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What I have discovered on my first day.

Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2014 5:33 pm
by Bennedicta
Well I have had precisely 1 day of No S, and this is what I have noticed.

1. I snack All. The. Time! I knew I had a problem with snacking. I work from home and all day yesterday I found myself in the kitchen prowling. I normally snack on 'good' food, so I had told myself it didn't count. But handfuls of raw nuts, fruit, crackers and hummus etc every hour or so has got to add up over the course of a day!

2. I need to think about portion size. I am used to never being hungry (all that snacking!) so I only eat small meals. I need to put a reasonable amount on my plate the first time.

3. I keep hearing my Gran in my head! Granny was born in 1910 and was full of saying like " don't snack, you'll spoil your meal" and "let your first course go down before you have desert" and " don't stuff, it's bad for your digestion" " eat slowly and chew your food properly"

4. Meals are SO much more enjoyable if you arrive at them hungry.

Onwards to day 2.

BTW I am just doing no s. As it comes with no adaptions because I might as well see how that goes first before making thing even harder for myself.

Benni :D

Re: What I have discovered on my first day.

Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2014 5:41 pm
by earl7z
Bennedicta wrote:4. Meals are SO much more enjoyable if you arrive at them hungry.
Amen to that!

Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2014 6:20 pm
by jw
Bennedicta, that was me! Constantly snacking on healthy food, then eating my meals from a little, tiny bowl that I filled up two or three times . . . Welcome to sanity! Your Grandma was right!

Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2014 6:36 pm
by Bennedicta
So JW! I have to know! If you were me and now you have stopped the constant snacking.......has it worked?


Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2014 8:11 pm
by oolala53
I called it "punctuating" my day with eating. A period here, semi:colon there, exclamation point.. but mostly just comma, comma, comma. Eat, do x, eat, do y, eat...

Honestly, it can still be hard to fill up the time without eating, but it's worth the wait.

Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2014 8:29 pm
by jw
Yes! I stopped snacking cold turkey on June 29 of last year, last time I checked I had lost 20 pounds, about a pound a week. I will probably lose another 20-30 over time. I don't really think about food any more except in the context of mealtimes -- that is the great thing, it's just not constantly on your mind any more! Be generous with your plates, eat food you love, drink hot drinks between meals -- soon it will be second nature!

Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2014 8:56 pm
by oolala53
I envy you, jw. I know this happens for some people on No S, but it hasn't for me. However, No S is still the best thing that ever happened to me in terms of eating.

Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2014 9:23 pm
by jw
I do feel lucky, oolala -- vanilla No S was the answer for me, plain and simple. I had developed some bad habits and No S helped me to get a handle on them in a very natural way. It sounds like you have put yourself through the wringer of a lot more diets than I have and over a longer period of time, so food is bound to have all kinds of other overtones for you. That's probably why it continues to be a hot button issue for you even though you've lost all your weight -- it's also why you're still interested and so good at helping the rest of us!

Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2014 12:02 am
by Bennedicta
oolala53 wrote:
Honestly, it can still be hard to fill up the time without eating, but it's worth the wait.
I might actually have to do some work!


Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2014 12:03 am
by Bennedicta
jw wrote:Yes! I stopped snacking cold turkey on June 29 of last year, last time I checked I had lost 20 pounds, about a pound a week. I will probably lose another 20-30 over time. I don't really think about food any more except in the context of mealtimes -- that is the great thing, it's just not constantly on your mind any more! Be generous with your plates, eat food you love, drink hot drinks between meals -- soon it will be second nature!

This is great news and wonderful encouragement. Thank you, and congratulations.

Re: What I have discovered on my first day.

Posted: Fri Jan 24, 2014 4:26 pm
by leafy_greens
Bennedicta wrote:1. I snack All. The. Time! I knew I had a problem with snacking. I work from home and all day yesterday I found myself in the kitchen prowling. I normally snack on 'good' food, so I had told myself it didn't count. But handfuls of raw nuts, fruit, crackers and hummus etc every hour or so has got to add up over the course of a day!
This is so true. When I stop snacking, I just want to collapse in a ball of boredom & tears, because I really don't know what to do with myself if I'm not eating. When I do find something to do with myself, I spend that time being mad that I can't eat anything. Eventually this goes away, it just takes a looong time. Slow and steady wins the race with No S. It sucks.

I remember Elizabeth Hurley said that she would cry into her pillow every night to keep from eating. It's not just "normal" people who struggle. :(