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Fell Off, Getting Back On

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2011 7:34 pm
by keriamon
I admit, I tried the No S Diet for several weeks back in the summer. I set my Wii Fit weight goal for a loss of 2 pounds a week.

When I didn't see ANY weight loss, I got discouraged and gave up. (Although I stayed pretty good about no sweets or snacks during the week for quite a while.)

I recently got back on my Wii Fit (yeah, gave that up for months too) and found, surprise!, I've lost 9.9 pounds since the last time I was on it. I know most of that was from a chronic, month-long illness which put me off food for a while, but still, it's perked me up, and I'm trying to get back on board.

I know from previous experience that dieting makes little difference in my weight (let me correct--I can eat and gain, but not eating does not make me lose); sufficient amounts of exercise, however, does cause me to lose weight. So I am back to trying to get my ass out of bed in the morning so I can do a little exercise. I've been warming up with some balance games, then doing strength and/or aerobic exercises. I also lifted some free weights this morning (because I noticed, the other day, that my underarm is jiggly).

I also set myself a more realistic goal. I decided that I could lose one pound every two weeks. It's such a small amount of weight, and there's so much time to work on losing it, I thought surely I can hit that goal. And while one pound every week sounds pathetic, that's 26 pounds a year, which is nothing to sneeze at. 26 pounds would have me down close to what I was when my husband and I started dating (and before I started low-cal dieting, which is why I think I am where I am now).

What do other people do to stay motivated?