Thought I'd finally introduce myself

No Snacks, no sweets, no seconds. Except on Days that start with S. Too simple for you? Simple is why it works. Look here for questions, introductions, support, success stories.

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Thought I'd finally introduce myself

Post by nicki » Mon Jun 06, 2011 1:01 am

Hi all,

I've been lurking for a long time now, and thought it was time to properly introduce myself. Like many of you, I have been on a diet as long as I can remember. Also, like many of you, I would probably qualify for a Masters in Nutrition if all of my readings and research were taken into account.

I'm about 25 to 30 pounds overweight-depending on who you ask. I am the mother of four children and married to a man who thinks I am perfect the way I am (mental disease runs in the family!). I have finally reached a point in my life where I have realized/accepted that I don't need or want to be "skinny" anymore. That is an unrealistic goal that has set me up for failure most of my life. I just want to be comfortable in my own skin. I work out (cardio) at least five times a week and have come to terms with the fact that, on its own, exercise will never get me thin.

I truly believe that the No S way of eating is the most reasonable path to take. While I have not yet seen any significant weight loss, I am trying to keep the faith that it will come. I view every week as an opportunity to improve a little bit more. While I would desperately love to see quick results, I know in my head, my heart and the scale :lol: that quick fixes never work.

I can't tell you how much I enjoy, learn from and take strength from this board. Hopefully I can contribute as well, and maybe, one day, be an inspiration myself.

Thanks for your patience. It's so nice to "meet" you all!


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Post by sophiasapientia » Mon Jun 06, 2011 10:18 am

Welcome Nicki! It is lovely to meet you & I love your approach to No S!
Restarted No S (3rd times a charm!) January 2010 at 145 lbs

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Re: Thought I'd finally introduce myself

Post by BrightAngel » Mon Jun 06, 2011 12:46 pm

nicki wrote: Also, like many of you,
I would probably qualify for a Masters in Nutrition
if all of my readings and research were taken into account.

I'm about 25 to 30 pounds overweight-depending on who you ask.
I have finally reached a point in my life where
I have realized/accepted that I don't need or want to be "skinny" anymore.
That is an unrealistic goal that has set me up for failure most of my life.
I just want to be comfortable in my own skin.

I work out (cardio) at least five times a week and have come to terms with the fact
that, on its own, exercise will never get me thin.
Welcome nicki,
Based on your above-quoted statements,
I predict that you can achieve your goals via No S.
BrightAngel - (Dr. Collins)
See: DietHobby. com

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Post by KareBear » Mon Jun 06, 2011 1:26 pm

Wow Nicki, I could have written your post word for word. Except for the 4 kids part, I only have 2. But everything else is exactly what I have experienced and feel. Some times I pray to see myself the way my husband does, I would be so happy and gone would be the mean conversations I have with myself about my weight. Who really cares anyway, but me? So silly to waste so much precious time. Anyway, welcome. I am on my 5th week of my 5 or 6th attempt. Not worrying at all about the scale but only on habit building. Also, I normally work out 5 times a week but right now I am only doing it if I really feel like it. Plus my world has been so crazy that I can only manage 2-3. So anyway, WELCOME. Heres to peace with our minds and bodies and totally acceptance of who we are!

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Post by nicki » Mon Jun 06, 2011 1:27 pm

Thanks for the welcome, Sophia!

BrightAngel-Thank you! I fervently hope your prediction comes true. I am so tired of being unhappy with who I see in the mirror.

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Post by nicki » Tue Jun 07, 2011 1:59 am


Are you sure we weren't separated at birth? I spend so much time wishing I could see myself with my husbands' eyes. I pride myself on having a great sense of perspective, and in all other aspects of my life I truly have one. I tell myself all of the time "if god forbid I got really sick, I would pray to be well and overweight." But no matter how I try to make myself really see the bigger picture, the mirror is always there, and my clothes are still too tight.

That's why I am going to try to be patient for once in my life. This is the only "plan" I've ever come across that doesn't make me feel resentful about how unfair it is that I should have to account for everything I eat.

I've only been really thin once-thanks to basic starvation. Guess what? I was too tired and hungry to enjoy myself for the three whole minutes that I was thin! I want to get there, and have time to appreciate it!
Like I said before, I really, really hope this works for me/us. I've got my fingers crossed. We can do this!


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Post by reinhard » Tue Jun 07, 2011 1:24 pm

Welcome, Nicki!
Like I said before, I really, really hope this works for me/us.
If you can stick with the three meals a day long enough to build some habit, I'm confident it'll work for you. Once you have the majority of your food coming in those three input valves, it's easy to tighten and reduce the flow a bit if necessary. Sorry for the perhaps disgusting plumbing analogy; I live in an old house and have been compelled to think about it a lot recently. :-)


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