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Shelly's Daily Check in

Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2011 4:46 pm
by myshell

My first Fail day! I was preparing walnuts last night for my breakfast this morning and I ate a few. I'm new on the plan and trying to be strict about it during this initial phase.

I've been on the plan 8 days with 2 "S" days in there. It's been difficult for me because even though I don't eat second helpings, I love to snack and it is almost painful (in a depressing kind of way) to have to tell myself no. It doesn't matter how much I eat at a meal, my body notices when i don't have a snack in times of stress or boredom. I've been reading posts that this feeling goes away.

I'm not overly religious but I have found myself recently praying for strength and patience. I expect today will be better.


Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2011 3:58 pm
by myshell
1/12/11 was a Success!

I felt the sugar cravings after dinner probably because I was tired. I eat when I'm tired, stressed, in pain etc. It will be nice when I'm on a nice schedule instead of worrying about counting calories. That is what I call freedom!

Today didn't start out so well. I went to the gym and for breakfast, I had a big oatmeal with nuts, rasins and brown sugar and cinnamon. Then I went to see my physical therapist. They worked on my sore hips and had me do a whole new workout. By the time I got to work, I was tired, more sore and hungry again. I couldn't wait for lunch so I ate. I'm going to see if I can't take an early dinner and go to bed to salvage the rest of this day.

I'm seeing a PT because I overdid it in an exercise program I started a while back and our instructor is crazy about high intensity interval training.

Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2011 3:26 pm
by myshell
1/13/11 I Failed yesterday.

I couldn't recover from my lapse around 10:30. I ate again at 4PM and then at 8PM and had icecream. It's hard for me to last 2 days on a diet without my failing but I really want to get back on top of this and finish the week out strong. I think I beat myself up too much when I have a bad day. I love the idea of building habits and not having to worry about what i eat. I don't want to eat out of stress any more either, that's depressing.

I got off to a good start today. I had a default breakfast that usually keeps me going until 1PM. I expect to finish my Friday a success!

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2011 10:11 pm
by myshell
1/14 and 1/17 were Sucess days!

I am still having snack attacks. Even though my S days are important, i feel like they ruin the beginings of the habit I build on during the week. It's so easy to slip back into the comforts of an old habit than to build new ones.

The attacks are almost definately brought on by stress at work. There is nothing I can do about my job though.

It's been 2 weeks today and I've had 2 fail days. Not too shabby in my book. I've even dropped 1 whole pound but that could be water weight for all I know. I find it hard to keep up the momentum when progress is this slow.

That's all for now, got to get home before I eat my mobile.

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2011 4:00 pm
by myshell
1/18/11 was a Success Day!!

Stress levels are high but I feel OK. Not so depressed that I'm overwhelmed at work AND on a diet. It's the pits when I'm bummed out and I can't have a favorite comfort snack. I get down right angry. Then I feel like a failure, when I slip and shove something in my face to feel better. On a high note, my hips aren't hurting as much as they did. I haven't been exercising as much, trying to let myself recover but something in my head is kicking myself for not doing anything. I really need to learn how to relax.

God, please give me patience and the strength to free myself from stress eating!

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2011 7:53 pm
by amake616
Congratulations on mostly success days and your one pound loss :) I always figure even if it's water weight you should be allowed to count it because if you kept up your old habits it would've rapidly turned into just plain weight anyhow. Think of it as making a pre-emptive strike :)

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 7:32 pm
by myshell
Thank you for your support! I am excited to dump these old bad habits. I might weigh-in in a couple weeks to see if I have made any progress.

1/19 and 1/20 were Success Days. I ate a handful of mini marshmellows on Friday 1/21 so that was a Fail day. I'm not going to beat myself up over it though. I count being able to move on and continue with my goal a huge hurddle! In the past, I would fail miserably and never be able to get back on track.

1/24 Success though I had a really high fat pasta dinner. I was able to turn down dessert. I had a hot cocoa before bed but it gave me heart burn so I am switching to Sleepy Time tea.
1/25 Success

This week has been tough. We have clients in the office and a whole lot of treats are being offered like muffins and doughnuts. It's pretty depressing. As I go through my first month on Vanilla No "S" diet, i can't imagine starting to cut calories but now i'm starting to think of ways to eat healthier. The two aren't always one and the same unfortunately. I am not ready to start making any demands on my stomach just yet.

My recurring issues on a daily basis:
-10:30AM: still feeling the urge to snack when i'm only slightly hungry
-stress and fatigue: I feel the urge to eat when I'm stressed out or tired. I've had a lot of internal discuss on this topic with myself. Gotta show my stomach who's boss!

You are doing better than you think

Posted: Sat Jan 29, 2011 12:44 am
by r.jean
You sound like you are doing great; just hang in there! I am just finishing week 6, and I can tell you that the first 3-4 weeks were a bit rocky. However, now I am finding it is just happening. I have a hard time staying off the scale so my solution is to only write my weight down once a month. That seems to take some of the pressure off.

Posted: Sat Jan 29, 2011 3:00 am
by myshell
Wow, my first Snow day and I totally fell of the Wagon so I decided to make it an S day. Today is my birthday but I didn't plan on celebrating until Saturday. I ended up sharing an appetizer with friends at lunch and having a cup of mini marshmallows with some cocoa after dinner. I wouldn't complain normally but I'm trying to get the rules of the road down before I start making exceptions/excuses for myself.

I changed my mind and will make 1/27 a fail day and my b-day a S day. The marshmallows are going in the trash.

Good idea to weigh in once a month. Then maybe I will be better able to tell if I'm making progress.

Posted: Sat Jan 29, 2011 3:53 pm
by Kevin
Snow days are not S days, but Birthdays are. You have the right to your birthday as an S day. Saturday, too!

By the way, I sent you a personal message (PM), neighbor.

myshell wrote:Wow, my first Snow day and I totally fell of the Wagon so I decided to make it an S day. Today is my birthday but I didn't plan on celebrating until Saturday. I ended up sharing an appetizer with friends at lunch and having a cup of mini marshmallows with some cocoa after dinner. I wouldn't complain normally but I'm trying to get the rules of the road down before I start making exceptions/excuses for myself.

I changed my mind and will make 1/27 a fail day and my b-day a S day. The marshmallows are going in the trash.

Good idea to weigh in once a month. Then maybe I will be better able to tell if I'm making progress.

Happy Birthday

Posted: Sat Jan 29, 2011 5:56 pm
by r.jean
I agree with Kevin. Your birthday should be an S day. Do not be afraid to take S days when needed. You may lose weight a little more slowly, but you are more likely to stay with the plan.

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2011 5:42 pm
by myshell
I can't believe it's Thursday already! I try to post often because it gives me the motivation I need to stay on track. I will get caught up here because I'm currently hungry and have an hour before my sister comes to meet me for lunch.

Friday, I made my Birthday an "S" day. It was great!

With my first month completed, fairly successful, I have a new goal to make the next 21 no S days a success and post it on the sticky "21 day club"! I started my 21 day challenge on Monday, Jan 31.

Jan 31 Success
Feb 1 Success
Feb 2 Success

Today is particularly challenging because there is a big tray of double chocolate cookies and fudge brownies in the kitchen. I expect them to be gone in a few more minutes. I just checked and there are only 3 cookies left.

Realization made in the car the other day..
I'm afraid of dieting, it makes me anxious. Possibly because it comes with the belief that I must deprive myself of everything good and I'm a failure if I can't stay on the plan, and my body subconsciously revolts.

Even the No "S" diet can be a little scary at times when I'm feeling particularly challenged. It's a good plan and though I haven't seen any results, save that one pound in January, I will have faith and pray to God for strength to stick to the plan. The people in these forums have also been very supportive and I am greatful for them.

One pound is good

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2011 10:24 pm
by r.jean
At your weight, losing one pound a month is about right. It is success. You do not have that much to lose. Actually, not gaining any weight would be success too.

Love those "S" days!

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2011 11:44 pm
by myshell
I agree, I don't have much to go. The goal is to get back into the clothes I've got. I was 15 lbs lighter before I got married and I think what makes me nervous is that I didn't see it creep up on me, it was so gradual.

I'm done with crappy diets and life is getting so much easier on the no "S" diet! My snack cravings aren't as bad any more. I can also last longer between meals.

2/5 was a success!

Today I didn't binge and even enjoyed a snack and a sweet. I'm full and happy!! Man, I'm chock full of every emotion on the spectrum this week.

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 1:11 am
by Kevin
It sounds like you are doing well. Congratulations!


Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 12:03 am
by r.jean
It sounds like you have reached the point where the No S lifestyle is becoming second nature. That is great!!

Feburary's Goal

Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 3:58 pm
by myshell
I am 7 Success Days in, this February. 14 more days to go. Goal: To post in the 21 day club.

I have tendinitis in BOTH my hips and can't run for a few weeks. I need a group exercise class to get motivated. Finding time to walk or do pushups on my own is challenging. (especially when it's below freezing outside) I guess I'll try hitting the gym this week.

I've been going unusually long stretches between meals. Yesterday, it was 7 hours from lunch around 1PM to dinner when I finally made it home at 8PM. I was half crazed and so upset. I wanted to binge but then realized, I though out all the junk food in the cupboard:-) I had a little more control over myself after dinner but having seconds was on my mind.

It happens

Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 11:31 pm
by r.jean
I can empathize with those long spans between meals that you have no control over. They do tend to throw things off. I worked over 15 hours yesterday and at 8 pm drove through a McDonalds because it was quick and convenient and I had to keep going. I technically did not fail since the food I ate would have fit on my plate. Isn't it so much easier when you are able to stay on a schedule?