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on forming habits (short)

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2010 3:48 am
by pirateman2k
Hey all. Found this interesting. See the sidebar at the bottom. The first tip looks suspiciously like habitcal, the third like the 21 day challenge... ... =103#pg103

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2010 3:42 pm
by reinhard
That is interesting (sorry for the delayed response).

Between this and Michael Pollan's quote (and Michelle Obama recommending limiting desserts to weekends) I guess my ideas are slowly seeping into the culture. :-)


Posted: Sat Feb 20, 2010 5:57 am
by pirateman2k
Yes. It's shocking when people post "tips" that are actually useful.

Reminds me of something Merlin Mann said:
Somewhere, a sad, obese man in pristine ASICS scarfs cookie dough over an unopened _Runner's World_, complaining that he needs more "tips." from

We don't need more tips, we need more implementation. People know what to do. But in order to get to implementation, we need a strategy for bridging the gap from willpower to habit. That's what's so effective about the Everyday Systems approach. Willpower will only get you so far, but willpower plus moderation plus consistency gets you to implementation.

This is probably all just rephrasing stuff you've already said, but the formula is to 1. figure out what your goal is, 2. figure out the MINIMUM consistently sustainable action needed to achieve that goal, 3. use willpower to take you through a month--or as long as it takes--of that consistent action to forge a habit 4. use the habit to take you to your goal 5. repeat as needed for your various problems.

People want to make things more complicated than they are.