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Another Reason to Watch Fat Intake

Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2005 3:17 pm
by Blue Daisy
Interesting article on fat and it's effect on the immune system and liver.

Obesity May Contribute to Liver Trouble
High-fat diet caused immune-system problems in mice, study found

(HealthDay News) -- A diet high in fat and sugar triggered immune system abnormalities -- including reduced levels of natural killer T (NKT) cells -- in the livers of mice, says a study led by Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore.

The study authors said these diet-related changes may contribute to obesity-related liver disease. The findings appear in the October issue of the journal Hepatology.

Natural killer T (NKT) cells in the liver regulate production of cytokines, which are cell proteins.

The study found that the mice on the high-fat diet gained much more weight than mice fed a normal diet. The mice on the high-fat diet also developed fatty livers and had increased production of IL-12, a cytokine that reduces NKT cell viability, and had increased NKT cell death.

The high-fat diet also promoted production of pro-inflammatory cytokines. When the researchers induced liver injury in the mice, they found that those on the high-fat diet experienced more liver inflammation and damage than mice on the normal diet.

The findings show that high-fat diets are associated with a chronic inflammatory state in the liver, which promotes chronic liver disease, the study authors said. They said this may be the result of diet-induced depletion of NKT cells that normally balance production of pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines.

"Further evaluation of other mouse strains, different age groups and genders will be necessary to clarify if any of these factors modulate susceptibility to diet-related changes in hepatic NKT cells," the authors said. "Nevertheless, our findings are important because they clearly demonstrate significant dietary effects on 'classic' NKT cells and cytokine production by other liver mononuclear cells."

More information

The American Liver Foundation has more about diet and your liver.

SOURCE: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., news release, October 2005

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2005 12:05 am
by snazzybabe
What type of fat were the mice fed - saturated, unsaturated, hydrogenated?? I don't believe saturated fat is bad for you - the body needs it.
Also the diet of mice was fat and sugar together not a good combination.

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2005 12:11 am
by snazzybabe
HEALTH... The Fat Family

Fats as a whole have been charged with many crimes against humanity since the second half of last century. For decades poor old Fats have been blamed for atherosclerosis, heart disease, high blood pressure, obesity, cancer, increased mortality and much more. The Fat family has been ostracised and condemned by the National Heart Foundation, nutritionists, health joumalists and doctors, while only certain members are criminals. Most of the clan are actually essential contributors to the wellness and longevity of the entire community. Cholesterol particularly has been maligned as public enemy number one, when in actual fact it is one of the most important citizens in the society of the human body. Through fear and misinformation, many have avoided all the Fats, only to reap disastrous consequences. The Nathan Pritikin diet, for example, produced many casualties presenting a wide range of physical and mental disorders.

It is true that some Fats cause a lot of trouble. Trans Fat for example, has been responsible for breaking and entering arterial walls, robbing nutrients, exploding white blood cells, deploying mercenary free radicals and promoting havoc from one area to the other. Trans Fat hides out in margarine, vegetable shortenings and all foods made with them.

The refined Mr Vegetable Oil is also another major culprit behind cancer and heart disease. A recent study of thousands of Swedish women showed a strong link between vegetable oil intake and higher breast cancer rates (1) Canola oil is especially harmful as it creates a Vitamin E deficiency (2). It may also cause heart lesions, particularly when the diet is low in Saturated
Fat (3).

Unsaturated Fat barricades protein in the stomach, causing impaired nutrition. He also leads enzymes astray that are needed for digestion and for the production of thyroid hormones. His presence in the neighbourhood increases the risk of abnormal blood clotting, inflammation, immune deficiency, shock, aging, obesity and cancer (4).

Poly Unsaturated Fat can be a particularly dangerous young lady, being an expert in immune system sabotage. She is found in fast food, fried food and most bakery products, and contribiites decisively to the degenerative changes that occur in aging (5).

Another member of the Fat Family, Flax Fat (often known as Flax oil), has been promoted in recent times as an altemative to fish oils and a supporter of his cousin, Colonel Omega-3 Fat, Protector-Genera of the arteries. Tests done on all brands of Flax oil sold in London found that most were rancid and carcinogenic (6). Stoney Creek Flax Oil is cold pressed then immediately infused with nitrogen to preserve its antioxidant characteristics. However, it must be kept cold and discarded if not finished within six weeks after opening. Recent studies indicate that Flax seed oil is not suitable for men over forty years of age, as it can cause inflammation of the prostate.(7)

The most innocent and law abiding members of the Fat family are found in foods such as avocados, olives, nuts, coconuts, seeds, soft cheeses and organic eggs. In the average diet, however, these foods do not provide enough support from the Fat family in general. Other Fats are necessary for protection against fat-soluble neuro-toxins such as mercury, lead, nickel and cadmium: for long-term gastrointestinal health; for growth, development and healing and for peak performance of the immune system. Some Fats are also needed for healthy heart function, skin care, hormonal balance, and protection against the development of cancer.

The best Fat of all is cold pressed organic coconut oil which is 9200 saturated with over two thirds of the Saturated Fat in the form of medium chain fatty acids. It contains large quantities of Lauric Acid, which is a key ingredient in mother’s milk. Coconut oil protects tropical populations from bacteria and fungus. It is extremely stable and can be left at room temperature for years without developing rancidity. It is antiviral and provides trustworthy protection for the brain.

In the 1950s, farmers attempted to fatten their livestock by using coconut oil. The animals became lean and perky, rather than fat and indolent.(7)
Coconut oil is an excellent therapeutic agent in cases of obesity, lethargy and a variety of neurological disorders such as Parkinson’s Disease, Alzheimer’s and Epilepsy.
Cold pressed, extra virgin olive oil is another safe member of the Fat family, containing 75% Oleic Acid, the stable Monounsaturated Fat, along with 13% Saturated Fat. It is ideal for salads and cooking at moderate temperatures, and it is rich in anti-aging antioxidants.

Another great patriarch of the Fat clan is organic butter, which is one of the healthiest whole foods you can include in your diet. It is a rich source of Vitamins A, D, E and K and trace minerals including selenium. It also supplies Iodine, needed by the Thyroid gland. Butter has appreciable amounts of Butyric Acid, used by the colon as an energy source, and known to be a potent anti-carcinogen. It is also rich in Lauric Acid, providing anti-microbial and anti-fungal status. Butter also protects against calcification of the joints, hardening of the arteries, cataracts and stiffness. Butter stimulates the pancreas to produce alkalizing bicarbonates and protease enzymes such as Trypsin which is known to prevent cancer. Butter is also an excellent source of dietary cholesterol. “Men with very low cholesterol levels seemed prone to premature death; the lower the cholesterol the shorter the life.. .men with cholesterol levels below 4.1 mmol/L tended to die prematurely from cancer, respiratory and digestive disease and trauma. Also with women, the higher the cholesterol, the longer they lived.”(8)

It is interesting to note that between 1920 and 1960 the incidence of heart disease rose precipitously to become America’s number one killer. During the same period butter consumption in the USA plummeted from 9.5kg per person per year to 2kg.

During the same period Trans Fat and his accomplices infiltrated into nearly every American home at a rate proportionate to the steady increase in heart disease.(9)

The famous Fat brothers known as Omega-3 and Omega-6 are extremely beneficial to the body when they both weigh in at the same weight. The ideal ratio is about 1:1, and this is probably what our ancestors consumed. The problem today is that most Australians consume a dangerously insufficient amount of Omega-3, while our intake of Omega-6 found in soy, sunflower, canola and other oils is far too high. A typical ratio exceeds 25:1, whereas countries such as Japan and Greece present a typical ratio of 1:1 to 5:1. Omega-3 is found primarily in fish oil such as cod liver oil and salmon oil. Extensive studies have concluded that cold pressed, mercury-free fish oils fight and prevent heart disease, cancer, depression, Alzheimer’s, arthritis, and diabetes. They improve concentration and memory and increase energy levels. They provide resistence to common illnesses such as colds and flu. They also help women avoid premature births, low birth weight, and other complications. For the non-vegetarian, fish oils provide a superior source of Omega-3 Fat without the danger of rancidity and free radical contamination that can occur with other Fats such as Flax oil. Cod liver oil can be consumed at a dose of 1 teaspoon per 25 kilograms of body weight per day. The dose for salmon oil is 3,000mg daily. Other fish oils may also be suitable, however, caution should be exercised. Since fish today is generally considered unsafe to eat due to high levels of mercury contamination, it is very important to choose a high quality oil that has been independently lab-tested and found to be free of mercury and other toxins. Melrose (Cod Liver Oil) and GNLD (Salmon Oil) both conform to the most strict purity guidelines and are free from chemical modification and processing. Their oils are guaranteed mercury -free.
So, when it comes to Mr and Mrs Fat and all their little Fatlets, be sure to exercise forensic wisdom before inviting just any Fat into your community. Make a citizen’s arrest before Processed Fat, Trans Fat, Refined Fat, Poly Fat or any of the dangerous Fat band do any harm to you or your family. Learn from the civilizations that for centuries lived well and long, while consuming moderate amounts of Saturated Fat as part of a balanced diet.

1.Eat plenty of avocados, nuts, olives, soft cheeses and organic eggs.

2.Consume 2 tablespoons of cold pressed coconut oil daily.

3.Use cold pressed extra virgin olive oil in salads

4.Eat plenty of organic butter

5.Take cod liver oil and salmon oil capsules.

6.Never eat margarine, vegetable shortening, refined oils or oils that present a dominant level of polyunsaturated fat.

l Wolk, A. et al. Arch of intermed. 158:41 (1998)
2. Sauerf.d. et al, Nutr res 1997, l7:2:259-269)
3. Kramer. JKG. at al, Lipids, 1982. 17:372-382
4. Dr. Peat, From PMS is Menopause
5. Hollingsworth, 'Take Control of Your Health’, 72
6. What Doctors Don't Tell You ( UK Medical Newsletter
7. Eating Your Way to Better Health, Dr Charles Myers.
8. Dr. William Campbell Douglass Newsletter 'Second Opinion
9. Science Magazine (UK) 200l Article - Gary Taubes
10. Nutritional Guidlines - Western Price Foundartion.

Published in Life Style Excellence April June 2004

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2005 12:18 am
by gratefuldeb67
Hey Snazzybabe PHD!!!!

Did you write all that yourself???
Have a nice day/night (???) down under!
Peace and Love,
8) Deb

....whose dinner tonight is four boiled baby artichokes with High Fat homemade dressing comprised of
Fried garlic cloves, lemon juice, orange juice, apple cider, mayonnaise, melted butter, extravirgin olive oil, and some left over honey mustard dijon dressing from Wendys~ LOL..
Now hows that for fat!!!

Artichokes boiled in water with some saved bacon drippings from the freezer for taste....

Only thing missing is Hot sauce....
I just don't have any cod liver oil...
But that's on purpose...

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2005 12:32 am
by snazzybabe
Sounds yummy!!
I use to have dripping sandwiches sprinkled with paprika spice when I was a kid. Stopped that when I was bigger - after all I became a spokesman for all fat is bad. I'm not so sure now.

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2005 4:31 am
by snazzybabe
Plant sterols added to margarines for lowering cholesterol - some dangers of use:


Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2005 8:04 am
by mondurvic
I can always get interested in a discussion about fat.

I once had a dinner party where I put a menu on each plate and called the soiree "Cholesterol by Candlelight". Everything was dripping and saturated. A friend commented that she had never before seen a white salad - I had so much creamy dressing on it that no green was visible.
