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Wild s days

Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2014 9:10 pm
by ammara
My n days are generally successful - apart from the occasional 'lost it' day. But my s days are wild. And I think this is undoing the good that happens during the week. By Sunday evening I feel like nos isn't going to work for me. I feel fat, depressed about having eaten so much. I start to consider doing weight Watchers again, together with nos. Deep down I know I will last about three days as I did try it again a few months ago and didn’t like the feeling of restriction or the counting - but the voice in my head tells me I have been successful in the past. Didn't keep it off though...

My s days begin with a more luxurious breakfast than normal with some sweet stuff. I normally stick to 3 meals on the Saturday and perhaps have something with tea in the afternoon. I may have a pudding after my evening meal. I tend to lose it on Sunday though. The perma-snacking seems to begin after lunch and just continue till the end of the day. I don't usually have a problem with the n day on Monday.

I am looking for some tips to reign myself in on S days. Should I treat them like n days with one treat? Or should I only have 3 meals and no snacks? I would really appreciate some ideas about how people handle their s days.

Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2014 11:20 pm
by oolala53
Depends on how long you've been at it. I wouldn't change anything unless you've been having mostly compliant N days for about 6 months.

Yes, S days may interfere with weight loss now, but trying to curtail things too much my interfere with the process of learning to eat less permanently, which is the bigger concern, no? Lots of people have managed to limit food and lose weight for a few weeks or months, but most of them have gained it back two years later.

Give it awhile more and your body may get sick of the experience of overdoing it even sooner than six months. (I personally waited two years because I just couldn't stand the idea of giving up access to too much! But it finally became clear it was a worse trade off. I still had to accept mods, and for the most part, they have worked. Maybe I could have done it sooner, but I'll never know. I do know that I've been on the boards for years and have seen a lot of people try to modify too early, get waylaid and come back later saying they wish they had given it more time.)

Remember, the odds of something else working faster and longer isn't very good, even if your results aren't as fun as you want.

Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2014 10:44 am
by osoniye
Hi ammara-
I think your Saturdays sound just about like the perfect S days! Do you know what the triggers are that turn the Sundays wild? Do you think it would be possible to have another "Saturday" and skip the Sunday excess?
For me it's a grocery store issue... what I buy I tend to eat, so I try to buy foods in keeping with the way I want to eae, ie. stock up on vegetables and make sure there is fruit in the house, avoid buying large or multiple packages of S day treats. I know this is more awkward if you are buying for a family, but maybe keep your special treat stuff seperate from everybody else's if need be.

Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2014 11:00 am
by milliem
I had the same problem! I lost a little and maintained it when doing NoS, but struggled to restrict my S days. I definitely found that the months I had better N day compliance and fewer NWS days, I did better with weight loss no matter what my S days were like.

How long have you been NoS-ing? If you can manage a solid few months without any N day fails or adding in too many NWS days then perhaps try and curtail the S days a little. As oolala says, over time S days can reduce by themselves once your brain catches up with the idea that nothing is off limits for more than 5 days at a time!

I'd be cautious about making too many changes at once whatever you decide. For example, if you currently have 3 'S's' on your Saturday(e.g. a sweet breakfast, a snack and a dessert) and 4 or 5 on Sunday, trying to reduce to one on each day might be too much. Aiming for no more than 3 each day might be a start. You may also have to be OK with going back to S days with no restrictions if you find your N days suffering.

Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2014 2:05 pm
by r.jean
I have a tendency to go wild on S days when I am too stringent on N days. It becomes an all or nothing proposition. This happened a lot when I first started but gradually levelled out. I still guard against letting myself get too hungry. A little hunger is good, but a lot of hunger is not (for me). In addition to wild S days, late or too small or skipped meals can result in overeating and reds on N days.

Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2014 9:06 pm
by ammara
Maintenance is all very well. But I have gained 5 lbs. Have only been nos ing for a little over 3 months. But am feeling desperate and out of control and frankly unhealthy with the extra weight. I did lose initially but have gained it all back and then some. I haven't been well but that is increasingly sounding like excuses. I feel like if I continue like this I am sure to get even fatter and end up with more health problems. Is there a case for kick starting with a couple of weeks of weight Watchers?

Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2014 3:43 pm
by milliem
Can you think of any reason why you would have gained weight when at first you were losing? Have your S days changed since you began? Are you eating different foods on N days or having more fails? Perhaps identifying what has changed might help pinpoint where to pay attention.

Ultimately you need to decide for yourself if you want to tweak something to feel better about how you are eating. It doesn't even have to be a mod - after all the guidance is no snacks, no sweets and no seconds except sometimes on days that begin with S. You can interpret it how you want, but it doesn't mean that you can eat everything in sight all weekend and expect to lose weight. The idea is that over time things will settle and you'll become more mindful of your choices, but some of us (definitely me...) take more time to get there or need to exercise some conscious self control on weekends. It's a fine balance between feeling deprived (which could impact on N days) and feeling out of control (which could impact on overall results).

Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2014 7:49 pm
by ammara
Have been nos ing for 3 and a half months. In that time I have had 3 fails, 8 extra s days. 3 of them were for birthdays / celebrations. The other 5 were a run of sick days when I was trying to look after myself. I have had a few bugs and my default under stress is to binge -so my sister days are horrifically wild. I think I need to tame them.

Over the last couple of days I have nos ed but decided to calculate what my weight watcher points would be. Happily I fall short of the daily points - but I am so much more satisfied and at ease with nos - not constantly calculating and restricting. Eating enough so I don't feel anything but mild hunger before the next meal.

I am going to do a few things though. Cut out full fat milk-because I actually like skimmed. Cut down on sugar - because I did that before without much difficulty. And my s days - i want to stop perma-snacking. Because that feels like it is my downfall. I did lose in the beginning and I did enjoy my s days. So I will give it some more time as most of the posts have advised.

Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2014 11:28 pm
by r.jean
I lost 45 of my 70 lbs that I needed to lose in the first year and then just maintained for two years. Then I started gaining for awhile. In a desperate attempt to stop the gain, I started using a fitness and nutrition app in May. It really showed me where I was getting the extra calories and excess sodium and where I was overdoing it in other ways. It also showed me where I was lacking (such as protein). It was very enlightening and has helped me make better food choices. I am now 8-9 lbs from goal and weaning myself away from the fitness app. I still believe Vanilla No S is the best long term solution.

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2014 6:29 am
by oolala53
ammara, I suggest definitely bringing more moderation to S days before considering WW. It has an 84% failure rate over the long run. Try to concentrate on what eating events are truly pleasurable before, during, and after them. This will eventually allow a fair amount of the least satisfying eating to drop. This is far more effective and pleasing than forcing yourself to keep to calorie limits. Of course, to lose, you have to eat less than you use. No S can't change that, but it can help you uncover a lower appetite rather than trying to bludgeon it into submission.

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2014 9:23 pm
by Strawberry Roan
If you seem to enjoy the sanity of your N days, make more of your S days along that model.

No one says that a person MUST eat more snacks, sweets or seconds on S days. Many of us do not.

Your first sentence answered your own question -

My n days are generally successful - apart from the occasional 'lost it' day. But my s days are wild. And I think this is undoing the good that happens during the week.

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2014 2:40 pm
by oolala53
Sorry, but I must say that though I enjoyed my N days enormously, I don't think I would have lasted if I had not had my wild S days even though I was very aware that they slowed or stopped my weight loss. That would have felt like I was on a diet.

When you ssay that you feel you are undoing the good done during the week, do you mean weight loss? If weight loss was our only goal, we could just go on a diet, lose the weight, and keep it off. That has proved wildly unsuccessful. We have to get comfortable with eating less permanently, but that often happens a bit at a time.

However, if you really see that you are not getting the pleasure worth the pain, and it actually sounds GOOD to let go of at least some of the overeating, which is what finally happened for me, make some changes as SR has suggested. I'd recommend not making them too drastic. I experimented with a few different tactics with NO obligation to myself before I settled into the mod that has basically worked for me for 2 and half years. It took me quite awhile. You may be ready sooner, as it sounds that SR was.

But do see what effect it has on N days. If they get shaky, lighten up on S days.

As SR says, there's no obligation to eat more on S days. I would bet MOST longtermers do not. I actually often eat less on one S day a week, just because that's how it works out. In the book, Reinhard says eventually S days are meant to look very much like N days except for the occasional S. But he doesn't recommend starting that way or imposing it very soon.

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2014 3:23 am
by ironchef
I'm a lot like you, ammara, in that I tend to have a relatively normal Saturday, but sometimes fall prey to a perma-snacking Sunday. I still do this, from time to time (even after 2 years). My S days are less wild than they were, and they are wild less often, but I'm still not a paragon of moderation and virtue on S days. This has not been a long term problem for my weight loss - I still lost the weight I wanted to lose on No S without ever doing anything formal to control S days. I highly recommend Reinhard's podcast about S Days Gone Wild, and also his series of podcasts about mods, before you consider changing stuff. I have tried a few mods over the years that others suggested (e.g. only eating S's in company / if offered), but I found that as I'm often home all day with a small child without any social occasions to offer me an S, these type of mods just annoyed me and made me feel left out.

I don't particularly like perma-snack S days, because I feel crappy at the end of them, having spent a whole day being neither hungry nor satisfied. For this reason I'd prefer to avoid them, and often I do. I've found I prefer meal based eating, so I try to aim for that. I'm impressed and inspired by posters who just have the occasional S, but I don't know when (or if) I'll ever be one of them. Anyway, this was a longwinded way to say: don't feel that you must control S days, and don't feel you can't be a successful No Ser even if your S days go wild from time to time.

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2014 3:49 pm
by kccc
ironchef wrote:
I don't particularly like perma-snack S days, because I feel crappy at the end of them, having spent a whole day being neither hungry nor satisfied. For this reason I'd prefer to avoid them, and often I do

....don't feel that you must control S days, and don't feel you can't be a successful No Ser even if your S days go wild from time to time.
Quoted for truth.

I still have occasional perma-snacking Sundays, after all these years, but at this point, they serve to remind me how much I really dislike eating that way!

Your habits will build over time, but sometimes it takes a while. The irrational part of yourself needs the reassurance that you CAN have what you want. Adding restrictions to start out will just make you resist and rebel... but give that part of your brain enough time, and you'll find it will WANT something different. Like feeling good with proper meals + a really good treat, rather than a constant stream of stuff that leaves you feeling crappy.

The podcasts on wild S-days and mods are really good. I second that recommendation.

Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2014 10:20 am
by ammara
Thank you for all the advice. I will definitely listen to the podcasts.