Rambling First Impressions

No Snacks, no sweets, no seconds. Except on Days that start with S. Too simple for you? Simple is why it works. Look here for questions, introductions, support, success stories.

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Rambling First Impressions

Post by burlsgirl » Tue Nov 18, 2008 11:21 pm

Up until about 12 years ago, I was a naturally fit person, muscular, in a cute, size 6 kind of way. :wink:

I first gained weight - about 30 pounds - when I moved to TX, started sitting in front of a computer all day, and making Taco Bell a food group all it's own.

I managed to lose that weight with Atkins just before I got married in '99. Now, four babies and almost 10 years later, I'm battling the 20 pounds left over from baby boy, born almost a year and a half ago.

Over the years, I've learned enough about nutrition, diet, metabolism, insulin response, fitness, and exercise, that I could honestly write my own book! While it may sound as if I'm boasting, believe me: I'm NOT. All this knowledge has only done one thing for me: it's kept me overweight.

Even though I grind my own flour and bake our bread, right down to tortillas and pita; even though we eat mostly whole foods; even though margarine and/or vegetable oils haven't darkened the door of my home in years; even though I milk a freaking goat once a day so we can have fresh, raw milk (it really is yummy); and even though I lift weights three times a week...I still take up too much space.

So what's the deal? Well, all the time, focus and attention I have given to diet over the last 10+ years has turned me into a Obsessive, Compulsive Eater. I have become obsessed with food. Every edible thing is either good or evil. It's feast or famine. I'm either "doing good" or binging. You know the drill; I'm not the Lone Ranger, here.

Anyway, a couple of weeks ago, I took my kids to see my grandmother. We were there around lunch time, and long story short: there was pizza. Immediately I started to go through the mental exercise: "do I eat now and just have salad for snack and dinner? No, then what will I do for protein? I could wait and eat when I get home, but it's been almost four hours since I ate, and I should've already eaten something by now..."

It was right then and there that I saw what I'd become. Are you kidding me??? I couldn't decide whether to be mad at myself for being such an idiot, or just laugh. In the end, I ate two small pieces of pizza and allowed myself no feelings about it one way or the other.

So I started to research (b/c that's just what I do), looking for something different, something that I could do long term. The first thing I came across that appealed to me was fasting one or two days a week, not all day, just from, say, one dinner to the next. It appealed to me because I was so sick of eating!!! I did it twice, several days apart, and I can't tell you how refreshing it was to simply not have to think about food.

It was during reading about the intermittent fasting that I stumbled across the No-S diet. I was first and foremost impressed that I wasn't required to cough up $39.95 to be let in on the secret. Then, when I read the ebook, I was floored.

I simply cannot believe that with over 10 years of research, and countless diets and exercise programs, it never occurred to me that the reason I'm overweight is that I EAT TOO MUCH!

It's like my house was flooding, and everyone is trying to tell me where water comes from, how the water got into the faucet, how the faucet works, how the water will damage the woodwork inside the house...but no one says, "turn off the water, moron."

I guess I say all this to say, what a breath of fresh air, to be able to take my focus off of food. I'm still a little ticked that I didn't think of this first, as it's SO obvious, but it truly escaped me.

I ordered my fridge magnet and coffee mug today. I expect I'll shake my head in wonder every time I look at it, thinking, I can't believe I had to be TOLD to simply put down the fork!

Have a great night, and thanks for reading my ramblings.

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Well said!

Post by la_loser » Wed Nov 19, 2008 12:26 am

Well said indeed! It is such a genuine "Duh" moment when you think about it. Step away from the snacks, the sweets, the seconds!

Imagine what a lovely new wardrobe I could buy or trip I could go on with all the money wasted on the memberships, the plans, the books, the accessories (WW calculator for example) if I had discovered this ten years ago. But I'm going to chalk that up to the process-maybe my brain had to go through all of that for the beauty of NO S to "take."

Welcome to the boards as well; as a transplanted Texan who had leave the Lone Star behind, I know what great foods are available to you. I've yet to find TexMex or chicken fried steak anywhere but "home"! Now you can indulge--on S days with no guilt!
LA Loser. . . well on my way to becoming an LA Winner. :lol:

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Post by burlsgirl » Wed Nov 19, 2008 1:08 am


I know. What I could do with the TIME I spent devouring books, articles and studies... Yes, we'll chalk it up to progress. At the very least, I truly learned to research a topic to exhaustion!

And I'm no longer in TX. I lived there a few short years then moved back home to the deep South. Still, we Southerners know how to eat!

Glad to have found this group!

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Post by blueskighs » Wed Nov 19, 2008 3:03 am


Great intro and WELCOME!

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Re: Rambling First Impressions

Post by howfunisthat » Wed Nov 19, 2008 1:08 pm

burlsgirl wrote: It's like my house was flooding, and everyone is trying to tell me where water comes from, how the water got into the faucet, how the faucet works, how the water will damage the woodwork inside the house...but no one says, "turn off the water, moron."

LOL...what a GREAT analogy! Welcome to the forum....I do hope you'll be here often...you'll find a great deal of encouragement & support here. I know I would have given up long ago without being able to log in & get my thoughts back on track.

I loved reading your "ramblings". It definitely is a "duh" sort of plan....it's so incredibly simple that it's brilliant.

Welcome again...janie
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Post by jaob » Wed Nov 19, 2008 2:47 pm

Em, your post brought tears to my eyes. I was sitting here thinking (as usual) "you have got to get this weight off NOW" I was ready to go check out the LC boards AGAIN (lot of good that has done me) and something said just check out NoS again and I saw your post. Yes, I have 25 lbs. I'd like to lose, but God has blessed me with health and I don't want to screw that up! This plan at the very least will make me sane about food so I can focus elsewhere for once in 20 years. Thanks for very simply put AHA moment!
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Post by whisper2701 » Wed Nov 19, 2008 3:34 pm

Great post EM! Just loved your ramblings. I can totally relate to what you said, I've wasted so much time thinking about what I should or shouldn't eat. This plan has given me such freedom from all that obsessing.

Thanks and welcome!

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Post by reinhard » Thu Nov 20, 2008 3:55 pm


Welcome! And thank you for these inspired "ramblings."

I see BrightAngels has already posted a particularly choice bit to the "catch phrase glossary." I'm going to post a link to the rest of this thread there so people can jump to the whole context.

Might even have to stick it on the home page...


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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Nov 20, 2008 4:11 pm

reinhard wrote: I see BrightAngels has already posted a particularly choice bit to the "catch phrase glossary." I'm going to post a link to the rest of this thread there so people can jump to the whole context.

Yes that was a great one :wink:
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Post by howfunisthat » Fri Dec 05, 2008 1:39 pm

I just had to bump this up to the top of the list...it's just too good not to read again...

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Post by DPL » Sat Dec 06, 2008 5:56 pm

Totally agree about the obsessing. That is one thing I haven't done this first week of No-S. First week of WW (each time I've done it) is all about immersing yourself in the program, learning every little thing. This is indeed refreshing.
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Re: Rambling First Impressions

Post by MrsPartridge » Tue Dec 30, 2008 4:58 pm

burlsgirl wrote:
It's like my house was flooding, and everyone is trying to tell me where water comes from, how the water got into the faucet, how the faucet works, how the water will damage the woodwork inside the house...but no one says, "turn off the water, moron."
I love this post and especially that line. The experts are always telling us how to eat more without getting fat. Eat low fat, eat low cal, drink tea, soup, take PGX with water and it'll expand in your belly. Just keep your stomach full at all times without gaining weight. How about stop eating all the time?

The joke is on us. They want us to believe that if don't eat between meals, our metabolism will slow down and we'll gain weight. This No-S diet seems to prove otherwise.

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Post by Bushranger » Mon Aug 03, 2009 2:14 am

burlsgirl wrote:It's like my house was flooding, and everyone is trying to tell me where water comes from, how the water got into the faucet, how the faucet works, how the water will damage the woodwork inside the house...but no one says, "turn off the water, moron."
I know this is mucho late, but I HAVE to say that is arguably the BEST dietary analogy/quote I have ever read.
MrsPartridge wrote:The joke is on us. They want us to believe that if don't eat between meals, our metabolism will slow down and we'll gain weight. This No-S diet seems to prove otherwise.
It's quite sad that they have been able to convince most people of this "fact" when nearly all the healthiest, longest lived and leanest cultures on earth don't snack and never did. I don't understand how they can spout that kind of false science when reality proves otherwise regarding the "broken" metabolism if you don't snack.

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Re: Rambling First Impressions

Post by flightisleavin » Mon Aug 03, 2009 4:15 am

burlsgirl wrote:Over the years, I've learned enough about nutrition, diet, metabolism, insulin response, fitness, and exercise, that I could honestly write my own book! While it may sound as if I'm boasting, believe me: I'm NOT. All this knowledge has only done one thing for me: it's kept me overweight.

. Then, when I read the ebook, I was floored.

I simply cannot believe that with over 10 years of research, and countless diets and exercise programs, it never occurred to me that the reason I'm overweight is that I EAT TOO MUCH!
Shhh. That is the last thing a diet guru will tell you along with their faithful followers. They want you to get an internet degree in human metabolism along with an understanding of endocrinology (one of the most complex subjects in medicine) with the basic belief if you only eat certain foods, you too, can be thin. You don't even have to deny yourself ever, refuse seconds, can snack all day and most likely not be required to exercise. No wonder they sell so many books and/or programs.
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Post by mimi » Mon Aug 03, 2009 3:29 pm

Bushranger wrote:
burlsgirl wrote:It's like my house was flooding, and everyone is trying to tell me where water comes from, how the water got into the faucet, how the faucet works, how the water will damage the woodwork inside the house...but no one says, "turn off the water, moron."
I know this is mucho late, but I HAVE to say that is arguably the BEST dietary analogy/quote I have ever read.
And I'd have to agree! I'd never seen this thread! Thanks for bumping it back up Bushranger - it's great!

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Post by guadopt1997 » Tue Aug 04, 2009 5:44 pm

I wonder what happened to Burlsgirl...

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Post by Bushranger » Wed Aug 05, 2009 3:31 am

Not sure. Her blog is still kicking along nicely though. Maybe someone who knew her could get in contact and let her know we're all talking about her awesome quote again and wondering what she's up to. :D

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Post by Cassie » Wed Aug 05, 2009 1:07 pm

Ah, what a wonderful quote & what a wonderful first post (even though I've come to it much much later than the time it was originally written). Wonder what happened to her?
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Post by StrawberryRoan » Thu Aug 06, 2009 12:43 am

Well, I enjoyed the post so much I read it out loud to my husband.

Freaking goat, now that was funny.

And everything she said was true.

I could echo her sentiments but make that thirty or forty years of research, not just ten.


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