KCCC's check-in

Counting carbs/calories is a drag. Obsessive scale stepping is a recipe for despair. If you want to count something, "days on habit" is a much better metric. Checking off days on a calendar would do just fine, but if you do it here you get accountability and support. Here's how. Start a new topic in this forum called (say) "Your Name Daily Check In." Then every N day post a "reply" to that topic as to whether you stayed on habit. A simple "<font color="green">SUCCESS</font>" or "<font color="red">FAILURE</font>" (or your preferred euphemism if that's too harsh) is sufficient, but obviously you're welcome to write more if you want. On S-days just register that you're taking an S-day. You don't have to do this forever, just until you're confident you've built the habit. Feel free to check in weekly or monthly or sporadically instead of daily. Feel free also to track other habits besides No-s (I'm keeping this forum under No-s because that's what the vast majority are using it for). See also my <a href="/habitcal/">HabitCal</a> tool for another more formal (and perhaps complementary) way to track habits.

Moderators: Soprano, automatedeating

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Post by TexArk » Mon Dec 20, 2010 10:25 pm

Thanks so much for your encouragement and all your thoughtful posts over the past couple of years. I may be mistaken, but I think it was your blog that I ran across on the internet that led me to the NoS site. I seem to remember that you closed it out and I do not see it any more. This may have been someone else, but if it was you, thank you for leading me here.
24.7 bmi Feb. 2019
26.1 bmi Sept. 2018
31.4 bmi July 2017

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Post by kccc » Tue Dec 21, 2010 2:33 pm

Thanks so much, TexArk. Alas, wasn't me who brought you here - I've never done a blog (though I've considered it, lol!). Maybe Blueskighs? She always had lovely, lovely pictures of her plates on her blog... she was here for a few years. I liked her a lot and miss her.

Yesterday - no exercise :( The gym was closed. I forgot, and arrived in sweats with my clothes on a hanger as usual. Fortunately know where a "secret shower" is on campus, lol!)

Br - Bagel, cheese, clementine
L - steak salad, out
D - party food on tiny plates. I stuck to savory stuff, including the veggie tray I brought, and feel that I had a decent and enjoyable dinner. Probably a little more quantity than normal since I was virtual-plating, but not excessive. I am really learning to listen to my body when it tells me "enough"... and am pleased that it speaks up these days before I reach "way too much."

Br - yogurt and honey
L (planned) - leftover sausage and sweet potatoes, plus cherry tomatoes and clementine.
D - TBD. Another party, but less junky, I think.

We got up in the middle of the night to watch the eclipse. Got lucky - we hit the spot where the cloud cover broke, just before it went total. As we were outside admiring, we heard voices, and realized our neighbors were out too... with their telescope, which they invited us to share. :) Lovely. Son got very cold, so we went in after 10-15 minutes and popped back out at intervals until the cloud cover swept in and shrouded it. We did get to see the total eclipse stage. I would have liked to see the other side start peeping out, but the clouds made that unlikely enough that I gave it up.

Haven't seen a lunar eclipse in a long time, and I had not expected the redness, which is of course from the earth's atmosphere bending the sun's rays. Hubby had a great explanation for our son: "Imagine you're on the moon looking at the earth right now. You'd see a black ball, but around it you'd see a ring of red - all the sunsets and sunrises on earth, all at once. That's what's reflected on the moon." No wonder primitive peoples found mystery and magic in an eclipse, with that dramatic color change.

Had trouble getting back to sleep, so I'm a bit pooped this morning. Came into work late (no one else is here, doesn't matter) and will treat myself to an extra coffee.

A marvelous family memory. Life is good.

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Post by kccc » Wed Dec 22, 2010 6:57 pm

Exercise - yoga class
Br - eggs
L - honey-dijon chicken, peas'n'carrots, cous-cous, and fruit
D - TBD. Either leftovers or something easy

Yoga class was tough - this particular class moves a bit faster than I do, and always includes balance poses - which challenge me a great deal. The biggest challenge is not to get totally frustrated, which doesn't help! If I do what I can, my capacity will gradually increase... but I have trouble remembering that because the improvement is so incremental that sometimes I lose sight of it.

Sort of like weight loss on No-S, come to think of it. And just like that, I need to focus on the habit of "showing up on the mat" and let the self-talk about it go (or be more positive).

Babysteps. On to work.

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Post by funfuture » Wed Dec 22, 2010 9:09 pm

Your eclipse-watching moment sounds lovely...
And I miss Blueskighs too. Always enjoyed her posts.

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Post by kccc » Thu Dec 23, 2010 11:39 pm

This has been a week of glorious moments. Today was a full day of them.

Hubby went to work, and I was at home. Son had a friend over, a little girl that he has been friends with all year and we finally met. I think "just friends" but am not sure (they'e 10) - but she's an absolute sweetie and I loved having her here. They drew and wrote, played outside, and helped me make Christmas cookies - NO computer time at all! (Love that!)

Made batches of Christmas cookies, including the roll-out sugar cookies with icing that are a pain to make (IMHO) unless you have happy help. Which I did. :) The house was full of happy kid noises and baking and Christmas music ALL DAY.

I am in "holiday mode" for the rest of this week. Yesterday we went to Ryans, and I had seconds on a dish I particularly liked that they don't have often. Today I had several cookies while baking - but the key word is "several". In the past, I would have eaten them until I was ill. This time, I was still hungry for dinner!!

Will still be careful, even though it's the holiday. Any extras I have must fit the definition of "S-worthy." But I intend to ENJOY each one.

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Post by kccc » Sat Dec 25, 2010 4:38 pm

Yesterday (Christmas Eve) ended up being a bit much - we had friends over, and the kinds of lunch/munchies we had led to perma-snacking between the lunch and dinner hours.

You know what? I really prefer meals.

So today we had breakfast, then a light lunch. Breakfast was fruit and "holiday bread," and I did end lunch with two cookies. But it was a light lunch.

And I'm full. Will be quite happy to wait for Christmas dinner with friends tonight.

Tomorrow is "family Christmas" with the cousins, so will be more feast. However, I am focusing on my own advice that I gave elsewhere, in response to a request for inspiration for moderation...
How about "take time to enjoy each bite?"

Seriously, the most effective strategies for me have always been the "kind" ones, not the "harsh" ones. So, think about...

- Setting a few positive goals (drink enough water, eat some veggies... no statements that begin with "don't," only with "do")
- Allowing this to be a feast day, but stopping to SAVOR every bite. (As well as savoring moments of connection, joy, and beauty throughout the holiday).

The notion of "savoring" is a wonderful one to me - and very powerful. It makes me notice and appreciate good things, both food-oriented and otherwise. "Savoring" naturally slows you down, and helps you to eat more mindfully, through concentrating on what is good. (And I have been surprised, when I slow down, on what IS good to me - it's not always what I thought!)

Savoring is a counterpoint to most diet-think that focuses on how "bad" you are... which is just painful and generally leads to rebellion.

Hope your holiday weekend is wonderful!!
Oh, and I did yoga this morning, after presents were opened.

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Post by kccc » Mon Dec 27, 2010 12:48 am

We had snow here, so didn't get to do family Christmas. I'm very, very disappointed.

It's been kind of a hard day. My child is exhibiting every behavior that tries my patience...We have tons of food leftover from Christmas or planned for family Christmas, some of which will probably go bad (I hate that - something about waste really bothers me). Can't do much about all the salad makings, but I froze what I could. That included a bunch of homemade cookies...and dang if my husband didn't walk in with a big container of store cookies that were on sale! (Which I won't eat - they're just not up to my standards these days - and he really shouldn't. And I'm unreasonably annoyed that he even bought them when there were homemade cookies here.)

But. The power stayed on, which it doesn't always when we have snow. I was able to get out for a short walk. We have PLENTY of food in the house. I have new books, one of which I got to read today...

Smile. Breathe. Move slowly. Celebrate accomplishments. Savor moments. (Even if they are only moments, they're there if you look).

Br - Scrambled eggs
L - Leftover roast pork, dressing, salad, and roasted veg
D - leftover turkey and dressing, Brussel sprouts and fruit.
S - two cookies after dinner

Back to "one S-event" for vacation/holidays. I want to take family Christmas as an S-day, so decided to keep this one close to an N-day. It was less virtue and more "ready to eat normally again" (though I did indulge after dinner). I WANTED to feel hungry between meals again, lol!

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Post by kccc » Mon Dec 27, 2010 8:48 pm

Today is a happy day. Amazing how fast things can change. :)

Snow is melting here, so we are going to my family tomorrow. I'm so glad - my favorite niece is down, and I don't get to see her often, and I know Mom was disappointed that we weren't there before.

Our revised menu is salad with grilled chicken on top - all of use are tired of heavy food - so I'll take the salad makings to use up there (as well as the cookies, lol!), and sis has some chicken breast. So, all that food will NOT be wasted, and it will be easy for everyone.

Son has friends over today (ones I very much like) and is having a great time with them - and did chores quickly and without arguing this morning in happy anticipation. I've also gotten some chores done, which makes me happy too. :) I always wash our curtains this time of year, which is a bit of a pain because most need ironing. But it's done, and they're re-hung... and I took a second to appreciate them before moving on to the next thing. (That was a piece of advice I got somewhere for "people who don't have time to meditate" - to notice transitional moments, when one thing is done and another begins. Take a breath, enjoy that moment, etc. Very good advice.)

Br - Greek yogurt with honey
L - Turkey and barley soup (made from the turkey carcass), small sandwich of French bread and brie, leftover Brussel sprouts.
S - two homemade cookies (small) for dessert from lunch
D - TBD. We still have lots of leftovers.

I have figured out the perfect solution to two problems...

1) On extended holidays (especially ones following S-days), I tend to fall back into the bad habit of wandering into the kitchen mindlessly looking for a snack. I'm not hungry; it's like a time-filler because I'm tired of chores and am not really thinking about "what would I like to do?"
2) I forget to drink enough water when I'm at home.

Solution: Set a glass of water in the kitchen. When I wander in, I see it, and realize I need to drink something. And drinking water provides just enough of a time-lag for my mental gears to kick in and circumvent the automatic-drift toward food.

I am ridiculously pleased with this strategy, because it's so simple and so amazingly effective. (For me... would probably not work for anyone else.)

A day to savor. :)

Strawberry Roan
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Post by Strawberry Roan » Tue Dec 28, 2010 10:53 pm

Isn't it funny how 24 hours changes one perspective?

Sorry your plans got changed, I too hate hate hate to waste food.

We still have a lot of leftovers, am making the hubby ham, au gratin potatoes and corn for dinner with a leftover dinner roll. I will have leftover mostcoolli and a roll. (Yes, the rolls are yummy, there are four left and I could eat them all but I shant)

I have eaten a lot the last week or two, enjoyed it all, but my senses are in tact and I am back on track. Eating well and exercising, feels good to be back in control, doesn't it?

The story about your son and his little friend was so cute, brought back memories. My baby boy is 43 :roll:

Happy New Year to you and yours.

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Post by kccc » Wed Dec 29, 2010 12:46 am

Hi Berry! Thanks for stopping by! :)

We went to see family today. I got to visit with my favorite grown niece, who I rarely get to see. My other nieces and nephews (also loved, but who I get to see more frequently) were there too, and my sister. It was just great to see them and my parents.

And I got the BEST Christmas present ever... my mom has recovered to the point that she was walking without her walker. She looked like her old self. Memory is still a bit shaky, but clearly better than it was.

I am so happy about her progress, I can't describe it. I honestly didn't think she'd ever get back to this point.

Life is very, very good.

In terms of eating... This was a planned NWS day. I had yogurt for breakfast, steak salad for lunch... then perma-snacked on sweets all afternoon. I did manage a salad for supper, along with some sausage bread my sis made.

I am so done with eating, and looking forward to an N-day tomorrow.

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Post by kccc » Wed Dec 29, 2010 6:29 pm

Back to a N-day, and happy to be here. :)

The transition gets easier and easier. I am liking that.

This morning, I grabbed a slice of sausage-bread for breakfast on my way out the door to my killer (but much-loved) yoga class. Boy, I felt that class! It was as if I sweated out all the sugar I took in over the holidays. I worked hard enough to feel slightly shaky at the end, but it felt really good. (My sweetie gave me a "10-card" of yoga classes for Christmas, and - just as much a gift! - has been helping with "making time" during our holiday schedule.)

Lunch was a grilled cheese sandwich, plus leftover kale and salad. (I used the cold kale as half my salad greens. Worked surprisingly well.) Thought about a cookie (still on "holiday S-event" mod), but decided not to. It feels good to let the sugar clear out.

Supper TBD. Hubby needs a crown that will be put on after the new year, but his tooth is bothering him so he needs soft food. I'm thinking I'll just thaw some of the 15-bean soup I have in the freezer.

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Post by kccc » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:34 pm

Excess is creeping in... no perma-snacking, but I had cookies after both meals yesterday. Just feels like an extended holiday (which it is, but still).

However, I am not going to worry about it as long as I keep eating regular, healthy meals and NOT perma-snacking. Monday is soon enough to start back into normal No-S. I'm not eating tons, I'm not falling face-first into sugar, I'm not eating to "icky" and I'm staying in my weight range. So, I will just make an effort to be very very mindful of treats - if I'm going to eat them, they should be enjoyable - and let it go.

Big cleaning/cooking day today, so time to go!

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Post by kccc » Sun Jan 02, 2011 2:56 am

Wonderful new year holiday, with friends and celebration.

Will start a new thread for 2011, but wanted to end this one on a happy note. :)

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Post by oolala53 » Sat Jun 04, 2011 8:47 pm

So what is your new thread? Am I already following it? Because I want to.
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
9/17 22.8 (flux) 3/18 22.2
2 yrs flux 6/20 22

There is no S better than Vanilla No S (mods now as a senior citizen)

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Post by kccc » Sun Jun 05, 2011 12:15 am

It's just my new 2011 thread... here...

http://everydaysystems.com/bb/viewtopic ... &start=200

I think you are following it already. :)



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