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Benjishi intro/check in

Posted: Tue Nov 07, 2006 4:17 am
by benjishi
Came across Urban Ranger, Shovelglove and No S last saturday while surfing through a strength and conditioning forum.

This is exactly what I'm looking for, I believe.

My non Numbers goals are:

Not gain a bunch of weight this winter, (over the weight I didn't lose over this summer due to working).

Never get that stir crazy feeling I get working as a computerist at a desk due to ongoing lack of exercise.
Feel comfortable peeling my shirt off in front of the laydeez.

My methods:
Urban rangering the mile walk too and from university, As well as

all errands that are in my neighborhood.

Today: Purchase sledge, Clean my room to make enough room to

shovelglove. Ongoing: Shovelglove first thing in the morning (or

at least every day)

No S. Diet. I spelunked into this over the weekend. Makes me

plan my meals better, which is a hectic problem because I often

need to eat on the road. Will have to work out how to plate

things in the car for when carry out is necessary. (Echhh.)

Popped a halloween mini-reeses without thought. Will have to

gain no snacking habbit.

Will have to learn to leave food on plate when my mother

overfills it.

Semi-Weekday luddite goal:
No MySpace, Otherground, IM at the computer while I have work to


Time to go eat my first meal.



NOS dieted pretty on point today.

Bought 10 LB sledge.

Need to clean my room still... have been out all day with school and work.

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 4:44 am
by benjishi
Success day for NoS, and Shovelglove.

Worked out of office today, so no opportunity to waist time on internet...

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 4:44 am
by benjishi
NoS: Success, perhaps a little too much for dinner to late at night.

Shovelglove: Had neck soreness, took it easy but did 14 minutes slow motion

UR: Was running late to school, so distance parked 2 blocks instead of walking the full way.

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2006 2:36 pm
by benjishi

NoS: Failure. Fyeta brought me a Caramel Apple in class today. Did not resist. What's stinks is that it came after having a really wierd eating day due to my bad schedule on thursdays. I had lunch really shortly after breakfast, so I had a really small one, and was STARVING waiting to be able to eat dinner. but I DIDN'T snack! Which is my major problem.. Got a good sized healthy dinner. And AFTER dinner in class I ate that darn apple. Rar.

Shovelglove: Was running around all day, Doing some physical labor. Then had class from 5:30 till 7 and radio show from 8 till midnight. But when I finally got home at 12:30 I did an alternate exercise program. (Did a bunch of dead lifts curls and presses with a 40lb bag of landscape pebbles). Well, it was technically the next day, but I say SUCCESS!

UR: Thurs. is a hectic day, but I did walk around campus alot today.

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 6:11 pm
by benjishi
For monday:

I don't know if Horchata counts as a Sweet. But I had a small. Otherwise, I had a biggish lunch, but definantly underplated breakfast and dinner.


UR: Walked to get lunch/groceries instead of drove.

Tuesday so far:


UR: well i went up 9 flights of stairs already moving my air conditioner to the basement storage and other stuff.

breakfast: Kashi

Posted: Wed Nov 15, 2006 3:43 pm
by benjishi
Monday's NoS: Success... except I realize I skipped dinner excepting an Apple. But I had a fairly big lunch, so I guess that covered it!

Today: Shovelgloved first thing in the A.M.

Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2006 8:26 pm
by benjishi
Tuesday: NoS success.
Wednesday: Nos tomfoolery, tentative success if saturday as NoS day is successful.

Shugged for tuesday wednesday and thursday.

After my feeling down about wednesday night's tomfoolery with NoS, I found getting on the shovelglove saddle a little harder this morning, but I did it anyway after a little procrastinating. Definantly improves ones mood to just stick with it... Cookies aren't as good as feeling successful is!

Urban rangered for lunch Tuesday and wednesday.

Girlfriend said I felt skinnier last night as she was hugging me.

Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2006 4:54 am
by benjishi

It's been a week since I have posted.

Today was turkey day... had a banana muffin for breakfast. Skipped lunch. Stuffed myself (relative to no seconds). Felt sick. Realized I really want to recommit to No S because it's just a better way to eat. I used to eat until I felt sickly full. What the heck was up with that?

Wednesday: Ate a 1 plate breakfast. Ate a small dinner, had a cholate shake with my girlfriend. Bleh. Skipped shovelglove :( to be with my girlfriend, but did about an hours worth of vigorous activity with her.

Tuesday: I think I was on point, but I didn't shovelglove.

Monday: Snacked on an apple. Felt GREAT shovelgloving after my S day breaks...

So my goal tonight is to skip the Pie that I was going to have (was too full to have any with turkey day) and shovelglove when I get back home from doing my radio show around 11.

Realiziations: My dad snacks and my mom overplates. Badddd habits for a while. Not that bad when I regularly exercises alot, but euch. Mandatory sedentariness sucks.

My schedual is really difficult to make exercising and eating happen at regular times, especially because alot of it isn't under my control due to my work, so shovelgloving first thing in the morning before I even leave my bedroom is my new goal... as well as sticking to NoS.

Posted: Sat Nov 25, 2006 1:20 am
by benjishi
woooo! hard to resist that pie that i never ate yesterday.

I have been stern and telling myself i need only hold out till tomorrow!

Shovelgloved... ate one plate of breakfast at my moms house. She still cooks too much food, but I just stopped eating when i was stuffed after one plate and ignored the fact that i wanted more of her yummy yummy home made corn beef hash.

Had two pieces of bread and philly cream cheese with a banana as a snackish lunch.

Had a not very healthy but plated dinner of steak sammich and fries.

Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2006 7:54 pm
by benjishi
I guess my girlfriend WASN'T kidding about me being skinnier.

I was skeptical because the scale hadn't moved, however, I fit into my size 36 pants quite easily today! instead of my size 38!

WOO HOOO! THANK YOU NoS, Urban Ranger and ShovelGlove!

So far so good with Shovelglove and NoS and UR today! woot!

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 2:03 pm
by benjishi
a little unthinking funny business at the end of the day yesterday, was teasing this girl in class that she should have brought popcorn cause we were watching a movie in class.

So she went and bought popcorn! And I had half of it. But that class is right before dinner, and I cut myself down to a bowl of soup for the rest of dinner.

So.... I'm not going to feel bad about it, in reference to the thread about french having a snack and then cutting back on their regular meal..

Does go to point out just how hard it is to make habits. And the importance of developing good ones.

I'm recommited to minding to be mindful!

Shovelgloved first thing out of bed this morning. Really kicked my butt today for some reason.

Onwards and downwards! (in weight :) )

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 5:12 pm
by gettnbusy
Nice work!

Posted: Tue Dec 05, 2006 5:49 pm
by benjishi
Thanks for the encouragement! :)

Wow, it's been a whole week!

I just had nothing eventful to write about!

Today I added yoga before my shovelglove to warm up, which led to my first speedy shovelglove session, because I was all loose and flexible. Along with being more accustomed to the movements now it turned out Very nice.

I think my face looks thinner. And I'm way better at stopping eating when I'm no longer hungry.

I also realize it's important to not be overzealous and make the meals too small, because if you don't schedule it right that encourages snacking, becaues you get ravenous.

Still sticking with everything, but Ice and Snow and needing to buy gloves and a hat is making Urban rangering harder.

Boy do I love SHOVELGLOVE!

Posted: Fri Jan 12, 2007 8:08 am
by benjishi
Been a while since I checked in.

I dunno how long my best perfect streak was...

But I lost 10 pounds over thanksgiving and christmas and new years.

WAY less snacking. Usually alot less stuffing my face till I feel gorged. (why the heck do I do something so unpleasant? It's like I don't feel full till I'm nearly sick with food sometimes) And less sweets too.

Got a pedometer for xmas. I seem to walk 4 or 6 miles a day. Ordered some better shoes so I'm hoping to up that, or perhaps even do something a bit more active.

Missed shovellglove today but it's 2 a.m. and i'm pooped. Kinda got off the shovelglove track from xmas to new years eve.

Trying to get back on now because I really enjoy it, and it was giving me some impressively hard biceps.

Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 5:11 am
by benjishi
Still been NoSing.. Think i've been doing well, but haven't been logging.

Impressed by MStevens prolific run of successful NoS and logging.

1 Sday: success, can't fail. no snacks. no sweets. ate more dinner than necessary.

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 1:56 pm
by benjishi
Sunday NoS: Auto Success
Monday SG: Success.

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 11:37 pm
by benjishi
monday nos: fail. snacked after shoveling the driveway.
tues. windsprints: success.

starting over with count. so far so good today.

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 1:45 pm
by benjishi
Day 1(tues): Success
Wednesday shovelglove: Success

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 3:20 pm
by benjishi
NoS: Day 2 (Wednesday)

Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2007 6:33 am
by benjishi
NoS:Day 3(Thursday) Success.
Exercise: Lazy.

NoS: Day 4 (Friday) Success.
Exercise: Actual Shoveling.

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2007 10:26 pm
by benjishi

Weightloss"198 pounds. Now size 34 pants which I haven't seen since at least junior year of HS