the same way, and I got great advice through the boards. Ironchef suggested the S Days gone wild podcast (episode 34), which is great! I read through the transcript, and this is what I am going to focus on:

As Reinhard recommends, I'm going to keep my S Days free, but really try to think through my treats (snacks or sweets - I rarely have seconds) to ensure I'll enjoy them, and focus on not furtively eating. It's a treat, I deserve it. Just knowing that it isn't (shouldn't be, anyways) a free-for-all makes me less stressed.

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2014 11:34 am
by vmsurbat
While I didn't have an ingrained snacking habit when I first started NoS, I took full advantage of Seconds, Sweets, and Snacks every weekend, eating whenever one of the family did, particularly joining my husband for a "little something" to go with our coffee all day long.

But then it dawned on me that I really didn't like having snacks, as it ruined my appetite for a good meal. (Surprise!)

So, I learned to ask (not that I always listen to my own answer!) what will really make me feel good and satisfied? By doing just that, S days stopped being a free-for-all because huge portions, lots of sweets, and in-between meals snacks generally weren't the answer. Good food, a special treat, eating in a leisurely manner, etc., generally were!