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Gettheweightoff's Check In

Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2010 9:48 pm
by gettheweightoff
Hi All,

Today is my 4th day on No-S. I am loving it but I have to admit there are times I do get a bit hungry but I remind myself that it's only an hour or so until my next meal.

I am also eating a lot healthier.

Today I woke up late and had a really big brunch for about 780 calories so dinner is going to have to be about 400 calories which is still a nice amount.

I haven't been drinking much water and that's something I should work on and I haven't started to excercise because I have a really bad cold so that's my goal for next week.

In the meantime, it just feels so great to feel some freedom from my food addiction and constant snacking and binge eating.

Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2011 3:06 am
by gettheweightoff
I have now completed 1 week including 2 S days. I S day was a success and the other not so much but I have done a week.

I have no idea if anything came off as I do not own a scale but I think that tomorrow I am going to get a scale and each Monday will be my weigh in. Otherwise, I have no motivation to see if this is even working for me except that I feel much more in control eating this way.

I am concerned that I may still be eating too many calories but we'll see.


Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2011 1:30 am
by gettheweightoff
Days 1-4 GREEN
Day 6-8 GREEN

Getting there. I am back on track after a big slip (read binge) for the past 3 days and I love how in control I feel.

Nervous about the two upcoming S days but I don't want to fall off and go crazy. I intend to plan out my treat and enjoy it and move on.

Next week I am going to incorporate excercise.

Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2011 12:13 am
by gettheweightoff
Breakfast: high protein pita bread, 2 tbsp natural peanut butter, 1/4 cup pineapple, coffee w light half/half

Lunch: Turkey, pesto, cheese panini, cup of coffee w cream/milk

Dinner: Sheppards pie, snow peas in oil, 1/4 cup pineapple, chai tea w whipping cream

Feeling good and on track!

Sunday S Day

Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2011 6:40 pm
by gettheweightoff
So today is an S day and I can't believe it but I am actually managing. I ate my treat, it didn't taste that great but I didn't move on to other foods and have a wild day and I don't intend to either.

Waiting to dinner to eat again and that's that!

Feeling proud of myself.

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 4:12 pm
by sarahkay
good job!! keep it up!! I am restarting No S this week, and I know it can be tough at times! You're doing great!

Monday No-S Day

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 5:46 pm
by gettheweightoff
6th day with no fails and loving No-S more than ever.

Breakfast I was in such a rush to get to work, 1/2 stale whole wheat bagel with cream cheese on the way out the door and in the car, dropped off my daughter to school, back in the car 2 min. later and finished breakfast with an activia fibre yogurt.... coffee and cream once at work 10 min later.

A little scattered yes but definitely a virtual plate. I can't believe this kept me full! Lunch in another hour.

Feeling happy!

going strong

Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 3:50 pm
by gettheweightoff
So yesterday was a challenge not feeling very full at dinner but I did not cave and eat something off of my plate and soon I just forgot about it.

Absolutely amazing for me. I am in awe that I am actually doing this.

Today I ate breakfast late so it's going to be a late lunch and dinner and we'll see how that goes.

Anyways, I"m on track and feeling good about it.

Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2011 7:36 pm
by gettheweightoff
Doing well today.

Had to prepare breakfast and lunch in a hurry. Not very tasty or satisfying but I am sticking to my meals.

Breakfast: High protein pita with 2 tbsp peanut butter, coffee w milk & cream

Lunch: oatmeal, 2 tbsp pecans, banana, vanilla stevia, coffee w milk & cream


Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2011 1:36 pm
by tobiasmom
Just saying hi. Looks like you're doing great! I'm on my second go-around with No-S. The first time I got stuck in my mind that I wasn't losing fast enough....but I was so enjoying myself and really learning new habits. And now wouldn't you know I'm higher in weight than when I started? That's how it goes....

I'll see ya around! This is a wonderful way of life!

Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2011 2:40 pm
by sarahkay
keep it up you're doing great!!

Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2011 12:01 am
by gettheweightoff
Thanks. I am hanging in.

Today I was very hungry for some reason and ate quite a bit and had way too much coffee.

Back in the saddle!

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2011 3:36 am
by gettheweightoff
Today is day 1 of no-s with no diet head. I mentally stopped myself today about 4 times when I tried to add up calories. Instead I am focussing on not dieting.

High protein pita bread w 1.5 tbsp natural peanut butter, 3/4 orange, coffee w 2% milk

2 Poached eggs on Eskiel bread with light cream cheese, bruschetta topping, 1/2 cup coleslaw and 1/2 green apple. (sounds weird but it was delicious)

3pm: small coffee w cream and milk

Spicy thai salad with about 3 oz grilled chicken, oriental dressing, yogurt w berries and granola

I don't think this sounds too terrible. Tomorrow is a work day so I want to be prepared and not eat on the run so I don't get into trouble.

Anyways I feel so much better not being in diet mode and every time I think about how fat I have become I tell myself to think about it later and so on and so on. I'm trying not to watch too much tv because looking at celebrities just gives me anxiety that I'm not that slim. Also, it makes me want to eat. I am doing the same when it comes to calorie counting... I stop myself and tell myself that I'll think about it later. I'm going to do something nice for myself and have an early night.

Thanks for reading and wishing you well!

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2011 10:00 pm
by gettheweightoff
Day 2: On track.

Breakfast: small coffee w milk, 1 cup plain yogurt with peaches and 2 tbsp pecans, 1 slice eskiel bread with pat of butter, another small coffee w cream

Lunch: High protein pita bread w 2 tbsp natural peanut butter, homemade protein shake (1 cup light almond milk, frozen strawberries, protein powder, stevia)

Dinner: Will update.

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2011 2:17 am
by cricket
Hi there,
I just wanted to let you know that you and I are the EXACT same person. Literally, I could write your posts for you. I could go on and on about my own personal struggles, but I will never forget the day I would not let myself have a drink of water because I had to be a certain weight in the morning and a certain weight in the late afternoon. If I was even a 1/2 pound over what I thought my weight should be during my afternoon weigh-in, then I would not even drink one drop of water, let alone eat anything.

I have been anorexic, bulemic (lots of epicac), a binge eater, 50-60 lbs overweight, slightly underweight, have called in sick to work when the scale was up 1 pound and I was too depressed to function, have "faked sick" so I wouldn't have to eat at social gatherings, have completely skipped social gatherings and family functions because of my obsession with the scale/calories, have tried on every-piece-of-clothing in my closet when the scale went up 1 pound because I was terrified my clothes wouldn't fit...

I've come close to ruining my marriage and alienating my children. I hindered my profession and let friends down.

And at 16 years old I tried to take my own life because I binged and gained 3 pounds.

I understand your pain. I do.

I recently lost 55 pounds (for the 4th time in my life) and have gained back almost 20. Basically my body started to rebel. I was SO TIRED of counting calories, wearing a heart rate monitor, tracking calories in vs calories out, etc. etc. etc. I literally became burned out. I started eating all the foods I forbid myself of eating and slacked on exercise (I would get up at 4:00 am everyday and work out for an hour and a half---6 days a week--then I began working out in the afternoon as well).

I look in the mirror and am disgusted. I hate it. I'm fat again.

BUT----here's a pros/cons list. And I'm sure you can relate as well:

PRO- loving and faithful husband, 3 beautiful kids, a nice home, 3 great dogs, a cute cat, an incredibly rewarding (and stable) job, wonderful parents, a great sister, amazing in-laws, a solid church family, loyal friends, wonderful colleagues.....I have a great sense of humor, am pretty smart, can handle myself in conversations, can debate current/controversial issues, do not have any medical issues, have a BA and Master's, am respected in my position at work and seen as a leader, etc....etc....etc.

CON- I have weight issues.

In light of all the blessings I have, my weight seems trivial in comparison---but yet, it OVERWHELMS MY LIFE. And my goal right now is to NOT let it do that anymore.

I've gained weight because of it....but at least I allow myself to drink a glass of water when I'm thirsty now.

Don't know if all this has helped at all, but just know that I am here and I understand you. I completely "get it".


Posted: Sun Jan 23, 2011 10:02 pm
by gettheweightoff
Day 2 and on track

Breakfast: Eggwhites, chedar cheese, spinach and sundried tomatoes on high fibre pita w coffee and milk

Lunch: chicken, tiny bit of couscous, 1/2 cup pesto pasta, 3/4 apple and coffee w milk

What else...

1. Threw out all traces of coffee and have officially quit.
2. Threw out all diet books and have committed 100% to no-s (nothing is in my mind about other plans etc.).
3. Decided to throw out old size 0 and size 2 clothes and have decided to save up to buy new clothes

That's all for today. WIshing everyone else an awesome day


Posted: Sun Jan 23, 2011 11:53 pm
by amake616
gettheweightoff wrote:3. Decided to throw out old size 0 and size 2 clothes and have decided to save up to buy new clothes
I think that's a great idea :) I've found trying to like my body and appearance the way it is to be the best and most helpful thing I can do for myself not only from a psychological standpoint but from a practical one as well. When I am wearing flattering clothes that fit, and I have pretty jewelry, makeup, whatever and I feel like I look good I'm more likely to want to stick to a healthy eating plan and exercise. When I feel fat or unattractive and like my life is on hold until I lose weight and can be "pretty" again, I'm too sad and frustrated to want to even try. Losing weight the more slow, healthful way is a lot less frustrating when I don't feel like I'm going to be hideous until I hit a certain number.

Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2011 1:14 am
by gettheweightoff
Thanks. I'm trying to accept myself but with PMS bloat and a week of straight binge eating I honestly look 3-4 months pregnant. I have to wear bigger/baggier clothes for a few days and drink a lot of water.

Anyways I think it's great what you have learned and applied to your life and I'm going to try my best to do the same!

Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2011 4:56 am
by gk
gettheweightoff wrote:I'm trying to accept myself but with PMS bloat and a week of straight binge eating I honestly look 3-4 months pregnant.
Right there with ya. My poor kids don't have any Oreos for their lunches tomorrow, because I swiped them all over the weekend. :oops: Something about this time of the month.... :shock:

My reward to myself once I achieve my goal (besides the wonderful reward of finally having a normal relationship with food and stopping the emotional eating struggle) is also going out and buying myself some new clothes - more stylish clothes that I stopped wearing long ago because I felt I was too heavy. Someday I'll actually wear my shirt tucked in again!! It WILL happen - we CAN do this!! Thanks for stopping by my daily check-in! Hope you have a wonderful week! :D

Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2011 2:57 pm
by gettheweightoff
Day 4 and still green!

Breakfast: hot water and lemon
high protein pita with 1.5 tbsp natural peanut butter, 3/4 small banana, few sips of a vanilla protein shake.

Lunch: 1 cup lentil soup, 1/4 cup red & yellow peppers, 2 slices eskiel bread, 2 slices cheddar cheese, chai tea with milk and vanilla stevia

Dinner: 1 slice whole wheat bread with about 1 oz chicken, sundried tomatoes and a bit of olive oil, 3/4 cup plain yogurt with stevia, pecans and 1/2 small banana

I did it. I got through another green day. It was so stressful with the kids today and I thought I was going to cave and eat to numb my stress but I stayed strong.

I will admit that I am rather hungry right now but I just want to finish up my day (I still have so much to do and it's 8:30pm) and go to bed.

Just a thought

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 1:50 am
by r.jean
Would you consider just doing the basic rules of the No S Diet for 3 weeks and nothing else? Get yourself a plate and fill it 3 times a day with no sweets, no seconds and no snacking. Do not measure; do not count calories; do not write down what you have eaten. Do not weigh yourself and do not obsess. Track only the green, yellow and red days and nothing else.

If you are hungry, pile a little more on your plate. If you go out to eat during the week, just guess what would fit on your plate and do not sweat it.

On weekends, continue to eat sensibly but allow yourself to splurge if you want.

Set a daily expectation for exercise but not over half an hour and allow yourself a day or two off from that too. Track this too with a separate calendar.

Reading your posts, it seems like you are turning a diet that is intended to focus on habits into a traditional diet that focuses on too many expectations. If I am wrong, I apologize and just ignore this post. It is just a thought.

PS: My first month loss was 7.8 lbs following only these guidelines. I am on month 2. My cravings are under control, and I feel like I could do this forever.

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 2:13 am
by gettheweightoff

In response to your post... I am actually doing vanilla no-s right now and I am on day 4 (I've started over from December 27th as I consider everything I did previously as training wheels).

I do not count my calories and I try to make each plate very filling so that I'm not starving later. Sometimes I do well, others I don't and I suffer a bit later but again I learn from it so it's all good. I never write anything down other than what I post here and I'm even thinking I don't need to do that. I just wanted to do it for a few days to show myself how well I'm doing.

I refuse to weigh myself. I just do not want to get upset and I'd rather just go by my clothes, although I am considering saving up to buy all new clothing. I'm learning to accept the way I am now. And I am working towards not obsessing and getting over my "diet head" because that is a priority for me.

I only track red, yellow and green days and I had an excercise habitcal but I felt like too much of a failure. I need to get the eating down and then get excercise under way. I plan on starting excercising this week. I have to figure out a schedule because I take care of the kids mainly by myself so I am very very tired most of the time.

I am nervous for the weekends but I will allow myself a splurge on something planned only. It has to be planned or else I know from experience what will happen to me and I refuse to binge eat any more. It's too painful. I can't say if I will be ready for s days this weekend but maybe in a few weeks.

The problem with excercise is that I absolutely hate it. I do have a Leslie Sansone walking dvd which I plan on starting tomorrow.

How am I turning no-s into a diet though? That's the only part of your post I don't get. I am working on eating my three meals a day and that's it.

Congrats on your loss. I think 7.8lbs is amazing. FANTASTIC and very encouraging. Thank you.

How long have you been doing no-s altogether?


Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 2:22 am
by gk
Sounds like you are doing great! Keep up the good work!

You know, I have to agree that vanilla No S is best. I've had many ups and downs in the past couple months with No S. Seems to me that I had more luck with No S when I didn't make it harder than it was. The more effort I put into it (wrote down what I ate, turned my plates into "diet plates", etc.), the less luck I had with sticking to it.

I've decided to start vanilla No S again tomorrow. The whole point of this diet is that it is supposed to be simple with only three rules to follow and nothing to keep track of. I think without even realizing it, I slipped into "diet mode" and then just kept slipping. I also tried to be TOO lenient when I was having trouble, and that wasn't good either. I think the vanilla guidelines are more, no less.

I have a problem exercising, too. I can't do it in the morning (my day starts too early), and by the time the kids are in bed at night, I always feel like blowing it off. I'll have to figure something out that will keep my interest....

Good luck No S-ing! :)

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 2:31 am
by gettheweightoff
I hear you GK. That's why I wanted to get the food under control first instead of feeling like I have to do everything at once. Now that I've had 4 days under my belt now I feel like I can even think about excercise and figure out a schedule, what I plan on doing etc.

I have to apply the same logic of no-s to excercise in terms of it doesn't have to be intense or crazy. I just have to start moving a bit and then build on these habits.

But for me, I can't do everything at once. I think little steps and tweaks along the way that build --- (slow and steady) will be more lasting.

Hey let me know when you get the excercising under way when you fit it in because I'm having the same issue with you re: time and fatigue.

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 3:14 am
by cricket
Hi gettheweightoff and gk,

I saw your convo about exercise, and I too deal with many of the same things you guys brought up. I have to be at work by 7:15am every morning and use to get up at 4:00 am to get an hour- hour and a half workout in every morning. That lasted....oh....for maybe 6-8 months before TOTAL burn out. And with having 3 kids at home (ages 4-9-12) it was rather hard running in the door everyday from work at 4pm, cooking dinner, doing homework, bath/showers, soccer and baseball practice, etc. and finding time to exercise.

What I have started to tell myself is that I have to try to workout 3 times each week. My new thing I like is pilates and yoga videos (someone told me that kind of exercise makes you more "in tune" and "appreciative" of your body---and it's true!) Anyways, my goal is to try and get a 20-30 min workout in 3 times each week. If I do it all three days in a row- great! But if I only get to one time during the week and have to make it up on Sat/Sun...then that's okay.

So far, it's working. I'm on my 6th week/ 3 times per week. Granted, because of my eating habits I haven't lost any weight (sigh)...but I feel like the exercise thing is sort of working out okay....I mean...I can keep up this 3 times a week thing for life---and---if I can add in more walking, playing hoops/soccer with my kids, etc. then cool!

And I love doing the pilates/yoga dvds. In the past, all I focused on was how many calories I could burn, so I ran an insane amount on the treadmill, got overwhelmed in the whole lifting weight/strength training world, and was constantly trying to figure out what would make me burn 500+ calories an hour. Needless to say, much like the obsession with calories consumed became, the same was true (for me) with exercise.

But with doing pilates/yoga, and trying to focus on my breath and my body, it forces me to really slow down and think about what I'm doing....and I look forward to it, rather than dreading waking up at 4:00am to punish myself for an hour in the gym...

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 3:25 am
by gettheweightoff
Thank you so much for your suggestions because I think it's good to concentrate on something doable. It's funny because I recently discovered I really love pilates but I was concerned that it is not a "workout" that you don't burn real calories so what's the point so I didn't take it up as I have a beginner dvd that I really love.

You have inspired me to do this because I like it and not worry about the weight loss aspect.

This post came at the perfect time because this has been on my mind a lot and it is what has stopped me from doing it.

Thank you so much

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 3:59 am
by gk
Boy, we really are on the same page....

I have been trying to motivate myself to start pilates (have started and stopped twice now), and the few times I have done it, I've enjoyed it. I used to hit the treadmill or try aerobic-type DVD's, because I felt it gave me more of a workout, but had to quit due to a persistent problem with my hip :x .

I never thought pilates would give me the same workout because of its slow speed, etc., but after reading your post, Cricket, I feel reassured that it's the way to go. That, and the fact that a specialist I saw about my hip suggested pilates instead of the treadmill.....said it would be easier on my hip, not to mention he tried it once and it "kicked his butt"!! :)

Thanks Cricket, for the suggestion of how to set up an exercise schedule. Sounds very do-able to me, and I think I'll try it. (Better than trying and constantly failing to stick to 5 days/week). Your schedule has a "No-S feel" to it - I can see why it works!

I use my Roku (instant Netflix) for my pilates selection. Let me know if you guys run into any good pilates videos, and I'll make sure to do the same! Thanks!

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 2:30 pm
by gettheweightoff
I've done Pick Your Level: Weight Loss Pilates DVD a few times and I really like it. I am a little sore in the legs the next day and I should really stick with it because I like it even though it feels a little too easy.

I just saw the infomercial for Winsor Slimming Pilates which looks amazing. But I am a sucker for infomercials and I always regret it (like diets) so I'm going to show restraint and not buy it as I can't afford it anyways and stick with this pilates dvd for awhile and then find another dvd locally. I'll try to do my Air Climber as well, which is also nice but again I always thought it wasn't enough of a workout because I don't sweat or get that tired so I didn't continue with it. Gosh what our diet mentality has done for us. We would actually do something but because we don't feel it's enough we don't... Now I just have to work on a schedule for 3 x a week.

Thanks ladies!

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 3:15 pm
by cricket
Here are two good DVDs that focus on pilates/yoga techniques but still get your heartrate up:

1) Jillian Michaels Yoga (she focuses on yoga moves--but incorporates reps---I'm always sweating by the end- 30 min- 2 workouts)

2) Kristen McGee- Pilates for Weight Loss (great Pilates moves with a couple quick cardio stints thrown in to keep your heart rate up- 2 twenty min workouts)

There are tons of other Pilates/Yoga dvds out there---but these two specifically (and you really get 4 workouts with these two dvds)---are excellent at incorporating yoga/pilates principles while at the same time making you sweat a little...

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 3:51 pm
by gettheweightoff
Thanks Cricket. I'll check them out!

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 5:51 pm
by gk
That's actually the one pilates DVD that I have done - Pick Your Own Level. I like how it gives you options, as some moves I am totally a beginner, but others I feel okay to take it up a notch. Also, she's not annoyingly chipper - major plus.

Thanks, Cricket - will give those a try!

Keep up the good work

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2011 11:55 am
by r.jean
I really enjoy reading your posts because you are working so hard at this and you have an earnest tone to your posts that make people want you to succeed. My comments about easing up come from reading what you eat and from reading some of the descriptions of your regimen. I am glad to hear that you do not count calories, but it looks like you measure food and are meticulous about your food choices. This is not a bad thing unless it sets you up for failure.

Once again, I would not presume to know what works best for you and from reading the various posts, it seems everyone has their own method.

On exercise, I do Leslie Sansone's 2 mile DVD almost every day in the winter. It is only half an hour, and it is easy to fit in. It is so automatic now that it becomes my thinking time for the day. It is not physically that hard so I can do it even if I am tired. I allow myself one to two misses each week to avoid that feeling of failure but I try to do something every day. In better weather I get outside.

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2011 3:42 pm
by gettheweightoff
That's too funny that you think I measure and am meticulous. I report just what fits on my plate so if only 3/4 of an apple fit that's what I say here. I don't plan it out that way it just works out that way.

Thank you for your kind words. I am truthful to the point where I often feel embarrassed about what I post but then I figure no one knows who I am so it's safe.

I'll keep posting then because it helps me to get it out and I'm glad others are reading them and I hope I can help people too!

Posted: Sun Jan 30, 2011 2:14 pm
by gettheweightoff
Today is day 3 for me after a floating S day disaster and am feeling on track. Yesterday I was quite proud of the way I handled my decisions.

Breakfast: 1 slice eskiel bread w 1/5 tbsp natural peanut butter, 3/4 protein shake (1 banana, strawberries, almond milk, protein powder)

Lunch: 1/2 large pizza (spelt crust, chicken, sundried tomatoes, pesto, mushrooms), salad w dressing, 2 bites cantalope, coffee w milk

4pm drink: coffee w milk

Dinner: Other half of my pizza from lunch, 1 large bowl of organic cream of tomato soup, chai tea w milk

10pm drink: chai tea w milk.

I was sort of hungry after lunch because the pizza was thin crust but I told myself I could have a coffee w milk and that it wasn't long until dinner and it's not the end of the world.

After lunch we went to a fancy supermarket and my dad bought my kids these beautiful looking mini cookies decorated with icing. That bag of cookies was staring me down yesterday... but I know from enough painful experiences that if I have even one innocent pretty little cookie, I will be eating the whole bag and blaming the kids when my husband asks where they went. It will lead me to eat other things and I just know this about myself so it's not worth it..

I so easily could have caved and told myself well it's an S day, but it's just not worth it to me.

For breakfast today I made 2 slices of 12 grain bread french toast (2 eggs) with 1 slice of a bacon rasher (that's all that was left) with low carb maple syrup (it's all I had in my cupboard). 1 skinny cappuccino (delicious) It was sweet, it was delicious and it was on my plate!

Lunch: BLT Salad with ranch dressing. It was pretty big but it fit on the plate.

Mid afternoon: instant skinny cappucino w stevia

Dinner: About 4 oz chicken, mashed potatoes, green beans and brocalli with a pat of butter and 4 multigrain nacho chips with some plum sauce.

I guess if I want something sweet it has to be apart of my plate. I seem to come unravelled if I eat outside of my plate.

What else... I am so frustrated that my clothes are so tight but I am trying not to think about it and know that if I keep going in 1-2 weeks my clothes will be a bit looser... I just have to keep going.

Thanks for reading!

Posted: Sun Jan 30, 2011 3:06 pm
by Kevin
It sounds like you have gained a lot of insight into what sets you off. You mentioned Ezekiel bread, which is made with a combination of flours - including bean flours - which provide quite a bit of protein and much less carbohydrate. And you shunned the cookies (highly refined carbs and fat).

It looks like you are leaning away from highly refined carbohydrate, which is a trigger for many people.

I know how hard this is with kids (been there) but if you could work a brisk walk in once a day - 30 to 45 minutes - I think you'd get happier, more quickly, with how your clothes fit. But maybe you already do exercise. It's the key for me.

Good luck!

gettheweightoff wrote:

After lunch we went to a fancy supermarket and my dad bought my kids these beautiful looking mini cookies decorated with icing. That bag of cookies was staring me down yesterday... but I know from enough painful experiences that if I have even one innocent pretty little cookie, I will be eating the whole bag and blaming the kids when my husband asks where they went.


What else... I am so frustrated that my clothes are so tight but I am trying not to think about it and know that if I keep going in 1-2 weeks my clothes will be a bit looser... I just have to keep going.

Thanks for reading!

Posted: Sun Jan 30, 2011 3:24 pm
by gettheweightoff

Every day I say I'm going to get some excercise in and then the kids completely wear me out (my little one wakes up at 7am) and then he goes to bed by 8pm but my daughter won't get to bed until 9:30 or 10pm and I'm just exhausted. I need to work on getting them into bed earlier and then I can get a workout in. That's a priority for me that I need to address this week.

As far as moving away from carbs, I can't do it. I love my carbs and they make me happy. I'm just trying to stay away from sugar because it doesn't seem to be my friend!

But I am very aware about what sets me off. Perhaps I'll experiment with treats soon, but I know me and they have to fit on my plate and then maybe I can stop. If I eat them as a snack I won't be able to if that makes any sense.


Posted: Sun Jan 30, 2011 11:41 pm
by gettheweightoff
I actually took my S day today and I didn't go wild. I'm amazed at myself.

After dinner I still had a craving for these little shortbread cookies with icing so I made myself a cup of tea and took 2 and ate them and enjoyed them and did not go back for more.

I feel so relieved I can't even explain it.

Is it possible I might actually get the hang of this?

Posted: Sun Jan 30, 2011 11:43 pm
by NoelFigart
Yes, you will.

I hope you really ENJOYED your treat as well!

Posted: Sun Jan 30, 2011 11:58 pm
by gettheweightoff
I did. They were small but they were very good quality (and expensive, thankfully I did not buy them) and for some reason 2 was perfectly fine. You don't understand, I normally eat and eat and eat.

I am in shock that I only ate two of these little cookies.

Posted: Mon Jan 31, 2011 12:08 am
by NoelFigart
I do understand. I used to do that, and think I was helpless in the face of deliciousness and all that smack.

In sober truth, I would still LIKE to do that, you understand. I enjoy eating and reading and not thinking much about it. Lecherous, gluttonous sloth just suits me.

I had to reframe it. I don't have an internal Miss Hartshorn. I have an inner Madame Bonnevie. She's a very elegant French lady who loves her food, but understands that seulment un goût is appropriate to savor all the lovely, delicious things in life. She wears silk scarves, has love affairs and always serves dinner on a candlelit table. Mon dieu! She thinks gluttony interferes with pleasure.

Posted: Mon Jan 31, 2011 12:13 am
by gettheweightoff
Aw, that made me smile!

Posted: Mon Jan 31, 2011 4:36 pm
by gettheweightoff
GREEN On track so far today.

Breakfast: bowl of high fibre cereal, pecans, organic milk, blackberries, large coffee w milk

Lunch: Grilled chicken, mozarella cheese, tomato, peppers and mayo on french bread panini, banana, small coffee w milk.

1 cup water

Dinner: 1.5 cups organic cream of tomato soup, 1 cup potatoes in some oil w peppers, 1 orange, skinny cappucino w stevia and milk

I ate dinner at 5:50pm so I'm a bit hungry now (9pm) but I'm going to bed soon to help get over my cold.

Posted: Tue Feb 01, 2011 5:15 pm
by gettheweightoff
Green but very hungry today and feeling vulnerable and on the verge of a binge for some reason.

Breakfast: whole grain cereal, pecans, blackberries, organic milk, light cappucino w milk

Lunch: Lasagna, green beans and brocalli w pat of butter, banana, light cappucino w milk

Afternoon: coffee w cream

Dinner: Beef Snack Wrap, yogurt parfait, orange juice, 3 french fries

I felt very bingey today but I DID NOT CAVE at all. I had white flour today and I was in diet mode all day about it but overall I don't think I did terrible today. I'll try to eat a little smarter tomorrow.

Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 3:34 pm
by gettheweightoff

Breakfast: 1 cup whole grain cereal, pecans, blackberries, organic 2% milk, 1/2 decaf/1/2 regular coffee w cream & milk

Lunch: high protein pita bread w 1.5 tbsp natural peanut butter, 1 banana, 1/4 vanilla protein shake, 1/2 cup coffee w cream

Dinner: 4 salmon cakes, sweet potatoes, mixed peppers, olive oil, peas with tab of butter, cappucino

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2011 6:31 pm
by gettheweightoff

Breakfast: 2 eggs, cheddar cheese, spinach, mushrooms, 2 slices sprouted grain bread w butter, ketchup, cappuccino, 1/2 cup orange juice

Lunch: About 2 oz Chicken on 2 slices cranberry bread, mayo, mustard, spinach, green salad w greek/feta dressing, handful cranberries, pecans, 1/2 orange, tea w milk

Late afternoon, tea w milk, water with lemon and stevia

Dinner: lean meatballs, fried rice, some plum sauce, 1 banana, tea w milk
water w lemon and stevia

I actually EXCERCISED today!!! 16 minutes on the Air Climber.

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2011 12:25 am
by gettheweightoff
Really felt like eating something sweet and snacky but I didn't sucumb because I know I can tomorrow so i am GREEN!!!

Breakfast: whole grain cereal, pecans, blackberries, organic 2% milk, tea w milk

Lunch: chicken on cranberry toast w mayo, mustard, salad w creamy feta dressing, 2 perogies fried in butter

Mid Afternoon: coffee w milk & cream

Dinner: rainbow trout, with asiago cheese/artichoke sauce, roasted potatoes, grilled peppers and mushrooms, 1 whole wheat cheese perogie
Tea w milk

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2011 10:15 pm
by gettheweightoff

12:30am 1 large cupcake, 2 mini shortbread cookies with icing, icing and a bit of cake from second cupcake. Ugh, overdid it but not like I would before.

Breakfast: whole wheat carrot muffin, 1 banana, 1/2 cup orange juice, tea w milk

Lunch: Fiesta chicken sandwich (from starbucks), 1 tall steamed milk with sugar free syrup

Mid afternoon: coffee w cream/milk... later tea w milk

Dinner: 2 hardboiled eggs, 10 pumpkin seed crackers, 2 perogies, 4 mini shortbread cookies, tea w milk

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 3:57 pm
by gettheweightoff
YELLOW I don't feel like having "treats" or snacking but since today is an S day I'm just having something sweet in my breakfast, maybe lunch too. I don't feel comfortable yet with the treats or the snacks. It just makes me feel out of control. The fact that I did it yesterday without going nuts was enough for me. As it is I overdid the cupcakes a bit.

Breakfast: 2 Hemp waffles w low carb syrup (it's amazing), 1/2 cup strawberry milkshake (organic milk, frozen strawberries, vanilla stevia), tea w milk and stevia

Mid Afternoon: coffee w cream

Late Lunch: Pizza bun, coffee w cream

Dinner: 1 Bowl of organic cream of tomato soup, 1 hard boiled egg, carrot whole wheat muffin, cucumber slices, tea w milk & stevia

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2011 2:57 pm
by gettheweightoff

Breakfast: Raisin bran muffin, tab of butter, 1 glass orange juice, coffee w cream & milk

Lunch: Large BLT salad (cheese, chicken, bacon, lettuce, ranch dressing) crystal light, coffee w milk

Afternoon: tea w milk

Dinner: Restaurant. Took appetizers and put them on a plate until my main dish came. Sea bass, 2 potatoes, 1 piece of multigrain bread and butter, veggies (rapini in oil, salad w goat cheese, carrots, green beans), 1 large shrimp. Didn't even finish the fish or the shrimp and I didn't even have a coffee.

Think I'm just going to report on my status for now. I don't want to put so much emphasis on food any more and I'm getting tired of doing this. I don't feel like I need to any more. I feel I've got the three plates down.


Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 2:06 am
by gettheweightoff
I'm having a great deal of anxiety and I think that's because I stopped binge eating so I have no choice but to deal with feelings. I feel shaky right now and I never even realized how badly I suffer from anxiety until I stopped binge eating. I'm going to have to investigate some herbal rememdies. In the meantime, I am still GREEN but frustrated because I have definitely gained weight doing No-S and am started to get panicky like I should try another plan but I know better than this and will not.

I think my real problem and I've talked about this a lot is all the coffee and cream/milk I am having because it's an extra 150-200 calories a day x 7 = 1000-1500 calories a week that I am consuming. Now I know I"m not supposed to count calories but I still need to be realistic and if I need my 400-600 calories per meal adding the coffee with cream certainly is not helping me and I'm obviously gaining weight. If I have anxiety I am positive that the coffee is aggrivating my anxiety which I need to get a grip on. Whenever I have it honestly it's like a "hit" and it calms me right down which tells me I'm very addicted and it's probably calming me down like an addict which makes it worse later.

So long story short, I'm sticking with no-s... no mods but I have got to quit caffeine for my anxiety and hopefully by making this adjustment the side effect will be that it will help me with some weight loss.

Breakfast: whole wheat cranberry roll, 1.5 tbsp natural peanut butter, banana, 1/2 cup orange juice, coffee w milk

Lunch: Pizza bun, yogurt parfait with granola

Mid afternoon: coffee w cream.. later tea w milk and stevia

Dinner: chicken salad (about 2 oz chicken w mayonaise) 1 raisin bran muffin, 2 slices of orange, tea w milk & stevia

Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 1:19 pm
by wosnes
gettheweightoff wrote:
I think my real problem and I've talked about this a lot is all the coffee and cream/milk I am having because it's an extra 150-200 calories a day x 7 = 1000-1500 calories a week that I am consuming. Now I know I"m not supposed to count calories but I still need to be realistic and if I need my 400-600 calories per meal adding the coffee with cream certainly is not helping me and I'm obviously gaining weight. If I have anxiety I am positive that the coffee is aggrivating my anxiety which I need to get a grip on. Whenever I have it honestly it's like a "hit" and it calms me right down which tells me I'm very addicted and it's probably calming me down like an addict which makes it worse later.

So long story short, I'm sticking with no-s... no mods but I have got to quit caffeine for my anxiety and hopefully by making this adjustment the side effect will be that it will help me with some weight loss.
You might try what the Italians do. Coffee with milk -- latte -- is a morning drink only.

I wonder if the calm that comes after drinking coffee is a sign of addiction, or if the caffeine, maybe in a way similar to Ritalin works with hyperactive kids, just calms the anxiety. Wouldn't be the first time a stimulant had a calming effect. It's also possible that it's not the coffee, but the milk/cream that is doing the calming -- like a glass of warm milk at bedtime.

A while ago I saw the author of Portrait of the Addict as a Young Man on the Today Show. He said something that stuck with me: "Addictions can't be managed or controlled." If, as you think, you're addicted to caffeine, it's managed very well. You really don't drink much of it at all. I could be dead wrong about this, but I think someone addicted to it would be drinking it far more often than you do.

Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 3:30 pm
by gettheweightoff
Thanks Wosnes, I am very conflicted about this. It definitely makes me feel happy when I drink it but I can't help but wonder if it is bringing out my anxiety more and if the extra calories are contributing to my recent no-s weight gain. I feel very, very sleepy right now without it.

Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 6:32 pm
by gettheweightoff

Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 6:41 pm
by Kevin
Could you consider smaller servings?

I love coffee. I know I could live without it, but I really do love it. I know I'm physically addicted to it (my head would be on my desk the day I quit), but it's a minor vice in the scheme of things.
gettheweightoff wrote:Thanks Wosnes, I am very conflicted about this. It definitely makes me feel happy when I drink it but I can't help but wonder if it is bringing out my anxiety more and if the extra calories are contributing to my recent no-s weight gain. I feel very, very sleepy right now without it.

Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 7:21 pm
by Sienna
Or how do you feel about tea? I'll confess that I've never been much of a coffee drinker (in fact I can't stand the stuff), but I've recently discovered the wonder of good tea. I used it to ween myself off of caffeinated soda.

Mate teas generally have about as much caffeine as a cup of coffee. Black teas are a bit less (~20% of a cup of coffee), but many people I know who switched from coffee to black tea say they didn't notice the drop in caffeine level.

If you are interested, I'd highly recommend doing loose leaf tea over tea bags because it tastes so much better. And you can get it in practically any flavor you can imagine. It's a little pricey, but my favorite tea place is Teavana ( They even have a tea nicknamed "The Coffee Kicker". I've never tried it (because I'm not a coffee fan), but my friend describes it as tasting similar to coffee with a hint of chocolate. Here it is: ... te-Tea.axd

My current personal favorite is Almond Biscotti which is 20% the caffeine in coffee ( ... ck-Tea.axd). They also have a wide selection of fruity herbal teas that are caffeine free.

Way to hang in there

Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 6:13 pm
by r.jean
I love coffee and cannot totally give it up but I now buy some expensive flavored decaf blends and mix them with my favorite costa rican coffee for a taste I can enjoy without adding anything else to it. Lowering the caffeine helps lower my blood pressure. Now if I could just find a way to reduce the salt in my diet without giving up the convenience of packaged foods!!! I shop in the health food section but a lot of the items there have high salt content too.

Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 6:44 pm
by wosnes
Have you ever considered cold brewed coffee? It's lower in caffeine without affecting the taste. You can also make it without the special "system" I use this recipe and triple it so I don't have to make it quite so often. I have two jars that hold about 6 cups of liquid that I make it in. I let the coffee/water sit in one of them and then pour off into the other.

I just use boiling water for hot coffee.

One of the things I most like about this is that it makes even not-so-good coffee "smooth".

Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2011 12:07 am
by Kevin
Oh, wosnes, I don't think cold brew is lower in caffeine... the stuff I've brewed was very high in caffeine. It's far less acidic than hot brewed coffee, but is it really lower in caffeine?
wosnes wrote:Have you ever considered cold brewed coffee? It's lower in caffeine without affecting the taste. You can also make it without the special "system" I use this recipe and triple it so I don't have to make it quite so often. I have two jars that hold about 6 cups of liquid that I make it in. I let the coffee/water sit in one of them and then pour off into the other.

I just use boiling water for hot coffee.

One of the things I most like about this is that it makes even not-so-good coffee "smooth".

Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2011 9:12 pm
by wosnes
Kevin wrote:Oh, wosnes, I don't think cold brew is lower in caffeine... the stuff I've brewed was very high in caffeine. It's far less acidic than hot brewed coffee, but is it really lower in caffeine?
wosnes wrote:Have you ever considered cold brewed coffee? It's lower in caffeine without affecting the taste. You can also make it without the special "system" I use this recipe and triple it so I don't have to make it quite so often. I have two jars that hold about 6 cups of liquid that I make it in. I let the coffee/water sit in one of them and then pour off into the other.

I just use boiling water for hot coffee.

One of the things I most like about this is that it makes even not-so-good coffee "smooth".
It's supposed to be about 1/3 less caffeine when it brews about 12 hours. If it brews longer it will have more caffeine and be more acidic.