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Day one

Posted: Sun Oct 03, 2010 11:12 pm
by Pernetty
After much thought and research, I am considering this to be day 1. It's a Sunday, so that's good news.

My pact is to do a 21 day commitment before I judge the experiment a success or failure.

Here's to NoSing.

Posted: Sun Oct 03, 2010 11:31 pm
by Meikmeika
I look forward to reading about your journey. Good Luck!

Pernetty's day 2

Posted: Mon Oct 04, 2010 6:00 pm
by Pernetty
Thanks for the encouragement.

I am aiming to lose about 10-15 pounds. I'm 5'3" and around the 145 pound mark - too much for my small frame! My biggest downfalls aren't sweets or snacks or even seconds. It's a little bit of everything plus too many cocktails and wine. I know that these have added up to the extra weight that I'm carrying.

My biggest challenge will be the "glass ceiling" of 2 drinks per day. Wow, now that I've revealed that, I have just breathed a sigh of relief.

Posted: Mon Oct 04, 2010 7:36 pm
by good enough
Hello Pernetty! I just started today and wanted to wish you luck on your journey. I'll keep an eye on your thread to see how it's going for you! :D

Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2010 12:18 am
by Meikmeika
I'm 5'3 also and weigh around 148lbs. I would love to get back down to 130lbs.

My main issue is sweets. Once I start eating them that's all I want.

Are you doing any activity?

Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2010 4:24 pm
by Pernetty
Can you feel thinner overnight? I do. Alright, it was just one day, but I feel pretty good about things.

As for a activity, I am gung-ho about interval training. Tons of research has found that short bursts of activity are way more effective than the long and slow. For 30 minutes, I do running intervals. I love it! Not boring, very challenging and productive.

Sweets aren't my weakness, it's just a little too much of everything. I'm feeling positive.

Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2010 8:12 pm
by good enough
Hi Pernetty! Sounds like a great day, go you!! :D

My exercise regime has been sporadic to non-existent, but I'm trying hard to improve. I'm tracking it (as well as No S) on my habitcal, for 21 days at least. Best of luck with your weight loss - looking forward to reading more of your updates!

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2010 3:08 pm
by Pernetty
It was a good day.

B: Homemade bread, almond butter, jam

L: Leftover pasta with tomato, avocado & bacon. Melon

D:Sauteed chicken, morel mushrooms, cream sauce & rice.

Really wanted a "nightcap", you know, little sherry, a little cookie. But with lots of determination, had a glass of water and went to bed early!

exercise: 30 minutes interval runs. Weight training *eight exercises, one set to failure. total exercise time: 45 minutes.

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2010 3:57 pm
by Pernetty
Another good day. I actually wanted to make a salad for lunch!

B: toast, almond butter, honey, coffee
L: Salad with melon, proscuitto, goat cheese and home made croutons
D: Hamburger night: homemade, grilled hamburgers, BBQ potato chips, wine.

Exercise: 30 minutes interval cycling outside by the ocean. Sit-ups and pushups.

Posted: Sat Oct 09, 2010 5:06 pm
by Pernetty
Okay, change of plans. After reading through Connorcream's story, I have decided to integrate calorie counting into the mix.

I signed up on calorie count and discovered that on an average day, I was consuming around 2200-2400 calories - way too much for my small frame. Again, like Connor, I am not a binge eater, a night eater, a I can't stop myself from eating sweets kind of gal. In fact, I use homemade ingredients, make all of our meals and use the best of everything - evoo, homemade bread, homemade pasta, even.

So, it's just the extra olive oil, the grated parmesan cheese, the margarita that are all adding up.

I tracked yesterday and hit 1500 calories pretty effortlessly, it just took paying attention to the details, 1 slice of toast instead of two, a poached egg instead of almond butter, etc.

I've decided to target 1500 calories initially and see if that does the trick. I do exercise vigorously almost daily, but like Connor, I won't count the burn to make up for extra calories.

I will still use the basic premise of NoS but with these mods.

Wish me luck!

Posted: Sun Oct 10, 2010 4:07 pm
by Pernetty
Good day. Calorie Count 1486. It really is easy and fun with the program. And it is a great experiment of one. I was amazed how long I felt full on one poached egg, 1 oz of toast, 1 tsp. of butter and some melon.

And 250 calories of the total went to wine... I plan on adjusting that number down for the future.


Posted: Mon Oct 11, 2010 4:53 pm
by Pernetty
Great day - long bike ride in beautiful sunshine.

I'm having a blast counting calories! It's like a game - and I love finding out the nutrient data - I need more fibre and iron - things to work on. I even decided to 'plan ahead'. I made two kinds of soups at the same time, split pea and French Lentil and put them into 2 cup containers and now have 8 lunches ready. I've frozen some and have some in the fridge.

At around 250 calories per 2 cup serving, they are filling, nutritious and delicious!

Calorie Count was at 1436 and exercise burned 380 (but I don't add extra calories to make up the difference.


Posted: Mon Oct 11, 2010 10:24 pm
by connorcream
Pernetty wrote: exercise burned 380 (but I don't add extra calories to make up the difference.
Great idea as calorie burn calculators are nortoriously inaccurate. I always view exercise burn as a bonus and not MY main incentitive. Fitness was my exercising goal. Having my body feel great, more mobility in my joints, greater endurance for activities, etc... It is also nice to get shaplier legs.

Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2010 2:45 am
by Pernetty
I totally agree. I highly doubt that I burned the 300 calories that the site told me. But I love the feeling of riding my bike as fast as I can for half an hour. Just before dinner, when no one misses me.

It's Thanksgiving today in Canada, and we celebrated with a lovely roast chicken with roast potatoes, garlic, onions and potatoes. It's one of my favourite meals. I monitored my other meals (using my French lentil soup) as my secret ally and really monitored my plate at dinner.

1600 for the day, which is still 500 less than my pre-average day leaves me feeling pretty good. I think I am going to buy a scale! I haven't owned one for years, and only go by the way my clothes feel. Now, mind you, I have fit into all my clothes for about 5 years now, so I know there won't be any BIG surprises, but I am curious to apply calorie counting with actually, (gulp) weighing-in. I looked a few today, but decided that I really just want a basic digital scale without any bells or whistles. I really don't even trust of the fat, water, ya da ya da features.

A demain!

Happy Thanksgiving to the Canadian Brethren.

Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2010 6:16 pm
by connorcream
Tanita is the scale many maintainers buy. I agree on a basic model. Happy Thanksgiving.

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 3:50 pm
by Pernetty
Calorie count 1466

I'm really enjoying the other numbers too, working on getting extra fiber and iron.

B: yogurt, 1/2 banana, maple syrup
L: Bean tortilla (beans, salsa, cilantro wrapped in a tortilla with cilantro)
D: 3 oz hamburger, bun, veggies, wine
Snack: cauliflower, plums and strawberries(working on the fiber)

Out on the bike again, working hard and 'with intention' when I'm exercising.

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 3:47 pm
by Pernetty
Calorie count 1393

It is surprisingly easy and satisfying to count calories with the multitude of free on-line programs. I'm just like Connorcream, and I thought I would be eating lettuce and water, but once I started, I haven' felt any overwhelming feelings of hunger or deprival.

In fact, I get to eat the foods I love, not just all of them at the same time.

B: egg, rye crisps, cherry jam
L: Black bean chili and 3 tortilla chips, one piece of chocolate (50 calories worth)
D: Roasted duck (about 2 ounces) on a bed of vegetable enhanced salad with homemade low fat vinaigrette. Wine.
Snack: tea, yogurt, 1/2 banana and strawberries

I even bought a digital scale! I haven't stepped on it yet. I'm a bit nervous. I thought I would wait maybe another week while building good habits and not getting overwhelmed by the scale.

Exercise: 20 minutes of weights. No rests, one set to failure.

Happy Thursday!

Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2010 3:54 pm
by Pernetty
Calorie Count 1493

Exercise: cycling 30 minutes hard
b: egg, rye crisps, cherry jam
L: Split Pea soup (that I made on Sunday) veggie dog, 3 tortilla chips, and my piece of 50 calorie dark chocolate
D: A great salad with all sort of vegetables: cauliflower, carrot, celery, spinach with my low fat dressing and roast chicken. Wine

Snack: a margarita, yogurt and strawberries

I have never counted calories before this - just a few failed attempts at WW, but I LOVE this. It is so easy - easier dare I say, than figuring out if my one plate is too much or not enough food.

Maybe at this stage in my life, I need this measured approach.

Thanks ConnorCream!

Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2010 3:58 pm
by Pernetty
Who knew that 3 tortilla chips and one tiny square of chocolate could hit the spot!

Friday: 1393 calories
B: yogurt, banana, coffee
L: Lentil soup, 3 tortilla chips and one square of chocolate. An orange.
D: 1 slice of homemade pizza, salad with my special yogurt Caesar dressing. Wine.

I'm beginning to notice patterns about my hunger. I'm usually not very hungry in the morning, thus the small breakfast. I eat it around 9:30 am. Then by noon, I'm starting to get hungry but I wait until 1 pm for lunch.

Lunch is when I'm the hungriest during the day. Yesterday, I started with the orange to dampen the "got to eat" desire before I had lunch. Also, lunch is when I want hot food. Soup, melted cheese on bread, chili. When I eat hot food, I'm not hungry again until dinner which is about 7 pm. I may nibble on raw vegetables while I cook dinner.

What I'm working on for this week is to increase my fiber, it's still too low and to work on reducing my wine consumption. But I am very habit-ingrained on wine - so it's going to take some work.

When I quit smoking many years ago, I didn't go cold turkey, but I identified which were the most important cigarettes of the day. The cigarette after dinner. So for about 3 months, I smoked one cigarette a day before I finally quit. I'm gong to apply this same logic to wine - for me, the most important glass is the first sip and then the final bit after dinner. I'll see how that works. I want to be content with one 4 oz glass.

Today, I'm going to do some research on low-cal, vegetable soups. I think having a cup before lunch will be a satisfying touch.

Happy week-end.

Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2010 4:10 am
by Pernetty
I'm exhausted. I spent a long time in the kitchen, baking bread, making pizza for my son and two kinds of soups, plus plenty of clean-up and a nice long bike ride.
I made the healthiest soup known to man; kale, cabbage, carrots, celery, onions, parsley, kidney beans, zucchini, tomatoes and plain old water. It was delicious! I can feel my taste-buds and my appetite adjusting to the "whole foods". I had my breakfast at 11 am (it's the week-end, soup at 4 pm and dinner at 8 pm).

CC: 1393
Vitamin A: Excellent
Vitamin C: Excellent

Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2010 3:00 pm
by connorcream
Pernetty wrote:
I have never counted calories before this - just a few failed attempts at WW, but I LOVE this. It is so easy - easier dare I say, than figuring out if my one plate is too much or not enough food.

Maybe at this stage in my life, I need this measured approach.

Thanks ConnorCream!
Enjoy, yes enjoy this time of self discovery. As you find your calorie budget, think about what kind of foods you enjoy and how they effect you. For example, do carbs effect your hunger, weight gain, cravings, face flushing, sluggishness. If so, at what level, does this occur? 50 gm, 100 gm, never, nope doesn't ever happen= grains are my best friend.

For ME, grains are not my friend, except in small, controlled, well defined quantities. This is not a burdensome nutritional calorie/carb summit type exercise that so many like to characterize it as. I just paid attention when I was journaling to just make these brief notes, see if there is a pattern, test the pattern, incorporate new information. Test again, because our bodies can change (hormonal & age). I am ever watchful for the issues of causation & correlation.

I enjoy reading your posts and anticipate a successful outcome.

Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2010 3:25 pm
by BrightAngel
I also enjoy watching your progress. Image

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2010 4:36 am
by Pernetty
CC: 1497

Lovely Sunday spent mostly in the kitchen! Baking chocolate brownies for my son's event. Making a new recipe for dinner involving brioche.

And still, under 1500 calories, just barely. It worked because I planned. I had a light breakfast and a very light lunch which made it possible to spend 700 calories on dinner. Extravagant? Yes. Impulsive? No.

I planned on making this meal, enjoying some wine and a leisurely Sunday evening with my family. Was it a S day.. Sort of. But no idiocy.

By dessert, I allowed myself to savour a 1" square of brownie - which 100 calories was totally worth it!

And, by the way, the world's healthiest soup, which I made yesterday, at a mere 25 calories per cup is pure ambrosia.

I notice that the better I spend my calories, the more I am rewarded. I was a tad hungry after my small breakfast of one egg fried in a spray of olive oil and 1 ounce of bread with a tsp. of butter. But that huge navel orange afterwords (82 calories worth) was worth every calorie.

On other plans that I followed, an orange was considered a 'what if' sort of item. Fruit - all 1 point in WW books. But it has value. It has more calories than an ounce of bread. BUT it's value is so much greater. One orange gave me the feeling of satisfaction that held my hunger for 4 hours until I had my magic soup.

Did I suffer today? Not at all. Do I feel like bingeing? No. Why. Because I made good choices and I reaped the rewards.

Happy Monday.

*exercise, I rode my bike to a few stores today to gather some ingredients for cooking, but decided today is a rest day for intense exercise. I did a manicure instead.

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2010 7:09 pm
by Pernetty
CC: 1396

Observation: soup at lunch is a great way to satisfy my hunger and keep me that way until dinner. Plus, it reduces the choices of "what to eat". It's like wearing a uniform!

But, of course, I won't be a slave to it, but for now, it's sure a great, satisfying choice and I have about 3 different homemade soups all frozen and ready to pull out in the morning.

And I really enjoyed my grilled burger for dinner with the family! 3 oz of lean beef on a 2 oz bun with plenty of sliced tomatoes, greens and a pickle.


Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2010 4:10 pm
by Pernetty
CC: 1396

I am approaching a full two weeks of calorie counting. It's the longest I committed to a food plan for a long time. I have purchased a scale but I haven't stepped on it - yet. I have a bad history with the scale so I'm treading carefully. I will use it, but will wait a little longer to get these habits secure.

However, I am using my food scale daily. It's amazing how an ounce of bread can easily be mistaken for two by 'eyeing it'. I make my own bread and slice it myself, so the scale is important.

I did try on a pair of pants that were not fit for the public. Very tight, bulging where bulges shouldn't be.

Well, I tried them on this morning and they fit like silk pajamas! No bump or bulges. The button and zipper effortlessly connected and I could bend and sit with the ease of a ballerina. Wow, that was a great hurrah moment!!

It's very odd that since I started CC (thanks to Connorcream and her mentor BA) I haven't had any urge to eat things that aren't meant for me: potato chips for instance. They can fit onto any plate but at 150 calories per ounce, I'd rather use the calories for something like an orange, AND an apple and a smear of almond butter.

I guess I am 'in the zone' - when a problem becomes reframed and the barriers just melt away.


Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2010 10:45 pm
by connorcream
Pernetty wrote:CC: 1396

I am approaching a full two weeks of calorie counting. It's the longest I committed to a food plan for a long time. I have purchased a scale but I haven't stepped on it - yet. I have a bad history with the scale so I'm treading carefully. I will use it, but will wait a little longer to get these habits secure.

I guess I am 'in the zone' - when a problem becomes reframed and the barriers just melt away.

You know yourself better than I do, but you might regret not knowing your starting point. I have read numerous posts of people wishing they would have measured and weighed at the beginning. It gives them a sense of tremendous pride in seeing their progress as they lose then maintain.

Again, you know yourself best. Just another thought to consider as you chart YOUR course to success. Definitely in the zone:-)

Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2010 9:00 pm
by Pernetty
CC 1618.

A little higher than normal, but it's okay. I made beef stew - and even under a has about 500 calories. But it's all good.
Today, I'm wearing the pants that didn't used to fit but now do, and I've already had two compliments! I think it's the way the pants drape away from my body (vs. clinging).

Interesting to note - my appetite has decreased. This morning, I had a rye crisp and smear of butter and coffee and it was enough to hold me until lunch.

I'm off to Vancouver tomorrow to visit family for a long week-end. My son and I have this tradition of always getting the kiddie burger/fries on the ferry but tomorrow, I'm throwing tradition in the sea and I'm going to bring my World's healthiest soup with me and with intention, eat three of my son's french fries.


Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2010 4:45 am
by Pernetty
I'm back! We had a great week-end with family. I baked and cooked for them like crazy. It's really funny but I have concluded that I love to cook and bake even though I don't eat that much of it.

I like the activity of cooking and baking. I baked bread, tarts and pies and barely had any of it. No deprivation though. I enjoyed their satisfaction.

Over the 4 days, I didn't officially count calories but I was super aware of what I was eating. I did order a kiddie's burger on the ferry to Vancouver, but I didn't have any sauces (just ketchup and mustard) and I did hand select the best five french fries and perfectly salted them. I had fruit and vegetables available to me. It was great.

And now I'm back to normal life and I was right back to my regular new habits: rye krisp and egg for breakfast, soup for lunch and a 3 oz burger for dinner.

Choices, choices, choices. It's not hard and counting calories IS a great way to SEE what you're consuming.


Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2010 1:32 pm
by BrightAngel
Pernetty wrote:I love to cook and bake even though I don't eat that much of it.
This is also true for me. :)

Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2010 5:33 am
by Pernetty
Wow, almost another week went by with calorie counting! Was it hard? Not at all. The days have an almost strangely rhythmic pattern - small breakfast but filling: rye krisp, egg, coffee. Lunch is ALWAYS soup - today was kale/chick-pea soup. 1.5 cups is around 100 calories with a slice of bread (one ounce) and my happy piece of chocolate.

Dinners are always different. Both my husband and I love to cook, so tonight was his turn and he made a wonderful chicken stew - with just a touch of cream. I made sure my portion was extra small. Dessert was plain low-fat yogurt with strawberries. Dinner is always with wine. I just have to work around those extra calories.

Total calories - 1496.
Exercise - fast, bike ride for 45 minutes.

My jeans are looser, everything is looser and I have decided that I will do an official weigh-in next Friday, November 5, which is a new moon. That will mark a full month with calorie counting. I feel that my habits is firmly established so even if the scale is high or low or whatever, I will have the habit of calorie counting to keep me moving forward.

Happy Friday,

Posted: Sun Oct 31, 2010 4:59 pm
by Pernetty
CC: 1500

A little higher than normal, but that's okay. I am marveling on why calorie counting is working for me vs. weight watchers. I tried WW a few times and found it quite impossible. Each time I tried, I would last a few weeks before I would throw in the towel.

But CC is somehow different, as Connorcream says, it's not someone else's rules, it's about your rules. It's what works for you within the constraint of numbers of calories.

I had a "California brown rice sushi" for lunch yesterday. I've had it many times in the past and would eat all 12 little pieces - after all it's brown rice, right? Well, once I found out that 8 pieces are 290 calories, I decided to eat 8 and save the other 4 pieces for a snack for today.

Pretty minor, you would think. But it's all those little things, those little extra bites, and full portions that were causing to me stay heavier than I wanted to be.

I'm a little nervous about my weigh-in next Friday, even though my "tight" clothes are looser, I'm nervous about the results. I think it might be WW weigh-in trauma scars. But it's something I will deal with....

All in the name of science!

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2010 5:44 am
by Pernetty
Yesterday, 1299, today 1326.

Discovered a new trick - non-alcoholic wine. I know, I know, it sounds pathetic, but I really like wine and the NA version has virtually no calories - well 1/2 a cup has about 20 calories. It's like a weird placebo for me. I put it in a wine glass, it looks like wine, it tastes (a little) like wine, in that it doesn't taste like grape juice. Anyway, probably too much info - but it has saved my calorie count yesterday and today.

I really had to find a way to feel normal while drinking less and I think I've found a reasonable answer. I don't drink sodas or diet sodas, this is my last vice.

Interesting today, I had the majority of my calories in the first half of the day. I craved toast and jam, so I had toast and jam. I wasn't that hungry at dinner so just a salad and a sliver of beef did the trick.

Nice bike ride today - the weather here is unbelievable!


Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2010 6:11 am
by Pernetty
CC: 1300

You know what I love about calorie count - the nutritional info. Today, I had to work hard to get enough vitamin C and A - easy solutions: a carrot and an orange as a bed-time snack.

Really watching my hunger - never hungry before 10 am - always the hungriest at noon and after that - it diminishes.

Isn't that funny? I always thought I was always hungry but that just isn't the case. Now that I know that on MOST days, I am hungriest at lunch, I can try having more calories then and see how it goes with a light dinner.

I am now wearing skirts and pants from 5 years ago that haven't fit in a while!

*Almost 30 days of successful calorie counting. It's truly is a miracle!

Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2010 11:50 pm
by Pernetty
Still here and doing great! I made soup today - I find it a great lunch, filling nutritious and most of all, satisfying. Today I used parsnips (really wonderful neglected veggie) leeks, roasted garlic, carrots, leeks and potatoes. A 2 cup serving is about 60 calories.

I had a very gourmet dinner party last night, I spent most of the day in the kitchen making tarts, chocolates and roast duck with a cherry reduction sauce. Would you believe I was still within my range of calories? Just made my serving waaay smaller that our guests. No one noticed, I still got the enjoyment without the excess calories.

*Plus, I didn't taste during cooking.


Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 7:50 pm
by connorcream
Pernetty wrote:CC: 1300

You know what I love about calorie count - the nutritional info.

and see how it goes

I am now wearing skirts and pants from 5 years ago that haven't fit in a while!

*Almost 30 days of successful calorie counting. It's truly is a miracle!
So very glad to hear of your continued success. I especially like the see how it goes.

Now that you have a stable framework for which to record your observations, it is much easier to recognize your patterns. Journaling has many outstanding purposes. Enjoy this time of self discovery. I still do:-)

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2010 10:49 pm
by Pernetty
Still here. Calorie counting has become very much of my normal routine. Brush teeth, decide on what sort of breakfast I am craving - I'm really into an egg and slice of toast but sometimes I want something sweet, so almond butter, honey and toast.

Lunch is usually a soup, I change them often, so I don't get bored and dinner is family style, meaning it's not diet-centric, just good, homecooked food, which I take a small portion.

The key for my diet happiness is integrating satisfaction into daily eating. Yesterday, I started with soup for lunch but it really wasn't doing it for me. What I really wanted was french fries, so I baked 100 grams (180 cal) worth, sprinkled lots of seal salt and a side of ketchup and I was in heaven! A 50 cal piece of dark chocolate always makes the meal feel finished.

I down another notch on my jeans and yesterday a casual friend mentioned, "are you working out?" and "you look slim" in the same conversation, so I know I'm on the right track!

The key of CC is always integrating your favourite foods in new and exciting ways. I've learned that I really do like soup and that the vegetables really don't need to be sauteed before I add the stock. I've learned that 3 potato chips and a glass of wine still makes me feel relaxed and rewarded.

It's just making slight adjustments...I'm eating less, I'm moving more and I'm not feeling deprived or hungry.

That's success!

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2010 9:37 pm
by connorcream
Sounds like you have found your stride. Great progress.

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2010 6:01 am
by Pernetty
You know what the best part of CC is? Before, there was this on-going tape in my head: got to lose weight, what should I try? Weight watchers, No-S, low carb? I had tried all of those and the results weren't good.

Now with Calorie Counting, the negative self-tape is gone. I'm so focussed that I barely have time to post here.

Once I found my groove with CC, I've left all the rest behind!

That's success.

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2010 12:05 pm
by TexArk
I am enjoying following your success. Keep us updated as it is encouraging. I think you, BA, Connorcream, and I are the regular posters who have incorporated CC into NoS with success and happiness. I changed over to CC on October 15 and am now enjoying "baggy" pants. Before long, you and I can join our 2 mentors in calorie counting maintenance! Actually I feel mentally as if I am there now.

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2010 6:42 pm
by Pernetty
Isn't the mental state so key, TexArk? I feel like I've arrived. I know I will never go back to mindless eating without concern for calories. I never feel deprived. I know that nice hot cup of tea with milk and sugar (with 40 calories) will keep me going between breakfast and lunch.
I know that "I didn't eat that much" won't work for me. I have to keep track and plan ahead.

I'm not sure why it feels so easy but I'm glad I found this way of life.
Thanks to our mentors - BA and ConnorCream!

Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 4:52 am
by Pernetty
Here's the thing. I would rather calorie count that endure an artificial set of rules imposed by another.

Case in point. When I was 15, I was overweight. I weighed 125 pounds and felt rolypoly. *It was the 70's when no one was overweight! I read all the diets in teen magazine and seventeen and knew I could never follow those rules - my mother would think I was crazy. Instead I devised my own plan, three meals a day, no snacks, no chips, pop, chocolate, etc. Nothing after dinner. Sound familiar?

Drumroll. After six weeks, I had lost 10 pounds. Easy peasy. No calorie counting, no special meals. But you know what, I was 15 years old! A very different metabolism than I have now.

I couldn't follow the same set of rules to expect success now at 45+.
Today, armed with the knowledge about calories and my metabolism, I am now the maker of my own successful 'after story'. I know that 1500 calories a day will bring me weight loss. 1200 calories will bring it even faster, but 1200 calories is a bit like walking a tightrope, for me.

1500 calories makes me feel human and is possible and doable and enjoyable.

I never thought I would find an easy, enjoyable way to weight-loss but I have.


Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 5:00 pm
by connorcream
Pernetty wrote:
I never thought I would find an easy, enjoyable way to weight-loss but I have.

I am so glad you have found soemthing that honestly works for you. I too feel the same way. In fact, I have such gratitude going into the holidays this year armed with the knowledge, tools, strategies that I was just developing last year. Enjoy this time of self discovery. Find the foods you like and are good for you. This is your maintanence.

Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 6:20 pm
by TexArk
" I would rather calorie count that endure an artificial set of rules imposed by another. I never thought I would find an easy, enjoyable path to weight-loss but I have."

Yes, Yes. That is it. It is so easy and not restrictive at all for me. This process keeps me from being in denial about calorie creep while I am in complete control of what I eat.

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2010 11:42 pm
by BrightAngel
Pernetty wrote:"I would rather calorie count than endure an artificial set of rules imposed by another.
I never thought I would find an easy, enjoyable path to weight-loss but I have."
TexArk wrote: Yes, Yes. That is it. It is so easy and not restrictive at all for me.
This process keeps me from being in denial about calorie creep
while I am in complete control of what I eat.
I am so pleased to hear how well your Plans are working for both of you. Image

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2010 11:09 pm
by Pernetty
In love with soup! As the weather has become colder, I am thankful for all the wonderful things soup can cure!

For the past three days, I've been on a miso soup craze. Everyday for lunch, I concoct a delicious, low-cal soup that keeps me warm and full all afternoon.

Today, I simmered leeks, celery in chicken stock and then added an ounce of chopped tofu, a cup of spinach and 1/2 cup of cooked rice. Then I added a spoonful of the miso found in tubs (in healthful stores). It adds a nice dose of protein but most importantly, the same healthy bacteria found in yogurt.

Wow, it is great to be wearing pants that used to be a little snug that are now a little loose!


Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2010 6:54 am
by funfuture
Hi Pernetty,
I'm very interested in your posts and am thinking of introducing some calorie counting (though I'm not sure ...)
Do you mind me you calorie count on S days? Or do you leave them free?

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2010 6:23 pm
by Pernetty
Good question, Fun. I just spent 4 days with family away from home and I made the decision not to calorie count for those days, HOWEVER, I did not consider them Free Days.

I ate very similar to what I do at home - being very aware of serving sizes and portions. When I was visiting my sister, I tried some of her clothes. Now, she is very petite and wears size 2-4 and you can imagine my surprise that some of her clothes fit me - they were tight, but the buttons and zippers went up.

I really notice my body is the right places.

Hope that helps!

Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2010 4:59 am
by Pernetty
Good news. New bra - 36 C which for me is good news, indeed. I had become familiar with 36 D which I did not like. Okay, maybe too much information, but it tells me something important - I've lost a cup size! Hooray!

Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2010 5:28 am
by funfuture
Thanks, Pernetty - I appreciate the info.
And congratulations on the new cup size! :D

Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2010 12:29 am
by Pernetty
On a blog that I follow, I've learned that WW's have a NEW plan! You would have thought new chapters of the Bible had been unearthed. The response is overwhelming. The biggest revelation - fruit now has zero points but a piece of bread now has more points than before.

Someone else's rules. I had to laugh - WW now has deemed fruit as having zero points but guess what? It still has calories and you know what? The calories in a slice of bread did not change since yesterday.

I chuckled as I prepared my lunch - I'm so glad I don't follow anyone else's rules except mine. Another great side effect of calorie counting is that I'm spending way less time surfing looking for interesting weight loss info. Everything I need I have.

*I had a clean-out of my closet and threw away old undergarments and bought entire new matching sets. I just love opening my drawer and seeing matching, new smaller underwear!

Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2010 5:45 am
by Hoeka
Pernetty, I think the act of cleaning out closets is a powerful reminder of how far you've travelled and how much you've lost. And slinky new underwear is such a feel-good reward, isn't it?

Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2010 11:06 pm
by connorcream
Great job. Please keep posting. I enjoy reading your threads and seeing your success. Don't invest too much in these new clothes. You might not be at the weight you want to maintain yet. It is a tricky thing to find clothes to fit while losing. Shopping is becoming fun (maybe for the first time) and looking at ones body in the store's mirrors is fascinating. I still can't believe it is me when I look at myself. I love flipping through the ads for department stores. The list is long with all things that come with a trim, fit body.

If anyone would have told me when I was 192 that I would be maintaining in the upper 120's, I would have thought they were nutso. I was happy to get to 160, WW goal weight. Then I was happy to get to 145, secreat weight goal. I am still thinking through my maintenance range. It is getting as much attention as my wl did, maybe even more.

Again, awesome!

Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2010 4:56 am
by Pernetty
Gosh, CC, thanks for the encouragement. I imagine that at your height and low weight, you must be positively svelte! Things continue to go my way. I've noticed that my nutrients needed boosting so I've upped my fruits to ensure I get enough vitamin C and A.

I've also discovered or shall I say, rediscovered a wonderful ingredient - miso. Adding a tablespoon to my veggie soup at lunch has magnified the flavours. I think it's my new 'take to a desert island food'. It just makes the soups taste much more sophisticated and complex.

Clothes continue to become baggier - my size 8 go-to black pants are loose and frumpy. You know, at this stage in the game, I never expected to lose weight. And you're right, I'm not sure where this will lead, but it's already left me in a waaay better place than when I started, in so many ways.

I tend to have pretty constant foods for breakfast - really crave my egg and toast in the morning and do crave my soup at lunch. Dinners are always different so it keeps it fresh.

I guess, I would really recommend this way of eating to anyone, of a certain age, say female, 40+ who really thought they were done with dieting. I'm honestly thinking about writing a book, "Intuitive Eating - why it doesn't work and what does - the new calorie counting"


Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2010 4:12 pm
by TexArk
Thanks so much for your encouragement. I follow your posts and progress. Congratulations! When you are ready to write your "non intuitive eating" book I can provide many pages of testimony.

I didn't want to hijack BA's check in page, but I thought that the following quote from another maintenance board was appropos for the discussion there with clarinetgal and you.

"I try not to make my indulgences routine or expected. Instead of saying, "Every weekend, I...," I have the indulgence when the occasion calls for it. ..... If I tell myself that every weekend I can indulge, I start looking at food with an entitled point-of-view, which is dangerous....for me.

This is the way I am handling sweets. I just don't think about them. I don't try to plan one each day or once a week. However, if an occasion arises in the middle of the week and it is really special, I will indulge, in moderation, and record. That has helped me not feel deprived, overrestricted, and most of all has stopped the thinking all week about what I am going to eat on Saturday. It doesn't work for me to start on Monday thinking about what special treat I am going to have the next weekend. That sets me up for gluttony on S Days. The NoS principle of moderation is in place, and I know it is working because I am steadily losing weight, feel great, having fun, with no binges or cravings so far. I am sure when I can weigh again I am going to see a nice loss because my pants are getting very loose and too long!

Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2010 11:35 pm
by connorcream
TexArk wrote:Thanks so much for your encouragement. I follow your posts and progress. Congratulations! When you are ready to write your "non intuitive eating" book I can provide many pages of testimony.
Hear, hear to that. Also include one chapter on eating "clean" and gaining. Many pages I could contribute.

By the way, outstanding progress.

Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 5:37 am
by Pernetty
You know, sometimes I just got to wonder. The last few days I've been especially hungry and often times pushing into the 1600 calorie zone. Then today, the lightbulb came on. Yeah, the monthly cycle.

Only this time, the only symptom I had was increased hunger - many of the other unwanted side effects were not there. It was a great light bulb moment. Just hormones triggering extra hunger. It's not "diet backlash" or "plateau madness".

I'm sure in a day or two, my hormones will be back to normal (whatever that is) and I'll resume my daily norm.

You know what I love - I love 'feeling thin'. Of course, there are many thinner but feeling thin is a good feeling. It's looking in the mirror and being happy. I haven't felt that for a very long time.

It's a good feeling.


Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 5:42 am
by Pernetty
Oh, and don't even get me started about 'clean eating'. Whatever that means?!?

Most foods in this wonderful, bountiful world that we are lucky enough to live in are CLEAN. However, there is usually way too much of the stuff available at any given time. Obesity is the side effect of abundance.

Clean eating is just another marketing term invented by people anxious to sell a book or two.

How about "Common Sense Eating"? If it's bigger than your head, stay away?

Just kidding. Have a good night.


Posted: Tue Dec 21, 2010 12:24 am
by Pernetty
Okay, I'm in Paris, as in France. We actually escaped all the winter storms and made it safe and sound in the city that we love.
Eating here is well, delicious, and challenging. But the walking! Why do the Parisians stay so slim? Follow them for a day on the metro - it is stairs, more stairs, long city blocks, and more stairs. All ages, all conditions. Walking is how you get to where you are going.

I know I am clocking about 5+ miles a day. And they eat bread. 97% of the French population eat bread every day. A baguette has a shelf life of about 6 hours. You buy bread in the morning and in the evening. Grocery stores stock about 12 types of butter. But the potato chip aisle is scarce compared to our standards.

I am not going overboard but truthfully I am not calorie counting. But I know I'm eating less. And it feels great to know that when I return to normal life, I will resume calorie counting. There is a certain calm in myself on this point. I'm not beating myself over what I'm eating - I'm actively deciding what is worth eating and what is best left behind. It's almost like calorie counting is giving me the ability to be an intuitive eater. That's something to ponder.

Special hellos to connorcream, texark and BA.


Posted: Tue Dec 21, 2010 10:43 pm
by connorcream
A special hello to you. So glad you have something you are enjoying. The City of Lights at Christmas must be lovely.

Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2010 9:03 pm
by Pernetty
Today we traveled by metro to a working class neighborhood and explored the 2 blocks of the outdoor markets - everything from corkscrews, to pumpkins to lobster and oysters.

We even saw suckling pig roasting on a giant rotisserie. Now that's real food! It's cold right now in Paris, so we stopped for lunch and had an authentic French lunch: beef bourginon with puree (mashed potatoes). OMG, it was delicious. I had exactly half of the plateful - it was plenty. And that meal kept me going until dinner - about 7 hours later.

Dinner - a salad with a sliver of cheese. *Made with my special vinaigrette - a teaspoon of dijon mustard, a tablespoon of olive oil, a sprinkle of sea salt and sugar. A teaspoon of vinegar or lemon juice. Mix well and then add a tablespoon of water. This dressing makes enough for 2-4.

Bon appetit!

Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2010 9:35 pm
by TexArk
Enjoy your days in France. I love all the walking and buying your food fresh daily. I was able to teach overseas 2 semesters in Italy and Greece and loved every minute and my daughter got to spend 2 summers in French speaking Europe when she was in college. I had her bring me some Le Puy lentils which I can't find in the states. They are the best! Stock up if you can if they are not available in Canada.

Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2010 9:02 pm
by Pernetty
Thanks, I think I will stock up on those lovely dark green lentils. Today, we took the train from Paris to Avignon - the south of France. The weather is warmer and the pace is noticeably slower. We went to the market when we arrived to get food for dinner - I learned how to shuck oysters and took home a dozen for dinner. That plus escargots rounded out the meal.
My 10 year old son took great interest in how I shucked the oysters but had zero interest in the finished product.
I saw a photo of myself today and I wasn't sad or deceived. In fact, strangely, it looked how I thought I would look. No deception, no surprise, no horror.

For breakfast I had a pot du yogurt, for lunch 1/2 banana and a piece of baguette and for dinner 6 oysters, 3 escargots, baguette and wine.

I have noticed that my ability to delay pleasure has greatly increased since calorie counting. I don't know why but it has just happened.

Tomorrow, truffle hunting!