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Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 12:56 pm
by Strawberry Roan
Happy Tuesday All.

Big day around here, I was able to tuck a silk Aztec printed blouse into a pair of khakis and wear a rust/brown colored woven belt (which matches my sandals, of course). A very big deal as I love the look but always felt there was a bit of flab there. Feels great.

Ate my fruit last night, it was very good. You never know with cantaloupe but these are Athena and so far, they have been wonderful.

Won't eat until mid-day, will probably have my peanutbutter/jelly/whole wheat toast sandwich unless my DIL is free for lunch.

Didn't get in my Ab work this morning as I was messing with plants in the yard before work but will do it tonight. It only takes a few minutes, literally.

Had my pbj sandwich for breakfast/ lunch, it was fine. Not sure about supper, something cool like a big ole veggie salad and a fruit salad on the side.

Went by and visited some friends after work, they have four newborn baby horses, too too adorable. Chatted for a while, had some iced tea, came home and exercised, watered my plants, took a hot bath and then ate my salad. Later had a bowl of sliced pears. Wonderful day, perfect evening.

Wednesday, I'm ready for ya.

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 5:35 pm
by Strawberry Roan
Hey, Wednesday's Here. Last workday of the week :D

Ate my breakfast/lunch at 12:45, one piece of peanut butter toast and a can of Healthy Select vegetable soup. It was fine.

Not sure about dinner, maybe a veggie quesadilla with grilled red/green/yellow peppers and red onions. Yeah, that sounds yummy.

Did indeed have the quesadilla (well about 3/4 of one) and a little dish of cantaloupe. Both were great.

Got in all my exercise, another successful day. :wink:

Ready for Thursday, going out for the day with friends to a committee meeting. Won't eat breakfast as we eat a big lunch there.

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 9:12 pm
by Strawberry Roan
Thursday here, 4:30 in the afternoon, returned from a scorching hot day - but fun and productive.

Ate a BIG lunch (for me), a little cup of hot tomato soup, a salad (took my own pomegranate vinegar), green beans, sweet potatoes, dinner roll (homemade, hot and fluffy) and mixed fruit. Drank unsweetened iced tea.
The entrees were baked ham or salisbury steak but I declined both of them.

Came home a bit ago and the hubby offered me a few of the CheezNips he found in the pantry, I ate a couple because I was amazed they were still good. Shows how preserved they must be. Didn't want them but did share a Dreamsicle with him, that was good.

Making him a real meal for dinner, pork steak, corn, mashed potatoes, peas. I think I will have my leftover quesadilla, have two pieces left I think. Maybe I will also have a couple veggie eggrolls.

Got in a LOT of ab work this morning, about four times what I normally do as I wasn't getting ready for work. Will do my "formal" exercise circuit at six.

So far so good....

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 10:40 pm
by r.jean
I am impressed that you have found a way to maintain a reasonable weight without going overboard. I am 5'6" and would be ecstatic at 150. I no longer need to be 130. Like you I exercise a fair amount and probably have more muscle than many women my age. Plus I have seen how old some friends look when they lose too much.

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2011 12:08 am
by Joyofsix
Sounds like a lovely lunch.

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2011 1:35 am
by Strawberry Roan
Sorry, double post. I think I quoted myself. :shock:

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2011 1:36 am
by Strawberry Roan
It really was lisa. :wink:

r.jean, I so agree that as we age, skinny is not the look that is most flattering. When I was first into NoS a couple years ago, it worked so well I got down to 132 very quickly (from 158). I easily looked ten years older :roll:
I now realize that I cannot really go below 140.

Like you, as a life long exerciser, I understand the concept of a pound of muscle vs. a pound of fat (or fluff). I never want to be skinny, I do want to be trim and fit. I have always needed to be more than the so-called weight tables that have been published (the old if you are five foot four, you should ideally weigh 120, etc.) I ran across an old medical report of mine from probably forty years ago that said,

Patient, at 118 pounds, is extremely underweight.

Just want to feel and look healthy....

Working at it daily.

Had my two slices of quesadilla and a side dish of cauliflower. Between the salad at lunch, the veggies at lunch, the veggies in the quesadilla and the cauliflower plus the fruit salad, I had at least a DOZEN servings of fruit and veggies today. :D Maybe more... Loved 'em all.

Ready for Friday. ...

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2011 11:41 am
by Strawberry Roan
Friday's here..

Not sure what is planned, but I do know that I am not going out into the 100plus degree heat. Probably do laundry, vacuum, etc. Lots of spare time to get in my exercise.

Have no idea what we will be eating today. Something healthy, that's for sure. Ended up having a small dish of ice cold cantaloupe chunks. about 10:30, both of us. Very very good.

Hubby wasn't feel too good early afternoon asked me to make him a noodle dish (his comfort food) so I made the fettuccini spinach parmesan cheese one (Knorr) that he likes and we shared it, then had a dish of peach jello with tiny cubes of peaches and pears in it. He said his tummy hurt, I said You shouldn't have eaten that animal flesh last night :roll:

Well, hubby recovered, probably just a bug of some kind. Made me an omelette for dinner with red/yellow/green peppers - red onions - cheese and topped with salsa. Also had Morningstar Farms Veggie sausage patties. Very good breakfast/dinner. :D He just wanted plain scrambled eggs so that is what he got....

Got in my exercise, won't eat anything else unless it is a piece of fruit or something, we have some plums we need to use up. I need to go to the grocery and stock up on some more produce but it is just SO hot I hate to go anywhere. Trying to hold off until Sunday and get some stuff after church.

Ready for Saturday, always feel so good when the day goes exactly as planned. :wink:

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2011 12:41 pm
by r.jean
I agree..those old weight charts were not flexible enough to take into account different body types. After my first 2 children, I went to weight watchers and went from 170 to 145 in no time. However, I could not go through their maintenance program and become a lifetime member because at 5'6" you had to weigh 143 or under. I was happy to be at 145 so I quit going. I maintained my weight pretty well after that for a few years...until the next child...

I have heard that their standards have changed. This was 27 years ago.

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2011 2:27 pm
by Strawberry Roan
Happy Saturday :lol:

Guess what I did last night?

Okay, I'll tell you, Mr. Journal.

I threw away all the boxes of Twinkies, Hostess Cupcakes, etc. that were in the pantry - and some of them were full! There was nobody that I thought should be eating them so I didn't give them away, just threw them in the trash, the critters at the dump can indulge to their heart's content. Felt really good to realize that I cannot envision a time that I would be going to the pantry and searching for a treat of that nature.

Sure, I will eat a dessert or a goodie now and then but not often enough that I need boxes of them on hand.

Just ate breakfast, made homemade waffles, hubby and I split one of the four square ones - two squares each with Smart Balance and sugar free syrup (we prefer that taste to the full sugar one). We each drank a glass of cranberry/pomegranate juice with it. That's it until later this afternoon, for sure.

Ate real popcorn in the afternoon (air popped, no oil with Butter Pam and LOTS of salt, had to find something salty to eat as my blood pressure was 82/52 :roll: ) Drinking unsweetened tea and lots of water. LOTS.

Had two veggie egg rolls for dinner (baked not deep fried) and some of the real mashed potatoes from the other night.) Also had a big, fat, ripe, juicy plum. Filling and enough...

Ready for Sunday, got in my exercise earlier today so I can relax all night.


Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2011 9:16 pm
by Joyofsix
Good for you! I know they aren't good for you but I admit a weakness for Twinkies.

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2011 9:26 am
by milliem
Wow well done on getting rid of all that stuff! Being from the UK I've only eaten a Twinkie once when a friend brought one back from a holiday - man alive they are sweet!!

One of the things I've definitely learned from doing NoS is that keeping sweet treats in the house is a recipe for disaster - I don't want to eat them every day, so why do I buy large quantities of them and keep them lying around tempting me??

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2011 1:35 pm
by Strawberry Roan
Thanks guys for the support. I think I will get some of those individual puff pastry shells and graham cracker shells so if we want a dessert I can make an individual one fresh rather than having boxes of the stuff. I buy the individual pudding cups (fat free or sugar free or both, we don't notice any difference in the taste) because that way we can have banana cream, coconut, caramel, vanilla, lemon, tapioca, etc. without having that many full bowls of pudding (or separate pies, I can just fill up an individual shell should I choose). My thin, lean, lanky husband asks for some kind of dessert every now and then. I am on a fresh fruit kick right now, plan to buy some goodies after church.

Which I am off to right now, won't eat breakfast, will eat (or not) with friends after church - then come home and eat something healthy 8)

Got in my abwork at six a.m.........

Ended up coming home after church as we wanted to watch the ballgame (we are in a tight battle for fist place in our division). We lost but we won the last two so we took the series. Stopped and got a lot of fresh salad stuff, made a giant salad and ate about half of it. For dinner I made a wild rice. broccoli (lots of it) , toasted almonds and cheddar cheese casserole - with a crunchy topping of crushed potato chips (I save the ones in the bottom of the bag - hubby eats a handful of chips each day with a sandwich if I am working - in the freezer for this) and more cheese. It was crispy, crunchy, gooey and heavenly.... Enough left for another night, ate the rest of the salad.

Got in my exercise, ready for a hot bubble bath and back to work tomorrow. Got some Jalapeno/cheddar bread at the bakery, will make my peanut butter sandwiches on it the next few days... Love to have a plan in place.

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2011 4:16 pm
by NoSRocks
Great job on getting rid of the goodies, Berry! I, too, have too many desserts, candies etc. lying around for my own good! Often as not, I'll get ruthless and clear them out and toss them straight in the trash. BUT I have a bit of a hoader personality going on and sometimes buying stuff for the "S Days" gives me pleasure! Although in reality, I am just wasting my hard earned cash and not to mention potentially sabotaging my weight loss efforts by doing so. Unfortunately, I also have an addictive personality and every time I go to the store and am faced with the bakery and candy aisles (I know, I should really avoid them but I also want to take advantage of my S Days) the urge to buy the cake is mighty strong. I always look for the mark downs as if I think I'm getting a bargain. What would be better would be to avoid buying them in the first place. Never mind, I'm working on it as they say! Have a great Sunday all, oh and btw Berry - I know you posted this a while back, but I kept meaning to say a big congratulations on your outfit (Aztec ) - sounds lovely!!

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2011 1:46 am
by Strawberry Roan
NoSRocks wrote:Great job on getting rid of the goodies, Berry! I, too, have too many desserts, candies etc. lying around for my own good! Often as not, I'll get ruthless and clear them out and toss them straight in the trash. BUT I have a bit of a hoader personality going on and sometimes buying stuff for the "S Days" gives me pleasure! Although in reality, I am just wasting my hard earned cash and not to mention potentially sabotaging my weight loss efforts by doing so. Unfortunately, I also have an addictive personality and every time I go to the store and am faced with the bakery and candy aisles (I know, I should really avoid them but I also want to take advantage of my S Days) the urge to buy the cake is mighty strong. I always look for the mark downs as if I think I'm getting a bargain. What would be better would be to avoid buying them in the first place. Never mind, I'm working on it as they say! Have a great Sunday all, oh and btw Berry - I know you posted this a while back, but I kept meaning to say a big congratulations on your outfit (Aztec ) - sounds lovely!!

Thanks for the congrats, I love the look of a nice blouse tucked into dress slacks with a belt but haven't been able to do so for a Loooonnng time.

I hear ya about the snacks, I don't really do the S days anymore so I figured I didn't need the snacks in reserve, should I need something I will scrounge up some jello or pudding or fruit or something. There will be S Events, of course, but probably not too often. Certainly not twice a week for the entire day (as I first embraced this plan) :roll:

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2011 3:16 am
by NoSRocks
Yes, my S days are becoming a lot less wild than when I first started the No S Plan! Even though I still have the compulsion to buy the biggest, fanciest and most calorific looking dessert in the store in preparation for my S Day feast! Ah, old habits die hard !! :roll:
I am hoping that given time I will graduate to not wanting S Days anymore just like your good self. I feel more confident as the weeks go by that it will eventually be the case. I just have to learn to be more patient and stick with the plan and hopefully the rest will fall into place.

You are so lucky (but you worked hard for it!) to be able to tuck a shirt into your jeans!! Right now, I'm having to pull the teeshirt over my expanding tummy and a lot of my pants are of the elasticated no zipper variety. I used to refer to them as granny pants or words to that effect when I was younger and could never have envisaged actually wearing them myself. Now, i think they are a boon - in particular the darker colored pants since they make me look a bit slimmer! Again, hoping that one day I will get the opportunity to wear my zip up tight fit jeans again with the shirt tucked in at the waist. When i think of you, I get so inspired so thanks again, Berry!! Here's to another brilliant No S week!!!

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2011 5:16 pm
by Strawberry Roan
Aw thanks again, I am sure you look great. I agree - those dark pants are a GodSend, :D

Ate breakfast/lunch at 12:30, my peanut butter and all fruit strawberry spread on two yummy slices of toasted jalapeno/cheddar bread. Am I weird or WHAT? Drinking a diet cola as well.

Won't eat anymore until dinner tonight, although I do have a big fat plum sitting here. :roll: Not hungry at all but it will keep until tomorrow, I am certain.

Didn't eat the plum but my co-worker gave me a HUGE peach as well so I am accumulating a fruit basket, one piece at a time. Good thing too as our grocery was sorely lacking in the good fruit department. Luckily, I am going to a much bigger town on Friday with several stores to choose from.

Ate a big salad for dinner with fresh tomatoes and cucumbers that a wonderful lady from church brought us along with a little square of the leftover rice/broccoli casserole. I am slightly stuffed

Luckily I already got in my exercise cause I don't think I would have the energy to do it now. :roll:

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 10:46 am
by Strawberry Roan
Happy Tuesday All.

Feel a little puffy this morning, probably too much salt in the huge salad and casserole from last night. One or the other would have sufficed, I am sure. But, I shall drink a lot of water today and recover I am sure.

Drank lots of lemon water, feel great - look great - see :P

Had my breakfast/lunch at 12:30, fresh sliced tomato on two slices of my jalapeno/cheddar bread toasted with spicy mustard. It was great. Also had a big, ripe, juicy, fat purple plum - the big news is
I ate it wearing a white linen blouse and didn't get a spot on me.
W I N N I N G !!!

Not sure about dinner tonight at all. I do see a salad in my future, however. :roll: Yep, exactly what I had, a bit ole salad...

Did my exercise, ready for Wednesday... :wink:

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 11:40 am
by Joyofsix
Water is often the answer to most everything, LOL

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2011 12:02 am
by Strawberry Roan
Joyofsix wrote:Water is often the answer to most everything, LOL[/quotex

So very true. We live on a farm and have wonderful well water, cold and sparkling clean. Tastes great. Now, at work, not so great. The boss buys bottled water twelve gallons at a time for us to drink/make tea etc. out of.


Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2011 5:34 pm
by Strawberry Roan
Happy Wednesday All.

Ended up going out for lunch with my DIL, niether of us wanted anything to eat in all this heat so we went to the infamous shredded lettuce joint and got what they are really good at - an ice cream cone :D Medium soft serve twist, it was great. That will be breakfast and lunch as we are meeting friends in about four hours for a bite after work - probably at Subway. I will get their veggie delight with just the vinegar as dressing.

Exercise when I get home and call it another successful day. :wink:

Did indeed get the veggie delite, ate half, shared a Diet Coke with hubby, came home exercised and am now watching Royal Pains. Will have the other half of the sub tomorrow sometime. I love it when a plan comes together. 8)

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2011 1:57 pm
by Strawberry Roan
Happy Thursday.

Got up early, did my AbCoaster, drank a cup of coffee.
Not sure about breakfast, will see what the hubby is up to. :wink:

Hubby ate the end of the Honey Nut Cheerios, I ate a bowl of cut up fresh cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, onions, etc. Yes, I did. For breakfast. Needed the salt which I liberally applied. :roll:

Got in my exercise this afternoon, had the other half of my veggie sub for dinner with a side dish of homemade fried potatoes that I made the hubby along with his pork chop. I was going to steam a sweet potato for me but I made more fired potatoes than I planned to and so I ate them. They were crisp and yummy. Loaded them with salt - my blood pressure has really been low and all the dr. says to do is drink more water and eat more salt :wink:

Busy day tomorrow, the morning will be spent with friends from my volunteer group then the hubby and I are going to the nearby big town to do some shopping then going out for dinner at our favorite Mexican restaurant tomorrow evening. Our anniversary ( 7th ) is Saturday so we are celebrating a little early.

Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2011 11:35 am
by Strawberry Roan
Happy Saturday Morning !

Had a great day yesterday. For the first time that I can remember, I spent several hours in the mall and didn't eat a single thing. No huge pretzel when I entered, no ice cream from DQ nothing from the food court - didn't even drink a diet soda. I knew I would be eating with the hubby later - a great dinner at the Mexican restaurant we love, just a few chips and salsa - not a few dozen, a chalupa, bean enchilada and rice, lots of iced water with lemon. We had a wonderful time. I was really tired when I got home, almost wrote off exercising as I had walked around so much during the day but decided to just get up and do it - and I did.

Shopped and got lots of fresh fruit and veggies so we had cut up cantaloupe cubes later in the evening, they were very good. Always a gamble when buying a cantaloupe or watermelon but we have really lucked out this summer. Also got some beautiful strawberries so I am making him a strawberry shortcake with REAL whipped cream for our anniversary tonight. Will probably just make pizza as we both enjoy it.

Not sure about breakfast, something healthy, that I do know. Maybe Cheerios with fresh peaches - I have noticed one thing, without me saying a word about what he eats, my husband has started eating much healthier as well. He used to always suggest sausage and pancakes or bacon and eggs, etc. on the days I wasn't working but he rarely eats meat for breakfast anymore at all.

Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2011 2:18 pm
by determined

Congratulations on your anniversary! AND, congratulations on such victories!!! You conquered the mall....and you conquered the bowl of tortilla chips!

Well done!

Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2011 9:24 pm
by Joyofsix
Happy Anniversary and great job!

Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2011 10:19 pm
by NoSRocks
Woo hooo! Happy Anniversary, Berry and DH!!!

Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2011 7:26 pm
by Strawberry Roan
Thanks a lot, we are having a wonderful anniversary weekend. :D

Ate the pizza last night, small salad and later fresh strawberry shortcake. I made individual ones so there isn't a huge dessert still staring at us.

Ate at the local place after church, shared the hubby's french fries - they were actually good today - hot and crisp. Also shared a small twist cone. Plenty for the moment, then came home and had a dish of fresh tomatoes and cucumber (from some of our very generous church family friends).

Plan to make a grilled cheese on some of my jalapeno/cheddar bread for dinner with some more sliced tomatoes. You wouldn't believe how many we got :roll: I love it. I could eat several tomatoes several times a day. Also will have a bit of the macaroni salad I got at the deli - hubby will have that with some deli fried chicken I picked up for him. No way am I frying a chicken leg when they do a beautiful job for 98cents.

Probably will eat some more of the cantaloupe later. I am so loving having a house full of fresh veggies and fruits. My idea of riches.........

Got in my AbCoaster work early this morning, I really think it works.

Ended up eating a fresh tomato sandwich on jalapeno/cheddar toast with a salad on the side and just a tiny bit of macaroni salad. We each had a fresh banana with peanut butter late in the afternoon.

Don't think I will eat any cantaloupe, I am stuffed full of salad, tomatoes , cucumbers and banana. I asked my husband if anybody ever exploded from eating too many fruits and vegetables? He said,

We shall see


Got in my exercise about six, although I was very tired. I just got up and did it, felt better afterward.

Ready for Monday, back to work......

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2011 12:43 am
by thtrchic
Happy Anniversary -- it sure sounds like you had a wonderful weekend. Congratulations!


Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2011 12:50 pm
by Strawberry Roan
Thank you very much Julie. :wink:

Happy Monday All.

Got up early, got in my Ab work. Still feel a little stuffed from the past few days, although it was good, healthy food (well, except for the shortcake perhaps :roll: ), I still ate more than I normally do.

But, I am back at work where I can sorta detox. I am drinking hot lemon water and won't eat anything until lunchtime. I will have another fresh tomato sandwich on my jalapeno/cheddar toast with a Diet soda.

Ate lunch as planned, for dinner ate a faux chik'n patty grilled crispy and topped with salsa and mozzarella cheese melted into yumminess, a baked potato with sour cream and a sliced tomato. Also had cantaloupe chunks.

Not tired at all today, my blood pressure was up a bit so I am sure that makes the difference. Really low blood pressure can really drag a person down, but I guess I prefer that to the alternative as at least the only "medication" I need is extra salt and water. The fact that is has been over a hundred degrees actual temp (the heat index, whatever that really means is 109 today) for several weeks is also rather draining.

Got in my exercise, feeling good, ready for Tuesday. :wink:

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2011 1:52 pm
by Who Me?
I have very low blood pressure, myself. Like crazy-low. However, nobody has ever suggested that I try to raise it. I wonder what our differences are?

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2011 2:58 pm
by Strawberry Roan
Who Me? wrote:I have very low blood pressure, myself. Like crazy-low. However, nobody has ever suggested that I try to raise it. I wonder what our differences are?

I also have syncope and have often passed out cold with little or no warning - just crash to the floor/ground, whatver. Last year I remember walking into the kitchen, my husband was sitting on the sofa in the den nearby. I said, Oh I think I am going to -- before he could jump up I had crashed to the floor (luckily not hitting the kitchen island or the stone steps leading down to the den. The word I was about to say was about to "faint"...) Later the same day, I crashed in the bathroom and knocked a hole in the wall - which he refuses to repair because it is proof that I am hardheaded. The EMTs were then called at his insistence, they came and they said all they would do is take me to the hospital and have some IVs rehydrate me. I promised to see the dr. the next day, which I did. They said You are fine.

For safety sake, I suppose, they tell me to try to keep my blood pressure above the 90/60 mark but I rarely get the bottom number out of the low 50's. Had this condition my entire life, once they ruled out any heart issues, etc. they said that hypotension is actually a good thing once one learns how to live with it. :wink:

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2011 4:41 pm
by NoSRocks
Hi Berry! Sorry to hear about your health challenges - though it sounds like you are coping admirably - what a star!! :D

Your jalapeno cheddar sandwich sounds divine, by the way!! :wink: :wink:

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2011 5:27 pm
by Strawberry Roan
Thanks NoS, I am actually fine. Probably just got a bit hydrated last year - there was a virus going around work and I remember going home and just going to bed early. Didn't eat or drink so that probably is why I passed out when I got up later. I have dealt with the fainting/passing out cold since I was a tiny girl. I cannot reach in a certain direction like to clean a ceiling fan or tilt my head in a certain direction - still remmber when the dentist tilted me back and I passed out on him :roll: I usually manage it but every now and then it flares up. I cannot drive or climb tall ladders or ride amusement park thrill rides no bungee jumping for me :shock: Thanks so much for you kind word. Here, have a couple slices of jalapeno cheddar bread :D

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2011 2:05 am
by Grammy G
Sorry I missed your anniversary! You probably went ahead and celebrated without me, right? :wink: Sending you wishes for another great year together!
How lucky to have tomatoes in!! We are still looking at green ones and I do not care for fried green tomatoes. I'm waiting for a tomato and onion sandwich on buttered( good)whole wheat bread. Maybe next week....

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2011 2:31 pm
by Strawberry Roan
Grammy G wrote:Sorry I missed your anniversary! You probably went ahead and celebrated without me, right? :wink: Sending you wishes for another great year together!
How lucky to have tomatoes in!! We are still looking at green ones and I do not care for fried green tomatoes. I'm waiting for a tomato and onion sandwich on buttered( good)whole wheat bread. Maybe next week....
WHAT???? Your invitation got lost in the mail? No wonder the Post Office is going broke :D Thanks for your good wishes.

Wish I could send you some tomatoes, they are wonderful.... But, you know you can't trust the mail these days :roll:

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2011 2:33 pm
by Strawberry Roan
Happy Tuesday All.

Another scorcher here, got up really early as I couldn't sleep. Did some stuff around the house and my Ab work before I woke up hubby.

Brought a swirled cheese stick, a ripe tomato, a boiled egg and a banana for breakfast/lunch. A real smorgasbord. Didn't eat my cantaloupe last night so I should have brought some of it but I didn't. Will definitely eat some tonight because I HATE for good fruit or veggies to go bad.

Ate a huge salad for dinner with a handful of dried cranberries and toasted almonds for extra color and crunch.

About to make us both another individual strawberry shortcake to use up the berries. Will take some cantaloupe to work - a LOT of it :D

Got in my exercise, ready for Wednesday. This week is flying by.

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2011 11:28 pm
by NoSnacker
Sounds like a yummy breakfast/lunch...gave me some ideas!

So do you split them up between breakfast/lunch, or is that more of a brunch? :lol:

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2011 1:22 am
by Strawberry Roan
Hi debra,

I don't eat breakfast on the days I work (M,Tu, Wed) so I eat breakfast/lunch at about 12:30. On the other days I usually eat about ten or so when the hubby is ready.

I thought I had some big hearty whole wheat crackers at work but they were gone (we all share food so that was fine). I checked out my coworkers box of Swiss CheezIts. I had never even seen them, added about a dozen to my meal to add crunch and they were really good. The old me would have kept the box at my desk and ate about half of it.

The new me did not. :wink:

I got out a plate, cut the egg into about eight little pieces, same with the cheese stick and then chopped the tomato - sliced the banana off to the side. Added the crackers on the edge and I had a nice big plate of colorful healthy food. And it was great......

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2011 1:35 pm
by Strawberry Roan
Morning All, Happy Wednesday.

Had some spare time when I got to work this morning so I did a little research.

Today I brought with me - to eat midday -

A medium banana (had to use it up)
A boiled egg
One medium tomato
Cheese Stick
One cup chopped cantaloupe

Will add about a dozen Swiss CheezIts and have a LOT of yummy, healthy food.

Thought I would add up the calories for fun, totals 355.

One cup of Blue Bell Butter Pecan Ice Cream is 360..

I think I made the better choice. :wink:

Got in my Ab work early, it feels better each day. I can actually tell that it is working when I am getting dressed and catch a glance of the midsection (not that I want to stare at it a lot) :roll:

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2011 10:13 pm
by NoSRocks

Again, sorry to hear about your health challenges etc. I've never heard of the term 'syncope' - will have to look it up sometime. Meanwhile, I recall a girl in class at school who had regular fainting spells. Once she passed out during the school fashion show - just got to the end of the runway and boom! she was down. Luckily, she didn't get hurt but I did worry for her. I'm fortunate in that - touch wood - to date, i have never passed out. I find I can bear intense heat and temperatures more than most people also. Could be that I am cold sensitive due to my thyroid or its just the way I am. Never mind - we are all unique in our own special way. Have a great week, Berry! Take care, R x

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2011 12:39 am
by Strawberry Roan
Thanks NoS,

Here is the definition of syncope and the sections that pertain to me

Syncope: Partial or complete loss of consciousness with interruption of awareness of oneself and ones surroundings. When the loss of consciousness is temporary and there is spontaneous recovery, it is referred to as syncope or, in nonmedical quarters, fainting. Syncope accounts for one in every 30 visits to an emergency room. It is pronounced sin-ko-pea.

Syncope is due to a temporary reduction in blood flow and therefore a shortage of oxygen to the brain. This leads to lightheadedness or a "black out" episode, a loss of consciousness. Temporary impairment of the blood supply to the brain can be caused by heart conditions and by conditions that do not directly involve the heart:

Non-cardiac causes: Syncope is most commonly caused by conditions that do not directly involve the heart. These conditions include:

* Postural (orthostatic) hypotension: Drop in blood pressure due to changing body position to a more vertical position after lying or sitting;
* Dehydration causing a decrease in blood volume.


Went out to eat after work with several friends, we meet somewhere on Wednesday nights usually as that is my last work day of the week. We went to Subway and got the foot long Veggie Delite with just vinegar dressing - ate half (230 calories according to my napkin :lol: ) Will eat the other half tomorrow night.

Came home and exercised even though it was a couple hours later than I normally do. Settled in for the night and ready to face Thursday. Bing it on....

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2011 12:09 pm
by Strawberry Roan
Happy Thursday :wink:

Off work, still in bed watching Imus on Fox Business and listening to something I haven't heard in weeks - rain falling !!!!! Our yard really really needed it. Very grateful. My summer plants turned into a pitiful sight but I am anxious to do the fall decorating so everything will be fine. I live in the Ozarks and Fall is usually a glorious sight.

Not sure what I will be eating today, might eat the final banana for breakfast with Honey Nut Cheerios unless hubby wants pancakes or something.

Had the Cheerios with 2pct milk and split the last banana with the hubby.
Did my Ab Work and plan to spend the day inside catching up on some stuff around the house. Think I will cantaloupe later - we didn't eat breakfast until eleven so lunch wouldn't be until three or so.

Had a wedge of cantaloupe and a tomato mid afternoon - did you know that 1/8 of a large cantaloupe and a tomato equals 70 calories, which is exactly the calorie count in a regular Oreo cookie? How strange - I was just reading on Self magazine and they had the calories of a bunch of
Choose this not this foods...

Will have the other half of my Sub Veggie Delite for dinner tonight and probably a side salad as one cannot really get too many vegetables in my world :roll:

Ate my sub, my salad and one of the hubby's taquitos, Got in all my exercise and a LOT of extra ab work.

Ready for Friday...

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2011 3:14 am
by NoSRocks
Hi Berry! Thanks for the info re. the syncope. Very interesting! Although - again, I can't say enough how sorry I am that you have to deal with this condition. And you do so very admirably, I might add!!

Glad you're having a nice day today. Fall in the Ozarks sounds gorgeous! Maybe one day I'll get to visit the area. Have a great Friday too.

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2011 2:17 pm
by Strawberry Roan
Thank you very much. :wink:

Would love for you to see the Ozarks, if Colorado is God's country, he probably has a weekend cabin here. :wink:

Not sure what I will eat today, was going out with my volunteer group but that got canceled and will be next Thursday instead so I have a bit of a free day as I did a lot of my housework yesterday. Already did my AbWork this morning and it felt great.

Will eat cantaloupe and tomatoes for breakfast probably.

Yes, I did eat that breakfast. Ate a cup or so of Cheddar Chex party mix that I forgot was in the pantry for lunch mid afternoon. I was craving salt and was really looking for pretzel sticks but found the Chex first.

Ate a small salad and a small dish of spaghetti (with veggie crumbles "meat", salsa, fresh oregano and basil, and melted cheese). Both were great. I used to have to make a LOT of garlic bread whenever we ate spaghetti but I don't do that anymore. If I don't make it, I don't eat it.

Finished eating for the day.

Ready for tomorrow. :wink:

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2011 4:37 pm
by Strawberry Roan
And looky here, it's Saturday :D

Ate one cut up tomato and one slice of cup of cantaloupe for breakfast/lunch at 11:30. Made the hubby scrambled eggs and bacon (my food looked much better).

Won't eat lunch, will eat leftover spaghetti for dinner. Son and his wife came over this afternoon and I didn't even grab a bunch of snacks or stick a cake in the oven. They were going out to eat and then to the movies so I just gave them a cold drink and we visited a while.

Just ate a salad for dinner, hubby ate leftover spaghetti but the salad filled me up enough that I will eat mine tomorrow.

Ready for Sunday.


Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2011 6:09 pm
by r.jean
That is really great! Congrats! Keep posting for accountability and you will maintain. It is all about maintenance!

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2011 10:22 pm
by NoSRocks
Hi Berry! Thanks again for your nice comments. You ARE a sweetie !! :oops:

Just to let you know: I tried a jalapeno cheddar bagel with pbj for breakfast this morning! YUMMY!! The jam esp went great with the cheddar jalapeno flavor! Wonderful!!

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2011 10:37 pm
by Strawberry Roan
thanks r.jean - I will be updating my weight tomorrow, plan to do so monthly - wish me luck :D

Maintenance has been much easier this time than when I did NO S before. It just sorta clicked.

No S, thank you very much.

I haven't seen the bagels but will try to find them. I still had half a loaf of my bakery bread so I froze it so I could put it in the rotation again in a week or so. I agree the sweet and savory go great together.

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2011 12:35 pm
by Strawberry Roan
Happy Sunday All...

Another hot day here but sunny and blue skies all around.

Monthly weigh in today was 141. Maintaining well, very grateful to all the support I have been given on this board. Cannot express my thanks enough.

Won't eat until after church, did my Abwork already.

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2011 12:41 pm
by NoSRocks
Morning Berry!

FABULOUS job on the weight loss, btw! WAY TO GO!!! :D :D :D :D

Re: the jalapeno cheddar bagels: my grocery store stocks them. They're pretty hefty so I just had half for breakfast yesterday. The cheddar goes great with the jam and the jam tones down the spiciness of the jalapeno so its a wonderful combination. Might forgo the pb and just go with the jam to change it up a little next time! Hey - when I was a kid, there was a song my mom used to sing to me along the lines of "I like bread and butter, you like cheese n jam..." so there must be something in it, huh?? :wink: :D :lol:

Have a great weekend Berry/All! Once again, Berry - you are indeed an inspiration to me - MANY CONGRATULATIONS!!

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2011 12:44 pm
by NoSRocks
PS: just "goo*gled" the song: apparently its "I like TOAST and jam and not CHEESE!" - mom always sang cheese and jam though, so I figure she had it right! LOL!!! :wink: :wink:

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2011 3:22 pm
by Who Me?
Congratulations on your weight!

It's interesting what you write about syncope. I definitely have to drink enough water, or else I'll start to black out when I stand up suddenly. I make sure all my coworkers do the same.

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2011 1:02 am
by Strawberry Roan
Hi guys,

Toast and Jam and Cheese sounds good to me :D

Thanks for the nice words.

WhoMe, the EMT's said that dehydration is the biggest reason for passing out as the fluid (water is best) increased the blood volume and forces it to flow faster through your veins.

I didn't eat much today at all, just wasn't hungry. Did eat a big salad mid afternoon and maybe a half cup (really) of spaghetti, then I didn't want any more.

Back to work tomorrow, ready for Monday.


Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 10:37 am
by Strawberry Roan
Happy Monday and Tuesday, didn't get in yesterday :roll:

Didn't eat breakfast yestserday, had peanutbutter/jelly on toast with a tomato and cantaloupe wedge for lunch, ended up having dinner after wrk with friends at Subway. We happened to stop by the grocery and Dollar General after work and ran into a couple that we often eat with as we were leaving - Subway is next door - VIOLA... Had my usual veggie delite with red wine vinegar as dressing. Ate half, will eat the other half tonight.

Not sure what I will eat today for lunch, maybe I will take some of the leftover spaghetti. Yeah, that's what I will do.

Got lots of good stuff at the store last night, fresh peaches and pears - got some yummy blueberry Craisins to sprinkle on salads and some prunes that are very good. Have you ever had the Essense prune, they have Essence of Orange and Essense of Lemon.

Got in my exercise yesterday and barring some crisis, will do today.

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 11:50 am
by Joyofsix
Awesome day! I wish my friends would pick Subway.

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 12:52 pm
by Who Me?
Actually love prunes.

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 7:55 pm
by Strawberry Roan
Yeah, I love Subway and dried prunes (oh excuse me, they are dried plums) :D , apricots, cranberries, cherries, blueberries (will have some when I get home on a salad tonight.

Ate my leftover spaghetti for lunch and some pretzel sticks. I might have to start eating something more during the day, I was 139 this morning and my face is looking a bit thin. However, the mirror in the bathroom at work has flourescent lighting so maybe that was it :roll:

I have some cereal bars at home I need to use up, might start having one of them mid morning.

Will have a salad for dinner and my leftover six inch veggie delite sub.

Poor hubby, wonder what he will eat? :D

He ate chili dogs (veggie chili. real dogs) I had my salad, didn't want the sub, it can be lunch tomorrow. The blueberries in the salad were so yummy with the pomegranate dressing.

Got in my exercise, bring on Wednesday.

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2011 5:29 pm
by Strawberry Roan
Happy Wednesday and Thursday.

Let's see, what did I eat yesterday? Oh, I did have a cereal bar, actually two - they're small :D - mid morning with hot tea. Ate the rest of my sub for lunch with a Diet Dr. Pepper and some stick pretzels. Ate some of the leftover spaghetti for dinner, not much as I was really not hungry. Not used to eating breakfast and lunch I guess. Got in all my exercise as planned.

Today, I went out with a few friends this morning that I volunteer with, we were setting up a Back to School Fair for the kids this weekend. Local merchants brought in breakfast foods but I just drank coffee.

Came home and ate a fresh tomato sandwich on toasted whole wheat bread at 12:30. Got some more great foods while I was out, crispy red and green seedless grapes, big fat ripe plums, big beautiful peaches, another cantaloupe, fresh baby flat leaf spinach for my salads and these new onions crispy strips (not the Durkee onion rings in a can, they really gross me out, the grease in them sticks to the roof of my mouth). These are 25 calories for 2T - I looked because that was the best way to gauge the fat factor without doing the grams math. They were in the salad fixings section by the croutons. I tasted them when I came home and they were yummy, something else to add to my salads, I will soon be eating salad off of a turkey platter. Also got some fresh baby swiss cheese!

Love healthy foods :roll:

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2011 9:11 am
by SkyKitty
Yum, will you be my personal chef please :D

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2011 11:01 am
by Strawberry Roan
SkyKitty wrote:Yum, will you be my personal chef please :D

Would love to, get on over here :

Happy Friday All. Can you believe how fast these weeks fly by?

Ate a bit of the leftover spaghetti, one more day and it is gone. :cry: That's okay, I'll make more soon.

Also ate my giant salad with all my fixin's . What fun, and so pretty. Ate a big fat plum while the hubby was finishing off the other cantaloupe last night - will cut up the new one today. The plum was so good, I cut off a piece of it and put it in with his cantaloupe, also very pretty. Plums are trickly, glad we lucked out this time. Hope the peaches taste as great, they have a day or so to ripen yet.

Not sure about today, might go out for a while, might not. The weather is much better, not nearly as hot so I might clean up some of the flower beds and get ready for fall displays.

Will eat something healthy and exercise, that's for sure. It is my new normal and it feels so good to have that "monkey off my back". :wink:

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2011 11:06 am
by Joyofsix
Mmm. I love that everything is so ripe and flavorful this time of year. It makes fruits and veggies a pleasure.

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 1:20 pm
by Strawberry Roan
Happy Saturday All.

I agree, LOVE the summer fruits and veggies.

Speaking of that, I am in withdrawal over missing my normal healthy food yesterday. Had to made a last minute 9 hour trip as we got late word about a visitation for my late husband's brother (well, late for us as we live so far away, plenty of time for those who where close to the funeral home).

We went up, having not eaten breakfast. We were in a time crunch so stopped at Hardees, I ate some fries - we figured we would stop at a real restaurant and eat a real meal on the way home. Well, along a busy interstate at midnight our choices were fast food only it seems. We finally found a Pizza Hut and decided that their salad bar would be better than more fries. We stepped in the door and there were 18 ahead of us :roll:

We walked next door to White Castle. I got cheese sticks and onion rings and a diet soda. So for the day I had fries, onion rings and cheese sticks !!!!! I would have paid twenty bucks for a big, crispy, cold salad.

Survived and am back on track today. Already ate some green grapes to get my body back used to real food.

The good news is, people I hadn't seen for ten years told me I looked as good or better than I did last time we were together. They might have been lying but I have decided to stay the course, just in case. :lol:

AHH, It's all good. Had a giant salad for breakfast/lunch - it was so good and so satisfying.

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2011 12:20 am
by NoSRocks
So sorry to hear about your late husband's brother. Sending my thoughts and prayers to you and yours at this time, berry.

However, on a much happier note - that was wonderful to hear all those great - and I might add, VERY much deserved compliments you received! Despite the sad circumstances, you must be feeling a million dollars, hon!!
WELL DONE!! You are my inspiration!!!

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2011 2:09 am
by Strawberry Roan
Thanks, No S, for the condolences and kind words. It was just last month we were traveling for my husband's sister's death. You are always sooo sweet to me, Wanna move in? :D

I honestly did feel good about myself, not in a boasting way but in that I looked the very best I could for my age. I felt healthy and happy. I really think that eating right and exercising shows in our skin and hair as well as our body.

Just ate pancakes and faux sausage patties for dinner after church (business meeting) with a glass of milk, should have eaten a peach but I got full (note, eat the peach first next time). Will cut up a peach and pear tomorrow and add them to some of the cantaloupe. FOR SURE.

Ready for Sunday. :wink:

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2011 10:54 am
by r.jean
You should feel good about yourself and pat yourself on the back. You have settled into a healthy pattern in your diet and exercise that works for you and that is sustainable. You also seem to be happy with your life, and that is great! Congrats!

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2011 12:11 pm
by determined

I'm so sorry to read about your x-brother-in-law. I lost a brother-in-law a few years ago & he was one of our best friends in the world. Somehow, because he was "just" an in-law, most people just didn't seem to understand our grief. It was odd. Grief is grief no matter what. I hope you have some great memories of him.

You've worked hard on your health & done such a great job. I don't think people give such compliments if it's not true. They might say, " look great", or "You haven't changed a bit". But to say that you look even healthier now than 10 years ago is pretty specific. I think that's a terrific thing to be able to say to someone & you deserve to hear it!


Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2011 7:18 pm
by Strawberry Roan
Thanks to you both. Yes, he was a wonderful man and will be missed. We all talked about the old days, when we were all young and newlyweds - we would spend Friday nights together (families used to do that a lot more I think, just get together and talk, play cards, maybe go bowling or something).
May be rest in peace.

Ate a salad and five faux chicken nuggets for lunch, hubby did the same. He is really into this healthy eating as well, I am happy to report. I over heard him telling some guys at church that we weren't going out to eat, we were coming home to eat some phony chicken :D He had some potato salad as well but I didn't want any.

Ate a couple of my red string licorices, they are as good as they were six months ago which is very scary :roll: I have found that if I don't eat stuff continually, when I do eat it, it actually tastes better. I probably won't buy any more after these are gone. I won't throw them away but don't really need any more either. Spend that money on fruit or something.

Ate a veggie loaded pizza, well not the whole thing, just about half :roll:
after church last night. Cut up the fruit but was too full to eat any. Will take some to work tomorrow.

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 10:38 am
by Strawberry Roan
Happy Monday All.

Back to work, after such a busy time off, gotta get back to the office to get some rest 8)

Ate a peanut butter/all fruit jam sandwich on whole wheat toast with some cut up peaches and plums and some pretzel sticks with a Diet Dr Pepper for breakfast/lunch.

Ate a huge salad for dinner with unsweetened tea that the hubby made for me while I was at work. Everything was great, the salad - the tea - the hubby 8)

Got in all my exercise plus a lot more as I had to make up a bit for the weekend when I got a bit off course.

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 8:30 am
by NoSnacker
Congrats on the weight loss and improved health. I see you lost 3 more pounds how great is that and how inspiring to us newbies!

I would love to hear your bio on your diet past and how you came to No S. I have never ever reached goal and am inspired by those that do.

I'm 54 and still working at just being the best I can be healthy wise..might I ask how old you are? If you care to share of course.

p.s. sorry about the loss of your brother-in-law...i know the pain of loss all to well, it is too permanent that is for sure.


Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 9:57 am
by Strawberry Roan
Morning No Snacker, thank you for your nice words and Welcome..

I have been a member of another board (Calorie Count Plus) for a few years. I joined there on Jan 1, 2008 - weighing 160. I had always been too thin, actually, but a new marriage (after being widowed at the age of 50) and a very happy life just sorta lulled me into baking a lot of goodies and eating most of them. My husband is very lean and fit but is an enabler.....Somehow through there I saw a link to No S so I checked it out. I weighed 158 when I first came here a couple years ago, really got into the plan and lost down to 132 pounds which was WAY too much, I looked really old and really unhealthy, lost it too fast. Never fear, I gained back to 158 and returned with a new attitude (page one of this current check in).

I now know that 145 is probably a good weight for me, below 140 is too low. I try to maintain somewhere in between. I am 62 years ago and somewhere around 5'4" or 5"....

I love to exercise so that helps a lot, have really embraced the healthy eating and have tried to do both seven days a week. :wink:

Stay the course but be honest with yourself. Try not to let the weekends undo the hard work you have accomplished all week.

This board has been invaluable to me and I hope it will prove the same for you. There are so many who have accomplished so much. I marvel at how some have changed their lifestyle and their attitude. I know that just the twenty pounds or so lighter I am than a few years ago has made such a difference in how I feel each and every day, I cannot imagine how it must feel for those that have lost so much more.

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 10:06 am
by Strawberry Roan
Happy Tuesday All.

Ready to go, the boss handed me a stack full of papers as I was leaving with all kind of instruction. I said, Yeah, like I will remember any of that tomorrow morning :D

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 9:51 pm
by NoSRocks
LOL! at your papers comment, berry! :lol:

Thanks for your nice, cheery post yesterday. As NoSnacker said, it is/would be good to read more about your No S journey - how you got started etc. what inspired you and keeps you going, etc. as you have been so successful on it. I'll never tire of saying it (even if it makes you bashful - :wink: :wink: ) you continue to be a No S inspiration to us all! Have a great week! Love, Roxy x

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 12:13 am
by Strawberry Roan
Aw thanks, as I said in my post above, so many have accomplished so much more. But, I have achieved my goal and am maintaining it with sanity so I can't complain. Honestly what keeps me going is that I am so happy with my life right now I want it to continue forever. That might not be possible but at least the time I do have left I want it to be healthy and productive.

And, as shallow as it sounds, I want to know that I can go to my closet and reach for a size six or size eight and it will slip right on without any tugging or smoothing or sucking in the tummy when somebody walks by. I just want to not worry about any of that, and for now, I don't have to.

I want to be able to slip into the skinny jeans the hubby likes for me to wear sometimes without having to make up an excuse like,
Oh, they're in the laundry
or Oh, they would be too long with the sandals I want to wear, etc.
(yes, I've used both of these in the past).


Had a great day today, got my papers all handled successfully. :D

Ate a tomato, cucumber and peach for work along with a side dish of wild rice and mushrooms.

Ate a Boca cheeseburger for dinner with pickles, tomatoes and mustard along with some crispy Ore Ida crinkle fries. Both were very yummy. Might have some cantaloupe later, just saw it in the fridge and forgot I had cut it up the other day, sure don't want it to go to waste. If I don't eat it tonight, I will take it to work tomorrow.

Again, thank you. I LOVE my fellow Nosers... :P

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 12:35 am
by Who Me?
I love reading your writing. You always make me smile.

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2011 10:25 am
by Strawberry Roan
Aww, you are too sweet Who Me. Any day I can make anybody smile is a great one!

Had one of the busiest work days of my life yesterday, didn't eat a single biteuntil about three o'clock when my co-worker put a box of some kind of herb whole grain crackers on my desk, forgot the brand. I had to file papers at the courthouse so I got a PepsiZero and came back and ate some crackers. Didn't even open the container of fresh fruit I took with me.

Went to Subway with our sub friends :D after work and ate my usual half of a Veggie Delite (heavy on the vinegar). It was fine, saved the rest for tonight. Will be going out for lunch as I have a committee meeting and that is about the only time I eat a big lunch. There are usually enough healthy options that I can find something I enjoy.

Back in my regular exercise routine, even my husband is used to me doing it at the same time now. He said last night, Would you do something for me before you exercise? I said, maybe....

Got in about four times my normal ab work this morning, went to my meeting and lunch - the entrees were baked ham or chicken fried steak with gravy - I took the gravy and a whole wheat roll and made sorta almost biscuits and gravy out of it, no meat. Had a baked sweet potato and some fresh green beans. Also had my big fresh salad (took my pomegranate vinegar). It was all great, had water and unsweetened tea.

Noticed that I automatically am making better choices now while still eating plenty. I never use commercial salad dressings anymore, even the low cal ones, I added no extra butter to any of the vegetables as they were fine without it, I didn't take the sweetened tea or soda, I passed on the chocolate cake (really looked more like a thick brownie with lots of icing, chose peaches instead, they had a little placard that said sugar free which is so nice for those who must watch their sugar.

I ate more than enough yet felt fine about my choices.

Will eat the other half of my sub for dinner tonight.

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2011 7:19 pm
by Strawberry Roan
Happy Friday Everyone.

Got in my early morning ab work, times two.

Ate a grilled Boca cheeseburger for lunch with some Ore Ida crinkle fries, I didn't deep fry or oven bake them - just threw them in a non stick skillet and crisped them without any oil. It was a fun lunch. Put fresh tomato slices, dill pickles and mustard on the "burger". Also split a big white peach with the hubby.

Definitely will get my other half of the sub either later this afternoon or for dinner. It is in a Ziploc bag and it is just veggies anyway so I am sure it is still good.

It was good, finally got it finished off. Also ate a couple pieces of the red licorice, determined to finish it off as well. Won't buy anymore, not that it is necessarily that bad but I see no compelling reason to buy it again. :wink:

Ready for Saturday, got in lots of exercise. Love it...

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2011 9:32 am
by NoSnacker
Hi thanks for the bio on how you came to No now I'm really inspired. So how do you fare with your weekends? I haven't read all of the posts so you could have mentioned it here already.

Have a great weekend!

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2011 12:28 pm
by Strawberry Roan
No Snacker,

I try to eat more or less the same on weekends, if there is a little something I want on any day, I will eat it. But it is rare. 3500 calories will equal a pound of weight regardless the source of the calories unless balanced by exercise so I don't do the good food/bad food as far as weight as much as the good food/bad food as far as the healthy aspects of it.

I did the Weekends Gone Wild a bit when I was here previously but my body didn't like the swings in food intake. I just feel better eating sanely for the most part.


Happy Saturday All. Did my Ab work first thing, won't eat anything until mid-morning.

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2011 2:49 pm
by NoSnacker
Hi Berry, thanks for stopping by my daily check in...I know that is strange never thought of it that way...donuts/pastry versus homemade cookies...mmm I bet the cookies are better for us...not fried :)

Here's to the sun and warm weather!

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2011 3:18 pm
by Strawberry Roan
You're welcome, thanks for coming by to visit my rambles. I am sure the cookies are healthier, at least you know what you are putting in them.

Hubby went outside to do yard work, took a couple cereal bars and a mug of coffee with him.

So that freed me up to make myself a giant salad for breakfast. And I did :D 8)

Made a sandwich and had some chips mid afternoon while taking a break from cleaning up some flowerbeds, mowing and weed eating, so I can put out my Fall displays soon.

Ate leftover wild rice/cheese/broccoli casserole for dinner - a bonus find as I didn't know it was in the freezer, I forgot 8)

My husband said that it was so good I should make another one later this week so I probably will.

Got in plenty of exercise today, that's for sure. Off to a hot bath. Almost drank a glass of wine on the patio earlier with the hubby as he was having a beer but had a cup of coffee instead. I used to drink a glass of wine almost every night, red wine. Might have to start up again if the weight stays steady. It does a body (and mind) good. :D

About nine the hubby said,
Know what we need about now?

I said, An ice cream bar?

He said, Yep. So we each had a vanilla ice cream bar, covered in chocolate with little crunchy bits on it. Very good.

He said, We don't have much stuff like this anymore, do we?

I said, Not really. That's why it tastes so good right now. :D

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2011 10:06 am
by NoSnacker
Sounds like the perfect Saturday to me! I had a terrible day yesterday, but today I'll try to be a little less let's go for it attitude..:)

Hope your Sunday finds you in a great place!

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2011 9:15 pm
by Strawberry Roan
Thank you No Snacker, I am in a good place today.
Hope your day is going better today.

Happy Sunday All.

Didn't eat anything until after lunch. Picked at a few of the hubby's french fries then came home and made a big fresh spinach salad. (made him a small one as well to counteract the mushroom swiss burger he ate in town) :roll:

Won't eat anything else until after church tonight then will eat something light.

While we were in town, a guy walked by with a big soft serve cone. My husband said, Want to share one? I said, No we had an ice cream last night. That will hold me for quite a while.

He said, Me too. :wink:

I bought a lot of fresh fruits and veggies at the store on the way home from town. Cut up a cantaloupe into cubes and put in the fridge. It didn't look as good as the last few I have gotten but I am sure it will be fine.

Ended up not going to evening church (it wasn't at our church but another church in our association.) Hubby had a backache from overdoing it yesterday so we stayed home. I made him a "real" dinner :D Broiled pork chop, mashed potatoes with chives and green beans. While the oven was hot I stuck in a couple veggie egg rolls, cheddar poppers and mozzarella sticks that I needed to start using up. Everything turned out great (for him and me). However, I only ate one of the veggie egg rolls so will eat it tomorrow night with salad (DUH 8) ) or something.

I will make him oven fried chicken with the leftover mashed potatoes and green beans. As the weather gets cooler we will be having more slow cooker and oven meals - ham and beans and YEA cornbread, chicken and dumplings, chili, homemade soup, that kind of stuff. We don't eat too heavy during the hot months.

Ready for Monday, back to work.... Bring it on.


Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2011 10:46 am
by Strawberry Roan
Happy Monday and Tuesday ( forgot to post yesterday ). :wink:

Let's see, ate a peanut butter on toast sandwich yesterday with a Diet Dr. Pepper and some pretzel sticks for lunch. For dinner ate my remaining veggie egg roll (oven baked) with some green beans and mashed potatoes with chives (the hubby was eating oven baked chicken with the same veggies).

Got in plenty of exercise, more than planned.

Today I am taking a big ripe tomato, some green and red seedless grapes, a swirled cheese stick, a fresh garden cucumber and a boiled egg to lunch. High volume, low calories, low fat. Lots of vitamins and fiber. I can see it now - all sliced pretty on my plate :D Sure beats a cheeseburger......

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2011 8:30 am
by NoSnacker
Strawberry Roan wrote:Today I am taking a big ripe tomato, some green and red seedless grapes, a swirled cheese stick, a fresh garden cucumber and a boiled egg to lunch. High volume, low calories, low fat. Lots of vitamins and fiber. I can see it now - all sliced pretty on my plate :D Sure beats a cheeseburger......
Wow this sounds like it was a yummy lunch...and very gave me some ideas here...

I had a red monday, but my tuesday was green...I just seem to be a little more hungry the last couple days...not due to lack of food..:)

Have a great Wednesday!

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2011 9:38 am
by Strawberry Roan
Thanks a lot. It was a yummy lunch. I have days where I am hungrier as well, I find that I am usually craving carbs like pasta or something then.

Had a big salad for dinner as well and a bowl of cantaloupe later in the evening so I had about twenty five servings of fruits and vegetables yesterday :D Made a salad for breakfast/lunch at work today while I had all the stuff out last night. Will take some more grapes as well.

My co-worker walked by me as I was slicing and preparing my pretty plate of food yesterday with a slice of Casey's pizza on a napkin that was soaked with grease :roll: She said, wanna trade?

I said, uh. no.....

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2011 2:19 pm
by Pangelsue2
You are where I want to be and where I hope to go. Thanks for the inspiring ideas and especially the colorful descriptions. How we describe our foods in our heads helps determine how appealing they are to us. If the foods we are eating less of are foods we tell ourselves we are being "deprived" of, then they will have much more power over us. When we describe the foods we want to eat more of in beautiful descriptive appealing ways, it makes them seem so much more attractive. You are very good at doing that. It is what makes your co worker say, "wanna trade".

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2011 4:24 pm
by Strawberry Roan
Thanks Pangelsue, It is a mind thing, really. Once it clicks, you think.

Oh I get it now :D I can eat a LOT of good healthy food, exercise daily, drink water, sleep well and maintain my weight and health - while having a treat now and then. It really is as easy as they say.

Happy Thursday all,

Mid day now, had a bowl of Honey Nut Cheerios with the hubby earlier (don't really like cereal that much but had a half gallon of 2pct milk that I didn't want to go bad.) It was fine, I don't get too excited about food anymore unless it is fruits and vegetables. They really excite me :wink:

Had my salad for lunch yesterday, some red and green grapes and ate some pretzels as well. Went to Subway after work with some friends, ran into my boss. She told my husband to force me to eat a cookie. :roll:

But he didn't. I ordered my Veggie delite foot long and ate half, will eat the other half either this afternoon or for dinner.

Got in my ab work, will have time to do extra and probably a little more on the bike today as I am off work and have done most of my housework already (laundry, ran the dishwasher, dusted, etc).

Feeling strong ....

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2011 6:25 pm
by NoSRocks
Hi there, berry! So enjoying your posts! They are so very inspiring as I never tire of saying - LOL!! :D :D

You are doing absolutely great with the veggies/salads and your lunches sound very yummy indeed! It's no wonder your colleague wanted to swap for her greasy pizza (yuk!!) My apologies if I have overlooked this: but I didn't see what kind - if any - salad dressing you put on your salads. I can recall you mentioned putting vinegar on your Subs. I am just looking for some ideas. I can eat salad okay but I have a tendency to be a little heavy handed on the dressing which is not such a good idea :roll:

Still having problems getting my veggies in. I rely heavily on the little packages of carrots w/ranch dressing (50 cals each) and I do like the serve yourself veggies at the deli: which are mostly things like olives, red peppers and/or large white beans which are all swimming in olive oil and are probably not a good choice either! BUT this is No S guys, so we don't have to worry too much about calories, fat grams etc. although making choices like this on a regular basis might explain why weight loss can be slow sometimes?? (she says, half jokingly)

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2011 12:27 pm
by Strawberry Roan
Morning, I always just use balsamic vinegars, currently on a red wine pomegranate kick - even take it with me when I go out and know I will be eating a salad (in a tiny little plastic cup with a snap on lid - looks like wine) :D Your veggie choices sound pretty good, olive oil is actually good for you so I wouldn't worry about it. I used to use olive oil with my vinegar but once I was out and now it seems too oily so I just use the vinegars. They have a lot of great ones out there now.

I so agree with you, there is no way I am ruining a good salad with bad dressing. Vinegar is practically calorie free and good for you as well. My husband drinks an ounce of apple cider vinegar a day, just for the health benefits. ET A- 3 calories per tablespoon..

Ate the end of my veggie sub yesterday afternoon and two pieces of pizza leftover from one night during the week (the hubby ate it while I was eating, well, probably a salad). I am so very grateful that he is a man who says, eat whatever makes you happy and just hand me whatever you want.

Off to shopping and lunch with friends. Ate a wedge of cantaloupe this morning just to make sure it was good before cutting it up - and it was. YAY...

Will buy yet some more good fruits and veggies today, love roaming the farmer's markets.


Ended up eating a baked potato at Wendys because the guy in front of me had one and it looked great, big and fluffy - (sour cream AND butter)... Drank a Diet Coke. After I got home I ate some animal crackers that I bought in the store - hadn't eaten any in a long time. A doctor told me once that the best snack to eat if a person wanted a cookie or something
is either animal crackers or graham crackers. They were fun to eat, had a cup of hot coffee as well.

Had a great day with friends, got some good healthy foods, bought some extra stuff like cinnamon raisin bagels, etc. for work. I need to eat a little more during the day.

Not sure about dinner yet, brought the hubby a couple cheeseburgers from Wendy's which he didn't eat until about two so we won't be eating very early.

Ended up making the wild rice/broccoli (Lots of it) cheese casserole with the crunchy topping with MORE cheese :D melted under the broiler. It was great, a hubby request and I was happy to oblige.

On to Saturday...

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2011 2:11 pm
by Strawberry Roan
Happy Saturday All.

Just ate some yummy cantaloupe for breakfast, going outside to do some yardwork with the hubby for a while, might make a heartier meal a bit later - depending on how hard he works :D

Got in triple my AbWork this morning, I really love how it feels.

Well, hubby worked about 12 hours straight, he ate two cereal bars and drank a LOT of water, that was it. I worked outside with him off and on (we own a horse ranch) but I came in and did some laundry, etc. and ate a veggie quesadilla (just one tortilla, folded in half). That held me until dinner time - ate some pretzels while he was showering, etc. then he asked me to warm up the casserole from last night as that would be the easiest thing for me to handle. He is a very kind man, seriously, he is. And a good looking cowboy to boot. Another reason for me to live a long, healthy life - so somebody else doesn't get him :roll:

Think we will sit out on the deck later and admire our work - with a beer for him and a glass of wine for me. I used to drink a glass of red wine every night but got out of the habit. Might be a good habit to get back in to. :wink:

Ready for Sunday, to your health all.

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2011 10:13 am
by Strawberry Roan
Happy Sunday AND Monday..

Busy day yesterday. Ended up going to a Mexican restaurant after church, not a good time, very crowded (note - do not go after church again). Didn't eat any of the chips and salsa, just ate part of a chalupa, wanted to get out of there :shock:

Ate a peanut butter and jelly sandwich in the afternoon. We bought a new deep fryer while we were out as the hubby has a friend who LOVES to fish and cleans, filets and gives us his fresh catch often. We had fun picking out the fryer, the breading mix, the hush puppy mix, the oil and then the hubby did the "cooking". He said the fish was perfect - I just ate hush puppies and they were perfect as well.

Back to work today, am taking a cinnamon raisin bagel to toast and slather with peanut butter. Haven't had any bagels in a while so that should be good. Will take some red and green grapes as well. :wink:

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2011 10:16 am
by milliem
I thought hush puppies were shoes! :shock:

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 10:13 am
by Strawberry Roan
Shoes are low fat and filled with fiber :D

Hush puppies are little balls of basically seasoned corn bread, dropped in hot oil until crispy - fishermen used to throw them to their dogs if they were barking (supposedly)...

Happy Tuesday All,

Had a good day yesterday, got a lot accomplished a home and at work. I am doing an Excel spreadsheet of the inventory in our law office. They told me to have it done by a week from Friday. I finished it in about an hour - luckily the law books didn't have to be named one by one :shock:

Just drank hot lemon water until the afternoon, try to cleanse a bit on Mondays. Ate my peanut butter on toasted bagel, a cup of tomato soup with some herb/wheat crackers and some red and green grapes about two o'clock. Drank a diet Dr. Pepper.

Made the hubby some Jimmy Dean sausage patties and homemade pancakes for supper as we haven't had any breakfast food for a while. I ate two pancakes, they were great. Nice and fluffy.

Off to do my Abwork, try to get it done in the morning and my biking, stair stepping and Gazelling in the evening.

Is Gazelling a word??????

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 1:39 pm
by Who Me?
What *is* gazelle-ing?

Standing around nervously at the watering hole?

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 2:17 pm
by Strawberry Roan
Who Me? wrote:What *is* gazelle-ing?

Standing around nervously at the watering hole?

Aerobic fitness, muscle power and FUN! The Gazelle Freestyle Elite, Perfect for any age or fitness level! A low-impact, aerobic workout and resistance training machine that mirrors a natural walking motion, targeting your triceps, quads, calves, glutes, biceps and back muscles. Its exclusive Power Pistons add 3 levels of resistance to max you out! It features a grip pulse and onboard electronics offering immediate feedback on speed, distance, time, approx. calories burned and heart rate. Patented dual-action split suspension gives you a full range of motion. Aerobics and resistance training in one machine! Plus, a space-saving, easy-folding design.

It is a glider type machine, I LOVE it, finish off my nightly routine on it, very relaxing.

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2011 2:02 pm
by Strawberry Roan
Happy Wednesday All.

The end of yet another month, hard to believe. I have decided that my daily posting about the same thing is getting boring to me and probably others.

I will check in weekly to see how everybody is doing and will update my weight monthly. My weight has been staying in the 139-143 range and that is exactly whre I would like for it to be. I will continue to eat right (for the most part :roll: ) and exercise daily.

To your health,

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2011 4:20 pm
by Who Me?
Good for you!

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2011 10:31 pm
by NoSRocks
FABULOUS JOB, BERRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2011 2:02 pm
by Strawberry Roan
Thanks, it does feel good to have "graduated" to living a normal life.

Still eating my huge salads, fruits, lots of fiber, plenty of water and maintaining my daily exercise.

Weighed 142 this morning, staying on track. I was 139 for a week or more, during that time my husband commented that I was getting too thin in the face and neck (something I told him earlier to watch for and let me know). I agreed and have been trying to eat a bit more.

To your health all,


Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2011 9:28 am
by NoSnacker
Oh ya another thing about the tape tight does one pull it? I guess if you pull it tight enough it can give you some loss :).

I can lose an inch pretty quick by having it a little snug... :P