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"Read More" everyday system?

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2014 12:23 am
by larisa0001
I've come to realize that I spend way too much time online reading trash, rather than offline reading good books. I want to read more classics and fewer Buzzfeed articles. However, since I use Facebook and other online things as a social outlet, I'm unwilling to give it up altogether. This seems to be a good case for Systematic Moderation, but I'm not quite sure how to structure the rule for this particular Everyday System - anyone got any ideas? I'd like to use Systematic Moderation for this particular issue, because I have an Internet addiction problem and it's filling my brain with fluff.

Oh, and btw, I'm using an alternative Shovelglove system that may be of interest to some folks with sedentary jobs. Every hour on the hour, I get up and do 10 reps of an upper body exercise and 10 reps of a lower body exercise. Usually it ends up being 10 Shovelglove moves and 10 squats (I may increase the number eventually). My rationale for going with this rule rather than the standard 14 minutes is like this: (a) sitting for hours on end is bad for you even if you exercise; (b) there are days when even 14 minutes is hard to find, whereas 1 minute an hour is pretty invisible; (c) this more closely mimics the effect of an actual physical job; (d) it's good to keep the blood flowing throughout the workday. Mind you, I work at home so keeping a sledgehammer in my office and using it every hour doesn't raise questions.

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2014 11:31 am
by eschano
Hi Larissa, you might want to check out Automatedeating's NoS Daily Check-in thread. She has a system for her children to limit computer use and one to read to them more. Might be worth a try.

Personally, I read books when I commute (1-2 hours a day) so that's my system, although that might be less useful as it needs commuting time.

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2014 8:29 am
by germanherman
I would recommend some steps:

1. Making reading "good" books as easy and comfortable as reading internet feeds = electronic reading via ebook-reader, apps etc. on all of your devices you use to consume the "garbage" of the net.
2. Urban ranger + mp3-player or mobile + audiobooks = win!
3. Put on one hour of quality reading on your daily planer for 5 days a week.