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Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2020 1:44 pm
by alene1
Hi Linda. I hope you're feeling better. I am SO happy for you that your girls are doing so well. You must be over the moon!

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2020 12:53 am
by pinkhippie
Same page on political stuff here too Linda.

I am sorry to hear that your knee is bothering you. I hope it starts feeling better with a bit of rest.

My brain fog has been horrible lately too. I read that its a side effect of the stress of the pandemic and everything going on right now. I don't know if its true but the other day I was filling out a form and I forgot my 8 year old's birthday! I couldn't remember if it was the 20th or the 21st. I had to ask my husband!

I hope you are taking it easy and destressing a bit when you can.

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2020 2:33 am
by lpearlmom
Thank you auto, Octavia & Alene! Yes, hopefully I’m still functional. 😊

Hippie, glad to know I’m not alone. I definitely think it has to do with this surreal existence we’re living in. The girls are still doing well but I’m feeling sick still so got a covid test today. Again. I’ve tried so hard to be careful but have felt pressured into making some compromises. We’ve been letting sweetpea see her bf and rosebud see her best friend occasionally. Also, we are doing a pod thing with our neighbors. On top of that the girls therapy sessions are in person and they don’t wear masks. Also there’s no mask requirement in the waiting room and some lady was in there the other day coughing. 🤦🏼‍♀️

I actually wrote a not so nice email to the therapist about my concerns. It seems like she’s not being that safe. She’s going on a plane to visit family over thanksgiving, getting haircuts etc. Ive been telling myself that the risk is worth it for the sake of of the girl’s mental health but Sweetpea told me that they decided that their therapist wasn’t going to focus on the girl’s relationship but on them individually instead. I don’t know why but this just really upset me. I kind of felt like she abandoned me & wish she had discussed it with me first. I think my email was harsher than intended because of my underlying anger.

The problem is the girls really like her and seem to be getting something out of the sessions so I’m not really sure what to do. My mil is a therapist and is still only doing video sessions. I’m not sure why their therapist isn’t doing that as well. Oh well, I will figure something out.

I was having some days of over the top eating that I know was in response to prior days of trying to restrict too much. So now I’m trying to make sure I eat enough at my meals but I think I’ve been overshooting it by a bit. Hopefully I can get it just right at some point.

71 days AF

Breakfast: bagel breakfast sandwich, watermelon, banana
Lunch: curry tuna sandwich, nf yogurt, watermelon
Dinner: plate of Chinese food

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2020 10:24 pm
by automatedeating
71 days AF - that is so awesome Linda!!

Weird about how the therapist decided to shift the therapy focus without talking with you first. Hmmmm.

Fingers crossed your COVID test comes back negative...

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2020 4:42 am
by lpearlmom
Thanks auto! You did a whole year though right? I originally thought id do a full year but now Im thinking Id just like to moderate a little better. I guess it’ll take a bit of experimenting to see what feels right. One thing is for sure. My skin looks so much better & I do not miss hangovers .

Well my test came back negative. I really am good at convincing myself that im sick. 🤦🏼‍♀️

Oh I also worked things out with the therapist.

I went back and re-read the NoS book. It just makes so much darn sense. I dont know why I felt the need to muck around with it. I’m going to recommit to the basics. Part of me thinks I keep trying to make it complicated because i dont really know what id do with myself if I didn’t have this problem to solve. I guess i need a new hobby.

At least all is well at home. The girls are being civil to each other but not being buddy buddy. I actually think this is better for now. They tend to go from being over the top best friends one minute to hating each other the next so maybe the luke warm approach will be better.

Poor cupcake is getting spade tomorrow. Oh boy im so sad for her. I hope she will be alright.

Doc is doing well. We are working on some ideas for our backyard which we don’t really use despite the fact that’s it’s pretty large. We mostly use the pool area which is on the side of the house and is the prettiest part of the whole house in my opinion. Anyway, he is going to build a pergola over the back patio and we are thinking of putting a korean bbq underneath it. I could see that being a lot of fun once we can have dinner parties again.

Im hoping to run tomorrow. Its been a few days now but my knee does seem better so maybe the rest was for the best.

Day 72 AF

Breakfast: oatmeal w fruit, spinach/blueberry smoothie
Lunch: veggie burger, watermelon, plain yogurt
Dinner: grilled salmon, mini vegan pot pie, arugula salad

The vegan pot pies were so good. I used whole wheat pie crust as the topping:

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2020 12:56 pm
by alene1
So glad your test came back negative!! It's so hard now because every time we get a cold we don't know if it's Covid or just a cold!!

Congrats on your continued break from alcohol. I'm sure you will figure this journey out as you go, and see whether alcohol adds to your life or takes away from it when your break is over. I'm glad that you're feeling so good. Yay for working things out with the therapist! It sounds like that was really stressful. You are doing a great job managing everything.

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2020 2:11 pm
by automatedeating
Yes, I did over a year, actually. And now I'm back on the moderation wagon, and mostly it's OK, but sometimes I wish I didn't look forward to having wine and never had to think about moderation. I don't like the control it has over me (still); on the other hand, when I read on my No Alcohol forums I just can't agree with people that think everything about life is better without alcohol. For one thing, sex is way more fun after I've had even just one drink. And I know people try to tell me sober sex is the best, but .... not for me! :-) Anyway, I think I'll always have to police it more than most people, but for the time being, that effort is worth it and I'm not afraid I'm becoming an alcoholic. Ultimately, I feel frustration that I have not perfectly conquered this situation. LOL, I'm a control freak, I guess.

Flowerpup is getting spayed in November! I'm really nervous. She's so shy; I think the IV will really freak her out. Oh, well. Also, sometimes I feel guilty - that the main reason I'm getting her spayed is for my convenience rather than her health. But that is probably a little overly-existential. It will be nice to not have her dribble blood on the floor. :| :roll:

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2020 5:22 am
by lpearlmom
I know auto. It’s complicated at least for those of us that have trouble with just having one. Quitting completely seems easier in a way because the boundaries are clearer (like NoS) but it seems so sad to never be able to have a nice glass of wine while going out to dinner, or a margarita at a Mexican restaurant or a martini when you’re feeling fancy. I definitely want to give moderation a try but i think it’ll be something i always have to keep an eye on too. And what should moderation look like is another question i have. Some things i read say no more than one glass a night, others say no more than 3 a night but no more than 7 in a week. Still others are saying no amount of alcohol is safe. It’s confusing. Kinda like nutrition i guess.

Thats funny about drunk sex vs sober sex. I guess ive never thought about it but it definitely relaxes one which could be helpful. I do think ppl go a little overboard with all the many benefits they attribute being sober to. I think it has helped with my depression and i do think my skin looks better. The main thing is ive proven to myself thst I don’t need to drink in order to be interesting in social situations. In fact, im probably just more of an airhead when i drink & therefore less interesting. I guess I’ll figure it out.

Cupcake is not a happy camper poor thing. We got her a soft ecollar thing and a special body suit for nighttime but she still hates it. She’s still pretty out of it and mad at us i think. Oh well just glad she’s okay. I definitely wouldn’t feel guilty for getting flower pup spayed. I think its just better all around.

Day 73 AF
Steps 13 k? (Forgot to wear it till 1030am)

Breakfast: avocado toast, 1 veggie sausage, mango
Lunch: veggie burger open faced, watermelon, chips & salsa
Dinner: ahi tuna bowl (so good), yogurt w fruit ... shi-bowls/

I love the certainty that comes with knowing when my meals will begin & end. It’s so nice not to have to think about food all day long.

Exercise: 41 mins running with hills (incline).

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2020 5:12 am
by lpearlmom
Today was fine but I didn’t have time to workout. Hopefully tomorrow. I didn’t even walk the dogs since cupcake is still recovering & my step count was dismal. Our anniversary is sunday so doc took a couple days off. I wanted to go to a hotel for at least one night but he said he might have to deal with a patient that he’s worried about. Mostly I don’t mind his demanding job but sometimes it really sucks. Of course im glad he cares so much about his patients though.

Day 74 AF (no wine on our anniversary will be a challenge. )

Breakfast: Raisin Bran w cashew milk 🥛 and banana 🍌
Lunch: ahi tuna bowl & a blueberry spinach smoothie
Dinner: red pepper soup 🥣 & Caesar salad 🥗 watermelon 🍉

I tend to serve myself kind of small servings & then i feel a little hungry still after im done but every time the hunger subsides after just a few mins. Pretty cool.

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2020 2:30 pm
by alene1
I'm glad you're enjoying no-S and the simple parameters and structure it gives. Simple is so good, isn't it? Glad pup is recovering and on the mend.

Alcohol is a very tough issue. I also struggle with moderation when I do drink. I tend to want to overdo a little bit at holidays and such, I think mostly because DH doesn't drink and so we don't have any wine or any other alcohol in the house unless we are having guests over who enjoy wine. When I lived by myself, and especially during/after my divorce I definitely went overboard. My dad was an alcoholic and I definitely feel like under the right circumstances it could be a problem for me too. I hope that you can find a sweet spot for yourself.

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2020 4:25 am
by lpearlmom
C448EAEA-3CF2-4C16-840F-487E4C3BD9AC.jpeg (31.66 KiB) Viewed 102190 times
Thx alene. She’s not happy with her e-collar poor baby. I think it’s really good we’re being mindful of our drinking. This challenge has been good for me because at least I know i can take a break if needed. Having relatives that struggle with alcohol makes us even more sensitive to any possible problems I think. My mom struggled with this for awhile so i get it.

Today was good. So nice having doc home. He worked on some outdoor lampposts that had fallen down and i did some major decluttering. I feel so much happier when our house is clean and organized. It’s ridiculous how much my surroundings effect me. Sometimes it can be annoying like when i have to sit in just the right spot in a restaurant.

Im listening to such a great book on audible. It’s called “Why we are wired to worry and how neuroscience will help you fix it.” Im having so many aha moments. It’s really helping me to reframe things in a more positive way.

Tomorrow night we’re going out to dinner for our 22nd anniversary. Its out on a patio so i feel pretty safe. I can’t wait! Also, my hairdresser is coming to my house Wednesday to cut all of our hair out by the pool. It sounds like she’s going to so my color too. Not sure how thats going to work though.

Day 75 AF
Steps: 17k

Breakfast: oatmeal, fruit
Lunch: smoothie, salad, avocado toast
Dinner: grilled shrimp salad

After having my eating all over the place it’s been so nice having structure back. I forgot how having firm boundaries in place immediately removes my constant food obsessing. Why do i always forget this? Tomorrow im going to try to keep the basic structure of nos in place but a little more relaxed. I feel like in the past ive either didn’t take S days which backfired later or id just permasnack which is pretty miserable. How about trying something in between? What a concept. 🤦🏼‍♀️

Exercise: walk dogs 🐕-25 mins; run 40 mins

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2020 1:25 pm
by alene1
Happy 22nd anniversary!! I hope you have a wonderful dinner tonight. That shrimp salad you made sounds really yummy! I will have to plan for a shrimp dinner soon. Cute pup!! When does the collar come off? That's cool that your hair dresser is coming to you and will cut your hair outside. I bet you are so excited!

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2020 1:58 pm
by Octavia
Little cupcake! She is so sweet.

Hope you had a great evening last night - congratulations on your anniversary!

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2020 6:06 pm
by automatedeating
Happy Anniversary!!!! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Little Cupcake - poor thing!!!!

And, my best long-term success is when I keep to regular mealtimes (B,L,D) on S days but feel free to eat more fun things, so I'm all for your "something in the middle" for S Days.

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2020 7:26 pm
by pinkhippie
Congratulations on your 22 year anniversary!

Also that is awesome that your hairdresser is coming to cut everyone's hair outside! Very exciting! I love getting a new cut!

Aww poor little cupcake. She is such a cutie! I hope she is recovered quickly!

I know what you mean about the boundaries of No S. MIne have definitely been loose lately and I obsess over food so much less when I just have simple Breakfast lunch and dinner boundaries.

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2020 5:00 am
by oolala53
Just dropping by. Happy Anniversary! I am really impressed by 75AF days. I'm not a drinker but the bit I've done, well, I do appreciate a bit of a buzz, but don't like the taste of alcohol enough to get it. I tried for awhile because I read in more than one place that a drink a day for women was associated with healthy longevity-but not more. But there are other ways to get the good stuff. I sometimes cook some red wine into a sauce, but I usually just get it from other food.

Glad you're enjoying the structure again. I've been through some rebellion, but it's calming down.

The misguided survival drive is very real. I've read of very few people who can actually keep to the eating that supports low weight after having been heavy without some either very strong inner conviction or butting up against the desires in rather predictable cycles. Or actually devoting a great deal of energy to it, constantly learning more, communicating about it, etc. Or maybe I think that because I spend too much time on the net still looking at stuff!

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2020 8:50 pm
by clarinetgal
Hi, Linda!

Happy 22 year Anniversary! My husband and I will celebrate our 22 year anniversary in January! I just decided to re-commit to No S, too. It is such a sane way to eat, and it’s something I can commit to long term (vs. some of the other ways of eating that are out there). I’m really glad your Covid test came back negative, and I’m glad you worked things out with the therapist.

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2020 7:43 pm
by lpearlmom
Thanks for all the Anniversary wishes! We went to Tucson for a Night and it was really nice to get away.

Thanks oolala! I made it to day 100 as of yesterday. I’m not sure what I’ll do going forward but am definitely going to try stay more mindful with my drinking. I do notice my depression has been much better these past several weeks and am wondering if it’s related.

Thank you heather! Great to see your still around.

I’ve been a little distracted by the election but I’m so grateful for the way things went. I was glued to the couch/tv for days and my eating was all over the place. I couldn’t eat for the first few days than I ate & ate to make up for it. Things are settling down now and I’m trying to figure out the best approach for me going forward.

I’m just burned out on dieting and trying to control my weight. I’m actually dipping my toe into intuitive eating again because ultimately any rules around my eating just seem to eventually backfire on me. I’m continuing to weigh though just to make sure I know what I’m getting myself into. I think I’m near the top of my set point because my weight has been very stable regardless of my eating/exercising habits. Mostly I’m just learning to accept my body where it’s at and just stress less about my eating in general. I’m still exercising regularly which I’m really enjoying.

Everything else is going well. The girls are getting along. The dogs have calmed down. Doc & I are good. I do feel a little lost though. Trying to figure out what I want to focus on. I need something to get excited about. Searching, searching, always searching. My girls have the day off and I decided to take the day off too. Watching real housewives and snuggling with the dogs. Yup, sometimes we just need these days, right?

Okay off to catch up on everyone else’s thread!

Day 101.5 alcohol free (I’m having wine tonight.)

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2020 12:49 am
by pinkhippie
Hi Linda!

Thanks for stopping by and updating us! Glad to hear you are doing well. I know what you mean about rules making rebellion happen. The only rules I can follow (or guidelines) are the ones that make me feel good and of course they have to be able to be changed or tossed if I am not feeling good.

I am glad you took the day off! Sounds wonderful. I am REALLY looking forward to Thanksgiving week this year for my break.

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2020 3:24 pm
by Jen1974
I’ve been listening to IE stuff again too. I’m trying to learn from what went wrong when I did & see if I can incorporate some of what went right into my life!

Congrats on the 100 day AF & enjoy your wine tonight :D

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2020 4:27 pm
by April
Linda - I have been scanning your thread as like you I have been on again, off again with fasting and then back to (my modified) NO S plan. I was literally in tears as I read your entry from Sept 15th (quoted at the end of reply) I just wanted to say thank you so much for baring your soul with this post. I cannot tell you how much I relate to every word. This was so eye opening for me. I need to refer back to this every time I feel led astray to try the next shiny object cleverly disguised as the end all be all weight loss tool. I am humbled by your honesty in your post, I don't know if I could ever share so openly. I look forward to following you in your journey back to food sanity. :D

"Well sunday I ended up eating ALL day like I couldn’t stop. I know it’s backlash from me trying to fast again last week & as I lay in bed last night with a stomachache I realized that i cannot do this one more day. I cannot diet for another moment. I have put so much time and energy into literally trying to make myself smaller for other ppl. Im so done. My body keeps coming back to the same weight. Clearly thats where im meant to be. Im certain that if I hadn’t been on so many extreme diets, my set point would be lower but i cant change the past.

Ive been dieting since i was 10 years old. Ive tried just about everything. When i was in high school it was not uncommon for me to limit myself to 800 calories a day. Can you imagine? Ive spent a huge chunk of my life centered around my weight. In fact, i think im kind of addicted to dieting. It’s a great distraction and it makes happiness seem so simple. Just reach a certain weight and your life will suddenly and magically become perfect. Well we all know that doesn’t work out. I wonder where i would be if i spent all that time and energy on something more meaningful. Im just done. Im putting down the sword In this losing battle.

I just want to eat normally. I want to follow my own advice in my tagline. Back to vanilla but with regular sized plates and no goal trying to lose weight. I just want consistency and a stable weight. I want food back in it’s normal place. I want to make sure i eat enough to get me through to the next meal but not so much that im not hungry for my next meal because thats sort of joyless. Im going to continue my exercising because i love how it makes me feel. If i miss a day its not the end of the world. Im just so tired of trying to fit into this narrow mold thats just a construct of societies impossible standards for women.

Well i guess it’s obvious ive been thinking a lot and ready for some sanity back in my life. I guess ive come full circle and back to the first place that ever gave me any sanity with my eating. It feels really good to have made the decision to stop trying to lose weight and just focus on having normal eating patterns. I dont think i ever want to skip a meal again.

I want to stick around but have to be honest. Sometimes when i read threads with weights posted or talk about weight loss especially when i know you all weigh less than me, it can be super triggering so if i skip some of your threads for awhile, please dont take it personally."

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2020 6:03 am
by lpearlmom
Hippie, the word guidelines definitely has a better feel to it. Im so glad you’re going to be getting a little break. You certainly have earned it!

Jen, yes i think deep down i feel like IE is going to be the only way i will ever be able to truly make peace with food. It’s tough though because first you have to make peace with your body which is quite a feat in this fat phobic culture we live in. I am learning to approach it differently this time. Before i either tried to make it into the “hunger & fullness” diet which would backfire obviously. Or on the other end of the spectrum id just eat all the things all the time which felt horrible. Im taking a course now through the body love society and they teach how to listen to your body, your mind and your tastebuds together at the same time. So yeah your tastebuds may be screaming for greasy pizza but your body might be saying if i eat roo much pizza i feel lethargic and queasy. So your mind can use logic and decide to have pizza and a salad so your body and tastebuds are happy. It just makes a lot more sense the way im learning it now. Kind of cool.

April, thank you and im so so happy that post was helpful to you. Eating really isn’t supposed yo be that complicated and certainly shouldn’t be a source of pain. Yet for so many of us it has become that. Hopefully we can both find some peace along this journey.

Ive been reading about the importance of regular meals for eating disorder recovery. I dont have an eating disorder but my eating has definitely been disordered for many years so i think this can be helpful to me too. I have a lot of fear about food scarcity as my body is always wondering when the next famine (diet) will be. So im eating very regular meals and snacks and it’s really helped me to feel calm. I can feel myself able to focus on other things for the first time in awhile and it’s so nice. Part of ne feels a little lost as im not sure what to do with all this freed up time/energy but its a good problem to have.

Okay so tired. More later.

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2020 4:46 pm
by Jen1974
I’m loving hearing about where you are at!!

The Body Love Society sounds great!! Me too on IE was either a focus on hunger/fullness/gentle nutrition & felt like “gentle dieting” or only a focus on only what I wanted and felt like anarchy.

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Sun Nov 15, 2020 7:25 pm
by oolala53
Contending with fat phobia while also being realistic about what is a smart way to eat for a true long health span can be tricky but the alternatives are no party, either, especially with such easy access to questionable refined foods. ( and every side cherry picks evidence, including this one!) But you deserve some peace with this.

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2020 5:07 am
by lpearlmom
Thanks for the support Jen!

Oolala: we all have our own journeys. You do you and I will do ME. Thx!

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2020 5:42 am
by oolala53
Not sure what you thought I was saying. If I wasn’t clear that I am happy for you and support this new path, I did a bad job.

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2020 1:27 pm
by lpearlmom
No worries! Btw, i sent you a pm.

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2020 5:25 pm
by pinkhippie
Linda, since you are looking more at IE, do you have any favorite IE books? I always try to incorporate the ideas of IE into my eating and I would be interested to hear if you have any favorite resources.

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2020 6:19 pm
by lpearlmom
I like Christy Harrison, Isabel foxen duke, the body love society, rebecca stritchfield, Alison Rumsey and I think you already know about the F-it Diet.

I have to say as good as intuitive feeling feels after a long stint of dieting, I don’t think it’s really a good fit got me. A lot of it is good like having no good or bad foods, getting rid of body shame, an attempt to end weight discrimination & moving in a way that feels enjoyable. But after my little honeymoon phase, I realize (once again) how much I need some structure. I caved and weighed myself and am up over 5 lbs in just 3 weeks. I’m actually a little annoyed when I think about the fact that all these intuitive gurus telling us to surrender to the weight gain are
mostly made up of skinny white women.

Anyway, not sure where that leaves me. Honestly I think I just need a more relaxed version of NoS. I think the whole pass/fail aspect of it all just starts to feel like too much for me. It starts to feel like too much like a diet instead of just being the way I generally eat. I dunno, I guess the saga continues. 🤷‍♀️

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2020 7:59 pm
by pinkhippie
Thanks Linda, I haven't heard of some of those authors. I am excited to check them out.

I know what you mean about full IE being a little too loose. THere are a lot of good things about IE we can take to No so I think. I don't like the pass-fail aspect of No S and I have stopped thinking of it that way. I try to follow my guidelines. I don't always follow them, but just having them really helps me. I totally agree about a more relaxed version of No S being worth looking into. Maybe No S with mods? Or not NO s just trying to eat 3 good meals a day? I don't know, everyone is different so I think different things work for different people.

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2020 4:42 pm
by Jen1974
That lack of structure is what ended up being my downfall with IE too!! Too much arguing with myself over if I was hungry enough to eat or not & if so what to have that lead to decision fatigue. That’s where it feels most “intuitive” to me to have a rhythm to my days with 3 meals & a loose plan of what foods I want. I think all of us here are just trying to find peace with our relationship with food & eat in a way that feels good! I hope you (& the rest of us) all find it at some point :lol:

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2020 6:36 pm
by automatedeating
You know, for whatever reason, I've never been much into the "green" or "red" days of NoS. I was just thinking about how some people really do well with that - looking for 80% compliance or something like that. I am just WAYYYYYY too SHADES of GRAY in my thinking to work that way. For me, there are like 50 shades between a green and a red day. LOL. I do sometimes put "fail" on some particular food choices, but even then, I'm not considering the whole day a fail..... just a few hours of choices or something along those lines. I guess that makes me less likely to succumb to the WTH effect, although it makes me also more loosey-goosey in how I follow NoS. Don't know if any of that ramble makes sense.

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2020 7:25 pm
by lpearlmom
Wow you guys are great!

Auto, I can’t tell you how reassuring it is to hear that you approach this all with shades of gray. I think of you as like the NoS model student so that really helps me to feel a lot better. Do I see a book in your future 50 shades of Nos? 😆

Hippie: it sounds like you are similarly relaxed . Boy, maybe I’ve just been too strict with myself. No wonder I want to rebel.

Jen: Actually I saw you say on someone else’s thread that NoS is an act of self-care and something about that really clicked for me. I swear there’s been this eternal battle in my head going “if you’re against diets, how can you justify being on an eating plan with rules?” Even though when I stick to NoS I feel great, I had a lot of trouble reconciling that with my feminist beliefs. But yes I do feel better when I eat in a regular way, in amounts that doesn’t leave me feeling too stuff and allows me to be hungry enough for my next meal so I can truly enjoy it. And darn it it also feels good to be able to fit into my jeans. Um, duh Linda, that is self-care. 💡

Omygosh, why do I have to always overthink things? 🤦🏼‍♀️😊

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Sat Nov 21, 2020 12:34 am
by pinkhippie
LOL 50 shades of No S! :D I would read that!

I didn't start out relaxed and I think that is why I couldn't stick with No S. I remember trying this out in my early thirties and being totally strict and pass-fail. I couldn't keep it up and I left the board. I think I was also nursing at the time which made it even more ridiculous to try. I was HUNGRY. Now if I was in a similar situation I would build in nursing snacks and be OK with it.

I agree, that so many members here have really helped me realize its not about how strict you are, but about how consistent you are over months and years that really makes the difference.

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Sun Nov 22, 2020 5:35 am
by lpearlmom
Oh boy, yes nursing definitely requires snacks! Yeah, i think i need to calm down my black and white thinking a bit.

Omg, we need to get out of the house! We are turning into zombies i swear. Im so happy we’re going to go to Sedona Tuesday. The house is beautiful and the girls each have their own rooms and bathrooms. Its on a couple acres and has a roof top deck so we can look at the red rocks and stars. I just found out they dont have a stove though so we will have to get creative with the grill and slow cooker!

Anyway it should be fun! Just wish my mom could be with us. Hurry vaccine!

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Sun Nov 22, 2020 5:50 pm
by automatedeating
Hope you have so much fun in Sedona!!! Sounds wonderful, although it is sad that your mom can't be with you.

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Mon Nov 23, 2020 2:33 pm
by alene1
Oh, I am jealous that you're going to Sedona! It is such a beautiful place. The place you're staying sounds so amazing. Enjoy! It is very challenging to find just the right way of eating that makes you feel good body and mind. You will get there!

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Mon Nov 23, 2020 4:39 pm
by Jen1974
Sedona sounds amazing!! I hope your crew has so much fun!!!!

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Mon Nov 23, 2020 7:00 pm
by April
Have fun on your trip to Sedona. Now I have that song stuck in my head from a country artist I can't think of the name of! Yes we all need to get out of the house walking outside has been a lifesaver during these past 6 months!

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2020 3:38 am
by pinkhippie
Wow! I will join in the chorus of Sedona sounds amazing! Have fun, that sounds wonderful and hopefully relaxing. I am sorry you can' t have your mom with you though.

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2020 2:33 pm
by lpearlmom
6970F628-0034-4BFC-A07C-6AFC70B43D1B.jpeg (20.5 KiB) Viewed 101162 times
From our stargazing deck. Couldn’t make it straight!

Thank you ladies! ( April, I don’t know that song I don’t think. )

It really is beautiful up here and SO nice to have a change of scenery! When I heard the girls running around in excitement when we got here, I almost cried. It’s been awhile since I’ve seen them this energized.

Now I understand why this place has no stove. It’s really a b&b connected to the owners main house, but completely separate too. They can’t rent it to more than one family right now and they can’t come in and serve breakfast like the used to do they just rent it out as one big house. Each room is a suite with a big bathroom, fireplace, mini fridge, coffee machine etc and the common area has tables, a counter , piano and bbq outside where guests would gather to be served breakfast.

Anyway, it’s pretty fun. Doc & I went on a beautiful hike yesterday and the girls stayed back to do schoolwork. This morning they’re joining us for hike 2 and then we will come back and start cooking. Today is our proposalversary too! 😁

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2020 4:28 pm
by automatedeating
proposalversary!!! :-)

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2020 8:27 pm
by pinkhippie
Looks like a beautiful place! I hope you enjoyed your proposalversery! That is neat that you celebrate that. :)

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2020 4:03 am
by lpearlmom
Thanks pinky! Thanksgiving is our favorite holiday so was a great day for him to propose which doc did in front of like 30 family members. 😊

Our trip was fantastic! Nobody fought at all. That never happens on vacation. Went a family hike on Thanksgiving morning and then came home to cook. Everything came out really good. Doc made salmon Wellington on the grill, I made mashed potatoes in the slow cooker and stuffing in the instant pot, and we bought pie. All and all not bad.

Coming home though I was hit hard with the reality that both the girls are seriously struggling with virtual learning. I read that failure rates were up something like 83% with online school so I guess they’re not alone but I really just don’t know what to do. They aren’t being very recipient to my offers to help but I’m
really worried sweetpea won’t be able to get into college at this point. Rosebuds stellar gpa has really taken a dive too. It just seems really unfair especially since rosebud is competing against those students that decided to go back to school. Ugh, I’ve been crying a lot over it but doc isn’t worried at all. 🤷‍♀️ He thinks they’ll be fine and I just need to let them figure out their lives. It’s really hard especially since my perfect sister’s perfect kids are all going off to ivy league schools. I know I shouldn’t compare.

Anyway at least my exercise and eating are going well. Rosebud let me use her Apple Watch since she never uses it and I’m really enjoying it. It gives me goals for standing, cardio mins and calories burned. I also joined an online step challenge which is helping me stay on track. I guess I’m motivated by specific goals and competition.

Break: PB toast, veg sausage
Lunch: salad with tofu, apple
Dinner: tomato soup, ww toast

Exercise: walk dogs, incline treadmill workout 40 mins

Steps: 14.5k (I’m 2nd out of 45 ppl in the step challenge—woot!)

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2020 3:14 pm
by automatedeating
I'm with Doc in the "don't worry about the grades" camp. :-)

If Sweatpea doesn't go to college on "plan", it'll be OK! She'll figure it out and perhaps have more time to learn how to manage her bipolar before she leaves the nest. And Rosebud? Once reality hits with that one (that the grades are holding her back) - that girl will double-down and she will be just fine!!

My kids actually ARE going to school (they are in a private school - all public is online this year) and it's not peachy either, tbh. Creator is doing OK (I think?) but Challenger says he feels like he's in jail. He doesn't get to interact with anyone, they have assigned seats in classrooms during lunch, he even claims the teachers are not interacting with the students. No group work, etc. etc. So he keeps saying he wishes he was online like everybody else!! It is a tough year all-around, no question about it.

Thanksgiving sounds wonderful and that Salmon entre - yum!!! And no one fought! That truly is miraculous and probably just the sort of soul-balm your family needed!

Oh, and poop about your sister's perfect kids. :roll: Ivy League does not equal happy life!

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2020 5:15 am
by lpearlmom
Thank you for the support and reassurance auto! I just have to have faith she will figure it out. And yes, Ivy League doesn’t mean happiness. It’s just so annoying that no matter what i do , it’ll never get to the level my sister is at. I swear i think she even remodeled her house just because our house was nicer than hers. Last time i was there it was still in the early stages but she practically forced the blueprints on me. It was odd. 🤦🏼‍♀️ Whatever though. In the end happiness is happiness no matter how many fancy degrees orsize zero dresses one has. Or doesn’t have. 💜

Today was good. I didn’t bug the girls about their homework but it looked like the were finally attempting to catch up. In last ditch effort I did contact Sweetpea’s school and told them how much she’s struggling. They told me theyd take her out of honors humanities to help lighten her load and theyd reach out to her to make a plan. One of the perks of going to small school i guess.

Okay need to sleep. More later.

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2020 3:06 pm
by Kathleen
An Ivy League degree is about appearances. The Ivy League except for Cornell is now awarding credit for online classes. Think about that. My nephew got into Dartmouth and my brother is beyond furious about how the pandemic is being handled. His son will be on campus for 10 weeks with everything shut down and taking online classes from his dorm room for $25,000. That is $25,000 for 10 weeks of living on a shut down campus and opening his laptop to take classes.

If your sister has what seems like the perfect life on the outside, maybe it isn’t so great on the inside. Maybe that Ivy League experience is not as great as hoped.

I cannot tell you how disgusted I am by what is going on with college. And your daughter will be able to get into college. I saw U of Iowa showing how someone with Downs Syndrome was accepted to college to get the college experience. Has the pandemic happened when Katie was in middle school, I doubt we would have sent her to college because a college degree is becoming more and more about willingness to pay and go into debt and less and less about an actual education. I anticipate a great shift to students living in apartments after high school, working full time and taking online classes part time to get a degree. The universities themselves said online can be the equivalent of in person, so why would anyone go way into debt to get a degree when they can just go online?

Sorry about the rant. Let your kids know you are confident they will be able to manage their own lives. I admit to being upset when my son came home from a term with a 2.4 GPA and was at the same time #3 in the state in a video game, but he eventually grew up and is doing well. He just had to take a low level job after college but got into a great company where he has lots of opportunities. Someday I suspect he will help his cousin, the Dartmouth grad, get into this great company which is one of the few companies that would be a target for him given his chosen career. Ironic, isn’t it? The goof off may well be in a position to help his Ivy League cousin get a job because almost all hires into the company come from referrals from current employees.

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2020 1:54 am
by lpearlmom
Don’t apologize Kathleen! I always appreciate your perspective. You have gone through much of the stuff I’m struggling with now. My niece did take a gap year this year because yeah no way was she paying Brown University prices for an online experience. I think if she can pull off at least Cs this semester, she’ll probably still get into NAU. I do wonder if she’s even ready for the experience. Maybe starting at community college would be better for her. She’s probably just a late bloomer like her Dad & I.

I’ve been doing well with my exercise & eating but the stupid scale is not cooperating. Oh well, keep on keeping.

180.5 lbs 😱
Steps 16.5 k

Break: avocado toast, egg, fruit
Lunch: salad & leftover picadillo
Dinner: grilled scallops, fennel and arugula salad , 1 glass wine.

Exercise: treadmill 1 hr 20 mins walking in Scotland.

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2020 5:04 pm
by Kathleen
Hi Linda,

So there you have a real problem already with Brown University -- she is taking a gap year because, understandably, online classes at a locked down campus don't merit astronomical tuition. Our oldest is actually a genius -- inherited it from my father. She got into the Honors Program at the U of M and lots of students in that program had been accepted at more prestigious schools but chose the U of M so they wouldn't mortgage their future on student loan debt the equivalent of a mortgage. Now she is able to get through grad school debt free. I suspect many of the geniuses are in the honors programs at the state colleges, not at the Ivies.

This isn't exactly a compelling case for state colleges, but it is interesting that the the top three winners of Jeopardy were from U of M, IU, and USC: ... a%20has,11.

I just cannot believe that the Ivy League degree is going to mean as much when the Ivies were willing to give credit for online classes.


Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Sat Dec 05, 2020 3:22 am
by lpearlmom
Yeah I don’t actually care what college she goes to. It is just hard always living in my sisters shadow. In high school ppl would say “omg, are you ms perfect’s sister”. Intellectually I know I’m being silly but there’s a part of me that still wishes I could just beat her at something. Not going to happen. Whatever. Everything with her seems soooo... staged? Idk, it’s odd. Even when she’s just with us she will be name dropping it feels like even when she’s laughing with her kids that is all for show. It’s odd. We are so different. I thought when we are older I could escape from this relationship but it seems to follow me everywhere.

Okay that got dark. I’m fine and I only see her once or twice a year. Today was pretty good. It’s been awhile since I’ve actively tried to lose weight. It’s not easy.

179.2 lbs 😏
Steps 19k

Break: cereal with almond milk
Lunch: pecan and apple salad w 2 rice cakes
Dinner: 4 small soft tacos, guacamole, 2.5 glasses wine
15 chocolate covered blueberries

Exercise: walked dogs, walked in treadmill 1 hr 10 mins in foggy forest.

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Sat Dec 05, 2020 7:03 pm
by Kathleen
It is hard to live in another person's shadow, but it seems to me there might be a reason for her need to one-up you. Anyway, I am glad you aren't too concerned about your daughters' choice of colleges. I never thought my genius daughter would end up at the U of M, but it was a great place fo her, and she is doing just incredibly well.

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2020 5:35 am
by lpearlmom
Im so glad your daughter is thriving kathleen. That’s fantastic.

Today was kind of a emotional rollercoaster. I kind of had a meltdown when i weighed myself this morning because my weight hasn’t budged even the tiniest bit in days. Im just feeling like a but of a failure in everything i do i guess. Im also having a social life slump and that’s not helping. I dont know what’s wrong with me but i tend to turn over friendship groups every few years. That can’t be normal, right? Well i do stay in contact with a few of them but since taking a break from Facebook combined with covid theres quite a few ppl I've lost touch with.

Gosh im in a funk. But i did turn things around today. I ended up buying another scale and low and behold my old scale was a little higher. I think the main annoyance is it just doesn’t detect change very easily. I mean there’s no way i was the exact same weight 5 days in a row. Anyway I managed to get myself out of the house and run some errands. I swear i think a lot of this is my hormones going crazy, that and covid. I just want to go to a nice dinner and be waited on while we drink fancy wine. Thats it.

179.2 lbs 😏

Break: 1/2 waffle, hash browns, apple
Lunch: yogurt w fruit & nuts
Dinner: 1/2 impossible burger, few fries, salad

Exercise: walked dogs; treadmill
Steps 17.5k

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2020 7:58 pm
by automatedeating
Maybe our scales have "set points" too, haha! Get stuck on one favorite number and ignore any difference in weight. ;-)

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2020 4:11 am
by lpearlmom
I swear I think it’s true auto! Me and my new scale are getting off to a good start though. Down a couple pounds today—woot!

177.6 lbs
16k steps

Breakfast: grapes, pumpkin muffins
Dinner: butternut squash & kale soup
Dessert: sf cocoa, handful choc chips

Exercise: 16k steps —walked dogs; treadmill

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2020 3:15 am
by lpearlmom
A pretty good day. Rosebud got her permit! 😱 I can’t believe I have to do this all over again. And because of covid we probably can’t get her lessons like we did with sweetpea. This should be interesting.

My mom is coming Thursday for Hanukkah. We went back and forth about whether or not this was a good idea and I hope we made the right choice. We have been very safe and I she’s been safe too so I think we’re okay but ugh, such a tough decision. Her bf is driving her halfway and I’ll pick her up so at least she will be avoiding planes.

178 lbs

Break: pumpkin muffin
Lunch; crackers w bruschetta, apples
Dinner: 2 fish tacos, 1 glasses wine
Dessert: sf cocoa , handful kitty cat cookies, a couple chocolate blueberries

Exercise: 17.5k steps (I’m first in my step challenge). Walked dogs, treadmill (50 mins).

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2020 3:07 pm
by automatedeating
Nice job on the steps!! That is impressive!

I'm also glad you will get to see you mom, but I understand the concern. We drove down to Oregon see my parents in mid-Nov. (right under the wire before the mandated against out of state travel) and then my husband's parents drove from a different part of Washington to see us last week (although they stayed in a hotel). In both cases, there was consternation, for sure. I'm still counting the days since my in-laws left (once I get to 7 on Saturday I'll feel pretty good).

FWIW, my research really does confirm that most elderly will survive COVID. Many of the victims are already quite frail with multiple other problems before they contract COVID. I'm sure you know that though, but we still worry, and of course risk is still there. Maybe slip your mom Vitamin D supplements during her visit. :-)
It's emotionally taxing to do these risk/benefit analyses in our heads every time we want to interact with someone.

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2020 9:47 pm
by pinkhippie
Wow! Congrats to Rosebud! Very exciting!

I am glad you will get to see your mom! I know its concerning but it so nice to get that connection too.

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2020 4:56 am
by lpearlmom
Thanks auto & hippie for the support & understanding. It’s tough but shes also getting pretty lonely and i have to take into account her emotional health as well. We are about as safe as can be. I go to the store sometimes but mostly we get our groceries delivered. Doc probably still as some immunity so overall we are very low risk i think. I think she may just stay for a couple of weeks which will be a nice change for everybody. The girls adore their grandma especially sweetpea so i think that'll be really good for her.

Today went fine although i spent most of the day cleaning so I wasn’t able to squeeze in a workout. My step count is lower today but oh well. Last night i had blinding cramps at like 3am. So much for being in menopause. 🤷‍♀️

177.6 lbs
10k steps

Break: grapes, sf mocha
Lunch: crackers w bruschetta
Dinner: shrimp & grits, 2 glasses wine
Dessert: 17 chocolate blueberries 🫐

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Sat Dec 12, 2020 5:38 am
by lpearlmom
So tired!

Break: yogurt, fruit, nuts
Lunch: rice crackers, apples
Dinner: poke bowl, 2 glasses wine
Dessert: few pieces chocolate (it’s Hanukkah)

Weigh: 177 lbs
Steps 17k
Exercise: walked dogs; treadmill

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Sat Dec 12, 2020 3:11 pm
by automatedeating
Happy Hanukkah!!

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Sun Dec 13, 2020 12:42 pm
by April
Hey Linda, glad you had a nice getaway what a beautiful photo. Sounds like you are doing good.
Thanks for your support lately :) much appreciated. Merry Christmas.

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Sun Dec 13, 2020 10:18 pm
by Jen1974
Happy Hanukkah!!

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2020 2:46 pm
by alene1
Hi Linda. Happy Hanukkah! How fun that grandma gets to come and stay. That will make the holidays more festive for sure, and great for all in terms of morale. It looks like you're getting back into the flow with your eating too. Yay for that!

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2020 2:38 am
by lpearlmom
Thanks for the Hanukkah wishes! I love Hanukkah so much because we spend family time together every night lighting candles & opening gifts (we do a gift a night). Doc gave me a beautiful gucci purse. I had sent him a link but didnt think he’d really buy it. ☺️

My mom is still here and its been really nice for the most part. Nobody's gotten sick yet. I actually think my mom is safer here. California is just out of control although things are getting bad here too again. Doc isn’t doing anymore elective cases for awhile because they need the icu beds. :/ on the brighter doc got his vaccine yesterday and he’s doing well.

175.8 lbs (can’t believe im still in the 170s)

Breakfast: grapes
Dinner: egg salad sandwich , glass wine
Dessert: 2 pieces chocolate, lollipop

Exercise: dog walks & treadmill-13k steps

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2020 2:57 am
by automatedeating
Doc gave me a beautiful gucci purse. I had sent him a link but didnt think he’d really buy it.
Good man!!

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2020 4:27 pm
by Jen1974
Your Hanukkah sounds amazing!! I’m glad the visit with your mom is going well!!

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2020 12:10 am
by pinkhippie
Glad you had a good Hannakuh and that your visit with your mom is going well! Yeah the news about CA looks pretty intense these days. I am glad to hear Doc got the vaccine and is doing well!

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2020 3:16 pm
by April
Your eating plan seems to be working very well for you! Kitty Cat Cookies - hoping those are for humans LOL :o

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Wed Dec 30, 2020 2:30 am
by lpearlmom
Lol, auto. He did good! I got him a really nice guitar🎸 so hopefully he’s happy too.

Thanks Jen, hippie, and April! April, they sound funny but are just very plain small low-fat chocolate cookies from Trader Joe’s.

Things are good but omg my weight doesn’t want to budge. I’m hanging in there though and trying to stick to food that is both low calories and delicious.

My mom left Saturday. It was so nice to have her here. We really had a lot of fun and I’m so glad I got to spend time with her. On the other hand, I was ready to have some alone time time for sure. The cons of being an introvert. I feel like it was really good for her to be with family and her mood seemed to really improve.

I’ve been working out, eating well, cutting back in portion sizes but my weight is stuck stuck stuck. I’m determined not to be defeated though. I’m just so tired of not feeling attractive.

175 lbs

Breakfast: watermelon, sf “mocha”
Lunch: air popped popcorn
Dinner: mussels, oysters, tuna carpaccio & salad, wine
Dessert: 15 chocolate chips

Exercise: dog walk, ran 1 mile, 16 mins of cross training video 16k steps

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Wed Dec 30, 2020 6:22 pm
by automatedeating
I wish I had some magical encouraging words to give you, but I sort of feel "stuck" as you put it, as well. All we can do is stay a reasonable course, though, and continue to try to be good and balanced people every day. That seems so reasonable but it is hard!

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2020 3:42 pm
by alene1
Happy new year Linda! Wishing you a great year ahead for you and your family. We made it! :)

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2021 5:59 am
by lpearlmom
Thanks Alene and auto!

Well my eating has been a little crazy but I signed up fir a team weight loss challenge. The prize is 10k but really I’m just doing it to motivate me. I DO NOT like letting ppl down. I won’t even tell you the amount I need to lose in 3 mos in order to have a shot at winning this but it’s a lot. Kinda nuts but I thought heck nothing else is working so why not give it a shot.

Rosebud is forced to go back to in person school tomorrow because they’re not offering honors classes online. It’s not really fair but that’s that. They’ve already had 38 cases at her school so I’m feeling super nervous as is she. On the other hand she did horribly with online school so maybe it’s for the best...

And I have to get up early tomorrow. Omg, I’m assimilating back into society. It’s freaking me out but it’ll be okay, hopefully.

No exercise and lots of food. Well my weigh in is Tuesday so one more day of eating.

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2021 4:32 pm
by automatedeating
Wow!! Good luck on your weight loss challenge! 10K?!

Sorry about Rosebud feeling anxious about going back to school. I hope things go well for her. Oh, and yeah - getting up to drive her around - back to those days! LOL!

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2021 5:28 pm
by pinkhippie
Going back to regular life after vacay is so hard! Sounds like maybe it is for the best for Rosebud to go in person since online was so tough.

Im so glad you had such a nice visit with your mom! I know what you mean about being an introvert and enjoying the time but also being really glad to have your time back.

Good luck with your day and your first week back!

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2021 4:58 am
by lpearlmom
Thanks auto and hippie! It was so tough dropping her off this morning. This is the first time she’s gone to this school in person. Thats hard enough but to do it in the middle of a pandemic is extra scary. She was so nervous and it was even harder since it was still dark oot when i dropped her off this morning. Luckily she had a friend meet her out front and she helped rosebud find all her classes.

Much to my relief when i picked her up she said it went really well and that she had a fun day. Also, auto this new school is only like 7 mins away—woot! Plus she’ll probably be driving herself next year believe it or not. 🤦🏼‍♀️ Im so glad it went well. Now let’s just hope she doesn’t get sick or get me or swetpea sick. Doc gets his 2nd vaccine Saturday so he should be in the clear. Phew ill feel better when the teachers get their vaccines. They do not get paid enough to be dealing with all this risk.

Anyway, omg i feel ill. Been doing a lot of “last supper” eating which I haven’t done in a long time. But im super psyched to start the challenge tomorrow! Doc and I are staying at l’auberge in sedona for a couple of days. Will be nice to get away for a bit.

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2021 4:25 pm
by Jen1974
Good luck with your challenge Linda!! Sounds like a fun way to motivate (:

Have fun in Sedona with Doc!! I love trips with just me & my husband!!

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2021 5:12 pm
by pinkhippie
It does sound hard to have Rosebud going back to school in person, but I am glad she had a great day and that Doc is getting his second dose soon. Also, was it easier to have only one of the girls home or was it weird? I imagine it would be weird at first but maybe nice once you get used to it?

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2021 5:17 am
by lpearlmom
Thank you Jen! Yes, im so excited to get away!

Thank you hippie! It’s always nice having just one of the girls home but honestly they spend so much time in their rooms that it was barely any different. ☺️ Her puppy sure missed her though. She kept looking in rosebuds room for her.

Well today was the first day of the challenge and i weighed in. I ate a big breakfast and then weighed myself in an attempt to make my weight higher. It seemed to work. Well that along with eating nonstop the last couple of days. Im super excited. I just hope i dont let my teammates down.

Tomorrow is cupcake’s (our puppy ) first birthday 🎂! Getting her was one of the best decisions ive ever made. She really has brought so much joy and comfort to us during this hard times. She’s just a doll and even tessa is coming around. I got her a toy and dog cake mix. She may be a little spoiled as well. ;)

Break: piece of pb toast, 2 veggie sausage, sf mocha
Lunch: protein shake
Dinner: piece of toast

Exercise: dog walk, incline walking on treadmill—13k steps

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2021 2:24 am
by lpearlmom
We are having a great time in Sedona. Our cottage is adorable and so nice to get away. We lit a fire and ordered drinks to be brought to the room. So despite an insane news day, we are enjoying ourselves.

Doc is trying to lose weight with me and boy does he get hangry. He was kinda snappy with me for packing so much stuff and then for not navigating correctly. 🙄 That kind of behavior used to really upset me but now I’m just like whatever dude. He was fine once he ate. I mean just keep the extra 10 lbs on, you’re clearly not cut out for this losing weight stuff.

Anyway... we are going hiking tomorrow and then to dinner at the hotel. They’re serving to just guests with lots of social distancing. I’m sure it’s fine but I can’t believe how lax of gotten. It’s just hard to keep up the constant diligence, but will try to get back to it.

My weight is down 7lbs. A lot of that is the food I ate and clothes I wore before weighing but it did give me a nice head start.

175 lbs

Breakfast: sf “mocha” with almond milk
Dinner: shrimp fajitas, beet salad (shared both), skinny margarita, glass wine and martini 🍸 (vacation!)

Exercise: walk 🐶, 20 min walk/run treadmill, 10 mins weights
13k steps

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2021 10:36 pm
by pinkhippie
Snappy Hangry husbands are hard to deal with! Mine does the same thing sometimes. Honestly until he started drinking these hard core meal replacement shakes that have like 20 grams of protein, I used to deal with it a lot more.

I am glad you are having a good time in Sedona! It sounds like a PERFECT time to get away. Good timing! :)

I am also glad for you that you are down 7 pounds. That must feel good.

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2021 4:11 pm
by Jen1974
My whole crew will get hangry if we don’t eat!! We’ve made the mistake not getting breakfast soon enough on vacation one too many times where we’re all yelling at each other for nothing :lol:

Have a great time with your husband in Sedona :D

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2021 5:23 am
by lpearlmom
IThanks Jen & hippie. I guess i better get him some protein shakes!

We ended up having a really amazing time. The hotel is just beautiful and the service was top notch. We went on a gorgeous hike on Thursday, then came back to our cottage and relaxed on the patio before going to dinner. It was delicious and afterwards doc dragged me out for drinks. Sedona doesn’t have much of a night life but we found a little cafe serving drinks and had a nice time. Definitely drank too much and feeling a little hung over today. Really don’t like that feeling so back to my moderate drinking for sure.

Im shocked about what’s happening in DC. Shocked, saddened but not surprised. Ugh.

Anyway, tomorrow we weigh in for our teams so i kept it light today.

Breakfast: bagel w lox & cream cheese, yogurt w granola, oj
Dinner: sf mocha

No exercise

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2021 5:29 am
by lpearlmom
Kind of a rough day. Its just that post vacation feeling of feeling behind. We had a ton of packages and mail to go through. Then i had to clean the kitchen and deal with 3 different grocery deliveries. I also had to take the dogs to the groomers, take rosebud to the store, make dinner, make cupcakes bday cake, and of course workout.

Oh and deal with the fact that both girls are still struggling with school. Sweetpea spends most of her time in her room which is a mess doing who knows what all day. And i went in their bathroom and it was a total mess. I just feel like a complete failure as a parent. Why didn’t i teach them to be more responsible and disciplined? Ugh, so many regrets.

Im just feeling very overwhelmed & the reality of what’s happening in our country is so sad and down right terrifying. Just a lot to grapple with but im sure ill feel better with a goodnights sleep.

I also feel like i ate too much. I need to weigh 173 by Tuesday to stay on track for my challenge.


Break: blueberries, sf mocha
Lunch: sushi, shrimp cocktail
Dinner: bowl of butternut squash, broccoli & white bean soup 🍲
Dessert: 3 small cookies, lollipop

Exercise: walked dogs, walked on treadmill 14.5k steps

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2021 5:04 am
by lpearlmom
Okay feeling a little better. I think the combo of drinking too much on vacation, forgetting to take my meds for 3 days, dealing with all the trauma of what happened at the capitol and just worrying about my girls kind of put me over the edge.

At least there seem to be some consequences happening now for many of the ppl involved. Why are so many of them from Arizona? 🤦🏼‍♀️ One of the anti-protesters thats at most of the protests ive been to was involved and now the fbi is looking for her. She’s been in my face once or twice, packing heat of course. Anyway, im certain theyll find her.

I’m okay. My girls are great and I’m coming to terms with the fact that if sweetpea doesn’t go to college that it’s not the end of the world. She wants to be a journalist, I bet she doesn’t need to go to college for that. Maybe community college or just some really life experience? I dunno. My great uncle didn’t go to college and he was probably the most successful person in our family. She’ll be okay. I need to let her find her way. *sigh* it’s hard.

Everything else is good. I’m on track with my weight loss challenge but omg, it’s so much harder to lose weight than it’s ever been. I’m gonna do this though. I don’t want to let anyone down including myself.


Break: grapes, sf mocha
Lunch: oysters
Dinner: quinoa, butternut squash w peanut sauce, glass wine
Dessert: 1 serving kitty cat cookies

Exercise: dog walk, body weight exercise-30 mins, walk w neighbors. 12k steps.

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2021 4:43 pm
by pinkhippie
Right there with you about the events at our Capitol. So upsetting! I didn't realize there were so many from Arizona! The one I noticed was from Arkansas, not terribly far from my corner of Arkansas. I was also not surprised.

Yeah, this thing with the kids and college and grades is tough! My senior is just barely snailing her way through her classes barely passing... will she finish in time? who knows? And her room is trashed all the time. I have a lot of regrets as well, but being a parent is a learning journey. We don't go into it knowing exactly what to do and how to be perfect parents ( and I don't think we ever reach that level) We do the best we can and just love our kids and show them that love. Also every parenting philosophy is different. I have been berating myself for being overprotective and too sheltering, and yet a mom I admire a lot is talking about building houses on her property for her sons because she doesn't believe in families living apart. Anyway, I think moms are way too hard on themselves (me included). It is so hard to let our kids find their own way, but I think it's a great gift we can give them, and it sounds like you are doing great!

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2021 5:26 am
by lpearlmom
Thank you hippie. Your post made me tear up a little. It just so comforting that someone else can relate and understand what Im going through. I found a community college in Flagstaff that she could go to and then transfer straight to the university. They even have on campus housing at the university for cc students so she can still go the college route if she wants. That’s exactly what doc and i both did in Santa barbara. Honestly it was a great experience for me.

I was watching the Atlanta housewives today (guilty pleasure) and one of their daughters was about to go away to college so the mom had to give her a crash course in cleaning. Sweetpea and i laughed over that because that’s probably what ill have to do for her. ☺️

Today was pretty good but i was really tired. Doc was on call last night and he/we kept getting woken up with calls from the nurses. After i dropped rosebud off this morning, I crawled back into bed with the puppies for a little bit. That was heavenly. Usually i walk them as soon as i get home so no exercise today. I think it’s good to take a rest day now and then though.

Yesterday i went to the dentist and he’s going to fix the gap in my front teeth. It’s tiny but has always bugged me. Im super excited. ☺️

172.8 lbs

Break: watermelon
Dinner: shrimp curry w cauliflower rice , glass of wine
Dessert: 1 keto truffle, handful kitty cat cookies, sf mocha

We started ordering from Factor75 and im really enjoying it. The deliver premade fresh meals that are healthy. Theyve got low carb, keto, low calorie etc. You just stick in the microwave. Its really nice. We are just doing it twice a week to help cut down on our Postmates.

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2021 7:29 pm
by pinkhippie
I am glad my post could help. It does seem like we are going through similar stuff. Sounds like a great idea for the community college. We have a great community college here and they are working on creating student housing in the near future which would be great! There can be a community college stigma but I love community colleges! I graduated from one so I am biased but in my experience, the teachers there are teaching because they love to teach. The class sizes are small and you really form a connection with your professors. And of course, it's way less expensive. My experience was incredibly valuable.

Anyway, I am happy for you getting your gap fixed! It made me laugh a little because I am rewatching Americas Next Top model(funny when reality shows are soothing) and one of the girls there is always going on about her tooth gap and how much she loves it and the judges are always talking about her gap as well like it is so amazing. Good stuff. :)

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2021 9:58 pm
by Jen1974
Being a parent is hard!! My kids rooms tend to be messy, I’ll bug them from time to time, but ultimately feel like it’s up to them what they want their surroundings to be like. I do tell them often how much better I feel in a clean environment & they talk about how good it feels when they actually take the time to clean up. It’s just hard not to want to fix things for them, especially when you see them make choices that you know don’t make them feel good, like too much screen time & too many “nutrient free” foods. I think all good parents worry that they’re screwing everything up :lol:

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2021 10:31 pm
by Kathleen

College is such a joke. This is the last semester of two kids in college. Approximately $25,000 for two to sit in rooms on campus, open their laptops, and look at lectures and have some breakout rooms for discussions. To add insult to injury, there is a surcharge on one of the classes for distance learning! Take a look at the concern I saw in some articles in papers about the sharp dropoff in seniors this year applying for the FASFA. Kids are deciding against going to college. I suspect college is going to end up not being a requirement for entry level professional jobs. People will need skill-specific certificates, not a bachelor's degree.

Teach your daughters to do their own laundry. We had our kids do their own laundry starting in 11th grade, and they remarked about how many other students they taught to do laundry. Of course that is not as bad as the kid who didn't know how to take paper off a roll of paper to hang up...


Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2021 4:25 am
by lpearlmom
Hippie: I totally agree about CCs. Actually when i look back on my college experience, my time at city college was one of the happiest times in my life. More so than my university years. I do feel slightly guilty for wanting to fix my teeth instead of embracing my uniqueness especially since sweetpea told me she liked my gap. I do think it’ll be a confidence booster though.

So true Jen. I feel like im always walking that fine line between wanting to help and letting them figure things out for themselves. And god knows i love to solve their problems. Probably because I didn’t have anyone to rescue me even when i really needed it. Im sure im over doing it now. No such thing of perfect parenting. Im glad to know my kids aren’t the only ones with messy rooms. I always assume everyone else’s life are picture perfect. ☺️

Kathleen: sounds really frustrating. I hope things are better next year. My kids know how to do laundry but they don’t necessarily do it. They dont expect me to do it but sometimes i sneak in there and wash a few of their things. How crazy is that? 😆

Today was good. Docs been home the last couple of days because all elective surgeries have been cancelled due to a shortage of icu beds. Im so frustrated that the schools are still open especially since we are one of the few districts still doing in person. I really dont know what to do. 🤦🏼‍♀️

Well at least we have a three day weekend.

173.2 lbs (need to be 172 by Tuesday)

Break: sf ice blended
Lunch: rice cakes, cottage cheese
Dinner: shrimp curry w spinach, cauliflower rice, 2 glasses wine
Dessert: few kitty cat cookies, sf mocha

Exercise: pilates 15 min, walk dogs, treadmill 10k steps (seems low)

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2021 4:50 pm
by pinkhippie
Don't feel guilty about wanting to fix your gap! You get to decide how you want to look. If it bothers you, then I think its great that you are getting it fixed.

That does sound so frustrating about the schools. Here in our district, they will only go remote if they don't have enough teachers or subs. Every day this week I get a notification about a positive case and they haven't had several bus routes running because too many bus drivers are sick. But they still won't go remote. Is it Rosebud who goes in person for honors now?

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2021 5:17 pm
by Kathleen
You did well to have a break in Sedona. We just took a week in Northern Minnesota with dogsledding and skiing for the kids and snow showing for all of us. That will help especially the college students who literally sit in their rooms and open their laptops to look at classes.

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2021 3:18 am
by lpearlmom
Hippie: yes, it’s rosebud who is back in school. Sweetpea will probably be virtually all year. Her school is a more urban progressive area. So sad that a health issue has been politicized. Just feels like we’re playing Russian roulette every day. :/

That sounds amazing Kathleen. I’m so glad you got some away time. Was definitely good for Doc & I and I think the girls were happy to have some space from us.

Ugh, I really went off the rails this weekend. I’m disappointed in myself but it’s bound to happen now & then. I think I let myself get too frustrated when the scale doesn’t budge for a few days despite my hard work. I just need to stay the course and be patient.

In better news, we got sweetpea housing for next year and it’s pretty exciting. The housing is on the university’s campus but the community college students can live there too. They also have access to the dining hall, library etc. I know she’ll be disappointed if she doesn’t get into NAU but her back up plan is a good one.

Ate a lot, exercised none. 😢

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2021 4:52 pm
by pinkhippie
Ok, that is what I was thinking. It is sad that this issue has been politicized. If it makes you feel any better, it sounds like the research leans towards kids not spreading it in schools.

Wow! That is really exciting to have sweetpea her housing already! That is great, is she excited to move out?

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2021 11:35 pm
by automatedeating
Hi Linda! I know I'm terribly behind on your posts, but your last one sounds like some things are on the upward trend for you - hope that continues for you and your girls.

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2021 4:25 am
by lpearlmom
Thx hippie. I think she’s nervous about being on her own but a little excited too. She told me i need to make it less desirable to be at home so she’ll want to move out. Im going to miss her. Yeah, i saw that one of Bidens goals for the first 100 days is to open schools safely so maybe they’ll get some more resources to at least make things a little safer.

Thx auto, yeah things are coming along!

Back on track today. My goal is steady, strong and consistent.

Break: pineapple, coconut water
Lunch: a pickle, handful of nuts.
Dinner: seared salmon with pineapple salsa, spinach salad with warm shallot dressing
Dessert: sf mocha, kitty cat cookies

Exercise: walked dogs, ran a mile, 15 mins Pilates
15k steps

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2021 5:17 am
by lpearlmom
Things are going well. Im over the moon about our disgraceful president being gone—finally! I shed a lot of tears and can feel the trauma of the last 4 years starting to heal. Wth was that ppl and can we please make sure we dont repeat it? Ill sleep well tonight that’s for sure.

Anyway, not much else happening. I got my temporary veeners on and im kind of freaking out. This is such a permanent thing. I’ll always have to have veneers and will need to replace them every 10-20 years. What if I'm old and cant afford them or something. Will i have to go around with horrible teeth? I think im going to have a separate savings account for that purpose. I think ill feel better when i have my permanents on. These feel very fragile and they dont look too great. Im actually afraid to eat much so maybe it’ll help with the weightloss situation.

Oh and rosebud decided to pierce her own ears today. 🤦🏼‍♀️ She also cuts and dyes (blue) her own hair which actually looks adorable. Everything looks good on her though. She’s such a beauty.


Break: strawberries; watermelon
Dinner: a raspberry yogurt , glass of wine
Dessert: few cookie thins, sf hot cocoa

Exercise: walked dogs 🐕; ran a mile
12k steps

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2021 4:42 pm
by pinkhippie
Same here about those last 4 years Linda!

Veneers sound interesting! You said you are getting permanent ones but they still have to be replaced every 10 - 20 years? A separate savings account sounds like a good way to have peace of mind about that.

WOW! Rosebud pierced her own ears? Do kids still do that? :D my 17 yo cuts and dyes her own hair as well. It's purple at the moment. But piercing her own ears? Brave!

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2021 5:36 pm
by Jen1974
That’s exciting that you have a plan for your oldest!! It was really hard to send mine off this year, but I can tell really good for him!!

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2021 3:32 am
by lpearlmom
Hi hippie! Yeah so the deal with veneers is that they have to prep your teeth by filing down a layer on your teeth therefore you are pretty much committed to them forever but, unfortunately, they don’t last forever. If you ever wondered why all celebrities seem to have perfect, white teeth, veneers are the reason. Apparently if I take perfect care of them, they’ll last up to 30 years. Hope I made the right decision!

Thanks Jen! Yeah I think it’ll be good for her too. Luckily she’ll only be a couple hrs away if she needs us.

I got 17k steps yesterday but today I was feeling super lazy so took it easy. My weight was down 2 lbs yesterday but now it’s back up. Can I just get out of the 170s already??

172.6 lbs

Break: nf yogurt, fruit, sf mocha
Lunch; piece of “meat” loaf
Dinner: quinoa & black bean bowl, glass wine
Dessert: cookie thins, tea

Exercise: walked dogs