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Ari's Check In

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 8:51 am
by tarantinofan
Hi! I'm completely new to the No S Diet, but I am super excited by the prospect of eating in this way. I need to feel accountable in my weight loss journey, so I'm definitely going to keep track of my food intake every day.

I want to lose weight soooo badly because I am on my way to becoming an actress, and I think following this new way of eating could be the key to shedding the excess weight. I am also sick of being obsessed with food, of counting calories...It's all so confusing, and I'm beginning to miss the innocence I used to have around food.

Today, I saw the scale at 134.5...ewww. By the end of the No S, I want to weigh 115 pounds. At 5'5'', I don't technically need to lose weight for health reasons, but I do in order to be the actress that I yearn to be! I also want to have structure to my diet and eat in such a way that I feel in control around food.

I have tried eating nothing but salads and rabbit food but was left feeling empty and hungry in more ways than one. I am definitely ready to lose weight in a sustainable, unambiguous way! What could be simpler? So, here's to new beginnings! Tomorrow, I'll be sure to post my food intake and exercise levels. I hope I get a green day on my calendar!

There is no 'end' to No S. . .

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 3:31 pm
by la_loser
Welcome to No S!

It's really smart of you to take control of your habits before you ever had a true weight "problem." If I had done that many pounds and years ago, I wouldn't be in the fix I am today!

You said. . .
By the end of the No S
One thing about No S is that it's not something you will ever be "done with"- it's about building lifelong habits that keep you in good stead through the ups and downs of your life experiences. So it will be important to take that approach as you make these changes in your habits. You will find that it is very freeing and helps you lose obsessions or preoccupations with food and lets you eat like a "normal" person!

Good luck with your career. It's a rough road but it's certainly possible. As a former theatre teacher, I've had a number of my students decide to try it as a career. Several have found some success -- one was even nominated for a Tony a couple of weeks ago--but it takes time time time and patience in addition to your talent. (That one has been in NY for 13 years!) So hang in there and give it everything you've got!

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 4:05 pm
by StrawberryRoan

A budding actress in our midst. How exciting.

I agree, the beauty of No S is that you don't have to keep starting and stopping and restarting a "program".

Just learn to eat normal meals with no sweets, snacks or seconds.

The snack part is what really threw me for a loop - I had no idea how many times I reached for "something", you know all the fat free lo cal healthy snacks that have made this country so obese.

Gad to have you aboard. Please keep us informed as to how you are doing.

There is a July challenge starting and a daily check in thread where some of us journal about our daily lives, etc.

Welcome :wink:

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 6:13 pm
by mimi
Welcome Ari! I'm sure you will find that you love NoS as a sustainable way to eat for the rest of your life. Good luck - with both NoS and your acting career! I am a firm believer in following your dreams, so go for it!

Mimi :D

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2009 3:40 am
by tarantinofan
Yes, that's a very good point you guys make about making sure to not view this as a quick fix. I definitely don't view the No S Diet like that, but I am so glad that you are trying to correct a potential problem. It's so amazing to have support!

Anyway, as promised, here's my food and exercise for [color=green]Day 1[/color]--a success!

Breakfast: 1 egg over easy, 1 piece of wheat bread, 1 banana (yum). I haven't had bananas and yolks in eggs in so long because they were against the GI Diet. I was full for a much longer period of time than when I eat some cereal and an apple. I wasn't even hungry between breakfast and lunch, though it did feel different yet empowering not to snack.

Lunch: 1 piece of wheat bread, 2 slices of turkey, 1/2 tomato, 1 slice lettuce, 1 tsp hummus, 1/2 avocado, 2 tbsp salsa.

Dinner: 1/2 double fiber wheat english muffin, 1/2 tomato, some tomato.

Exercise: none. I was really tired from working out for an hour and a half yesterday. I don't want to kill my body, which is kind of achy! I'll definitely work out tomorrow though.

Day 2

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 1:16 am
by tarantinofan
Wow! I am so happy because today was another success! The afternoon was definitely a struggle, but I tried to keep out of the kitchen and by the time dinner rolled around, I wasn't even hungry.

Here's a list of what I ate for the day.

Breakfast: peanut butter and banana sandwich
Lunch: the same. I've clearly been missing my peanut butter and bananas!
Dinner: salmon wrap and side salad

All in all, I am so elated that today was a success, and I hope to return tomorrow with more good news! Here's to making it to Day 21 without any red marks!

Day 3

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2009 12:41 am
by tarantinofan
Day 3 was another success :)

Breakfast: peanut butter and banana sandwich (now I'm kind of sick of peanut butter haha)
Lunch: open faced turkey sandwich
Dinner: 1/2 wheat english muffin, around 4 oz of chicken, salad

I definitely think keeping accountable like this is really helping me stick to No-Sing!

Day far

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2009 11:12 am
by tarantinofan
Day 4: FAILURE Alright, well it's only 4 am on day 4, but I can now officially say I had my first red day. I woke up REALLY hungry an hour ago, and I kind of ate everything in sight. Damn it haha. I was really happy, though, because I know that I was losing weight before. I peeked after two days, and I had already lost 1-2 pounds (I peeked at 9 am and at my first weigh in it was 12 pm). So, I was down to like 132. Not a bad loss especially considering I've been too ill to do my typical elliptical work out. I did go to ballet yesterday but that doesn't do much.

Anyway, I just wanted to vent about my first failure, and if anyone has any tips on how to go about the rest of the day, I'd love some help. I'm going back to sleep and will probably wake up around 9. Thanks for any help you can give...I know I won't be losing today, but I'm just trying to form good habits in the long term.

If anyone has read to this far in this post, I would love someone to consider: Should I eat lunch and dinner and count the binge as breakfast? I will also make sure to get to the elliptical for an hour today...

I will post about the rest of the day, but until then, I wish everyone the best of luck in their weight loss endeavors!

Day 5

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2009 12:03 am
by tarantinofan
Well, Day 4 may have been a failure/red day, but today was another green day!

For breakfast, I had peanut butter, wheat bread, and an apple with cinnamon sprinkled on it.

For lunch, I had an open-faced turkey burger with some salad and fruit.

For dinner, I had chicken with 1/2 wheat english muffin, some salad, a tiny bit of pasta salad, and a very tiny amount of cole slaw.

Hopefully Yesterday didn't mitigate all of the other successful days...

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2009 1:23 am
by mimi
If anyone has read to this far in this post, I would love someone to consider: Should I eat lunch and dinner and count the binge as breakfast? I will also make sure to get to the elliptical for an hour today...
When this happens, and I'm sure it will again because we're all human, make sure you get right back on track. Your next meals following the slip-up should be strict NoS - no funny business. As someone around here said...just because you dented your car, you shouldn't drive it into a brick wall.

Mimi :D

Day 6, 7, 8, and 9

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 7:11 am
by tarantinofan
Whew...I've been offline for a few days I guess, but I've been quite successful all in all. Saturday, I went a bit crazy with the S-ing haha but I got back on track Sunday. I decided to post tonight because I'm super excited about what happened when I got on the scale before going to bed. It said 132. That means I've lost around 5 pounds so far (considering that in the morning I lose about 2-3 pounds, I'm assuming my weight will be 130 tomorrow). THAT'S AMAZING, and I'm super proud of myself. But, I need to be frank. I've felt deprived and need to start filling my plates up with more food! Anyway, here's my checkin for the past few days:

Day 7: S DAY

Btw, thanks Mimi for the help. What you said definitely makes a lot of sense.

It's funny because Reinhard said you will end up eating less on this diet but I'm actually eating more at meals--or, trying to force myself. I have noticed that I have a huge inner-critic in terms of portions but i need food!! At snacks it was easy to give myself leeway (especially when standing up while eating) because I just wasn't aware of how much I was eating.

But now, I am becoming more aware of how much food I really need. And it's interesting because I need different amounts at different points in the day. Certainly more in the morning, the most for lunch probably, and the least for dinner.

And I'm finally happy to be eating real food: bagels with cream cheese, peanut butter..."FATTY" food. This sounds so ridiculous but it feels really odd to not feel hungry like an hour after eating. I've come to realize that eating salads as meals is just not a way for me to live. I need carbs and fat!!

I was too easy with myself before No S in certain ways, such as snacking, but hard on myself in terms of what were the "right" foods. Now I'm coming to realize that lots of food in the morning and especially for lunch are crucial in order to last me to dinner time. If I don't have a lot earlier in the day, I basically collapse around 3 or 4. Literally!

Today this happened. I was debating whether to have a bagel for lunch or just a piece of bread and i ended up choosing the "healthier" option by having just a piece of bread. But, with a piece of bread, cream cheese, hummus, and a banana, that adds up to around 300 calories--not enough to last me till dinner time. My head was throbbing and i felt awful by the time i got to my dinner. i basically consumed my sandwich in one bite!

As I slowly stray from the diet mentality and come to view food in terms of how it makes me feel as opposed to letting the "food police" guide me, i have come to a place where i actually look forward to my day/meals. I now enjoy my mother's cooking, which (as pathetic as it sounds) used to scare me. I used to be so freaking scared walking to the kitchen because I knew that when I entered, I wouldn't have any control and would eat the whole freaking loaf of challah along with 2 times more portions than anyone else at the table. But, now I have support. I have structure. I have No S. I can now finally tell my mom I love her cooking and let her cook again. I actually told her to stop cooking because I was so scared of overeating. Now I don't need to be.

How could I never realize? One plate. That's it! I wish I would have found No S earlier because the amount I stressed about food was such a waste of time and energy. But, I am so grateful to have found it before my relationship with food worsened and before I ballooned to a more rotund shape.

One more thing I'd like to vent about before I go to sleep. Oh god, I can't believe it's already 12 am! Well, I just wanted to say that I am so furious that I saw a nutritionist AND a personal trainer last summer, believing they would know the key to healthy weight loss. They didn't help me lose weight but they certainly made me fear food. Those "professionals" didn't do anything but give mixed messages about which foods were "good" and "bad".

Well, I guess it's time for me to get to bed. But I just needed to get some word vomit out, to put it bluntly. I am so happy that I don't need to worry about the unpredictability of my overeating, that I don't need to set unattainable goals. I am just so freaking happy. And it's only day 10 (well 10 minutes in, but still). I can't even imagine how much better I'll feel once the habits really kick in at day 21.

Here's to new habits and kicking those old, crappy ones!

Day 10

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2009 12:52 am
by tarantinofan
Well, unfortunately today was a FAILURE. Oh well, it's just one day, and I will get back on track tomorrow!

Mark it. . .

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2009 1:17 am
by la_loser
That's right--in Vicki's words. . . Mark it and move on. It's what we all do!

Day 11 and 12

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2009 10:45 pm
by tarantinofan
Day 11 and 12 have both been successes, and I'm definitely look forward to having my S days. Hopefully next week will be all green!

Day 13 and 14

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 6:21 am
by tarantinofan
My two S days. Hmmm...Well, I think I was too vigilant on Saturday because when Sunday rolled around, I ate quite a bit of sweets, snacks, and seconds. I went to a bit of excess also because I want to make sure that I get all of my desires out the window so that this week is completely green. I really want a completely green week. The past two weeks have been marred by one day each. THIS WEEK WILL BE COMPLETELY GREEN!!!

I think, in order to make my S days less scary and more enjoyable, I will add back a bit more structure.

So, for me, an S day turns from yellow to red on the habitcal if, on that day, I do one of the following:
-have more than 2 "S" events
-eat standing up
-don't eat on a plate

For example, an ok S day would be eating a yogurt in the afternoon and seconds at breakfast. I think this will make my S days so much less scary.

Also, in order to make my habit forming a bit easier, I think I'm going to alter my habitcal. If on a weekday I have 1 "S" event, then I will count this as a blank day. At least until my habits have formed, I want to make sure that the red days aren't too egregious. They have been in the past because, I think I had the last supper effect--eating to excess because I was "allowed" to. I think keeping a day with one error on it "blank" makes sense because that day isn't moving me forward but most likely isn't moving me too far behind either. Plus, this gives me more of an excuse to hold on to the rest of the day...

Alright, I hope this new system works...We'll see!

Day 15 and 16

Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2009 5:31 pm
by tarantinofan
Both today and yesterday were successes . Though, I must say today was sort of odd because I had breakfast at 2 am. I couldn't sleep because I ate too few calories yesterday. That does not feel so good! My head felt like it was going to explode. But, I'm still very determined to have my first 100% green week.

Day 17

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2009 1:08 am
by tarantinofan
Another successful day. Oh by the way, I stepped on the scale this morning, and I'm down to 130.5. Awesome :) Tomorrow I might check just to see if I gained entrance into the 120's club. Man, that would make me sooo happy!

Oh, this also marks the 8th consecutive successful day. If I keep this up, I'll be joining the 21 club Wednesday July 29th.

This is sort of pathetic, but I wanted to divulge my fears of why making it to Saturday will be difficult to me. Three things that are sort of freaking me out:
1) my mom just bought froyo from the Big Chill, which is sooo good. She also bought my favorite flavor: peanut butter. The only way it would be worse if cookie dough was on top. Mmm...
2) My sister's coming in from NYC tonight. That means my mom's cooking a huge shabbat dinner tomorrow. There will be another weakness of mine there, challah. If I just stick to the one plate rule, I should be okay, but man, I think it will be a challenge. My mom might be mad to just give me one plate when she wants to give me salad and dessert. I'll just tell her that I want the salad with the rest of my meal, I suppose. That way she won't be offended that I don't like her food and I get another N Day.
3) My mom bought chocolate chip rougholah (I have no idea how to spell that lol). Those are freaking amazing!

Ak, I'm gonna be honest. I'm really scared about tomorrow. You know what, I'm going to make it!!!! I can eat all that stuff on Saturday. I'm already planning out my two S's lol.
1) For breakfast on Saturday, I'll have some chocolate rougholah on a plate.
2) I'll go to the Big Chill and get a small yogurt with chocolate chip cookie dough.

Whew, alright. I believe in myself. I can do it!!!! The end of my first all green week is approaching. I am not going to break my 8 day streak! If tomorrow is successful, that will be an 11 day streak (assuming S days are reasonable). Okay, it is so worth it to wait a day. I can have all of that stuff SATURDAY. That is Saturday food. Not friday food. AHHHHH!!!

Edit: Even though my sister has only been home a few hours, I've already been pressured to get yogurt if not today then for sure tomorrow. We also have a party and a nice shabbat dinner. I think it would be best if I made today an S day and get rid of Sunday this week or make it just a "special day." My sister is in town, so maybe this garners a special day? I know that someone in my family is going to think I'm starving myself if I don't eat sweets and all the courses. I'll decide later whether I want to get rid of or keep sunday. i probably wont need all three days, but whatever, we'll see...

Day 18, 19, 20, 21

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 3:30 am
by tarantinofan
Friday I made an S Day because of the Shabbat dinner my mom made. I got rid of the Saturday S day instead.


With my sister home and everything, I went absolutely crazy with food. My S days were more like S disasters...It's incredible to me that 2 days of excess can undo weeks of good behavior. I'll post when I get back down to 130.5. I know I'll get back on track soon. Hopefully by tomorrow or Wednesday I'll be back at a more comfortable weight!

I am really upset, though. Why do I eat to such excess?!?!?! Once I get to 21 days of perfect compliance, I want to make sure my S days are not days where I feel awful because of overeating. I've started to track my bingeing on a new habitcal, and hopefully increased awareness and accountability will make a difference.

I've thought of my future habitcals:
1. Nodietsoda
2. 2 s events per s day
3. nogum

Right now, though, I really want to get my N days perfect and to nix my bingeing. Even though last week was sort of a perfect week, it wasn't really because I made Friday a special day with my sister coming in.

Day 22

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 6:25 am
by tarantinofan
SUCCESS! Not much to report for today. I went on the elliptical for an hour in the afternoon, which felt really nice. Very relaxing! I did the same thing yesterday. I love working out haha. Tomorrow, I'm going to rent some movies to make my workout more stimulating. TV in the afternoon is really, really bad.

I will soon be in the 120s. I can feel it!! I think by the end of the week...

Alright, well I'm going to sleep now. I'm exhausted! I hope everyone has a successful day tomorrow!

Day 23 and 24

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2009 11:48 pm
by tarantinofan
Well, I have yet to complete a week that is completely compliant. However, I am proud to say that even though Wednesday (Day 23) was a Failure, it was more of the blank/no bingeing failure. I was STARVING on Wednesday, so I ended up eating an apple and peanut butter after my meal. I ate it on a plate and no bingeing occurred. So, I'm making progress! Yay!!!

Today (Day 24) was a success. Nothing much to report...

I'm still doing damage control from last weekend's disasters/bingeing. Ak...still not back down to 130.5 or in the 120s. Alright, I'm off to work out for an hour. Hopefully this will help!

Day 25

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2009 7:24 pm
by tarantinofan
Another success. It's weird. I'm having a bit of trouble losing the weight from my gorge fest last weekend. I guess I'm just going to have to wait it out and eat as healthfully as I can and continue working out. Maybe it's because I had a subway sandwich. Is that fast food? Idk, but I'm still at 132.

Over the weekend I went from 130.5 on Thursday to 134 on Monday. That's a 4 pound climb! I don't think that's all real weight, but I obviously still gained quite a significant amount of weight in so short a period. So, this week I've been trying to at least get back to where I was last week, but I'm not losing as fast as I was before. I lost 2 pounds at least, which is good. But, I'm frustrated that I was so excessive and am not back on track :( Ok, today I'm going to work out for an hour and make sure to eat real healthfully. Maybe tomorrow I will be back at 130.5?

My weight tracked for the week:
Monday: 134
Tuesday: 132
Wednesday: 131.5
Thursday: 132.5
Friday: 132
Saturday: 130.5?!??!?!

Posted: Sat Jul 25, 2009 3:22 pm
by tarantinofan
Today's an S day, and normally I wouldn't post, but I just wanted to say that I'm back down to 130.5. I'm super happy! Yay!! I'm back on track...My sister's visit didn't do too much damage, only a week's worth...

Day 26 and 27

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 5:58 pm
by tarantinofan
My S days were quite excessive this weekend. I like the feeling I have on N days so much more. On Saturday, I was eating normal meals all day long. Then, when I decided to have my treat, it suddenly lent itself to my overeating the rest of the day. I went from froyo with cookie dough and strawberries (the only indulgence I had wanted during the week) -> peanut butter out of the jar, fudge standing up, chocolates...

Then, on Sunday, I went to Disneyland and actually had a less excessive day, but still not great. I had a piece of bread from the bread basket, an ice cream sundae with hot fudge and whipped cream, a bite of a frozen banana, and 2 bites of a crepe.

So, all in all, not a great S day. Better than last weekend, I think.

Anyway, I think this is progress, but I've decided not to weigh myself for a few days to find out... Ignorance is bliss lol

Day 28

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 6:14 pm
by tarantinofan
SUCCESS! Alright, even though I wasn't going to weigh myself for a few days after Disneyland and excessive weekend eating, I did. And...good news! I only gained a pound. I weighed in at 131.5 this morning. Not too bad considering how much I ate over the weekend. So, this is great. I went from gaining 4 pounds last weekend to 1 this weekend. Wow! Well, anyway, today marks day 6 of consecutive success in what seems like attempt 36 (though is probably more like attempt 4). It hasn't been a successful consecutive day 6 yet (that will be day 29), but I'm sure I'll get there!

Re: Day 28

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 6:23 pm
by Nichole
Ari wrote:SUCCESS! Alright, even though I wasn't going to weigh myself for a few days after Disneyland and excessive weekend eating, I did. And...good news! I only gained a pound. I weighed in at 131.5 this morning. Not too bad considering how much I ate over the weekend. So, this is great. I went from gaining 4 pounds last weekend to 1 this weekend. Wow! Well, anyway, today marks day 6 of consecutive success in what seems like attempt 36 (though is probably more like attempt 4). It hasn't been a successful consecutive day 6 yet (that will be day 29), but I'm sure I'll get there!
Congrats! Good job. I gained a lot after a week in Disney World for my honeymoon, lol, but after going back to normal eating, it came right off.

I have similar "stats" as you - 5'4". I was 150ish and now I'm 138. Would love to be 130. :)

Day 29 and 30

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 4:08 pm
by tarantinofan
Congrats, Nichole, on such a successful weight loss! That's great :)

Well, I was wrong. Day 29 was far from a success. I had a really bad day yesterday, and I emotionally ate (as well as today). I'm trying to figure out WHY I would try to screw up the progress I've been making. Honestly, I can't figure it out. In the past, when I broke the No S sanctity it was because I was STARVING because the diet was working so well and I needed to slow that progress down. But, the past two days have been about me stuffing my face to just, well, stuff my face. Why would I want to sabotage myself when I've been doing so well? Perhaps I needed comfort really badly yesterday. I had a terrible day. In my acting class, we had to do a scene on the phone, and I was so bad :( Acting class is really frustrating in so many ways. Because I'm learning technique right now, I'm literally put my life on stage (2 minutes of making a sandwich, talking to my sister on the phone...) and I'm judged on that. At least when I have a scene partner and stuff, it will take the focus off me. That will be more comfortable. Anyway, I'm pretty upset that I screwed up so badly, but I guess I really needed it emotionally. You know what, the rest of day 30 will be perfect: it's only 9 am and I can keep the rest of the day (and week) a success!

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 4:00 am
by tarantinofan
I think my checkin is a bit off somehow...Today was day 32, and it was also a failure. I'm in Hawaii for a few days, and I decided to have some of the bread basket at lunch. That was my only S though, so it wasn't a terrible failed day or anything. I've definitely had worse, but...

I won't give up. TOMORROW WILL BE THE START OF 21 DAY COMPLIANCE! I can do it. I know I can!

I actually sort of wanted to see a visual of my failures and successes in list format, so here it is:

A1 Day 1 (Monday June 29th; Attempt 1; Day 1): SUCCESS no binge
A2 Day 2 (Tuesday June 30th; Attempt 1; Day 2): SUCCESS no binge
A3 Day 3 (Wednesday July 1st; Attempt 1; Day 3): SUCCESS no binge
A4-Day 4 (Thursday July 2nd; Attempt 1; Day 4): FAILURE + BINGE
B1 Day 5 (Friday July 3rd; Attempt 2; Day 1): SUCCESS no binge
B2 Day 6 (Saturday July 4th; Attempt 2; Day 2): S DAY + BINGE
B3 Day 7 (Sunday July 5th; Attempt 2; Day 3): S DAY no binge
B4 Day 8 (Monday July 6th; Attempt 2; Day 4): SUCCESS no binge
B5 Day 9 (Tuesday July 7th; Attempt 2; Day 5): SUCCESS no binge
B6-Day 10 (Wednesday July 8th; Attempt 2; Day 6): FAILURE + BINGE
C1 Day 11 (Thursday July 9th; Attempt 3; Day 1): SUCCESS no binge
C2 Day 12 (Friday July 10th; Attempt 3; Day 2): SUCCESS no binge
C3 Day 13 (Saturday July 11th; Attempt 3; Day 3): S DAY no binge
C4 Day 14 (Sunday July 12th; Attempt 3; Day 4): S DAY + BINGE
C5 Day 15 (Monday July 13th; Attempt 3; Day 5): SUCCESS no binge
C6 Day 16 (Tuesday July 14th; Attempt 3; Day 6): SUCCESS no binge
C7 Day 17 (Wednesday July 15th; Attempt 3; Day 7): SUCCESS no binge
C8 Day 18 (Thursday July 16th; Attempt 3; Day 8 ): SUCCESS no binge
C9 Day 19 (Friday July 17th; Attempt 3; Day 9): S DAY + BINGE
C10 Day 20 (Saturday July 18th; Attempt 3; Day 10): SUCCESS no binge
C11 Day 21 (Sunday July 19th; Attempt 3; Day 11): S DAY + BINGE
C12 Day 22 (Monday July 20th; Attempt 3; Day 12): SUCCESS no binge
C13 Day 23 (Tuesday July 21st; Attempt 3; Day 13): SUCCESS no binge
C14-Day 24 (Wednesday July 22nd; Attempt 3; Day 14): FAILURE + BINGE
D1 Day 25 (Thursday July 23rd; Attempt 4; Day 1): SUCCESS no binge
D2 Day 26 (Friday July 24th; Attempt 4; Day 2): SUCCESS no binge
D3 Day 27 (Saturday July 25th; Attempt 4; Day 3): S DAY + BINGE
D4 Day 28 (Sunday July 26th; Attempt 4; Day 4): SUCCESS no binge
D5 Day 29 (Monday July 27th; Attempt 4; Day 5): SUCCESS no binge
D6-Day 30 (Tuesday July 28th; Attempt 4; Day 6): FAILURE + BINGE
E1-Day 31 (Wednesday July 29th; Attempt 5; Day 1): FAILURE + BINGE
F1-Day 32 (Thursday July 30th; Attempt 6; Day 1): FAILURE no binge
G1-Day 33 (Friday July 31st; Attempt 7; Day 1): FAILURE no binge
H1 Day 34 (Saturday August 1st; Attempt 8; Day 1): S DAY no binge?!?!?!

In the past 33 days, there have been 7 red days (4 have occurred this week) and I have binged 9 times. I'm just keeping a head count so I can see the progress next month.

I'm starting attempt 9 tomorrow. Hopefully that will be the start of more success. Someone on the boards said you have to fall down 7 times before you can be successful at something. Since I've fallen down 7 times, I hope this is the start of some real success. I want to join the 21 day club!!

The reason the past week has been so filled with red days is that I'm on vacation in Hawaii. Today I was really adamant about having a successful day, but for breakfast I had leftovers and there aren't any plates in the room. So, I ended up eating out of the containers.

Anyway, I know I am making progress. I'm down around 4 pounds for the month, which is great considering I don't have much to lose and I'm already at a healthy weight. So, I'll just keep trekking and hopefully get where I want to go soon :)

H1 and H2

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2009 7:51 am
by tarantinofan
Attempt "H" at having 21 days of compliance in a row has begun. This means that it is attempt 8 (A=1, B=2, C=3, D=4, E=5, F=6, G=7, H=8). I think I can do it! I know I can! It's really nice to be back home. On vacation, it sucked being on No S because my parents love the bread basket and appetizers. I ended up having no green N days on vacation. It was really hard for me (considering my habits haven't formed yet) to see my parents have bread and different courses while I'm hungry and waiting for my meal to come. Ahhh the joys of being home!

Anyway, the past two S days have been the start of attempt "H." August 1st, H1, was successful and I didn't binge at all. I actually checked my weight on vacation and while I didn't lose any weight on vacation, I didn't gain any weight since Disneyland. My weight this morning was 131.4. That's awesome, though! I know I can get to losing mode now.

I have committed myself to weighing 125 by August 28th. I made a stickK commitment, and if I don't weigh 130.25 by August 7th, I have to pay $5 to a charity I vehemently oppose. This is quite a burden to be carrying, so I think it will help me lose the weight.

I'll check in tomorrow about my first N day in attempt H...Ak I hope this is the start of some weight loss. I would love to be thin lol

H3, H4, and H5

Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2009 6:52 pm
by tarantinofan
H3 and H4 were successes. H5, however, was an S day because I am sick today.

I was feeling ravenous today because I have a stomach flu of some sort. After eating lunch, I had 2 more plates: one with cereal, nuts, yogurt, coconut, and peanut butter, and then another plate with peanut butter and bread.

Ak I hope I reach my goal of 130 on Friday. I'm nervous I won't! I better work out for an hour today.

Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2009 1:07 am
by Bushranger
That's quite odd how so many people get hungry when sick. I have found bed rest and fasting (aside from consuming certain drinks and natural herbs) to be much more effective at helping combat sickness.

Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2009 6:46 pm
by Thalia
I find being sick kind of kills my appetite (for disgusting mucus-related reasons), but that if I don't eat because of it, I feel weak and light-headed and take longer to get well. Fighting infection is hard work -- I'm surprised that fasting works for you, but can't argue with success.


Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2009 12:44 am
by tarantinofan
In most cases, I find my appetite suppressed when I'm sick. But, this was a stomach sickness (I don't want to get into gross details). So, I was feeling really empty and needed more food in my belly!

Anyway, today was a SUCCESS. 20 days till I make No S a habit...

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2009 12:51 am
by Bushranger
Thalia wrote:I find being sick kind of kills my appetite (for disgusting mucus-related reasons), but that if I don't eat because of it, I feel weak and light-headed and take longer to get well. Fighting infection is hard work -- I'm surprised that fasting works for you, but can't argue with success.
It's a very controlled fast. If you have to get up and go to work and be active I wouldn't recommend fasting. I'm talking staying in bed, consuming only certain herbal drinks and fluids plus a dose of vitamins, Echinacea, Kyolic garlic, gargling Tea Tree mouthwash if its throat related, etc. That kind of thing. The staying rested part is critical and if you can't do that fasting will not be very helpful and will leave you feeling very weak and probably worse off.


Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2009 5:14 am
by tarantinofan
Today, I2, was also a success. 19 Days till No S is a habit (and till no bingeing is also a habit).

I am adding no bingeing to my list of habits that I am trying to form in the next 21 days.

Anyway, if this weekend has good s days, then that will be I3 and I4 and I will only have 17 days left till habits form!


Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2009 5:50 am
by tarantinofan
Today, I2, was also a success. 19 Days till No S is a habit (and till no bingeing is also a habit).

I am adding no bingeing to my list of habits that I am trying to form in the next 21 days.

Anyway, if this weekend has good s days, then that will be I3 and I4 and I will only have 17 days left till habits form!


Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2009 7:03 am
by tarantinofan
Today was the start of my mod of max 2 S events per S day. I finally found that I was enjoying my S day rather than fearing it/a future binge. What a relief! I just really needed more structure on S days than I was giving myself. Binges suck, and I honestly think that more than 2 S's would make me sick. I really enjoyed my S's today. The first S was seconds at breakfast because I was ravenous. The second S was froyo. YUM! I loveee froyo :)

Anyway, it's nice to know that I don't need to fear but rather can love my S days...Hopefully tomorrow will also go smoothly. I really wasn't following Reinhard's advice with S days gone wild (aka was eating alone standing at the fridge). Not a great way to live/become more healthy. Now that I'm giving myself more structure to my S days, I found that today was really more in line with what Reinhard said I should be feeling: a sense of joy during my S days. I think this mod takes away the anxiety I was feeling about my S days, and I'm excited to have added this mod.

Also, there was one other thing I was thinking about modifying. I think I'm going to add a tiny mod for the next week or two. Since I have yet to have 5 N days in a row (pathetic in a way lol), I think in order to phase myself out I'll just allow an emergency 1 S event during the week. If I need it (aka am starving and feel like I'm going to die if I don't get food), then I'll use my 1 S event. This will make the week seem shorter for me. Since I'm still adjusting my meal sizes and stuff, sometimes I give myself too little food and am so STARVING that I feel like I'm going to collapse and just chomp on my jaws to feel the motion of eating. When it gets to that point, I end up caving and giving myself more food...which leads to guilt about having a failed day...which leads to bingeing. In order to rid myself of this dreadful cycle, I think a slight mod is in order.


Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2009 5:34 am
by tarantinofan
Well, today was also also a successful S day. Now that I'm not being such a glutton on S days, I feel much better!

I do like my mod of adding 1 emergency S event during the week in case I feel I really need it. This is my first week with this mod. We'll see if it works out...


Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2009 6:12 am
by tarantinofan
Monday, I5, was also successful. I do feel really weak today, though. I should eat more at meals! This means I have 16 more days until I have habit formation.


Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2009 1:29 pm
by tarantinofan
Today was a failed day :( I definitely don't think I should try to worry about making it to the 21 days yet. I should just try to wean out my weekly need for an S day.

Why did this failure occur?

I ate too little on Monday -> so hungry I couldn't sleep and had a splitting headache -> breakfast at 12 am so I could sleep -> starving the next day by lunchtime=so weak that my legs and fingers were tingling -> bingeing at lunch because my mom wanted me to wait till 2 pm to eat with her. That's 14 hours of no eating.

What did I eat?

I ate about the normal amount in a binge-y day. For breakfast at 12 am, I had 1 plate filled with a peanut butter and banana sandwich with an apple. For lunch at 2 pm, I had 1/2 roast beef sandwich and baby greens on the side. But after I got home from lunch, I was still incredibly starving and felt that my legs were numb. So, I ended up needing more food. I had cereal, milk, peanut butter, nuts, and banana to begin with. I was still ravenous after I finished, so I made 1/2 english muffin with more peanut butter and 1/2 english muffin with cheese. I also ended up getting a sweet by getting a froyo and having a piece of chocolate after all this was finished. By this time, it was around 4 pm. In order to normalize my eating timing, I tried to eat dinner, but I was feeling really sick so I could only eat about 1/4 of a sandwich.

How can I have more success in the future?

1) I could have just accepted my 12 am meal as my 1 S of the week that I wanted to give myself as a mod rather than make myself starve until lunch.

2) I can make sure to set up normal times for meals so that I feel ok at night. 9 am, 1 pm, 6 pm sound good to me. Other times are not allowed for eating unless I feel awful, in which case this is will be a red day because I still have to eat at my pertained scheduled times.

3) I can make sure to give myself more at each meal. I'm still skimping on portions occasionally.

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2009 2:57 pm
by howfunisthat
Ari....Take a deep're doing fine. Take a look back at the number of Greens you've had and concentrate on the fact that you are having FAR more successful days than days that are struggles. This battle is won day by day and you WILL win it.

It sounds to me as if you're not eating enough for each meal. If you are feeling sick before it's time to eat, then you didn't give yourself enough fuel to last. You'll definitely set yourself up for struggles if you feel sick.

Hang in there....maybe you can add some more protein to your meals.


Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2009 1:12 am
by Bushranger
Whatever happens, do not get stuck in the "I must make mods" mindset. People often seem to run for mods when they start to fail instead of taking the failures as part of the learning process. You are doing quite well if you look back on your progress so far. :)

Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2009 1:54 am
by kccc
Ditto what Bushranger and HowFunIsThat said.

If you are bound and determined to make a mod, here's the one I suggest for you: More good healthy food at mealtimes!

I like the "plate division" approach, where 1/2 the plate is fruits/veg, 1/4 lean meat or other protein, 1/4 carbs (preferably complex). That's a rule-of-thumb, of course - you have to eyeball all the lovely combo dishes like pasta with meat sauce or casseroles. The goal is just to have SOME protein/carbs/veggies/fiber at each meal, because they "wear off" at different rates.

You really have made a lot of progress. It takes time to figure out "the right amount" at meals. Use that feedback your body is giving you!

Good luck!

Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2009 1:41 pm
by TexArk
It sounds as if we are having the same struggle.

I also am having trouble getting to 21 day club again. I need to get 5 days in a row of NoS down before I even think about 21 day goal. How about trying that one with me? It does seem that we both have the binge problem. Before even when my N days were perfect and they pretty much were all green for 4 months, my S days would turn in to binges. I haven't tried to count S events. I think I will start this weekend and try for no more than 3 S events each day. Maybe 1 for snack, 1 for sweet, and 1 for snack. At least that would be better than the sanctioned binge. I am also considering starting with Friday evening and ending with Sunday noon--a total of no more than 6 S events. I think I could do with less than that, but I need the bar set low for success.

So for now I just need to get through today and tomorrow--2 days in a row and then have a nonbingeing weekend.

Out of town

Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2009 1:15 am
by tarantinofan
Hey guys! Thanks for the support, I really appreciate it. I know that it's a bit early to be starting with mods, but I truthfully enjoy the S days more when I know that I only get two S events. And, it's nice to know that someone else is having the same struggle as I am.

Last Wednesday, my family went on another trip. That day was a SUCCESS but Thursday and Friday were both FAILURES. It was my dad's birthday, so I wanted to enjoy the party and have a nice 3 course meal. I had the most amazing butternut squash soup as a starter, indulged in the bread basket, and had a bite of dessert.

The weekend wasn't too crazy. On Saturday, I had a brownie which I definitely savored. I also had a bite of creme brulee at dinner. On Sunday, I had a slight binge, much smaller than my binges have been in the past. I just took a spoonful of peanut butter and had a handful of chips. Not too bad...

I think it's a great idea to just look at the week as the primary goal. In fact, that's what I'm going to try to do from now on. Today, Monday, was another failure unfortunately. I was feeling really weak after dinner around 7 because I only had 1/2 cup of cereal for dinner. BAD IDEA!

Oh also, thanks for the idea about plate division. Maybe I need more protein. Protein and fat fill me up, so I'll experiment with adding more protein this week. My turkey sandwiches usually only have 2 slices of turkey. Maybe I'll add a few more slices or something.

New Day, Hopefully a path to success

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2009 6:41 am
by tarantinofan
Alright, having had so many red days, I can honestly say I know a bunch of ways NOT to approach the no s diet, which I think is quite a good thing rather than a bad one. A few things I've learned:
1) If I eat lunch at 11 am, I will feel awful by dinner time.
2) If I eat breakfast before I go to sleep, this means I'm eating too little dinner BUT I need another meal in the morning. No skipping meals. A midnight meal does not a breakfast make...
3) Sushi is not a meal.
4) A lovely mix of fats like peanut butter AND protein like turkey AND carbs like bread and fruit/veggies=filling for the longest amount of time...
5) Until I get my habits down, I need to lay low on the exercising because I don't know how much food I require. If I give myself too little food and I exercise quite vigorously, I will feel weak and awful.
6) An S day is not a binge-y day. It is a day to enjoy a few chosen, delightful treats.

I thought I'd get this in writing. I clearly like to write a lot lol. Anyway, today was a SUCCESS! Woo hoo! Back on track. 6 days until a full week of compliance...(I'm just worrying about 7 days before I go for the whopping 21).

Another Day 2

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 12:10 am
by tarantinofan
Well, today was another success. So, yay! I surprisingly wasn't hungry for breakfast, but I ate anyway because I'm trying to form habits...Lunch was delicious but quite big. I had a salad from this italian restaurant with chicken, mozarella cheese, asparagus, avocado, lentils, beets, tomatoes...It was quite delicious :) For dinner I wasn't too hungry, so I decided to have peanut butter spread lightly on a piece of toast and an apple.

I wonder why I wasn't hungry today. It was weird. I forced myself to eat because I didn't want to feel light-headed and awful by starving myself. Hopefully the scale will register the way I want it to tomorrow.

I just wanted to admit that I did gain weight in my trip. I started back at 134.5 yesterday :(. Today was 134.0. Even though I've undone some of the weight loss I've had in the past, I don't think my loss was sustainable because my plates were so small that I was light-headed all the time. Now I'm filling my plates up with nutritious food and able to be sleep and function. What a concept lol

Day 3

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2009 6:09 am
by tarantinofan
Alright, today was another success. Niceeee....4 days until 1 week and 18 days until habits start forming. Sweet! Nothing too eventful to report...

Day 4

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2009 2:54 pm
by tarantinofan
Alright, yesterday (Friday) was another success! This was a special N day though because my sister came back to town and we had to do another shabbat dinner. Those are super hard for me on No S. Anyway, I survived. It wasn't easy, but I did it! I woke up at 132.5 yesterday.

Now it's Saturday morning, and I did binge a bit after getting on the scale at 133, but I tried to eat on plates and use silverware at least. For my 1 S I had 2 pieces of mini chocolate chip pastries, 1 small piece of cake, and 1/2 cup froyo. For breakfast I had 1 banana, 1/2 cup skim milk, 1/2 cup cereal, a few almonds, and some peanut butter. After, I decided to have a bit of challah with some peanut butter and hummus and 1 piece of sushi. Then, I had an apple with peanut butter, 1 bite of grilled cheese, 1 bite of turkey, and like 4 crackers. And this is all before 7:30 in the morning lol. So, not a perfect S day, but I'm still counting it as part of a successful few days which will hopefully turn into a successful week -> successful 21 days?

After these 2 S days, I will only have Monday and then that will be 1 week of success in a row. No it's not a normal week starting from Monday (I started on Tuesday), but still that's progress! And that's what I care about :)

Day 5, 6, and 7

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2009 2:51 pm
by tarantinofan
Days 5 and 6 were S days. Not much to report on those days. Yesterday was day 7 (Monday), so I finally reached my weekly mark. Now I'm hoping to get to day 21. I am pretty upset, though, because my parents have been forcing me to dine out and I HATE dining out because a) my parents like to eat at about 9 at night and b) because I like to just eat my food without having to suffer by sitting through the 5 courses that my parents love to enjoy. It's really tough for me to sit through this, and I'd much rather be at home. It's also making my progress much slower to eat out because of how bad for you the food is at restaurants. Ak, well, no more. I am forcing the issue from now on and not allowing my parents to push me around. I am NOT going to eat at restaurants any more. I know that's what slowing my progress down. On the plus side, yesterday's scale read 133.5, so that's about a pound loss in a week. I wonder what tomorrow's scale reading will be...

Aug 25

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2009 7:02 pm
by tarantinofan
A Failure of a day. Something very personal happened last night, and I ended up bingeing a lot this morning because of it. I just felt so depressed I needed comfort food. Well, I'll keep the rest of the day to the No S way...

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2009 8:29 pm
by buttercreampillow
Ari, I'm sorry for your personal event, which must have shaken you up quite a bit to make you binge (or mini-binge). You are working the No S with persistence, which is great. Hang in there! :)

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2009 11:14 pm
by tarantinofan
Thanks buttercreampillow. Ya, its been pretty rough, but I'm starting to feel better emotionally. I actually checked my weight today and I'm at 133.0, so I guess this binge didn't do too much damage to my weight (I was 134.0 the day of the binge). However, bingeing makes me feel terrible in like a thousand different ways: guilty, out of control, etc. Also, my bingeing obviously hinders my weight loss. I mean, if I hadn't eaten until I was sick, I might have been at 131.0 or 132.0. But, I'm not going to dwell on what's past and I'll continue to focus on the present and future...

Anyway, I'm back on track with No S. Yesterday was a success. I was so surprised because I checked the calorie count on the food at a local restaurant, and a burrito, which isn't even too big, is around 900 calories! I ate half of it, but I still couldn't believe the amount of calories in it. Crazy!

I decided to get rid of the peanut butter. I think I was addicted (i.e. the sugar, fat, and salt contents were so high as to induce an almost addict like response from me (The End of Overeating)).

Even though the scale is not technically much less than when I started No S, I actually feel so much better. This week was the first time I stopped feeling hungry most of the time. Last week was the first shabbat I can remember in which I didn't feel sick afterwards. So, I'm definitely making progress :) I can also finally wait till a normal time to eat dinner. At the beginning of No S, I was eating dinner at like 5 or even 4:30. Now, I'm not even hungry by 6 and can wait till 8 sometimes. So yay for progress!

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2009 8:26 pm
by tarantinofan
Yesterday was another SUCCESS. I had a great salad for lunch with chicken, artichokes, mini potatoes, beets, avocado...It was delicious!

Today is shabbat again. Hopefully the temptation will not be too awful tonight. I told my mom that I don't want the courses, I'll just use 1 plate, so at least I'm setting the stage for success.

Alright, that's all for now, I'll report about the rest of today when it's finished. So far, it's been a success...

Posted: Sat Aug 29, 2009 6:58 am
by tarantinofan
The rest of today was a SUCCESS. Awesome :) I'm pretty pumped about the past few days' successes. Today was day 3. I'm hoping that next week will be my first week without a hiccup, but we'll see. I'm happy with the progress I'm making, even if it is slower than most. Then again, I'm starting basically at the ideal weight for my body, so there's not much for me to lose. Tomorrow, I think I'm going to start working out more vigilantly and that will definitely be a goal of mine for next month.

I just really hope I can be finished with my bingeing already. It's so frustrating :cry: This month I've binged 2 times less than last month, with 3 days left in the month. I hope this weekend is binge-free. It helps if I stay out of the house for the day, so I will try to do that...

When I came home at the beginning of the summer (I weighed 129 then), I began bingeing multiple times a day and gained 5 pounds really quickly. So, this is definitely an improvement from that. I've got to think positively! I CAN DO IT. Here's to a binge-free 3 days (and life, for that matter).

Posted: Sat Aug 29, 2009 1:14 pm
by tarantinofan
Today I woke up at 5 am. Arghh I wish I could sleep :( It's only about 6 in the morning and I've had my 2 S's for the day. That's why I'm reporting for the day. Hopefully the rest of the day will be a success, but I wanted to write what my 2 S's were to put in writing that I'm done with S-ing for today:

1) My sweet: a very small slice of chocolate cake and a very small slice of lemon pie (really bite sized)

2) My second: For breakfast, I was still hungry after having a plate of food, so I went in for seconds. I had more challah, cereal, yogurt, and an apple. My first plate was a spoonful of rice, a spoonful of vegetables, a banana, a spoonful of almonds, 1/3 cup reduced fat milk, 1/3 cup FiberOne Cereal, and some challah with hummus and butter.

Alright, I'll edit this post once I finish the day, but I really wanted to put into writing that I DON'T NEED TO BINGE TODAY BECAUSE I'VE EATEN MY S EVENTS AND THEY WERE GREAT!

EDIT: Meh. Another binge...The next day, however, was binge-less.

Last Day of August

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2009 1:23 pm
by tarantinofan
August 31 was another success. This means I had 1 less binge and 1 less failed day this month.

September 1 (today), was a failure. I was STARVING at breakfast so I had seconds and thirds even! This morning I was 132.5. Nice!

Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 5:07 pm
by tarantinofan
Hey all! It's been awhile since I've written. Some personal things have been going on, so I haven't had the time to check the boards or anything. I probably won't be able to be on here too much now that school is starting. Even though I feel like my life has turned upside down, it's nice to have the structure of No S to fall back on. Yesterday, I checked my weight and it was...127.8! Wow, that's quite a difference :) That means I'm pretty much half way to my goal weight. I can't believe it!

I guess I should report from September 2 on because I haven't been on for so long. Keeping to No S has been a lot easier since Monday because now I am living on my own again. I'll report back when I can...

SUNDAY Sept. 6: S DAY (DAY 3)

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2009 5:52 am
by tarantinofan
Alright, I'll post again about some more days...

Wednesday was a SUCCESS.
Thursday was a FAILURE.
Friday was a SUCCESS
Saturday was an S DAY.
Sunday was an S DAY.

Unfortunately, my thursday Failure was quite a large failure at that. I had 2 large cookies (each about 500 calories) and some pizza.

This week, I might have gained a bit of weight, but I'm not sure. Today my weigh was at 129.8, which is around 2 pounds higher than a few days ago. However, last night I drank, and I think that changes your weight some. Any way, I'll be posting my weight again in a week or so.

Now that school has started back there are different obstacles to No S. Some good things are that
a) I don't have to wait to eat with my family, I can eat whenever I want. b) I don't have a kitchen filled with food, especially sweets, calling my name.
c) noone's cooking me food that makes me want to have seconds...or thirds lol

But, now there are new challenges that I think I've fixed today. The first is that I now mainly eat food from restaurants/bakeries/markets, so if I get a full sandwich unwrapped, even if it's huge and I would just put 1/2 on my plate, I eat the whole thing because it's there. So, today I bought plates. for dinner, I placed 1/2 my wrap on my plate and put a little bit of salad on the side. It was much more pleasing for me to look at than the whole sandwich tempting me to gluttony.

In terms of S-ing, I was such a pig on my failed day that I didn't end up having too many S's. I had 1 S today because I felt really weak and awful because I worked out and didn't eat enough, so I had the rest of my wrap for a fourth meal at 11:50 am tonight. The rest of the weekend, however, I've stuck to no s. Perhaps this will make this week easier? Idk, but I haven't been tempted by anything, so i didn't really feel the need to eat anything. It was only right now, in a moment of sheer hunger, that I decided to eat. However, I think that I should just quit the elliptical/gym use. It makes me so much hungrier and I end up feeling terrible for the rest of the day. I couldn't do my work because I had a splitting headache after I worked out.

Anyway, I'll report back when I get a chance!

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 9:48 pm
by tarantinofan
So, this week has been successful so far:

Tuesday: SUCCESS
Wednesday: SUCCESS

I really hope that I FINALLY have a full week of compliance, but I'm scared because my sister is cooking on Friday. Well, I will just have to do my best, and at least virtual plate my dinner...

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 11:54 pm
by howfunisthat
Ari...just popping in to say, "You're doing great!" Just think of how many more success days you've had than failure days! I don't know about you, but I'm TERRIBLE to myself when I don't follow the rules, but I'm much kinder on others. The trick here is to be kinder to ourselves and stress less over the days we may not make perfect. You're doing really really are.


September 18

Posted: Fri Sep 18, 2009 7:12 pm
by tarantinofan
Thanks janie!

Yesterday (Thursday) was a success. I hope tonight will be a success as well. I went out last night, so I did have a bit of alcohol (like 1-1.5 shots). Even though that's permitted on N days, I feel so bloated today because of it, so I think I'll just stick to drinking one day out of the week. I can go out without drinking!

My weight loss has been at a bit of a standstill this week. Hmm...i'm thinking that the fatty food I've been eating on my plates have led to it. I've had quite a few paninis (even though I just eat half). I might buy groceries today, so that I can construct well-balanced meals for myself from now on.

Well, I'm now at the "ideal weight" for my height (128-129), but I still feel like my stomach could be flatter, so I will continue trying to make my meals healthier. Anyway, it doesn't feel too great to be eating such fatty food, and I think constructing meals is better not only in terms of health but also in terms of understanding more about my body-what it wants and needs. It's funny, I used to be such a pizza fiend last year, and now it tastes like a slice of salt to me: eww! I'm definitely happy about that, but it's just a weird process--learning how to eat without obsession/out of control behavior. I'm no longer hungry. This morning was the first time in a long time where I felt a very large pang in my stomach to eat, probably because of the alcohol last night (I'm a light weight, so a shot really does a number on me...). But other than that, I really only feel a slight grumble in my stomach just at the moment I'm preparing to eat. That's really freeing. There's no longer a war between me and food, with food seeming to win most of the time, but rather food seems to have joined my side. It's just not as interesting or desirous as it used to be. Anyway, it's quite a psychological transformation, and I hope I keep it up. Now, this month, I have a few goals:

1) weigh 125 by Oct. 1
2) weigh myself around once per week max=stop my obsession with the scale. I should really throw it out, the temptation is so high.
3) buy groceries and construct healthy meals for myself=stop having ready-made paninis, bagels, etc. for every meal.
4) Walk every day for around 20-30 minutes. Gym exercising leaves me weak, which leads me to overeat. But, walking is invigorating, and there's no compensation with it because I know I only burn like 100 calories every 1/2 hr or so.

Oh also, I forgot to say that people have noticed my weight loss! It's pretty exciting. It's only a few pounds of weight loss, but my stomach is really starting to disappear. Sweet!

Anyway that's all for now...

Friday and S days

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2009 12:01 am
by tarantinofan
Yayyy! First week of real No S-ing that was successful. I'm really excited. It wasn't too easy when everyone was eating cake on Friday to say no, but I really wanted to have a perfect I did! Saturday and Sunday were both S days, and there's not much to report. No bingeing per say, but I have been taking part in quite a few treats because of the Jewish new year. Today is day 10 of being successful. 11 days till I make a habit, I hope. By the way, I woke up on Saturday to a nice surprise: my weight has dropped to 128.6. Sweet! I have eaten quite a bit of S-es since then, but still, I'm so happy to have seen such a great number on the scale. Finally! It's really freeing. What's weird (well, I guess it supports that book, the End of Overeating), every time I end up getting an S, like a white cookie, I crave fatty food like pizza. So, today, I had a piece of pizza for lunch, then a cookie for snack, then a piece of pizza for dinner. It's really weird. Cookies + pizza seem to be craved together. This type of food doesn't even satisfy my hunger, too. I was so hungry today even though I ate so much more than usual. I think the S-es messed with my hunger signals. I'm happy to get back to N days tomorrow :)

Day 11 and 12

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 1:20 am
by tarantinofan
Monday and Tuesday were both successful. I must say, though, that I was REALLY tempted to break no s today. I was just having a really bad day and felt like I needed more food/sugar. But then I remembered: I've had perfect compliance for 12 days (counting today). Do I really want to blow it all for just feeling pleasure for a moment rather than long-term joy at knowing that I can actually achieve my goals? My goals actually seem attainable now, and I'm actually losing weight. ME! Weight loss has never seemed attainable before. A lot of stuff has never truly seemed attainable to me. But I'm happy to report that I can be successful and my goals are in reach. Stupid comment, but I guess I needed reminding...

Sept. 24

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2009 12:41 pm
by tarantinofan
Argh. Failed day yesterday. Argh. Back to 0. After eating my 3 meals, I was DYING for a cookie, so I had it. And then, even though I had eaten 3 meals already, I had a slice of veggie pizza. Arghhh

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 4:05 pm
by tarantinofan
Today I'm feeling pretty bloated even though yesterday was a success. It's because I drank last night. I hate drinking in so many ways. I really should just not do it. I'm going to try to just hold a glass and not drink from now on. That hopefully will work...I haven't weighed myself for like a week, which is huge for me. But, I don't think it's a good thing. From now on, I just want to go back to weighing myself around every day. I feel like I've gained weight. I'm going to use that red day as an S day and Sunday as an S day. Tomorrow, I will not use an S. If this happens, it will at least mitigate a bit of the damage I did on Wednesday.

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 10:36 pm
by tarantinofan
Alright, so here's my report for the past few days:

SATURDAY: S DAY (though I didn't use any S's because of Wednesday)
SUNDAY: S DAY (I had 1 cookie, a spoonful of peanut butter with an almond, and a little container of soy milk. Not too extreme. I think I'm getting less extreme as time goes by...
TUESDAY: FAILURE. I woke up at 6 am because I was so hungry. After having a bowl of cereal, I ended up using a plate underneath it to add more food. I probably would have made it a success if that had happened, but then I decided to have a spoonful of peanut butter w/1 almond. This made it failure. What's really good, though, is that even though I felt like having a cookie today because it was a failed day, I didn't. I kept to No S. I also weighed myself today, and I'm at 128.4. Not too shabby...I just really want to not lose sight of my goals now that I'm getting closer to them. I feel like I may be doing that a little bit.

Since school has started, my weight has looked like this:
9/1/09: 132.5
9/9/09: 127.8
9/14/09: 129.8
9/19/09: 128.6
9/29/09: 128.4

Hopefully next month, I'll go down to 125, but we'll see...One more day left in September. So far, I've had 5 failed days. I have no idea how many binges I've had this month, though.

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 12:54 am
by tarantinofan
Today was another success, and I'm really proud of it because I was craving a cookie SOOO badly. But I stayed strong.

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 1:22 am
by NoelFigart
ARI wrote:Today was another success, and I'm really proud of it because I was craving a cookie SOOO badly. But I stayed strong.

Yeah! Congratulations. It gets easier.

Don't worry, the world is full of cookies and S-days are coming.

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 11:51 pm
by tarantinofan
Red day. I somehow psyched myself into thinking it was close enough to an S day to just count it as an S day. But it really isn't. The S day starts in 4 hours. I want to hold myself accountable, so I'm just going to say that it's a failed day....

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2009 4:15 am
by tarantinofan
Alright, so my S days weren't too excessive or anything, especially because I was really mad that I failed...less than 5 hours from the S day. So stupid! Anyway, everything is going fine this week so far.


However, I need to make it a point that I need to avoid having soup for dinner. This DOES NOT sustain me. As a result, I've already had breakfast for Wednesday @ 12:00 in the morning. A bit ridiculous, but I was so hungry that I really needed a whole plate of food now. Oh well, you live and you learn...

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2009 3:43 am
by tarantinofan
Today was a SUCCESS. I was sure craving a cookie, but I held out! I. WILL. BE. STRONG. THIS. WEEK. NO CAVING. IT'S JUST A COOKIE!

Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2009 8:19 pm
by tarantinofan
This whole week was a success, so yay! unfortunately yesterday (saturday) i binged and ate way too much peanut butter and had 2 cookies. today, though, i was okay. My roommate joined me in No S, which is making me be more vigilant in keeping to No S. Today is day 9 in a row of success.

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 1:30 pm
by Girl Next Door
Congratulations on your successful week. Keep up the good work!

Girl Next Door

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2009 2:47 am
by tarantinofan
Girl Next Door wrote:Congratulations on your successful week. Keep up the good work!

Girl Next Door
Thanks! So far so good. Today (Monday) was a success. It's amazing how much better I feel on N days. My bloat from Saturday's mess is starting to go down a bit...

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2009 2:51 pm
by tarantinofan
Tuesday was also a success. This means I'm on day 12 now....

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2009 3:42 pm
by tarantinofan
Argh Wednesday was a FAILURE. I woke up at 128.4, so I was pumped that my weight was on track for losing a net pound or so by the end of the week. However, due to biological girly reasons, I felt like I was going to die if I didn't eat the equivalent of my weight in sugar and fatty food. So I did. I ate soooo much. I was craving pizza, so I had a slice of pizza (not a failure yet). Then, I caved and got a white cookie. I was still craving sugar, so I got another cookie. Then I had 1/2 cup cereal, an apple, 1/2 banana, peanut butter (so much peanut butter), and around 3/4 milk. I also had 1/2 of a panini. This was all AFTER my 3 meals. I know it's probably gross to read this laundry list of food, but I feel I just need to face up to my problem in order to try and grapple with it.

In order to try and prevent such disgusting behavior, I will do the following:
1) stop my fake sugar eating/drinking/chewing. I used to use splenda in coffee and tea, diet snapple, diet coke, and lots and lots of gum. This nutritional crap leads to increased cravings for real sugar.
2) start to work out more regularly. When I work out I get a similar high to that when I eat a cookie. I think I just need to work out for around 1/2 an hour to begin with every day.
3) Get the food out of the kitchen until I have No S as a habit. Once this occurs, I'll slowly add back food to the kitchen. First, the food that I'm not so addicted to, like apples and bananas, bread, etc. Then I'll try and slowly add back the food that I have trouble remaining in control around: i.e. peanut butter, vanilla soy milk, leftover paninis...

Hopefully this will help...

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2009 3:53 am
by tarantinofan
Thursday: SUCCESS
Saturday: S DAY
Sunday: S DAY
Tuesday: FAILURE

I've been really depressed lately, which is why I failed today. It's midterms time, and I havent been sleeping. I was going to weigh myself this morning, but I ended up having a slice of pizza at night. Before I did, my weight was 129.8 at night, which is probably equivalent to 127 in the morning, but it doesn't matter because now my weight is not that because I failed today.

Here's what I ate today. Keep in mind that I guess I really needed comfort food today. I feel like a failure because my emotional hunger sometimes gets the best of me. But, I guess I should try to think of the bigger picture because I really have improved in my # of failed days.

# Failures July: 8
# Failures August: 6
# Failures September: 5
# Failures so far in October: 3

Breakfast: slice of veggie pizza
Lunch: Slice of cheese pizza
Dinner: WHOLE Chicken Parmigiana panini

Failures: 1 cookie, 1 apple

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 9:38 pm
by tarantinofan
Today was a success. My weight this morning was 129.2. A bit higher than before, but not too bad. I was really hungry today. I think my breakfast was too small. I don't know, but I felt awful and finally at 4:30 I couldn't wait any longer for dinner. I think I'm going to try and weigh myself more often, but we'll see...

Breakfast: 1/2 C oatmeal, 1/2 C milk, 1 banana, a few almonds and raisins
Lunch: 1/2 bagel w/ peanut butter, apple
Dinner: 1/2 piece of bruschetta pizza, 1/2 bagel w/ peanut butter, banana, 2 bites of turkey sandwich, 1.5 C milk

Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2009 4:30 pm
by tarantinofan
Thursday was a success. My weight on Thursday was 128.6, so I'm back to where I was basically.

Unfortunately, today was a FAILURE. I could make it an S day, but I really want to get in the habits, so I'm just going to call it a failed day. My parents came in today, and we're having shabbat dinner as a family. For breakfast, I had this great breakfast in front of me. I could have just stuck with my oatmeal, but the omelettes looked great, so I had 1/2 of one and some pastries. It all looked so good. Whatever, I'll do what I can for the rest of the day.

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2009 9:09 pm
by tarantinofan
Ari W. wrote:Thursday was a success. My weight on Thursday was 128.6, so I'm back to where I was basically.

Unfortunately, today was a FAILURE. I could make it an S day, but I really want to get in the habits, so I'm just going to call it a failed day. My parents came in today, and we're having shabbat dinner as a family. For breakfast, I had this great breakfast in front of me. I could have just stuck with my oatmeal, but the omelettes looked great, so I had 1/2 of one and some pastries. It all looked so good. Whatever, I'll do what I can for the rest of the day.
Haha, well, this weekend was so out of control that I've ended up gaining quite a bit of weight. This morning the scale registered me at 131.2. Wow, 3 pounds. Well, I'm ready to refocus and hopefully my weight will drop back to an acceptable number.

By the way this week has been a success so far:

Only 2 more days left in October. I have had 4 red days this month, which is actually progress for me. First month I had 8 -> 6 -> 5 -> hopefully 4. I'm getting closer to full habituation. Ak well I hope November is my month to FINALLY become a part of the 21 day club!

Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2009 6:27 pm
by tarantinofan

This whole week was a success. Today I woke up at 130.5. I have quite a bit to keep losing to get back to where I was. Anyway, I'll keep at it and hopefully I'll be there soon! So, this month had 4 red days total.

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2009 8:15 pm
by tarantinofan
Saturday and Sunday are S days, and I wanted to talk about them. On Saturday, I ate pretty moderately, but I binged this morning. I have been home since Thursday, and last summer when I got home, I was bingeing at least once per day. Now, it's only been 1 occurrence on an S day out of all the 4 days. So, not too bad, but I really just want my binges to completely disappear. I suppose this will happen with time, but it's really frustrating. I know I have a bad relationship with food, I know I binge more than I should, but I still do it...Something in me just snaps and I eat the world. Well, hopefully I'll get better!

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 1:13 am
by Kevin
I'm not sure what you are home from, but a four day "weekend" is always tough for me, because each day feels like it "should" be Saturday or Sunday.

I'm sure your binging will decrease with time. Give it time. Look how much better you are now than you were during the summer.

It's just getting better and better, right? They'll go away mostly. Give it time. And if you have a binge a month... so what?
Ari W. wrote:Saturday and Sunday are S days, and I wanted to talk about them. On Saturday, I ate pretty moderately, but I binged this morning. I have been home since Thursday, and last summer when I got home, I was bingeing at least once per day. Now, it's only been 1 occurrence on an S day out of all the 4 days. So, not too bad, but I really just want my binges to completely disappear. I suppose this will happen with time, but it's really frustrating. I know I have a bad relationship with food, I know I binge more than I should, but I still do it...Something in me just snaps and I eat the world. Well, hopefully I'll get better!

Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2009 11:47 pm
by tarantinofan
Thanks for the insight, Kevin.

This week has been successful so far, but I'm really craving an apple right now. Ak, I should have put it on my plate for dinner. Oh well, I'll just wait to have it tomorrow. This week has flown by, and I haven't really been craving too many sweets or anything.

WEDNESDAY: SUCCESS; weight was 130.2 when I woke up.

One more day till 2 S days! AHH I CAN DO IT!

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2009 10:49 pm
by tarantinofan
Well, today, Friday was a FAILURE. But, it was an understandable that I had one because it's that time of the month again. It came early (lucky me lol). I was STARVING so finally I had to eat more after lunch. But, I basically ate the world.

Breakfast: Banana, apple, cereal
Lunch: omelette, 1/2 biscuit THEN 1/2 turkey sandwich, 1/2 peanut butter and banana sandwich, apple
Dinner: pizza
Others: ice cream, cookie, 1 bottle of 190 cal milk, 1 bottle of 120 cal milk

I don't know what else I ate, but it was pretty ridiculous...

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2009 6:06 am
by tarantinofan
Wow, I can't believe it's been so long since I've posted. Well, I suppose I'll post my recent successes/failures:




I want to talk about my two failures/binges: Thursday and Saturday. Thursday, I just felt like crap. It was the end of the school week (no classes on Friday) and I just really needed to feel emotionally better than I was feeling. So, after my 3 meals, I had 1/2 apple with peanut butter and a cookie. It was just one of those days.

Saturday, an S day, I was so hungry after breakfast and lunch that I ended up having a lot of food at a family get together.

That's about it. I'm posting my morning weight tomorrow. Hopefully it won't be too painful. I'm going back on track. Tomorrow I'm going to start working out again along with practicing piano. I've been neglecting the things I love and things that make me feel better.

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2009 4:39 pm
by tarantinofan
Monday and Tuesday were both successes. Tuesday, my weight was 128.6. However, today (Wednesday) could be called a failure, but I've decided not to call it that. I've been doing No S for long enough to realize that I need a mod. I need to change my S days: 1 on Wednesday, 1 on Saturday. I'm going to try this for a month and see what happens...

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 2:20 am
by tarantinofan
Hey everyone! It's been soooo long since I've posted (almost a month!). I can't believe it. And, I'm so happy to report that things have completely turned around in the last month for me and no s. I still haven't hit the 21 day club, but I've definitely made HUGE strides since the last time I wrote:

1. I think all of the changes stem from my starting to exercise again. I've been exercising pretty much every day on the elliptical for an hour. My weight has dropped to 125. I'm soooo excited! And it's continuing to drop. I AM GOING TO HIT MY GOAL WEIGHT OF 115. I can feel it. It's so exciting.

2. My mood has been so much better lately. I'm finally happy again, so I don't have to turn to the cookies/pizza/ice cream, etc. for comfort.

3. I'm not as hungry as I used to be.

I'm just so happy that No S is a part of my life, and I've really made a change for the better (even if it took more time for me than for most people to feel and see those changes).

Now I just need to fix my sleep habits. I've been waking up every 2 hours and find it near impossible to go back asleep. I wake up hungry at 4:30, 6:30, 7, 10...IT SUCKS. It's the only time I really get hungry now. I think that once my habits food and exercise habits set in (which has led my hunger levels to drop significantly), my hunger during the night should suppress.

Anyway, thanks for reading. I'm just so happy to be able to say that I'm having such success because I don't think I ever really have in such a sustainable and dependable way. It's so exciting to finally know how to eat in moderation AND be satisfied with what it is I'm eating.