odd weaknesses

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odd weaknesses

Post by ~reneew » Wed Oct 05, 2011 6:32 pm

I was just wondering if you guys have recurring struggles with an individual food like I do. Right now I'm really having trouble with Pace brand salsa. I had a bit when I was out, and it must not have been enough because now it's haunting me. I've made a run to the store already and now it's locked in my pantry calling my name. I hate it. I can my own salsa, but I like Pace even better than mine. :roll:

Another thing is those packaged Chow mein noodle dinners. The terriaki beef smells incredible and when I smell it, it seems all strength I had shoots out the window. Wouldn't you know Walmart had them half price this week. They wouldn't be so very bad but they smell up my kitchen so bad that an hour after I eat I start craving again. :roll: Sorry for the ramble, I had to vent.

Anybody else want to air their weaknesses? Maybe by calling them out, we'll gain strength over them. :?:
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Post by NoSnacker » Wed Oct 05, 2011 9:30 pm

So why not sit down and eat a jar for lunch and one for dinner..I'm serious...I did that with tuna noodle casserole as I truly have a weakness for the stuff.

The other option would be to have more of it next time you go out and then you won't crave it....

Save it for the weekend and enjoy a whole jar!

Salsa is low in calories and very healthy for you...


p.s. ditto for the noodles...breakfast,lunch and dinner and trust me you wont' be craving it anytime soon!
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Post by Who Me? » Wed Oct 05, 2011 9:51 pm

What's wrong with enjoying a Non-Guilty Pleasure from time to time? Why do we need to "overcome" perfectly good food?

Salsa isn't evil. Is it?

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Post by veggirl1964 » Thu Oct 06, 2011 1:56 am

I eat salsa with most of my meals!

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Post by determined » Thu Oct 06, 2011 1:57 am

I used to have a weakness for chips....but I haven't had any in a long time. I don't really even want them on "S" days. I LOVE bagels, and occasionally enjoy them on the weekends, but I have to be careful because I could easily turn into an idiot with them.

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Post by snapdragon » Wed Oct 12, 2011 5:08 pm

A plate of chips and salsa for lunch and noodles for dinner!!!, Perhaps, not tho healthiest choice but better than a binge.
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Post by wosnes » Wed Oct 12, 2011 6:08 pm

I don't see either of those as being weaknesses or problematic. Eat as often as you like and enjoy!
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Post by Over43 » Thu Oct 13, 2011 1:29 am

I wasn't going to post in discussions anymore, anywhere. Well apaprently that is a weakness. Put the Pace on your eggs in the morning. I love those microwaveable noodles myself. Unfortunately for me they aren't to filling.

Sailor Jerry rum is a weakness. And I don't even drink... :roll: Fruit pies, particularly raspberry, choclate chip cookies with milk. (I can eat a whole package...) Coca Cola is an addiction to me.

We all have our weaknesses.
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