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A different time schedule for Shovelglove

Posted: Thu May 22, 2014 5:55 am
by larisa0001
I've been crazy busy lately, and even 14 minutes is hard to find. Here's what I'm doing instead - every hour on the hour, I get up and do 10 reps of a Shovelglove exercise and 10 bodyweight squats. Sometimes I use dumbbells instead or do step-ups or deadlifts instead of squats. I try to vary things every hour. I do this throughout my workday.

This is beneficial on several levels. First of all, it is completely schedulistically invisible (even more so than 14 minutes). The actual exercise takes less than a minute to do. I don't need to interrupt my workflow - I can keep thinking about whatever it is I'm doing as I do the exercise.

Second of all, it keeps me from being motionless for too long at a stretch. I do have a standing workstation, but standing for too long is not too good either - the body needs to move.

I'm developing some nice muscles and I feel much more energetic, so I guess it's working.

Posted: Thu May 29, 2014 9:03 pm
by david
That's a neat idea. I would definitely do that if I didn't work in such a crowded environment.

Posted: Fri May 30, 2014 4:05 pm
by reinhard
Nice mod!

I'm not in a work environment where it would be practicable, but if you are, great way to carve out the time unobtrusively plus it deals with that whole sitting still kills you issue.


Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2014 3:24 am
by larisa0001
A longer-term report on the viability of this mod: I love it. Love it love it love it. It feels effortless, my arms and shoulders are looking better than they've ever looked in years, and I'm getting strong. Last week I did two pullups with no prior training. And I think I'm getting maybe 5 minutes of exercise a day, total. This is genius.

Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2014 8:20 pm
by guille
this is something similar to a method Pavel Tsatsouline uses to increase endurance and power. it was...Greasing the Groove, it makes sense its working for you, awesome

im also having problems with doing it every day, my solution will be very different, i do have free time a few afternoons-nights, the other days are caotic, so i decided to work out more less 1 hour per day, 2 days a week, and of that hour 40 mins will be shovelglove and the rest will be legs and core(spine)

want to see how that works for me.