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I'm angry and frustrated and feel like crap! Waaaaah! :)

Posted: Fri May 30, 2008 2:52 pm
by fkwan
Today was my weekly Weigh In. I GAINED TWO POUNDS. Back to 107. Almost as if I hadn't lost any weight this month at all. I'm not even going to record it in the signature; I'm hoping it's horrible, menopausal water gain because I've been exercising like a fiend and my calories have been in the proper 1000-1200 range all week. But I'm still upset and frustrated. Now I'm going to have to kiss starches goodbye until after my vacation. I know I shouldn't care, I know I shouldn't be feeling so irrational, but I am. I'm now going to have to go back to be one of those weigh every day people to nip this horror in the bud.

Just wanted to vent.


Posted: Fri May 30, 2008 2:59 pm
by xJocelynx87
I'm not trying to be harsh or out of line at all, but it seems from this and previous posts that you may be obsessed with your weight. I know the feeling, believe me, but you have to realize that you're already a very normal weight. I know that's not what you want to hear, but 1000-1200 calories per day plus lots of exercise is not healthy for anyone, even though I'm aware that you're small. You are probably in starvation mode, and that's why you gained 2 pounds. I would suggest weighing in once per month in order to get the focus off of your weight. Cutting out starch is not the answer will only make you feel deprived and maybe binge. I've been upset with my weight and stupid 2-pound gains many many times before...but come on now, don't be ridiculous

Hope you feel better about things soon.


Posted: Fri May 30, 2008 3:24 pm
by BrightAngel
xJocelynx87 wrote: 1000-1200 calories per day plus lots of exercise is not healthy for anyone,
even though I'm aware that you're small.
You are probably in starvation mode,
and that's why you gained 2 pounds. .

I have to chime in here and say that
The above-quoted statements are absolutely and totally wrong.

1000 to 1200 calories daily is exactly the correct amount
of food intake that a woman of your height (5'0") and weight (107 lbs)
should have while trying to drop a few lbs.
I am exactly the same height and about 8 lbs heavier,
and I have done extensive and specific research on this subject.

These statements were probably well-intentioned, but are based on myth,
or on a misunderstanding of Dietary information which is based on calorie numbers for much larger people.

As for 'starvation mode', no one of your height and weight
is going to get into starvation mode eating 1000 or more calories per day.
Also, when a person goes into 'starvation mode' all that happens is
their metabolism slows down a bit to conserve energy
and causes them burn a few less calories, so they lose weight a little slower.

Even in 'starvation mode' people burn calories and lose weight,
just not as many calories or as much weight.
It doesn't cause people to gain weight.
People who starve to death are in 'Starvation mode',
and of course, they still lose weight.

Re your general frustration, I understand it.
Been there, Done that.
Be patient grasshopper. Time is on your side.

Posted: Fri May 30, 2008 3:36 pm
by xJocelynx87
I would agree with the above statement, if she was not exercising. 1000-1200 calories would be perfect for someone sedentary or lightly active...not someone engaging in strenuous exercise daily. Based on personal experience, I know that consuming too little and exercising too much can result in weight gain. I cannot speak specifically for every person, but then again, neither can you. That's the problem with scientific research, you have no idea how many factors can cause the research to become skewed, and you can't appy it to every individual.

Posted: Fri May 30, 2008 3:39 pm
by CatholicCajun
FKWAN-sorry for you, we've all been there, so we understand how you feel and your frustrations, hang in there, it's gonna get better. God bless.

Posted: Fri May 30, 2008 3:44 pm
by JillyBean
I'm with CatholicCajun on this one...

Hang in there, f.

Posted: Fri May 30, 2008 3:49 pm
by xJocelynx87
I wasn't meaning to offend you, fkwan, so please don't think that's the case. I was simply trying to emphasize how unsubstantial 2 pounds is on the grand scale. If your habits are good, and you feel positive about how things are going, THAT is the important thing. Letting the weight affect your mood will only do you harm, not good. I know it's hard to prevent this, but I was just urging you to keep it in mind.

Posted: Fri May 30, 2008 3:50 pm
by Nichole
Regardless of the arguments that could ensue and the scientific research which is always contradicting, I think we should think about your MENTAL health. That's something I'm most concerned with. You've had a tough life and live in a tough situation. . . Just please try not to get too stressed out about your weight, okay? Just keep doing what you're doing and don't let weight become too much of an additional stressor in your life :)

Posted: Fri May 30, 2008 3:57 pm
by xJocelynx87
Thank you nichole, that was exactly my focus as well. Scientific research can always be refuted and should never be the focus. Health, happiness, and BALANCE are way more important.

Posted: Fri May 30, 2008 4:16 pm
by BrightAngel
xJocelynx87 wrote:I would agree with the above statement, if she was not exercising. 1000-1200 calories would be perfect for someone sedentary or lightly active...not someone engaging in strenuous exercise daily.

I cannot speak specifically for every person,
but then again, neither can you.

That's the problem with scientific research,
you have no idea how many factors can cause the research to become skewed,
and you can't appy it to every individual.
I do not know your age, height and weight.
But I do know mine, and I know fkwan's,
and I know that she has a body and exercise plan very similiar to me.
I would consider your opinion more valuable
if I knew you were 45 years old or above, that you were about 5' tall,
and that you weighed somewhere between 119 and 100 lbs.
As most people are not, I doubt this is the case.

In my profession, I have spent much time doing research, and
you are correct when you say there are many factors in research,
and that every research cannot be applied to every person.
However, your statements appear, to me, to be an attempt to do just that.

Re: calories and exercise.
It might be that you do not understand that when doing exercise, even strenuous exercise,
a small person burns a far smaller calorie number than a large person.

My exercise
  • ..includes 7 days a week of at least 1 hour of brisk daily walking--with a steep incline;
    and 15 to 30 inutes of daily strength training (alternated muscles)
I know for a fact that in my my body...
my total daily calorie burn..including that exercise...
is an average of between 1400 and 1450 calories per day.
Without the exercise, my daily calorie burn is much less.

In order for me to lose an average of 1/2 fat lb per week,
my calories need to be 250 less than that (i.e. approx 1150);
In order for me to lose an average of 1 fat lb per week,
my calories need to be 500 less than that (i.e. approx 900).

Although the body is frequently compared to a machine,
It is organic, and
does not operate exactly the same as a mechanical device.
When you push a lever on properly operational mechanical device,
you get the same exact result the same way each time.

Organic entities don't work exactly that way.
There are many factors involved in the body's operation,
so while basic scientific principles generally apply,
the timing of weight-loss or weight-gain can differ greatly between individuals.
NOTICE the words "AN AVERAGE",
it is important to understand that while the scientific truth of 3500 calories does equals 1 fat lb,
exactly when and how that fat lb gain or loss registers on each person is frequently very different.

Posted: Fri May 30, 2008 4:21 pm
by BrightAngel
xJocelynx87 wrote:I was trying to emphasize how unsubstantial 2 pounds is on the grand scale.
If your habits are good, and you feel positive about how things are going, THAT is the important thing.
Letting the weight affect your mood will only do you harm, not good.
I know it's hard to prevent this, but I was just urging you to keep it in mind.
Now, those above-quoted statements I can agree with.

It was the uninformed value judgment on another's calorie intake and calorie burn
that I strongly objected to, and previously responded to.

Posted: Fri May 30, 2008 4:30 pm
by fkwan
Thanks, folks. :)

If I exercised as much as Bright Angel, I would fall down dead. SEVEN days of weight training???

I suspect that the weight gain is due to weight training four days a week alternating with heavier weights.

Actually, an hour to an hour and a half of walking at 3.5-3.8 mph is not much exercise at all. I bet folks in Europe walk way the hell more than that.

I apologize for whining/whingeing in public. This place is my Virtual Social Circle and it's the only place I can vent. Perhaps it's an error on my part to look for such a thing. :)

I do understand the frustration of all the folks who only lose a pound or so a month now. If Bright Angel's total calorie burn with exercise is only 1400 or so calories, her metabolism must be nil. That does not bode well for human evolution. We are getting physically worse, not better.

I'm still throwing out the vegan chocolate chip cookies. As they say in Nichole's part of the world, I don't need the aggravation. :wink:


Posted: Fri May 30, 2008 4:33 pm
by xJocelynx87
I understand what you're saying regarding the calorie burn of a smaller person versus that of a larger one, and you're correct, I am not a small person. I'm 5'8 and about 150, if you really care all that much. I wasn't saying that she definitely gained weight because she wasn't eating enough, but I was, and still am, suggesting that it's a possibility. Regardless of the fact that I am much taller than 5' and heavier than 120, I can still bring up my own experience in order to support the suggestion that she increase her calories and see what happens. If she's eating 1000-1200 calories and gaining, what's the harm in adding 100-150 calories for a few weeks and seeing what happens? If what she's doing isn't working, rather, doing the opposite, it might be time to consider doing something different. Since she shouldn't, in my opinion, decrease the amount she's eating as it wouldn't be healthy, I think an increase in calories may be in order.

Re: I'm angry and frustrated and feel like crap! Waaaaah! :

Posted: Fri May 30, 2008 4:38 pm
by NoelFigart
fkwan wrote:I'm hoping it's horrible, menopausal water gain because I've been exercising like a fiend
If it's any comfort, stepping up an exercise routine sometimes causes you to retain fluid, too.

Are you at all sore? I find my scale weight goes up with arthritis flares, though I don't know the science behind that one.

Re: I'm angry and frustrated and feel like crap! Waaaaah! :

Posted: Fri May 30, 2008 4:44 pm
by fkwan
NoelFigart wrote:
fkwan wrote:I'm hoping it's horrible, menopausal water gain because I've been exercising like a fiend
If it's any comfort, stepping up an exercise routine sometimes causes you to retain fluid, too.

Are you at all sore? I find my scale weight goes up with arthritis flares, though I don't know the science behind that one.
Well, darn, Noel, I thought it was more muscle. :( :)

Good to know. Interesting about arthritis flares. Can't accurately respond because had to take ibuprofen for headache and that fixed the arthritis right up, of course. :( :)

Re: eating more. The dreaded S days are coming up, so that's a given.


Posted: Fri May 30, 2008 5:04 pm
by BrightAngel
xJocelynx87 wrote: Since she shouldn't, in my opinion,
decrease the amount she's eating as it wouldn't be healthy,
I think an increase in calories may be in order.
Since you qualified your statements above,
which are specific recommendations for another person's behavior,
i.e. that
  • "she shouldn't decrease the amount she's eating"
    "decreasing the amount she's eating wouldn't be healthy" and
    "an increase in her calories may be in order"
by admitting this is your OPINION.

I will simply respond by simply saying that I have entirely different opinions,
and I will refrain from stating anything further, except to say that I think
those three above-stated recommendations are flawed, poorly reasoned, and unhelpful.

I also understand that it is entirely possible that you will find my opinion
just as offensive as I find yours, so to avoid a verbal war,
perhaps we should agree to disagree in this matter.

Posted: Fri May 30, 2008 5:16 pm
by OrganicGal
The only opinion I would like to offer is this. Perhaps fkwan, you should continue your exercise and eating/calorie counting plan AND join the No Scale club here on No S. Then you can choose either to weigh yourself at the beginning of the month or not at all...whichever suits you and won't challenge your sanity too much.

And I just want to offer my support and words of encouragment to you too. I too am concerned about your seeming obsession with that number on the scale, even though I can understand it, I don't think it's healthy for you.

Whatever you decide....hang in there no matter what.

Posted: Fri May 30, 2008 5:51 pm
by xJocelynx87
I agree to disagree, as well.

OrganicGal, you hit the nail on the head.

Posted: Sat May 31, 2008 12:01 am
by resting52
I put this on my daily check-in but it might be helpful or pertinent here:

In The Body God Designed, Dr. Jantz talks about a study done by the Washington Post. According to the study, it takes one year to be successful with keeping the weight off. It seems that only 2% of the people who lose weight lose it permanently. But don’t be discouraged; there are a few secrets that reportedly make that determined 2% successful at losing weight permanently

Here are a few of their “Don’ts & Dos:â€

People Who Lose Weight Permanently…
Don’t count calories.
Don’t diet.
Don’t obsess about food.

People Who Lose Weight Permanently…
Do make exercise fun.
Do have a realistic body image.
Do know what’s nutritious.

People Who Lose Weight Permanently…
Learn to like themselves.
Learn how to deal with anger, fear, and guilt.
Learn not to compare themselves to others.

I think I need to work on about..........9 of those ideas.


Posted: Sun Jun 01, 2008 3:09 am
by Beckycan
resting52 wrote:...don’t be discouraged; there are a few secrets that reportedly make that determined 2% successful at losing weight permanently

Here are a few of their “Don’ts & Dos:â€

People Who Lose Weight Permanently…
Don’t count calories.
Don’t diet.
Don’t obsess about food.

People Who Lose Weight Permanently…
Do make exercise fun.
Do have a realistic body image.
Do know what’s nutritious.

People Who Lose Weight Permanently…
Learn to like themselves.
Learn how to deal with anger, fear, and guilt.
Learn not to compare themselves to others.

I think I need to work on about..........9 of those ideas.

Me Too!!! Especially the last 3!