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Mini-Testimonials (add yours!)

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2011 3:41 pm
by exdieter
I LOVE reading the testimonial section of this board, because it's so motivating. I was thinking how cool it would be to have a thread where we posted about our everyday little wins (all of which come together to get you to that magic 10mo/10lb, etc).

(i.e. yesterday, when somebody left a cookie on my desk and I snuck it into the garbage can because it wasn't an s-day!)

What do you guys think? If you like my idea, maybe we could all start posting mini-testimonials here.


Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2011 4:11 pm
by NoelFigart
I made some pound cake cupcakes last weekend, and there were several in the freezer. My son got one for a snack, and asked me if I wanted one. I said, "No, it's Tuesday."

(I hope he's left some, though, as I have some mini-martini glasses that I intend to use to make some dessert shooters for this weekend, and one of those muffins cubed would make a good base for one of the layers.)

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2011 5:58 pm
by Starla
I love the idea for this thread, because I'm a strong believer that No S is "won" in those little moments when we make a different choice than we had been making, and those different choices become habit.

This week was my boss's birthday. He likes old school pastries (cheese danish is his favorite), and I bought pastries, carried them in my car, arranged them on a platter...and walked away. I did take one of the leftovers and put it in my freezer; I may have it for breakfast tomorrow.

This wasn't really a victory for me, though, because there was no struggle. I have been doing No S for almost 17 months; I haven't had a red day in months. I'm not posting this to brag, but to let newbies know that THIS IS WHAT HABIT MEANS! The decisions that seem so hard at the beginning become absolutely routine. I no more considered eating those pastries than I considered stripping off my clothes and dancing naked down the hallway. This way of eating has become stress-free.

Behavior becomes habit when it's repeated, over and over. Every time you win one of these little victories, you're closer to the stage where No S is as routine as brushing your teeth.


Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2011 6:02 pm
by NoelFigart
Starla wrote:This wasn't really a victory for me, though, because there was no struggle. I have been doing No S for almost 17 months; I haven't had a red day in months. I'm not posting this to brag, but to let newbies know that THIS IS WHAT HABIT MEANS! The decisions that seem so hard at the beginning become absolutely routine.
I am so glad you pointed this out. Developing the habit may take strength or willpower, but a year into it, it takes NO EFFORT AT ALL. That's what I'm shooting for at the moment.

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2011 10:11 pm
by funfuture
Yes, I have one. Friday was a day of leftovers because I couldn't use my kitchen to cook - and it's been too hot to anyway (43 yesterday - 109 F - and very humid). Anyway, I was dying to have a treat on Friday night even though we were staying at home and not doing anything special. I was so so tempted to call it the start of my S days and run them through to Sunday lunchtime. But I resisted. My S day was a bit wild yesterday, but at least I made it through Friday night. Felt like a habit-building moment. :)

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2011 10:20 pm
by gettheweightoff
Awesome post.

I have one, but it's more about getting over the diet mentality.

I was out with my husband today and I knew I was getting cranky and made him pull over the car to get something to eat at starbucks.

Later when we were out shopping and he asked why I was looking at pants and I told him that all my clothes don't fit me I announced and "I'm not dieting to get back into them" and I'm going to not worry about dieting any more. I have never said this to him and I declared my diet freedom today out loud to a person other than this board.

And I had some treats today and I didn't let it get out of hand and am on track.

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 1:39 am
by jellybeans01
I had an earlier lunch then we left for a village we work in and at 7 I was starving a dinner wasn't looking to be until 9 or so. I went bought a snack type food(not sugary) and made it my dinner. Later I passed on the meal.

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 9:48 pm
by gettheweightoff
I have one for today (Sunday).

Today makes 10 days GREEN no-s which makes it the longest I've gone since starting No-S without binge eating.

That is a great triumph for me.

Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2011 2:37 am
by gettheweightoff
Went out for dinner tonight and while everyone shared appetizers I took some and put it on a side plate and then when my meal came I put it on the plate with my main dish. I couldn't even eat the entire piece of fish. Then dessert came and everyone participated and I didn't have anything, not even a coffee. I figured I can endulge on my next S day.

A total triumph for me. And, to top it off no one noticed I was doing anything different I just ate what made me happy and how I need to for me.

Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 2:59 am
by exdieter
I had one today -- a triple green on my habit cal! That means I followed No-S, exercised and ate a home-cooked dinner! Woohoo!

Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 2:22 pm
by coffee
I'm already being more mindful about what is 'snack worthy', and when, on an S day. I was in town with DBF on Saturday, and we went past a vegetarian cafe, and I bought a slice of lemon and poppyseed cake with gorgeous smelling icing. Then we went to get some lunch in a cafe. After we'd finished lunch we went home, and I could have eaten my slice of cake, but I was FULL and I knew I wouldn't enjoy it as much as I could, and I only had the one slice of cake so I wanted to REALLY enjoy it. We went out for a drink in the evening, and when we got back I was hungry and could have eaten the cake, but I was tipsy and knew I wouldn't savour it. I had it for breakfast the next day and it was delicious, but I'm happy I managed to turn down the same piece of cake twice and save it for when I really had a moment to eat it MINDFULLY! :)

Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 6:58 pm
by librarylady
My husband came home last night with Girl Scout cookies - the ladies at work are grandmothers of scouts and so of course he bought one of each. He and my daughter broke into them after dinner for dessert. Afterwards I boxed them up and put them away. Strangely I did not "sneak" one - as I might have done last year. I figured I'd have a few on the weekend, but not on a Tuesday (doesn't begin with "s" after all!). It wasn't hard to do - quite easy in fact. I need the structure of a reasonable eating plan you see.

Then this morning I discovered that my favorite red blazer (the one that looks like a fox hunters :D ), suddenly fits again! It had gotten too tight around the hips over the past year as I was slowly regaining. So that made me feel terrific! Tally ho!!!

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 4:50 am
by exdieter
Library Lady, I love the vision of you in your Tally Ho jacket (even though I have no idea what you look like!) LOL. Congrats!

I had a ridiculously stressful day today. At 6:15pm, I was still in the office, hungry, and my coworker broke out homemade cupcakes. I declined.

Then, after dinner, came home to a box of homemade cookies mailed over by my MIL. Didn't touch those either.

Although you can bet I am going to have a good treat or two this weekend!


Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 7:44 pm
by Nichole
I have an amazing cupcake sitting in the freezer, waiting for me. That Super Bowl cupcake is just waiting for me!!

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 8:38 pm
by idontknow
Just realised I have been carrying a multipack of chocolate biscuits around in my work bag for 2 weeks now. I occasionally get them out and offer them to other people, but haven't contemplated eating one myself. That is a huge change for me - in the past I would have eaten all of them in a couple of days.

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 8:40 pm
by Over43
I have had two meals today, although one included peanut butter cups. They were still with my lunch... 8)

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 9:58 pm
by Blithe Morning
Two boxes of Girl Scout cookies sat on my desk all day, utouched. Barely noticed, actually. And I'm talking Thin Mints and Samoas, people.

I allow myself an S opportunity on Wed. evenings if I want it. I took it, had a small dish o' Maple Blondie Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream w/ 2 Pepperidge Farm Chessmen cookies. I walked into the kitchen to put my cup away and there were the Thin Mints... and I didn't eat one.

Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 12:57 am
by kccc
Today, I was at a meeting that ran from 3-5. On the table were plates of little chocolates.

I was actually hungry.
Other people were eating the chocolates, talking about how "they just couldn't resist."
I could.

The big thing was... that it wasn't a big thing.

I do like chocolate...but I don't snack. I was hungry...but I could wait for my dinner, and enjoy it. (Besides, sugar doesn't satisfy genuine hunger.)

I don't think I would have even really noticed the chocolate if it hadn't been for the "can't resist" dialog. Until then, they were "just for decoration."

The power of long-term habit does pay off. Not always 100%, but certainly more than I would have thought possible in the past.

Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 1:25 pm
by gettheweightoff
DH and I went out for dinner last night to Baton Rouge. My husband got the fixed price menu but I did not because it would be served on several plates, plus the dessert was out as it was not an s day. So I ordered mine and it was massive so I immediately put half of everything on another plate for my lunch tomorrow. My husband who does not know what I'm doing did the same thing and said how stuffed he was with half and that we can start sharing plates when we go out and really liked the concept.

Then I actually told him what I was doing with no-s. I have never, ever done this in my life with any "plan" I was on. I just kept it to myself. He said it made sense in terms of my binge eating and I told him how I am no longer policing myself with all the nutritional food I think I should be having and now I eat what I like. He thinks it sounds great but of course emphasized that I should be working out but understands it is difficult with our kids.

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2011 8:17 pm
by exdieter
Just went for a big lunch out with my team. The restaurant gave out free, homemade cookies afterwards. I didn't eat one. There is nothing I love more than homemade chocolate chip cookies.

Can't wait for Saturday!

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 12:30 am
by NoelFigart
I had a trying day today, and my husband was making me a martini by way of pampering me. He pointed to the top of the fridge where there were some Lindt 60% dark chocolate truffles. "Want one? Barb had one and I think The Bird had a couple."

"No, it's a weekday," I commented.

"But they may not make it to the weekend," he cautions.

Calmly sipping my drink, I say, "Hey, if they don't and I want any this weekend, I'll go out and buy some. Or bake something else as good."

It's the "calmly" part. I don't feel like I'm going to run out of chances to eat chocolate truffles sometimes. Chocolate time will come again. It's just not chocolate time now.

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 9:46 pm
by Blithe Morning
I just realized I've had homemade chocolate chip cookies in my desk for over a week. I threw them out since they weren't wrapped and I suspect they are stale.

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 9:58 pm
by wosnes
exdieter wrote:Just went for a big lunch out with my team. The restaurant gave out free, homemade cookies afterwards. I didn't eat one. There is nothing I love more than homemade chocolate chip cookies.

Can't wait for Saturday!
Unless you know for sure that they make them from scratch, they're probably no better than any cookie you'd make from dough in the refrigerated section of the store or get at Subway. I can pass on those.

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 3:46 pm
by vmsurbat
I'm celebrating a victory over "diethead"!

My neighbor excitedly gave me 4 "American-style" treats (a big deal because we live overseas) and was eager for me to take them home to the family, try them, and report back to her.

I brought them home, set them out on a plate, and then the "diet head" started:

"Today is not an S-day. But it will be mad manners not to try them. I could just lie and say they're great without tasting one. No, I couldn't, that would be dishonest. They are small treats, I can just kind of adjust what I actually eat at dinner. Or forgo a treat on an S-day. But that violates NoS principles big time. Yada yada yada."

And, then it occurred to me to knock off diet head and think the thing through rationally:

1. My neighbor very rarely makes these kinds of treats and it is a big deal to her to get my honest feedback. Thus, this is one decision that is not likely to lead to slippery habits.

2. To give her honest feedback, I need to sample one at its best (ie. fresh, not 2 days from now). Besides, I'll be seeing her before then.

3. All I really need is a taste, not a whole treat.

4. Voila! I cut the treat in half (it WAS small to begin with), and enjoyed it without guilt, and now I can honestly tell her how good it was. If I can "taste" food as I'm cooking, I can taste food to give feedback.

I'm most pleased that I silenced unreasonable "diet head" so quickly! :-)

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 1:58 pm
by Starla
I had a success yesterday that I really DO consider a victory. I wanted to participate in a protest yesterday, but I also needed to get in some exercise in order to live up to my 5-days-a-week commitment. I ended up parking my car far enough from the scene of the protest so that walking there and back was my exercise. At the protest, people were passing around granola bars, cookies, etc., but I resisted all.

Success (for me) is figuring out ways to succeed instead of finding excuses for failure, especially when it comes to exercise.

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 2:04 pm
by kccc
Starla wrote:Success (for me) is figuring out ways to succeed instead of finding excuses for failure, especially when it comes to exercise.
Awesome quote! It should go on the "Sticky" quote thread.

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 3:59 pm
by Blithe Morning
Vicki, well done on scoring one on diet head!

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2011 2:20 pm
by exdieter
KCCC wrote:
Starla wrote:Success (for me) is figuring out ways to succeed instead of finding excuses for failure, especially when it comes to exercise.
Awesome quote! It should go on the "Sticky" quote thread.
I second that! :)

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2011 5:42 pm
by wosnes
I've had cravings this week for all manner of junk food: chips and salsa, corn dogs and so on. I've had it all -- at meal times. It's made for some unusual meals, but cravings and habit were controlled.

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2011 4:40 am
by exdieter
I ignored the plate of chocolate chip cookies and brownies that sat next to me at work (on coworkers desk) ALL DAY LONG, through stress, hunger, stress and more stress!

skipped the office potluck

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2011 2:04 am
by r.jean
Today I skipped the office potluck. We have a large office so I do not think anyone really noticed. I met a non-work friend for lunch, and I ate a very reasonable and yummy lunch.

Potlucks and buffets are my downfall. Avoiding them when I can is my best bet.

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2011 4:18 am
by Becoming
Starla wrote:I love the idea for this thread, because I'm a strong believer that No S is "won" in those little moments when we make a different choice than we had been making, and those different choices become habit.
This is exactly where I am at the moment!

Last night I made roast lamb for dinner, and I didn't eat the crunchy shank part on the end when the lamb came out of the oven. I ALWAYS eat that bit, even in the past when I was being 'good'.

Today, while out shopping, my daughter and I stopped for a coffee. She was hungry, so I got some raisin toast for her to have with her babychino. It looked delicious, but I didn't eat any!