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Any weight loss when you eliminate artificial sweeteners?

Posted: Sat Jun 29, 2013 2:28 pm
by May
Has anyone experienced weight loss when you remove diet soda or artificial sweeteners from your diet?

I read somewhere that sweeteners will only make you crave for more sweet food. Any truth to that?

I used to drink a lot of diet soda and use sweetener for my coffee/tea. But zero calorie drinks did not help me lose weight.

Posted: Sat Jun 29, 2013 3:45 pm
by oolala53
If weight loss was my only issue, I might try being a purist about it. I use stevia at home, but don't tote it. Others have gone more cold turkey on the sweet taste than I. Some of them are still here, as I am. I don't know what happened to the others.

Re: Any weight loss when you eliminate artificial sweetener

Posted: Sat Jun 29, 2013 4:53 pm
by Jethro
Annie wrote:Has anyone experienced weight loss when you remove diet soda or artificial sweeteners from your diet?

I read somewhere that sweeteners will only make you crave for more sweet food. Any truth to that?

I used to drink a lot of diet soda and use sweetener for my coffee/tea. But zero calorie drinks did not help me lose weight.
According to the experts, although artificial sweeteners have zero calories, they reinforce your cravings for sweets.

Thus, it's like a ticking bomb within you. Unless you have the discipline of a Prussian general (I don't), at any given time your cravings will make you binge on sweets.

You could save the diet drinks for S days. Try it and tell us about it.

Re: Any weight loss when you eliminate artificial sweetener

Posted: Sun Jun 30, 2013 2:28 pm
by BrightAngel
Annie wrote:Has anyone experienced weight loss when you remove diet soda or artificial sweeteners from your diet?
I choose to use Splenda and Diet Coke frequently.
I've run experiments on this and have found that ...for me...
reducing or eliminating them has absolutely ZERO effect on weight-loss.

Posted: Mon Jul 01, 2013 2:55 pm
by noni
I'll have a diet drink on my fasting days as a treat sometimes, but it doesn't seem to make a difference in my weight. Sometimes, my belly looks bloated the days I indulge. Maybe just a coincidence. I'll have to pay more attention.

Posted: Mon Jul 01, 2013 3:07 pm
by AndreaRN9
No difference for me. I use Equal in my morning coffees and I drink Diet Pepsi with dinner.

I don't know if it makes a difference but I don't have a sweet tooth (never did) so the artificial sweeteners I do use don't make me crave sugary foods. Maybe people with a sweet tooth struggle more if they use artificial sweeteners? I don't know.

For me, artificial sweeteners are a great way to reduce overall caloric intake. They certainly don't cause me to gain weight. I gain when I eat too many calories. I lose when I don't. For me, it's as simple as that. Well, not simple ... or at least not that kind of simple. If only!

Posted: Mon Jul 01, 2013 6:09 pm
by oolala53
Andrea, I agree that it IS simple. Just not easy. But easier than anything else I've done!

Re: Any weight loss when you eliminate artificial sweetener

Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2013 2:36 pm
by leafy_greens
Annie wrote:Has anyone experienced weight loss when you remove diet soda or artificial sweeteners from your diet?

I read somewhere that sweeteners will only make you crave for more sweet food. Any truth to that?

I used to drink a lot of diet soda and use sweetener for my coffee/tea. But zero calorie drinks did not help me lose weight.
Sweeteners do not make me crave sweets anymore than full blown sugar. I crave sugar regardless. Replacing sugar with Stevia doesn't help my sugar cravings either. The Stevia product was marketed as another miracle binge-stopper. Just make your baked goods with Stevia and you will only want one tiny piece. After giving Stevia a try (which ended up tasting pretty gross), it turns out that sugar is not the problem; it's the habit of snacking and eating sweets, which No S takes care of. IMO sweets cravings have nothing to do with the *type* of sweetener used. The sweetener is just a bogeyman.

Re: Any weight loss when you eliminate artificial sweetener

Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2013 3:36 pm
by wosnes
leafy_greens wrote: Sweeteners do not make me crave sweets anymore than full blown sugar. I crave sugar regardless. Replacing sugar with Stevia doesn't help my sugar cravings either. The Stevia product was marketed as another miracle binge-stopper. Just make your baked goods with Stevia and you will only want one tiny piece. After giving Stevia a try (which ended up tasting pretty gross), it turns out that sugar is not the problem; it's the habit of snacking and eating sweets, which No S takes care of. IMO sweets cravings have nothing to do with the *type* of sweetener used. The sweetener is just a bogeyman.
Interesting observation.

Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2013 4:53 pm
by JustForToday ... your-favor

This link is about diet soda, and not artificial sweeteners in general, but it's implications are a little bit different than the old "drinking diet soda makes you fat" myth.

I drink one diet soda every day. Not the most saint-like health behavior, but it hasn't ever made me crave sweets and will often get me through a craving for food in between meals.

I despise the taste of artificial sweeteners in almost any other product or food though. Don't know why diet soda is different for me.

Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2013 4:25 am
by noni
"I despise the taste of artificial sweeteners in almost any other product or food though. Don't know why diet soda is different for me."

I think the bubbles might be a deterrent :)

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2013 2:50 am
by May
After reading this study, I had second thoughts about using artificial sweetener (AS). ... 4/abstract

From personal experience, I did not drop any pounds after using AS or drinking diet sodas. Therefore, I stopped buying AS since it doesn't help with weight loss and there may be some risk to using AS too.

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2013 3:24 am
by wosnes
noni wrote:"I despise the taste of artificial sweeteners in almost any other product or food though. Don't know why diet soda is different for me."

I think the bubbles might be a deterrent :)
They aren't for me. I won't buy a product with AS.

Posted: Tue Jul 09, 2013 6:33 am
by SuperMysteryCat
I'm giving up AS (mostly Diet Cokes), but not for weight-loss reasons. Part of adopting this way of eating is re-framing how I think of myself vis-a-vis food. I am not a snacker, I eat moderately, I really enjoy my food and I am never going on a diet again. Diet Coke just doesn't fit in with the new way I view myself. Fizzy water with a squeeze of lemon or a nice cup of tea seem more appropriate for the new me.

I know a lot of people with no weight or food issues guzzle diet soda, but in my mind it is linked to fat-free salad dressing and other dieting madness, so it's out. Now, a real Coke, served ice cold on a 103 degree S day? That's in.

Posted: Tue Jul 09, 2013 10:43 pm
by oolala53
Self-concept has a lot to do with it. Some people (not necessarily here) adopt a view of themselves as cave man/woman, athlete/warrior, gentle one treading lightly, righteous health advocate, lithe goddess, chic urbanite, etc. Moderate eater surely takes less of a toll than them all.

Posted: Wed Jul 10, 2013 1:24 pm
by joasia
I think regardless of weight loss, just get rid of soda. I use to drink soda all the time, and now I may have a coke once a year. They just aren't good for you, full of sugar and chemicals. and I think the diet stuff is even worse, from everything I have read. I thought I would never kick the habit, then I stopped for a year. When I went back, it tasted rather gross. I believe you can retrain your taste buds to a great extent. I try to stick to water, real juice, milk, tea, and coffee.

Posted: Wed Jul 10, 2013 2:32 pm
by wosnes
joasia wrote:I think regardless of weight loss, just get rid of soda. I use to drink soda all the time, and now I may have a coke once a year. They just aren't good for you, full of sugar and chemicals. and I think the diet stuff is even worse, from everything I have read. I thought I would never kick the habit, then I stopped for a year. When I went back, it tasted rather gross. I believe you can retrain your taste buds to a great extent. I try to stick to water, real juice, milk, tea, and coffee.
I'll have a soda now and then, but I've pretty much eliminated juice. I use it like I use milk -- it's an ingredient in some dishes.

Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2014 2:26 pm
by automatedeating
I like to have a diet coke when I'm at a restaurant or in a situation when I would otherwise drink too much alcohol. It works for me.

I have noticed it helps eliminate my craving for a sugary dessert, although I know that is contrary to what some of the studies have reported.

Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2014 2:46 pm
by Zoid
I used to drink at least 1 diet coke a day. Now I have maybe 1 a week.

I stopped because I was sick of consuming all the chemicals. Now I drink naturally flavored seltzer water when I want something fizzy.

I didn't notice any weight loss due to the change (I mean diet coke has zero calories, I wasn't really expecting to see a difference). I didn't notice a change in cravings sweets. I feel better though (fewer migraines and not as much stomach problems), so that's the benefit I was looking for.