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Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2012 6:33 am
by Over43
I am not a "drinker" per se...but the last few days I have had a few snorts here and there. I have noticed that after awhile after having a snort (whiskey or rum, I guess I should clarify, hence someone might connect snort with powdered doughnuts :lol: ) I want to eat, almost like "the munchies." I think that is why the last three days have been less than successful.

I am wondering if it is an impulse control issue? Anyone else experience this?

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2012 9:37 am
by ThomsonsPier
Snorting powdered doughnuts sounds like delicious pain.

I feel the urge to eat if I drink, as do a great many of my friends and, I believe, pretty much everyone else. If it weren't such a widespread phenomenon, pubs wouldn't sell so many crisps.

On a vaguely neurophysiological note, it has to do with the receptors that govern satiety. The body produces neurotransmitters to alert the brain that it needs to eat, hence the feeling of hunger. One of the things that interferes with the neuroreceptors that process this information is alcohol; it stimulates the receptors in a similar way, leading to feelings of hunger. It's not a mental issue, and the reaction can't be suppressed, so drinking does make resisting food harder (but by no means impossible). Heavier drinkers tend to get used to it, so their reaction is dulled, and (as with most biological processes) it varies from person to person.

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2012 1:20 pm
by Blithe Morning
This is part of why I consider wine part of my meal.

Beer on the other hand has the effect of making me feel full.

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2012 6:03 pm
by totljenn
In the College-Party-Town-of-Chico we like to call that "drunk munchies". I like to drink and do so on most nights which helps me to regulate my overall drinking. However alcohol induced hunger mixed with alcohol induced bad decision making doesn't go well together, or maybe it goes too well? Either way I would recommend a healthy snack if you get the munchies while drinking or try eating a nice big satisfying meal before you go out, that way you are already full and are less likely to get a late night slice of pizza. Hope that helps. Beer can make you feel super full but if you drink enough of it you wont care how full you feel and will want to eat anyway. Try to be conscious of what you eat before you start drinking and then try to moderate your drinking so that you don't make bad decisions. Easier said than done obviously...