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Burn Notice Check In

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2009 4:10 pm
by burnnotice
I just ran across No S this week. Simple, so I immediately started on August 4th.

My main problem is at night. Night snacker since I was a kid. Also if I get upset or stressed, I want sweets. These first few days I'm just trying to wean off the night snacks.

8/3: 2 gl chardonnay, 1 svg whole grain cheez its, 5 starburst
8/4: 1 gl chardonnay, 2 starburst
8/5: 1 mini fun size hershey bar

So I haven't earned a green day yet, but I'm weaning well. I think the simplicity of this eating plan helps me be more mindful!

My goal: #145

POA: #1 This weekend, keep the no snacks and no seconds in force. Having guests over and going to a party, so I'm leaving open the possibility for sweets. #2 Find the sledgehammer in the garage. #3 Walk dog Sat & Sun am.

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2009 7:13 pm
by ~reneew
Welcome, you're going to love no S! And, it looks like you're headed in the right direction... it does get easier!

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2009 4:06 am
by Bushranger
Welcome burnnotice. I'm sure you are going to love it here.

8/8 check

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2009 12:47 pm
by burnnotice
Dinner was tough last night. I went to the grocery store after work, so I was hungry when I got home. That in itself was odd. I did not need to buy any snacks for myself. To not snack during dinner prep, I drank a glass of V8. We had BLTs and usually I eat two then we all sit and argue over who gets any remaining bacon. I tried to plate exactly what I wanted to eat, what I thought would leave me feeling full to get me through my evening snack issue. But my old diet lifestyle would not let me make 2 sandwiches and stick them on my plate. Then I realized I usually also eat the left over lettuce and tomatoes too. There wasn't room on the plate. I'm not a stacker. That was too much food for me. I did eat less than I normally would & I was sort of glad as it wasn't like I was hungry when I finished.

But, around 9:30 pm I did eat 6 starburst candies. I was catching up on Burn Notice. I'm not sure if the glass of wine counts as a snack. I usually cut out alcohol when I am 'dieting,' It feeks like a treat. I forgot how relaxing it is. 6 starburst is nothing compared to what I used to eat for an evening snack; however, it is not a green day. But I am not dieting. I'm changing how I eat and approach food. So accept that this evening snack habit is a lifelong issue and try again tomorrow.

Next time, I think I might do a salad of tomato slices and lettuce before I make a BLT. Tomatoes are so rarely good tasting that I missed that last night. I've read some people don't plate a salad as long as it is healthy.

I did exercise for 30 minutes. Sort of Leslie Sansone indoor walking with weights. This morning, I found the sledgehammer and tried to do the shovelglove workout. I need to watch the examples again. I'm not sure I'm shoveling correctly. It did take about 14 minutes though I had to rest. I only managed 40 reps on the shoveling.

Weight when I decided to investigate a change in my life: 179.2
Weight today: 178.4

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2009 6:25 pm
by howfunisthat
I've always loved having a sweet at night and I've found something that tricks me into thinking I'm having one when I'm not! Our whole family loves frozen Capri Suns. We freeze them solid, then when we want one it just sits on the counter for about 20 minutes to soften. We cut the corner off & eat it like a squeeze pop. It's just a drink so it doesn't count as an "S", but it's a great treat to look forward to at night or anytime.

Hang in there...this actually DOES get easier!


Thanks for the greetings

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2009 4:29 pm
by burnnotice
Hmm. I just typed a bunch and lost it somehow when I had to log in again.

Thanks for the welcome and the greetings! Janie, I have those drinks lying around for DS's school lunches. I love repurposing things! Going to try it very soon!

Sat. Luau went fine. I did spin for 45 minutes. I told myself, "What is one dryer cycle?"And really in the whole day, it was nothing. Sunday my sinus cold seriously kicked in. I did zippo. Monday I stayed home from work. If I can't work, I don't exercise. I did manage to not snack until 9:30 PM. From about 7 pm on I was a fighting the urge to eat a snack. My snack wasn't mindless as it would have been in the past. One serving of cheez its.

Mindful or not, still a red day. But I did want to snack all day on Monday and I did fine until 9:30 PM. Could have been a lot worse!


Wed 8/12

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2009 4:44 pm
by burnnotice

Did SG last night. Watched a few videos again on the form & some other moves afterwards. I need to weigh my sledgehammer. DH thinks it is a pretty heavy one. He was a bit bemused watching me perform the 5 moves I've been working on (butter churn, chopping wood, shoveling, flip the lever, and tricep move). Both of my shoulders are achey today. Might need to try SG every other night and opt for another exercise on the off days for a while.

But the best news is I had a green No S day. My first night with no evening snacking. It was VERY hard, but I did it. It wasn't my stomach rumbling in hunger making it hard, it was just HABIT.

:P Colleen

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2009 5:44 pm
by angigal
Welcome and congrats on the green S-day! I think that every small success leads to greater success! We're supporting you! I'm a night snacker, too, so you have some company (along with a few other folks on this site). Reading your post on the 11th, from what I've read, you can count sick days as an "S" day (if you'd like). :-)

Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2009 1:04 am
by Bushranger
The Shovelglove aches go away within a week as you get used to "manual labour" every day. Just don't overdo it to begin with. A lot of people, myself included, started with 5 or 7 minutes and built up to 14.

Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2009 1:07 am
by howfunisthat
Congrats on your first GREEN day! The first few are really hard...but you're doing great!!!!


Thursday 8/13 Check In

Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2009 3:28 pm
by burnnotice

Thanks for all of the kind messages! I'm going to stick to the every other day for a little while with SG. My goal on non SG days is to DO something else, so that in itself is a new habit... Before I never consistently kept my exercise routine together.

Last night I exercised in the pool for 35 minutes. Walked in the shallow, jogged all around, played catch the entire time with DS, and also treaded water when out in the deep. The pool is in the shade in the evening, and we actually got cold and went home! Not too hard of a work out, but good resistance, and super kid time.

Last night I earned a second green day. I weighed in today at #176.4. I don't weigh in every day of the week, but for me it does help me start of the day with some fire in the belly that I want to lose!

Tonight is a SG night. I'll be out swingin' the hammer in the backyard probably while dinner is in the oven!


8/14 Check In

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2009 3:04 pm
by burnnotice
Oh my. Big red evening snack last night. DS was sitting right next to me on couch watching TV and was eating Pringles. I ate a serving of those, then a serving of pretzels, & then some Reese's Pieces. The glass of wine was not enough, nor was my willpower.

Disappointed in myself, but today is another day. I did do SG last night while dinner was in the oven. I tried a few different moves - tuck the bales and I think fence post driver.

As I was mulling over my first week with No S, I did realize that just cutting out snacks at work alone probably saves me between 100-500 calories a day. I used to eat a mid morning snack of at least 100 calories, then we have a candy dish here. Somethimes I'd dip into that repeatedly all day! Sometimes I'd also eat a 'protein' snack. I really fell for the healthy snack concept. I have better willpower at work for some reason.

So in one week I've made a lot of intervention. 1. Started No S eating plan 2. Started SG and committed to other exercise on non SG days 3. Great success cutting out snacks during the day 4. Some success with evening snacks. All of this change is going to make a difference, and it is a doable difference.

8/17 Check In

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 6:18 pm
by burnnotice
Hi there-

Had an OK weekend. Allergy cold has come back. I'm coughing up green gunk & really dragging. I have a dr. appt. tomorrow am. I walked the dog on Sunday, but other than that, I feel pretty blah. I'm trying a new doc.

I felt like I ate pretty mindful this weekend. I stuck to no seconds. One time I ate a sweet, I was happy with one mini hershey bar. Last night I allowed myself to eat some trail mix as we had a pretty early evening meal. When I ate out, when I visually 'plated' the meal, I pushed half of the entree to the side. Had that for lunch today. That was a BIG change. But my weight was up this am. That did not make me happy. Of course I've been sucking down liquids to create mucous, so maybe I'm up bc of the cold.

Hopefully I can beat this cold on its own or with some MD intervention this week. I might push the shoveglove tonight.

Hangin' in there with the No S though. I'm not giving up.

8/18 Check In

Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2009 3:28 pm
by burnnotice
Super Red Light Evening Snacking last night. REALLY Bad, non stop snack fest. I could cop out and say I am sick so it should be a S day; however, I have allergies so I can have this crap a fair amount of each year! It was emotional stress eating - no excuses.

In a fit of guilt, I walked the dog 2 miles this morning. Then I did SG. I timed my session for the first time. I tried some sort of fence driver and stoking the stove too. I'm about to head off to the DR. appt. Still sniveling with awful congestion & coughing up pond scum.

But I'm on the wagon. One of the reasons I am nervous is going to see a new doc. I hated my last doc, so it would be nice to find a nice Primary care doc.

8/19 Check In

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2009 2:23 pm
by burnnotice

So I have a sinus infection. I'm almost worse today as the stuff is starting to break up! Had a nice afternoon. Went shopping. Did not snack. I didn't even eat lunch bc I wasn't hungry. Of course at 4 pm this started to worry me as I get anxious about dinner. One plate of food!? No evening snacks?! Anxiety over habit. I just skipped lunch bc I wasn't hungry and I suspect it was due to all of the snacks the night before, but here I am getting worked up about dinner and the rough evening snack period.

So as I started to prepare dinner, I decided that I'd let myself have some cherries as a snack. I'm mulling over allowing myself a piece of fruit in the evening snack period. I wonder if knowing I have an option for a healthy piece of fruit, will allieve some of this anxiety over dinner and the tough evening snack period?

8/20 Check In

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 3:43 pm
by burnnotice
So I read a bit of the mod section on No S. I am doing SO WELL with no seconds and no snacks during daylight hours. Tremendous changes that at some juncture will surely take off weight. I saw one person allowed for FAT, 'fruit any time'. I mulled it over and decided, yes, I will allow the FAT option for an evening snack. So on my second week, 8/19 day fine. While whipping up dinner I reminded myself I could have a fruit snack in the evening if I needed it. No reason to freak over one plate at dinner if I could have a piece of fruit later, right? Right! I was able to make up my plate and not get anxious. And, last night was fine. I didn't even eat a piece of fruit. Such mental tricks to fight a nasty gluttonous habit!


Anyway, I did not have much energy due to my sinusitis. BUT I did play catch with family for 15 minutes and walked leisurely around the block with the dog. At least I did something. I also started a sleeping med to deal with my insomnia. I fear that too has played a role in my weight gain and must also be dealt with. I slept last night. What a concept.

Weight: not responding.
Patience: not too high
Resolution: soldier on

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 5:26 pm
by buttercreampillow
Hang in there, Colleen! You're making improvements even if you're not green every day yet. You'll get there!


8/21 Check In

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2009 3:12 pm
by burnnotice
Hi buttercream! Thanks for visiting and the kind note. I really appreciate it!

Oh boy. Saw myself in a different mirror last night. I did not recognize myself bc I am fat. I was trapped there as this is location of DS's new guitar lessons so I had some time to calm down and think things through. These mirrors are good. Weekly guitar lessons = weekly facing oneself and accepting fat rolls are a side effect of gluttony. Over time, my appearance should improve. I just need to be patient bc I am not on a diet now, I'm on an eating plan.

Ironically this occured right after overeating at a pizza buffet DS insisted on going to. I did OK at first, but then I lost control. I had seconds & that plate was a mass of bad choices. :oops: This is the first time I felt like I have overeaten in a long time. Oh well, learn and move on.

The good news is between the mirror and the overeating, I did Leslie Sansone work out for 30 minutes while watching a movie with DS. It was a bit late for me to be working out but by God I was going to get something in. Ate one serving of cherries in the evening snack time.

Weight Today: 175.4
Patience: Accepting No S is not an instant fix
Resolution: On it.

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2009 4:00 pm
by Arismum
Hi there,

I'm right there with you on the mirror thing. I saw a photo of myself and thought OMG! What on earth happened to you? To say I have a false image of myself is an understatement.

Last weekend was also a disaster for me. Too much BBQ food and too much wine - My fault. My resolution to exercise more took a real beating this week too - Not entirely my fault. But I'm not giving up, I know where I went wrong, and how to deal with it.

I'm drawing a line under it, and I'm going to do better. Everyone here is so supportive, if I feel I need a boost I just come and lurk a while. We can do this.

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2009 4:29 pm
by buttercreampillow
burn, I know what you mean about seeing yourself and being shocked. I am shocked when I sit around studying and suddenly notice that I have a roll over my jeans. Yuck. I tug at my shirt, hoping no one can tell, but I'm not aware all the time, so I know people must see. It's awful, but we're taking steps to remedy the problem. They just aren't quick steps.

My twin sons also take guitar lessons. I'll be trying to study, and then suddenly, AC/DC, loud! I hope your son plays something nice, like acoustic, instead of headbanger stuff like my boys do! :shock: I like rock, but c'mon!

Check In # 2 8/21/09

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2009 12:45 pm
by burnnotice
Hi Arismum and Buttercream pillow! Thanks for checking in on me and the supportive words! There are some good things about having a different image of yourself in your mind. I truly believe in the phrase, 'Age is a state of mind.' :wink:

So, we are working on getting our mental body image more in line with our actual body.

I was signing in this morning to update my Friday. We took a friend out for dinner last night. When I got home last night about 5:30, I was hungry. I drank about 5 oz of V8 and some water too trying to wait for dinner. On a whim we went to a local Greek restaurant. The restaurant service was slow. I was ridiculously hungry. Thus began my issues with the breadbasket. Having done South Beach I try to avoid white bread & butter. Especially when I'm about to have a great Greek sampler plate. So I stayed out of it until well after our saganaki had come and gone. But I was truly hungry and I think I wound up eating 3 pieces of that damn bread. Then I ate most of my dinner. Now I must say the food was very slow out of the kitchen but it was GREAT! I had a dolmanthe, moussaka and 2 small lamb chops. I also had 2 glasses of merlot during this whole period. I also drank a ton of water. Then something weird happened. We had a coupon that allowed us free dessert. Baklava is one of my favorite desserts that I savor. The moment we decided to go Greek, I knew I'd mod my Friday night and swap out my Saturday because baklava is special to me. So the baklava came & I could only eat half of it. Ms. ruled by sugar did not overeat for the sake of baklava. Ms. No S was full and satisifed! So all in all when I left the restaurant, I did not feel like I had overeaten, despite the bread.

So I'm going for a walk now. I'm a bit behind on exercise. It is GORGEOUS out so maybe my dog and I will stick it out for 3 miles.

Exercise Goal

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2009 2:47 pm
by burnnotice
Since I am now recovering from sinusitis, I really want to focus on exercise next week. I started with SG every other day and it is time to increase my frequency. I started with 14 minutes from the start and I'm now resting a lot less & doing more of a 2 full circuit approach with a small rest in between the 2 circuits. I'm going to try to pair it two days on and one off this next week. Also, I'd like to move most of my weekday exercise into the morning. I once again reviewed the videos of the SG moves and my repetoire is growing.

Sat: walked 2.5 mi, ran .5 mi/ SG 14 min
Sun: SG/ 3 mi
Mon: spin 30
Tues: SG/ neighborhood stroll
Wed: SG/ spin 30
Thurs: AM exercise of choice
Fri: SG am

SG Work Out
churn butter - 10 L/10 R
flip the lever - 10 L/10 R
shovel stove - 10/10
tuck bales - 10 L/ 10 R
canoe - 10/10
two handed tricep raise - 10/10
fence driver 10/10
*chop wood
Roll arms/roll neck
Repeat once

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2009 3:04 pm
by Arismum
Well done on the baklava! How did the walk with the dog go?

I'm going to try shovelglove too. I'm starting week 2 of couch25k on Monday, Wednesday and Fridays and plan to shovel on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Let's see how it goes. Good Luck.

8/24 Check In

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2009 3:57 pm
by burnnotice
Had a great weekend. I just lost all of what I previously typed. I guess I type too slowly and the system logs me out before I submit.

Sat was a great day. Had one piece of fruit in the late afternoon. Savored the remaining baklava slice in the evening snack slot. Sun was fine too. I was not focused on food and was not anxious as Sunday drew to a close to return to the regular week. :shock:

Sun am walk/jogged 2 miles. Sun afternoon urban rangered approx 1.4 mi at a festival. Sun eve SG. Fatigued early and had to rest more than normal as it was a day 2 work out.

Arismum. I really liked couch to 5 k. I successfully used that program to start running 2 years ago. SG would definitely help with upper body and core strength.

Resolution: high
Patience: adequate - wish weight was falling off. I have this crazy belief that I should be instantly rewarded for good behavior. As if the weight was just lint that I can pick off & flick away. What an idiot.

8/25 Check In

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2009 3:23 pm
by burnnotice
Last Night was tough:
At Target I had two bites of DS’s soft pretzel. I had half planned to eat dinner at their deli but I just couldn’t get excited about the bland looking salad with chicken option. Since I did first walk away to let DS eat in peace, I zoomed thru 1/3 of the store before succumbing. Yellow for effort.

Grocery shopping is definitely different on No S. It sort of eliminates the candy aisle (except for gum), the chip aisle, and all of those other snacks. When I got home, I made up this meal for myself from the deli: parmesan topped chicken breast, one piece sweet cornbread, raw broccoli with ranch dip, and a small serving of a cold pasta salad. It was worth the wait. Trouble was it was almost 8 pm. Still hadn’t exercised, DS needed my attention, and I was tired. I gutted it out and did indoor walking workout for 30 minutes while watching a PBS kid show with DS. Unfortunately DS was happily eating Swedish fish. I had one fish, then asked him to go hide them from me. He thought that was funny but he knew to comply. So considering how my timing was off this evening but my will power kicked in, I’m going to give myself a yellow day.

Tonight is SG & a walk. Weather is in line for this plan.
Weight: no change
Resolution: High but irritated with weight
Patience: Not good. I’m American, I want instant results.

8/26 Check In

Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2009 8:25 pm
by burnnotice
8/25 Eve update: Red last night. Very tired. Did not exercise. Chest tight from allergy congestion. Snacked. Rats.

The good news is I slept in one place for almost 7 hours straight!

Green so far today. I have chewed a TON of gum this week. I should have stock in Wrigley. The past 2 days I’ve had fruit issues at work. I brought in peaches for 2 days but they were awful and I had to toss them which shortened my lunch menu considerably. Who knows where my apple is that was supposed to accompany my lunch today. I appear to be coming down with a wish to munch, snack, graze. In fact, the candy jar here at work is empty and one of my coworkers just visited the snack machine.

Here’s some scary math to keep myself motivated at work:
I work 49 weeks out of a year. 49 weeks = 245 work days. Conservative snack estimate at work (am snack 100 calories + afternoon snack 120 cal) = 220 calories. 220 calories * 245 work days = 53,900 calories in snacking during WORK. 53,900 divide by one pound of calories (3,500) = 15.4 pounds.

Oh my.

8/27 Check In

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2009 8:52 pm
by burnnotice
Sigh. Another evening red last night for the evening snack. I had a good dinner out last night. Ate some tilapia & mixed veggies. Tried a MGD light pomegranate beer for fun. DS had a mighty fun cookie sundae after dinner. I only had 5-6 bites before stopping. So even though I hit red, my amounts of snacks at night are going down. I enjoyed those bites, but I was content to put the spoon down. My old self would have kept shoveling in the sundae just because it was at the table.

Went to bed at 9 pm last night exhausted. Clearly body has realized two things; a) It is sleep deprived and b) some chemical is allowing a decent sleep pattern. I did play catch about 15-20 minutes with DS and DH so I did try to get myself moving a bit, but no SG. Things could be worse. I could be up snacking in the middle of the night bc I can’t sleep. If I keep sleeping, that is surely going to save me at least 500 snack calories a month. Also, insomnia leads to weight gain and food cravings. I’m still tackling No S by addressing the issues that make me eat more than I need to. My energy level will come up. I just need patience. Heck, I'm still on antibiotics from sinusitis.

All fine so far at work today. Had a really nice lunch out with a friend. Ate one plate at the buffet (instead of 2 in the past). Then I went back and had a plate of ‘salad with cut veggies.’ Very nice visit. Lovely day to walk a bit.

Wt: no change
Resolution: adequate
Patience: poor

8/28 Check In

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2009 6:31 pm
by burnnotice
Last night. Worked late. Guitar lesson. I did not eat dinner until about 8:30 PM. Luckily I wasn't hungry until late! I ate half of a mufaletta sandwich, broccoli with ranch dip, and pasta salad. I did eat some cherries too. GREEN DAY!

No exercise though. Slept until 5 AM in ONE PLACE!

Wt: no change
Resolution: looking forward to the weekend to have some time to exercise!
Patience: nada

8/31 Check In

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 7:21 pm
by burnnotice
Had a nice weekend. I walked 2.5 miles and ran .5 miles on Saturday. Walked an hour on Sunday with a friend on a beautiful urban-eco walk along the MS river. It was a lovely outing and nice to have an hour fly by while visiting. Also cleaned my house something serious.

Doing fine so far today. I’ve been on No S for 4 weeks now. In that time period I’ve stopped all day time snacking with great success. Seconds are not a huge issue for me, so I am pretty lucky with that S. By cutting out snacks during the day, I’ve cut out sweets that lurked in the office candy dish. I’m still fighting the evening snack time, but even there I’ve had some success with lesser amounts, more awareness, and allowing a fruit if needed. I’ve also probably doubled my exercise amount in the past month. I still have to work on getting more exercise in.

I’ve also addressed my insomnia in the past month. Since I’m not up in the middle of the night for several hours, I don’t eat mini-meals or snacks or juice in the middle of the night. With a sleeping med, I am able to fall back asleep when I wake up.

Unfortunately my weight loss has been slow. I'll get another weight in one day later this week to mark the one month mark. Anyway, it isn't like I gained weight, which if I hadn't found No S, I probably would have gained a pound!

Goals this week: SG M-Fri/ Make it 5 green evening snacks allowing a fruit if needed.

These are tough goals, but with everything else getting to be more of a habit, it is time to focus on weight training and the evening snack period.


Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2009 4:45 pm
by burnnotice

Had a green night. Got in the SG before dinner and even walked the dog (Claybrook Subdivision walk). I did hula hoop a bit too. Even pushed myself to wash the dog last night, so I had a little extra energy.

Dinner was wonderful. I choose not to eat the fruit salad at dinner as I figured I would need it in as my evening snack time mod. I also cut the steak in half. I'll probably eat the rest of that for dinner tonight. I did eat a serving of fruit salad about 8:30 PM. Slept well.

So far so good today. My stomach is growling today before lunch.

Resolve: Fair
Patience: Fair

9/2 Check In

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 9:19 pm
by burnnotice
9/1 - GREEN
Exercise: Did SG and some hula hooping, went for a brief walk
Evening Snack: OK had 1.5 glasses of wine and fought the sweet urge

9/2: Fine so Far today.

Weighed my sledgehammer. It is 15 pounds! No wonder I have been slow to get SG in 5 days a week. I am slinging some serious weight around.

:lol: :shock: :lol:

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 4:05 am
by buttercreampillow
Burn, your progress on No S is fabulous! You've changed your habits and seem to be on top of things. You made a mod, and haven't let everything fall apart. Good job!

I like how you rate your resolution and patience every day. And I agree--since I'm working on No S, I think I should be rewarded with great amounts of weight lost, NOW! :D

9/3 Check In

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 3:36 pm
by burnnotice
Hi there Natural Eater! Thanks for coming by and reading up on my progress with No S. I'm hanging in there with all of these changes despite my poor patience.

Finished out 9/2 GREEN with SG & No S. Evening snack time was super tough but I stuck it out with just one glass of wine. Managed SG then walked Claybrook subdivision with DS and dog.

I watched 2 episodes of America's Next Top Model last night. Almost every commercial was for food, but I felt like a scientist more than a consumer watching them. If you want to be a model, you wouldn't be eating any of the food advertised!

I did not like the fish I cooked for dinner last night and got a little anxious about possibly getting hungry later. But I didn't.

I am still frustrated that all of this movement (though not excessive) & changes in my diet are not making weight fall off of me like a peeled banana. But I always loose weight very slowly, so I'm not upset at the No S system. I suppose I am going to have to keep a food diary to see where the trouble is or haul into a MD for a physical as to why I have the slowest metabolism every handed out. Maybe September my body will start registering the changes more solidly.

Resolution: HIGH
Patience: zero

Fine so far on 9/3. Will just do SG tonight.

9/4 Check In

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 6:54 pm
by burnnotice
9/3- Green (but barely!) Thursday exercise rest day due to guitar lessons. Shoulder pain so no SG.

Last night evening snack period was awful at 9:30. I went into the kitchen and sought out the mini Reese’s pb cups. I pulled the bag from the freezer, and it was empty! Then I pulled out a Clif bar. I’m on a tight budget, I eat these for breakfast on weekdays & I didn’t want that many calories. I put the bar back. Then I pulled out some trail mix for a snack – 150 calories for 3T! I never ever eat 3T of a trail mix. I put it back. I then pulled out Grasshopper mint cookies. The first one fell on the floor and my dog got it. I stuck the second cookie in my mouth and then spit it in the trash. I stood there a minute. Was I hungry? No. I looked at the clock – 9:33. I went to bed.

All of that mental wrestling over food. Of course no weight loss this week to report. Very disheartening. So this weekend, a holiday weekend, I’m going to have to keep some of the No S in place. No snacks during the day & no seconds. Monday will be a regular No S day for me as I really need to stay focused on the evening snack fight.

Patience: 0

Resolution: My BMR is 1542. Despite all of this intervention, I’m not losing weight as I probably need to cut calories & increase my exercise intensity.

Tonight: SG & walk. Sat: walk/jog rest SG Sun: long walk/ rest SG
Mon: long walk/SG

Oh- also need to start the food/exercise diary. I have a notebook.

9/8 Check In (Post Holiday)

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 8:55 pm
by burnnotice
Had a rather poor weekend. I didn’t exercise. I snacked a LOT. And I kept it up all weekend. So RED on Monday as I had promised myself I would not treat Monday as a special day.

My shoulder has stopped hurting, so I can get moving again on SG. Tonight I have a special real life exercise, I will be rolling sealant on our new driveway. Our driveway is so large this could take 2 evenings. We’ll see.

All of this poor behavior was bc I have not lost enough weight to feel that the eating restrictions on No S are worth the effort. So I went and ate a lot of food I didn’t need in a snit. But it is Tuesday and my snit is over. Back on No S. Why? Because it is sane. I don’t dwell so much on food when I’m not snacking between meals. Not buying ‘snack foods’ is liberating at the grocery store. My eating is a much more healthful example to DS. The overeating I did this weekend was not enjoyable bc it wasn’t special – a treat.

Patience: Back
Resolution: Onwards!

Re: 9/8 Check In (Post Holiday)

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 10:36 pm
by gratefuldeb67
burnnotice wrote: The overeating I did this weekend was not enjoyable bc it wasn’t special – a treat.
Hi :)
Actually, I feel overeating is *never* enjoyable.

I agree it's nice when we can look forward to having real treats to enjoy.
When you are on this long enough, you really don't get the same enjoyment when you eat ice cream on an N day... It just doesn't taste as good as when you know it's earned and totally "legal". :wink:
Have a good week.
8) Debs

9/9 Check In

Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 8:34 pm
by burnnotice
Had a good, tough night. Green for SG and Green for No S. I did SG & helped roll on concrete sealant. Watching R shoulder, so once I felt the twinge with SG, I finished out the second set and called it a night.

Went shopping. That was good & bad. Good for resolution. After seeing self in mirror and not liking how clothes were fitting, it was very easy to not snack when I got home. I can't believe how techy some bras are getting! Someone must have finally hired some female engineers as these pieces of clothing pick up and reassemble things quite nicely! :lol:

Of course, I am going to need to cut some calories now and up my exercise. Just slinging a sledgehammer 14 minutes a day & walking the dog is only helping me stabilize my weight. The trick will be cutting calories and then not eating at night. I am solid on the day and even now I'm sort of hungry but I'll get to dinner. So I am mulling this over. Clearly I am going to have to exercise early in the morning a few days a week. I get up at 5:30 am now, so I'm thinking I need to bump back to 5:00 am. Roll out of bed and alternate SG and spinning. Then in the evenings I can walk the dog or maybe start C25K again.

Time to take my commitment to the next level.
Patience: poor which might help commitment level as I want results
Resolution: Very Good.

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2009 5:30 am
by buttercreampillow
Hi, Burn! I'll be watching you with interest to see what mods you make. Like you, I'm totally frustrated with the scale, but I don't feel up to doing any more than vanilla No-S and some light urban rangering. I am afraid of restricting myself and provoking binging.

Good luck with your mods--in my book, you'll be a superhero if you can get yourself out of bed at 5 a.m.! :D


Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2009 6:18 pm
by burnnotice
Thanks for checking in with me Debs and Buttercream Pillow! I appreciate the support! It is nice to know I'm not alone.

Posting today to admit to my red night. This week I’m doing SG every other day, and it was not a SG night. HOWEVER, I have a red evening snack to report. I didn’t get home until 8 PM so I did not work in any exercise yesterday.

I get my hair done approximately once every 6-8 weeks & it takes one hour. I purposely chose a place 5 minutes from the house as I am always crazy busy. Last night no different. DH kept calling me as I wasn’t home to help with driveway sealant. “I haven’t fed DS yet. Go to Little Caesars and get a pepperoni pizza.†Great. Send me to get pizza as it is 7:40 PM and you have yet to feed the 8 yo. So I head over & order the pizza. I had to wait while they cooked them so I paced around the store smelling pizza and crazy bread for about 8 minutes. I managed to stay out of the pizza but I could not resist the crazy bread. I ate the whole little bag. Even though I had to admit a red light. Even though I I wasn’t hungry, I just couldn’t resist the darn smell of those things. Once I got a taste, I had to have more. I could not stop with one. When I was in college, I’d eat crazy bread for a meal I loved them so much.

Oh well. I’m not superhuman.

So, I made an appt. this morning to try a new MD. Turns out two of his interests are metabolism and endocrinology. He has been great with one of my coworkers, so hopefully he can help me unwind my symptoms and determine if there is a medical problem. It is on 9/25, so I have a nice 2 weeks to start a food/exercise diary to show this guy what I’m trying to do to lose this excess weight. I’ve read about adrenal exhaustion and I wonder if this is real? I also wonder if I’m perimenopausal or have a thyroid problem. I’ve gained almost 25 pounds in 2 years – a pound a month. Now 2 years ago I had problems losing weight too. It came off VERY slowly. I was training to run/walk a half marathon and still couldn’t lose weight.

Here’s a list of things I did last night at 1:35 AM despite sleeping pill: let the dog out, loaded the dw, started the dw, picked up trash in the living room, picked up my dress shoes and a few other items to carry upstairs in the am, made a new pile of papers to recycle from the mail/school papers/ news/ etc., let the dog back in, went to the bathroom, thirsty so drank some water, laid on the couch, managed to fall back to sleep. I did not eat though!

Got Up late this am. It is freakin’ dark at 5 am. Heck, it is dark at 5:30. I need to do SG tonight when I get home from DH’s guitar lessons. Still mulling over my diet/exercise plan. I’m thinking of eating 1500 calories one day then low balling the next day at 1000-1200 calories. My BMR is 1542. But if you cut back too hard, my metabolism will slow further. Also, I have a fight every night about wanting an evening snack. If I am actually hungry…. Look Out!

Patience: OK
Resolution: Strong
Plan: MD appt. set, start food diary, mulling on calorie counting/cutting

9/11 Check In

Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2009 8:39 pm
by burnnotice
Weird No S evening. I ate dinner before 5 last night due to guitar lessons. Usually we don’t eat until 7 pm. Eggbeaters, one piece of bacon, & 2 pieces of French toast. Yummy & filling. Unfortunately, I actually got hungry at 9:30 PM. I couldn’t believe I was actually hungry and not just dealing with my usual evening snack habit! Since I don’t always sleep at night, I was really worried to go to bed feeling hungry. I ended up eating 2 string cheese sticks.

Do I give myself a red or call it a mini-meal? Let’s face it, string cheese is nothing like the chocolate/candy/chips I usually reach for. I sort of hate to punish myself for figuring the difference between actual hunger and just craving a snack, then actually choosing a fairly healthy option, so I’ll just call it yellow. Oh, I could have had milk if any was in the house…

Green on SG. Every other day seems the wisest SG program for my right shoulder.

Fine so far today. In fact, I'm doing better recognizing when I'm full. Hopefully soon I can stop before I'm completely full.

Wt: #176.8
Patience: Good
Resolution: High.
Weekend Plan: Sat am walk/SG. Sun am – walk/jog. Watching UM-ND game so will try to caution self about snacks during game.

Strange day

Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2009 5:49 pm
by burnnotice
Did FINE last night! Drank a glass of wine when I got home as I wandered through most of the week's junk mail. Very relaxing to take the edge off the day, but alas once I drink any alcohol I have NO exercise motivation. I did pretty good at a restaurant last night. I again stopped when I felt full. Nice not to keep mowing just to mow.

Green for No S. It was a non SG night. Sat green for SG. I got 3 entire sets in today & more squat-like moves without any bursitis twinge. I spun for 34 minutes. I love to spin while the washer does all of the work. Dog upset with me though so I might get a walk in tonight!

Although I have had some hunger feelings, I haven't eaten yet today. I'm about to put together a monstrous seven layer salad for THE football game (UM-ND), so I plan to eat raw veggies and perhaps an apple with pb while I toss that together. DH making chili. So I'll be able to make a meal during the game & then hopefully not snack. I sort of need to make up for Labor Day...

9/14 Check In

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2009 7:03 pm
by burnnotice
Did very well on Saturday. Didn't oversnack and tried to visualize one plate during the football game.

Sunday was a no SG day. Walked for 70 minutes on a gorgeous day with dog. Felt great. I snacked a bit too much.

I printed off C25K. I'm thinking I can step up with that exercise-wise for more calorie burn.

Fine so far today. Tonight is SG. I might start C25K today as my dog can handle the first few weeks of jogging since it is pretty intermittent.

9/15 Check In

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2009 3:25 pm
by burnnotice
Monday night finished badly. Red on SG & Red on No S. I rather dislike grocery shopping, & last night I ran DS over with the grocery cart. After a multitude of warnings to stay off the front of the cart and noting that if he slips off, he's going to get hit - het slipped off and got hit. No blood, but lots of wailing that "You did it on purpose." Well my helper became a deadweight. I had this moment in the parking lot while deadweight sat in his booster seat where I was just too worn out to even stash the groceries in the back of the car. Waiting at home was making dinner, making school lunch, putting away the groceries, cleaning out the fridge, trash gathering for trash pick up, and an unclean house. I'm seriously ready to hire everything out as no wonder exercise always falls off my plate.

But I did manage to toss the bags in the car, drive home, and start my work shift at home. I got all of the basics done with some help from DH, but by then it was nearly 8 pm and I was tired & cranky from dealing with an overtired kid. No exercise and I snacked last night.

I did talk to DS about C25K and he is willing to train for a 5K. Maybe we'll have better luck this evening. Wednesday and Thursday are going to be crazy & I suspect nothing is going to get accomplished.

Cranky & tired, but fine so far today.

9/18 Check In

Posted: Fri Sep 18, 2009 8:22 pm
by burnnotice
9/15: green SG, started C25K with 2 minute intervals, red evening snack.
9/16: off day for SG, volunteered at school, red evening snack.
9/17: red for SG, late night with parent teacher conference and guitar lessons. Red evening snack (66 calorie fun size Hershey bar).

Notes from last 3 days: 1. I realized I no longer snack while on the home computer. My good habits at work have rubbed off at home.

2. My evening snack problem doesn't start now until 9:30 PM or even later. I can now successfully fend off anything up to that juncture. Unfortunately, I've been staying up until almost 11 a few nights this week.

3. I looked a little different in the guitar lesson mirror last night. SG has tightened up the tops of my shoulders, my neck, and therefore under my chin. There is clearly a fair amount of muscle on my upper arms now, but it is not very well defined yet.

Weight: 176.4 I've lost nearly nothing in 7 weeks of No S. I could cry.

Breakfast plan: Weekdays cut Clif bars in half & round out with a banana. Savings: 20-100 calories a day.
Lunch: There is nothing to cut. I usually eat a 70-100 calorie apple, and a soup/burrito/meal that is no more than 340 calories.
Dinner: Eat a small salad, raw vegetable or V8 every night to fill up on raw food before I eat any entree.

Weekend Plan: Try to SG Fri/Sat/Sun to make up for missed days. C25K.

9/21 Check In

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2009 8:03 pm
by burnnotice
Had a nice weekend. I did C25K on Saturday.

Back into No S today. Doing fine thus far. Plan to SG & finish week 1 of C25K tonight. After tonight I think I'll do week 3 of C25K & see how it goes. Since I've been jogging a bit, I started at 2/2 intervals rather than at the baseline of C25K.

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2009 9:35 pm
by sporkfancier
Nice work, BN!

I did C25K--it is very rewarding to run for 30 minutes uninterrupted. The best part about it is that I stopped running for 8 months, and when I came back, I still had a strong baseline of ability--I jumped back in at week 6 and got up to speed in a matter of weeks.

I'm not letting the same thing happen this year, though. I'm running 30 minutes 2-3 times/week on a treadmill until the middle of December, at which point I'll need to find a new plan :)

Terrible Week

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 3:19 pm
by burnnotice
I am having a terrible week. Part of it is cravings with my period. I haven't lost or gained any weight. I've been snacking at night. Not good. I haven't exercised very much this week either. I know mentally I am down bc I haven't lost any weight despite all of this effort, focus & change.

Went to the doctor today, so at least I'm going to rule out any possible medical issue that is impacting my insomnia, night sweats and weight gain. I'm still having trouble sleeping. Most nights I get up at least twice and I'm often up for 2 hours....

So, this weekend I'm going to try to get my mood up and get back on track with some decent exercise. The SG is a great toner. I hefted the dog food bag with NO problem the other night. I am definitely stronger too. I need to keep at No S bc it is simple. I need to keep up the exercise bc it at the very least it helps my mood.

Thanks for checking on me Sporkfancier. I agree that the running does seem to have kept some base in me. I had plantar fascitis so I'm really trying to hold back!

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2009 5:38 am
by buttercreampillow
Burn, I'm sorry you're having such a bad week. I haven't seen anything good on the scale either and I share your frustration. On the one hand, my eating has normalized so much that there is a great benefit. On the other hand, if everything is so much better, why am I not seeing any results?

I wish I had some magical words of good advice, but I can only encourage you to consider what other benefits you've gotten from No S, and hang in there. We are bound to lose weight if we stick with it.

BTW, ironically, I have found that I worry less about the scale if I weigh more frequently. When I tried only weighing once a month I thought about it the whole month and worked up great anticipation. Then when I didn't lose, I was completely crushed and had several bad days, just like you did. When I weigh more frequently, each weighing seems a lot less important.


Check In 9/29 (Vacation Pending)

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 4:57 pm
by burnnotice
Hi Buttercream Pillow! I’ve been trying to rationalize why I need to stick with the changes I’ve been working hard at with No S. You are right. Thanks for writing me & helping me keep up the effort even if the scale is not impacted. I do eat healthier with No S in my life & my exercise routine (though not perfect) has increased in intensity and recurrence. My food focus has lessened as well.

I had my period this weekend and snacked a lot. I did some serious housecleaning but no serious exercise.

I am about to go on vacation, so I’ll be in a strange environment & time zone for a week. I’m going to try to keep things as much No S as possible. When I come back I’m making 2 changes:

1. Food Diary with calorie counts for 2 weeks (figure out where to cut)
2.Stop birth control (determine if it causes night sweats/weight gain).

I plan to continue No S & really work on the evening snack point when I get back…

10/8 Check In

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2009 7:10 pm
by burnnotice
Back from vacation!
Weight: 176.8 (Basically I did great on vacation since I didn’t gain anything!)

Intervention #1: Pulled the birth control this am. We’ll see if that is the cause of my night sweats, insomnia, and some of my weight gain…

Back on No S today. Also back at work. Doing OK but I am tired! The weather is atrocious today. My goal is to spin 30 min tonight & tomorrow. I also need to perform SG tonight…

Resolution: OK
Patience: OK

10/20/09 Check In

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2009 9:01 pm
by burnnotice
Hi there!

I'm still hanging around. Work is really busy. I weighed in last week at #175.4. This is the lowest weight I've managed on No S thus far.

I haven't been doing any exercise. Although I am strict during the day on No S, I'm still sporadic with evening successes. The other night I was content heating up some apple cider but last night was a big red candy failure.

So I need to re-focus.

11/2/09 Check In

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2009 3:08 pm
by burnnotice

Goal 1. Exercise 30 min qd this week. Not sure can do SG due to R shoulder pain.

Goal 2: Food track/SG.

Bx: 1 12 oz can diet coke, 250 cal Clif Bar.

Work is hectic. Home is hectic. Halloween candy EVERYWHERE.

11/3/09 Check In

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 7:43 pm
by burnnotice
11/2 - Food
lunchtime - ate some honey nut peanuts and candy corn (RED!)
lunch: 1 wheat bagel with chicken salad, brown mustard, lett, tom, cuke slices. 2 svg mixed fresh fruit. tea with splenda.
Dinner: 1.5 svg flank steak rolled with provolone and italian ham. 1 svg roasted red potatoes and green bean mix. Crystal Light.
Water: 60 oz./ 8 oz diet coke in afternoon
Evening: 1 fun size m&ms, 1 fun size butterfinger (RED but at least in control of amount here).

11/3 - Tuesday
Exercised Walk away the pounds for 30 min. this am!
Bx: 0 - not hungry.
Lunch: 1 sm apple, Amy's Indian Mattar Tofu ( 260 cal, 8 gm fat, 5 gm fiber, 12 gm protein).

Doing better today as I reset on No S. R shoulder slightly better.

11/3 Finish Up - 11/4 AM

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 2:20 pm
by burnnotice
Hi there-

I forgot that I drank a sugar free spiced cider yesterday morning. 15 calories but 100% Vit C.

Dinner: 2 svgs turkey meatloaf with 2 T ketchup, 2 svg corn, 1 slice toasted cheese bread, crystal light.
Evening snack: 2 fun size paydays, 1 fun size hot tomales, 1 fun size tootsie roll (RED)
Drank at least 60 oz of water, 18 oz diet Coke in afternoon.

I did brush my teeth after dinner, but alas it took me a while to stick some gum in my mouth and forget about the bloody Halloween candy. I should have eaten a salad at dinner...

Exercised for 30 minutes - a la Walk away the Pounds
Bx: Banana, 10 oz Diet Coke

Tonights Goals: Stick the Halloween Candy out of my sight. It is not mine. Bring the sledgehammer into the basement for SG. Review my exercise DVDs.

11/18 Check In

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2009 8:24 pm
by burnnotice

Resetting this week. I had a great week of exercise 2 weeks ago, but last week was pretty bad. This week I'm doing well on exercise. No S I'm still having evening snack issues.

I'm keeping a food diary on paper. I carry it around so any free time I can update my meals. I'm also tracking exercise and water.

At work I am trying to add an extra 4 floors of steps each day this week. Last week I did 3 extra flights for 5 days. Next week I'm out most of the week, so when I come back to work I'm going to try to make it a habit before extending more floors or maybe trying for 4 floors twice a day.

Weight: #178.0

Re: 11/18 Check In

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2009 1:06 am
by Kevin
Do you need to take a more step-wise approach to that evening snack? Plan its size, make it small, then week by week make it smaller?

Not everyone gets there the same way.
burnnotice wrote:Hi-

Resetting this week. I had a great week of exercise 2 weeks ago, but last week was pretty bad. This week I'm doing well on exercise. No S I'm still having evening snack issues.

I'm keeping a food diary on paper. I carry it around so any free time I can update my meals. I'm also tracking exercise and water.

At work I am trying to add an extra 4 floors of steps each day this week. Last week I did 3 extra flights for 5 days. Next week I'm out most of the week, so when I come back to work I'm going to try to make it a habit before extending more floors or maybe trying for 4 floors twice a day.

Weight: #178.0


Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 9:24 pm
by burnnotice
In assessment of this year, I finally resolved my insomnia and night sweats. I stopped the weight gain. I've kept a food diary sporadically enough to know what my trouble spots are and No S is a good program for me which I discovered.

Wt: 176.0

Exercise: Very busy with holiday commitments but I've been spinning a half hour about 3 times a week. Still doing about 4 flights a day at work extra.

I think I'm going to try to just maintain over the next 2 weeks. Now that I've addressed some of my health issues that were impacting my energy level & probably some of of my weight gain, I can work at calorie restriction and weight loss after Christmas.

Merry Christmas, Happy Hannakah, Peaceful Solstice.


New Year Better Focu

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2010 5:17 pm
by burnnotice
Happy New Year!

Holidays are over for me. Yesterday I took off the day and got a pedicure and massage. It was a nice way to kick off this year focusing on myself a bit. That is my major goal this year - to keep my own self in focus.

Weight: 181.4
Goal: Lose 21.4 pounds this year.

For No S, I am going to focus on one thing for all of January. No evening snacks unless it is fresh fruit. This is my key issue & I think I need to focus on just that component for this first month.



Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 4:05 pm
by burnnotice
Good Morning,

Did fine yesterday. No snacks at work. Energy level zapped by 8 pm. I just drank hot chocolate last night. It was rich enough to feel like a treat. I made it with skim milk.

Fine so far today. Hope to exercise tonight. I have plantar fasciitis in right foot, so not too excited about the pain, but I did pick up some athletic tape and that helps.

Wt: 181.1

1/7/10 - The Month of Evening Snacks

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2010 7:34 pm
by burnnotice
Had a good night last night. At the end of my dinner I sort of panicked and did eat 2 mini pb cups.

But I then recovered and managed to make it the rest of the evening just fine. I tried out Wii fit last night. It was a bit annoying but I think I'll get better and pacing my movements to the Wii reading ability. I did 35 minutes.

Fine so far today.

Weight: 180.8

Goal tonight: Clean one bathroom, drag laundry downstairs, and SPIN along with a cycle! Ha ha ha.

1/8- Month of Evening Snacks

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 5:00 pm
by burnnotice
Super day yesterday. No issues at work. DH made awesome chili for dinner. No evening snack. Did about 25 minutes of Wii Fit and got a better feel for the program. Kind of fun, kind of annoying.

Wt: 180.8 :(

Weekend: Going to stick on No S through the weekend as I have a special day next week and next weekend DH taking me out for a weekend away...

Plan: Wii Fit tonight, Spin Sat and Sun.

2/8/10 Check In

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 8:12 pm
by burnnotice
Work evening out. I'm taking an art glass course this semester.

Weight: 180.2

Did not overeat during the superbowl. I spun 30 minutes on Sat and again on Sunday before the TV gamefest. My exercise has been sporadic.

Goals this week:
1. Don't eat past 8 PM
2. Exercise 30 min Mon, Tues, Fri, Sat

Food Today
BX: Carnation instant breakfast in about 2c skim milk
Lunch: 1 med. apple, 1 can progresso tomato basil soup.
Water: 5 cups so far...

Attitude: Good. I started a supplement to help curb appetite. So far so good.

2/9 Check In

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2010 4:22 pm
by burnnotice
Something about bad weather and the stressful commute exhausted me yesterday. I was perfectly content to mindlessly watch TV last night. Nor did I exercise while watching TV.

Dinner: 1 svg left over pasta with chicken, 1 shot rum in cf diet coke.
I ate several small pieces of chocolate, but stopped eating at 8:15PM.

Better than normal. I got up very early to get into work due to the weather. Will try to exercise tonight in front of TV for 30 min. Rumor has it the commute is going to be bad through Thurs am due to ice...

Wt: 178.8

2/10 Check In

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 8:44 pm
by burnnotice
2/9 Wrap Up
No snacks at work
Dinner: 1 corn on cob, 1/2 slice cheese bread, 1 svg bbq pork ribs, 10 oz skim milk
No exercise - worked on Valentine party prep and mom taxi service
Ate some jelly bellies after 8 PM :(

Exercised Leslie Sansone 30 Min am
Breakfast - 1 cup coffee with 1 T half and half, banana
Lunch: 1 snack size tootsie roll, 2 cuties, 1 salad with chicken breast

Class tonight.

Wt: 178.8

2/11 Check Up

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2010 5:45 pm
by burnnotice
2/10 Wrap Up
Pre-Class Dinner: 1 banana, 1 large rice krispy treat
Post-Class Dinenr: 1 eggo waffle with 2 T PB, about 20 jelly belly beans.
I drank 48 oz of water thru the day

2/11 - Very tired today from class. No exercise in am.
Wt: #178.4
Breakfast: 1 banana
Lunch: salad with chicken breast, 2 cuties

Wrap Up

Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2010 1:40 pm
by burnnotice
2/11 Wrap up
Dinner @ Applebees: 1 raspberry iced tea, one cup tomato basil soup with some cheese, few croutons on top, 1/2 asian chicken salad, 5 spoons of chocolate cake. Later in evening I had about 10 jelly belly beans.

2/12 Wt: 178.4
Exercise: Spinning 30 minutes in am
Bx: 1.5 Cherry Poptarts, 1 coffee (splenda/1 T half and half)
Lunch: McDonalds yogurt parfait, 2 waters
Dinner: 1 chicken breast Lees Famous Recipe, 8 oz V-8 Fusion mixed with sparkling water. Later in evening, 1 blow pop.

2/13 Just up. Weight: 176.6
Note: Food Diary shows lack of veggies & my sweet tooth. Evening snack amounts WAY down - but it is still there.

2/15 Check In

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2010 6:55 pm
by burnnotice
Wt today: #178.2

Did not exercise Sat/Sun. I had something pinching in my shoulder area such that I could not turn my head fromside to side easily. Easing up today so maybe I can do something calm.

Slacked a bit this weekend. Craved chocolate a lot. But it is a new week!

Mon Bx: 0 bc it was a white knuckle commute!
Lunch: 1 can diet pepsi, Pacifica salad bag (maybe 1/2), 2 cuties.

So I probably lost about 2 pounds over the past week. I am pleased.

I have made a decision on a Lenten commitment. I am going to walk the dog every day starting Wednesday.


Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2010 7:16 pm
by burnnotice
2/15 Wrap Up
Dinner: 1 svg fresh brocooli/cauliflower dipped lightly in chip dip, 1 svg low fat fettucini, 1 svg caesar salad, 4 oz V-8 Fusion with sparkling water.
Exercise: 35 minutes Leslie Sansone
Snack: 1 cup Boy Scout popcorn

Wt: 176.2 (I hope this is not dehydration...)
Bx: Carnation instant breakfast with 1.5 cups skim milk.
Lunch: 2 oranges, 1 bologna and cheese sandwich, 1 hershey kiss, 6 oz coke.
Water so far: 4 cups

Action Plan: SG tonight.

2/16 PM - 2/17

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 7:14 pm
by burnnotice
Dinner: 85% of a steak-n-shake single cheeseburger, cottage cheese with one slice pineapple, maybe 1 small fry, caff free diet coke.
Snack: at 2 am I had one blow pop while watching olympics...
Exercise: 0 on Tuesday didn't get home until 8:30 PM & tired...

2/17: Ash Wednesday & Class Tonight
Wt: 176.2 :)
Exercise: 30 minutes Leslie Sansone
Bx: 1 Cliff bar and 20 oz Diet Coke
Lunch: 1 Vitamin water, 2 cuties

Catch Up Check In

Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2010 2:54 pm
by burnnotice

Work very busy - I usually check in after eating lunch. Wednesday night was tough after class.
Thursday Wt: 175.8
Friday: 176.2

I haven't weighed in over the weekend. I'm not exercising enough!

Exercise: Walked dog 2 mi on Sat. Was nice to walk my 2 mile route. Picked up one bag trash...

Well I need to get my Sunday moving...

2/22/10 Partial Check In

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2010 8:36 pm
by burnnotice
Sunday 2/21:
No Weight.
Am: coffee/splenda/half and half, 1 cliff bar
Exercise: 30 min spinning
Lunch: diet coke and 1 cliff bar (b-day party tactic to avoid pizza/cake)
Dinner: few chips & salsa, 3 chicken taquitos with fresh guac & sour cream, few sips Dos Equis.
Wait for it --- NO EVENING SNACK!

Actually, in the past 2 weeks I have had much success between not having an evening snack OR eating a lot less of a snack. Last night was different in that mentally I did not miss it or feel deprived.

Monday 2/22
Weight: #175.8
Bx: 1 Luna bar 180 cal, 2 water, 1 sugar free cider
Lunch: 2 clementines, one salad with chicken and 1T ranch dsg, 4 water

Goal tonight: Exercise 30 min...

Note: I took my starting weight from Jan note - 180.8, so I am down 5 pounds.