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a little help from my friends, please!

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2011 1:27 pm
by Grammy G
I have turned into a slug! Do I need encouragement...a "talking to"..?? Both?? Neither?? I am right back where I started oh-so-long ago..except now I'm wiser..maybe dumber!!! Heeellllppppp mmmeee! (also cannot seem to wrap my head around my signature you've probably noticed!)

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2011 2:16 pm
by Who Me?
Don't be a slug!


Look how grumpy this Sea Slug is.... You don't want to be grumpy.

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2011 2:23 pm
by kccc
Hi, Grammy! :) Welcome back. Stick around this time, okay?


Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2011 7:52 pm
by idontknow
Hi Grammy - lovely to hear from you again. There is a line from a song that says 'you never get wise, you only get older'....

Having a difficult time with this myself at the moment - so maybe we can cheer each other on :D

Posted: Sat Apr 23, 2011 1:35 am
by Grammy G
Yikes! That slug pic sure made me sit up and pay attention!! I need to look at it often for encouragement. Thanks Who!
KCCC and IDK..glad you are still around. I just wandered off on some detour to nowhere and kinda wandered back. OMG, this as wise as we get???? I thought i could turn into a kinda "tribal elder" and spread wisdom!! I guess it is just ME that is spreading!! Yes, let's see what we can do to help each other out. We've done that before!
I got out my old record-keeping book and started a new page. I am going to sign up for that monthly challenge for May...AND..I'm going to take one step at a time and stick with plain vanilla.
I will be going back to read KCCC's thoughts on the stages of NO-S. (I just remembered about the them!) That will be my second step in the right direction...posting again was my first! Whew!! I needed this!

Posted: Mon May 02, 2011 7:58 am
by idontknow
How's it going, Grammy? Are you still around? :)

Posted: Mon May 02, 2011 12:44 pm
by Grammy G
Hi IDK..yep, I'm still here and still need help! I believe western PA will soon be named the newest rain forest area. We are having daily downpours and I am realizing how much sunshine means to me and my well-being. I AM trying but ..what can I is hard staying on a wagon when the road is bumpy..and it is raining!! I heard someone say "it is not that you CAN"T is is that you WON"T" and I think that could be about me! :?
Thanks for adding your two got me here and writing.. a good first step for a Monday morning! I am going to see if a May Challenge is up and running and join in. That has always helped me in the past.
I think I will make a nightly check-in (beginning today)a habit..and keep the computer upstairs so I have to walk away from the kitchen to do it..that will also mean a stair climb during the day if I want to use the computer!
"I can and I will".. my new mantra!! :D :D

Posted: Mon May 02, 2011 8:26 pm
by idontknow
Glad you're still around Grammy. Bad weather can make you feel awful, I agree. I know that I've felt much better (and therefore have been doing much better with No S) since we've been having warm sunshine.
Didn't you walk away from the kitchen in the evenings last year when you were doing No S? I think that was a good strategy for you then.
Looking forward to reading your daily check-ins. Good luck :D

Posted: Tue May 03, 2011 1:15 pm
by Grammy G
IDK you are correct..go to the head of my cheering section!! I do need to get out of the kitchen after dinner and that strategy did work for me before! I not only got out of the kitchen..I got out of the house last evening and got in a very nice walk. The flowering trees are in bloom here as well as the tulips, lilacs, wild violets, and lillies-of-the-valley. was wonderful!! :D
I am going to try my best to:1. plan meals early in the day and prep as much as possible right after lunch when I am not hungry.2. plan a small plate/non sweet for evening when I must take meds with food. 3. Continue to get out of the kitchen ASAP after dinner...and stay out!! 4.Quit being a wimp..take charge...remember it isn't "I can't" is "I won't" and do something about it!
:idea: Looks like I'm back!!

Posted: Tue May 03, 2011 7:08 pm
by idontknow
Hurrah!! :D

Posted: Wed May 04, 2011 3:20 am
by Dandelion
Hi there :). Didn't recognize your new check-in name at first. Glad to see you're back and back at it!

Posted: Wed May 04, 2011 1:28 pm
by Grammy G
DANDY!! It is so nice to see you here!! I decided that since I was starting over, I would give myself a new topic line and hope my ol' friends would see the name and visit! I will have to catch up on your "doings!"
I have changed my check-in from evenings to mornings because..always something..I apparently did something to a muscle/tendon/bone in my shoulder blade and by evenings, typing is very painful. I am going to call my acupuncturist today and have an appt. for a massage in a week and will try yoga,, until then. My main plan is to ignore it as much as possible.
As for my other plans..yea! I managed to follow a dinner plan for left overs (mac&cheese/green beans&brussel sprouts/talipia&crab cakes/tomato salad). sounds like a lot but is was a little of everything and made a very colorful plate.
I got out of the kitchen and left clean-up duties to hubby and came upstairs and only went back down to get my evening meds and a small plate to go with it. That actually was a bit of a downfall as I searched out a litttle ham to ad to my cracker and 1/2 banana plate. Starting today, I am going to bring my evening plate and pills upstairs with me after dinner. I'm thinking I should make myself a lunch plate right after breakfast too. It is too easy to have an extra slice of this and a piece of that as I make up a plate when I am hungry. I need to make this as easy on myself as possible and I know my downfalls include food prep times.
Today:B="skinny"bread,scrambled egg,small sausage,1/2 slice swiss cheese,honeydew melon
L=ham sandwich w/lettuce&toms//raw veggies//apple sauce
D=veggie and chicken stir fry // brown rice//green salad
Eve=1/2 banana and a few grapes
I can do this :D

Posted: Thu May 05, 2011 11:54 am
by Grammy G
The best laid plans... or, I guess they were't very well "laid" if i couldn't keep them!! Went to make rice for dinner last rice! what?? I always have rice around (apparently not!!) :cry: It was cold and raining and I was in old sweats and didn't want to be seen in public so I changed the dinner plans to a pasta dish with a sauce of spinach, tomatoes, and a bit of chicken. It quit raining in the late afternoon and I decided to walk to the grocery store (wearing a hat and sunglasses and a bit of lipstick) and pick up a loaf of fresh bread to go with the pasta..and get a walk in and get out of the house. The store is only 1/2 mile from me so it is a perfect short walk if I remember I must carry home anything I buy! I also decided to really "make things easier" for myself and take evening meds w/dinner. It was in MY head that i needed to take the meds at bedtime..not the doctors :roll: . It is a good thing for me to record what is going on in my head and then go back and reread what I wrote. I often think, "I wrote that??" and can look at what is going on as an "outsider" and be a lot more objective with myself. Does that make sense? Bringing this long story to an end...yesterday was a success..I even skipped the evening plate and had meds with dinner :D

Posted: Thu May 05, 2011 1:43 pm
by kccc
Yay, Grammy! Wins all around.

Posted: Fri May 06, 2011 3:22 am
by Grammy G
Wow! Doesn't a sunny day just change the way we look at life!! What a gift!
B=toast w/cheese and a bit of jelly//melon
L=a cold pastai (left over!)sandwich/carrot sticks//1/2 banana
D=chicken fajita/green beans/green salad//a few almonds
night (10:30) needed to take some pain meds so had a few graham crackers..which lead to a single serving of apple sauce which let to more crackers with a little cheese :cry: ...any ONE of those things would have been OK..not all three!! :oops: (the cheese is lactose if that helps the situation!!)
marking it and moving on!
House is now clean..laundry done..and prepped a lot of food for tomorrow.
All is well.

Posted: Fri May 06, 2011 8:43 pm
by Grammy G
This is one of those crazy days...a failure for sure on the no S front but a success in other ways. My college age granddaughter is leaving campus today and came over with friends for lunch with us and to store some things here for the summer. It is always nice to spend time with her and meet her friends but we had cookies for dessert. I managed to eat a deviled egg as I was clearing the lunch table...and ate another cookie as I put them into their jar. Then..because I was feeling sorry for myself because.. "she only has two semesters left and then when will I get to spend time with her??"..I ate three meatballs. What I need to do right now is shut this thing off..put on a sweatshirt and go for a walk :idea: sooo...gooodbye!

sounds too familiar

Posted: Fri May 06, 2011 10:54 pm
by r.jean
Your struggle sounds so familiar!!

Before No S, I did not know how to stop once I started nibbling. I just kept eating and eating...especially in the evening.

Hang in there! Eventually the better habits will win out if you keep trying.

Posted: Sat May 07, 2011 1:23 pm
by Grammy G
You are right, of course, r.jean! Idid go for a walk and that helped get me back on track for the rest of the day/night. I am going to count yesterday as an S day and do an N day today. i have been thinking of using the modification of floating my S days since I am retired and weekends don't really mean anything to me anymore.
Yesterday( Friday) was a day of company for lunch and and overnight granddchild guest. Today(Saturday) could be a Normal day.. just hubby and me here with leftovers. Tomorrow will be a Mothers' Day cookout and an regular S day. I have a dinner out with friends scheduled for Thursday along with a morning card game )yeah..retirement is tough!! :wink: ) and I'd like to have the freedom to enjoy a drink before dinner and maybe have a little nosh mid-morning. The weekend coming up seems to find us at home, alone..which is fine with me. Hubby is more than happy to do the no-S thing..I am very lucky!

Posted: Sun May 08, 2011 3:52 pm
by r.jean
Grammy G: I want to know how the floating S days work for you. I am close to retirement, and I wondered how the weekend structure would work once I retire. I already have a no alcohol calendar with 2 floating S days, and it works pretty well.

I do have some red days on that calendar. :roll:

Posted: Mon May 09, 2011 7:06 pm
by Grammy G
I will keep you posted on those floating S-days, r,jean! Today is a nice quiet day after a crazy weekend of kids, grandkid, and many people in and out of the house. All fun but tiring and, even though the eating wasn't "bad", I ate a lot of red meat and white bread.. not my regular fare. Turned things around today:B strawberries,blueberries,banana, Greek yogurt,Fiber One cereal sprinkled over all, coffee.
L: salmon salad and fiber rich crackers, water
D: salmon cakes, green beans, mixed salad, mac&cheese,water
Snack: (needed to take meds at pm) salmon on Wasa cracker
That's it for food today. I did get in some yoga and plan on an after dinner walk. (Tues update:didn't make walk) I am on my way to a massage soon to get all the kinks out and just relax. (note on Tues.: I was so relaxed after massage that I fell into a deep sleep right after dinner!) I spent almost two hours this morning on the phone with an Apple tech..and his supervisor(!) trying to get to the bottom of a problem that, it was finally determined,was caused by a "damaged message" sent in October! These guys were absolutely wonderful and talked me through a lot of computer moves I knew nothing about! Apparently this was a problem neither had ever seen before so we all learned something but I think I was more stressed then they were through it all. They explained so much to me in kindergarten terms...I am sure they both had to lie down with a cold cloth on their head at the end of it all..I know I did! :roll: :roll: No lasting damage..all is well..a fine ending, if you ask me!

Posted: Tue May 10, 2011 1:16 pm
by Grammy G
What I Learned in my return-to-noS-first 21 days:
1. posting here is very helpful, especially if I go back and reread entries every so often.
2. the monthly challenge is a good thing
3. I need to work on only getting to vanilla before I start worrying about the details of what is on my plate.
4. babysteps..babysteps..babysteps! :shock:

welcome to another retiree

Posted: Tue May 10, 2011 1:28 pm
by Pangelsue2
Hi Grammy,
I too was here before and have returned. Retirement is lovely and I thought dieting would be a breeze after I was retired and wouldn't be facing constant treats at work and going out to lunch. Wrong. We have a lot of retired friends who now want to go out off and on all week long! Wonderful times but wacky for the dieting. My daughter has been going through a lot of really bad times lately and I can't really do more than listen. So I listen and then when she leaves, I eat to make myself feel better. Doesn't work. After I eat the stuff, I always feel worse. You were right when you said you presumed (as did I) that I would be one of those wise, relaxed, together kind of older person. But type A personalities stay type A unfortunately. We will get there together if we just keep working at it a day at a time.

Posted: Wed May 11, 2011 12:40 pm
by Grammy G
Every time I look at that slug pic, I shutter..I love it!! :wink:
The freedom that comes with retirement is hard to get used to, Pagelsue2, I agree! We winter in FL and i think I am on a 4 month vacation with cocktails at 5..dinner out at 6...breakfast out with friends..lunch with "the girls"...It is hard to rein that in!
I am back to the reality of family obligations but still have the freedom for meals out, as you mentioned. If these are our only problems, we should consider ourselves veeerrrry lucky indeed!
So..yesterday was an OK day..I just had to add a little food at night so I could take something for pain. I did something to my shoulder(muscle problem) and, by the end of the day, it is painful enough to keep me awake. My massage therapist spent over half and hour working on it and that helped so much. I'm going to yoga class this morning and see if that helps too. I prefer not taking meds, so feel like a failure when I can't take care of it by another method..and then I feel like a failure again when I need to eat something so I can take the meds! :cry:
Intellectually, I know neither of those things is my "fault" but "knowing" and "feeling" are two differnt things.. something I need to work on....

Posted: Wed May 11, 2011 2:36 pm
by Who Me?
You're not a failure if you are trying to address an injury. You're nit taking the drugs for fun, right? Don't stress about it!

(Can you take the meds with dinner, to avoid the late night snack?)

Posted: Wed May 11, 2011 10:43 pm
by Grammy G
Well, WHO, here is the thing: The meds I'm taking at night are for pain in my arm/shoulder that I am trying to avoid taking at all. I think I am getting closer to not needing them :D Yoga class today made a big improvement and I think a little ice/heat at bedtime will do the trick. You are right, of course, I am nottaking pills for pleasure... unless we call being able to get a good night's sleep "pleasure'' :shock:
The yoga instructor really hit home when she spoke about being present at the moment and not always looking for that "one more thing" that will make everything perfect. That's me! I came home and thought about what is really "good enough" and OK. I made a several quick decisions: I do not have to wash all the windows and get all the screens up by the weekend. If need be, we can turn on the air-conditioner at nights (I don't want any bats flying in!). The house is clean enough for my card group and I will serve coffee and tea and biscotti for this AM group..I don't need to bake anything or buy anything. I am not going to cook a huge dinner for the weekend crew coming in. I will pick up ribs and chicken and all the fixins with ice cream sundaes for dessert..breakfast will be an egg casserole, not cooked to order fare. These changes should give me more "me" time and more time to spend ejoying the guests... paper plates will be in order too, I'm sure! Whew, I like this "good enough" stuff!


Posted: Thu May 12, 2011 7:36 pm
by tobiasmom
I love it!!!!

Posted: Fri May 13, 2011 12:46 pm
by Grammy G
UGG!! That slug pic gets me every time!! Love it!
It was a wise thing to make yesterday an S day! :) For my card playing friends, I broke a variety of biscotti into bit sized pieces and put them into a cut glass stemmed compote with little antique sugar tongs.. OMG..looked like I spent a long time planning it! The serving table looked picture perfect (I put sugar and creamer packets into a cut glass relish dish too!!) and got out my Mom's teacup collection to use.. perfect! More than the "Good Enough" I was aiming for!! I ate a few bites of guilt..instead of eating a whole big ol' biscotti. I think the ladies enjoyed trying a bite of several different kinds instead of having to choose one kind.. and a big biscotti is a messy thing to eat. We have a little deli close by that sells amazing bisotti. I often use a batch of them for hostess gifts..they are that good! (just read this over, I sound like a Martha Stewart wannabe!!)
We weren't having dinner at our usual 5:30-6:00 so I had a little nosh mid afternoon. When we did have dinner (out) my meal of pasta and veggies was terrible! Not enough veggies or sauce.. and it was cold! I thought of sending it back ..but I wasn't all that instead opted to "pick" at it a bit..enjoy my salad..and bring the pasta home. I will add salt and tuna and more veggies to it and it will serve hubby and me for dinner tonight.
Because I had planned the day as an S day, I didn't feel guilty about having a whole biscotti and some tea later in the evening... OH, I did have a gin-and-tonic at the restaurant too..but skipped wine with dinner.
All-in-al, a good S day and today will be as Normal as my day can be! :D

Posted: Fri May 13, 2011 2:33 pm
by Who Me?
Love the biscotti story.

I'm going to have to dig through my pictures, and find you more slug photos, just to make you giggle.

Posted: Sat May 14, 2011 10:01 am
by Grammy G
OHHHH..Who Mea gaggle of slugs is just what I need some days! I am up early AM and that first slug woke me up better than a cup of strong coffee!
I managed to stay on the wagon yesterday although the road was bumpy and full of ruts!
Having only grown older and no wiser, I began the day with shredded wheat, 1/2 banana, and milk..I don't do milk..especially in the mornings! I took one little Lactaid, thinking (if you can call it that), "this is just a tiny bit of milk." Wrong! I spent a large chunk of the day with a gut that was saying in its own language, "Why did you send me milk?" I took another Lactaid pill around 11, thinking, "Can't hurt, might help!" Had lunch with a friend..1/2 a sandwich and some apple sauce..and then around 4PM, I was really getting hungry. I thought about it a bit and then decided to just eat an early dinner and sip a cup of tea while hubby had his dinner..just so we could have that time to talk. I was making a tuna/noodle casserole which i like hot or cold so I had the cold version, along with a salad and a "mustard egg" (kinda like a red pickled egg only this version features yellow mustard and the eggs are abright yellow when "done"). No night eating..all is well! :D

Posted: Sat May 14, 2011 12:29 pm
by Pangelsue2
You inspired us all again, Grammy. I loved the "good enough" story and I swear I will use it on our next crazy company day. I want to see the company and they want to see me. The house, table, dinner etc. is not the issue. Thanks for sharing the yoga thoughts.

Posted: Sat May 14, 2011 12:44 pm
by Pangelsue2
Just went to my site and read your ideas regarding the hummus. I jotted them down because they are very helpful. We are at the marketing idea phase of setting up the business and I never thought of kids lunches or grab a lunch as a possible target group.

Posted: Sat May 14, 2011 2:14 pm
by Grammy G
gulp :oops: Here's what I'm thinking right now, "well..the house is as clean as I need it to be..last load of laundry is is just a bit after 10AM..maybe I should bake a dessert for tonight and whip up a nice layered veggie casserole." NO..a thousand times no! I just posted three days ago that "good enough" was, well, good enough! The dinner menu is planned with lots of take out and ready made so all I have to do is pick up and deliver to my son's home..everyone will be meeting there. I need to get into my head, "yea!! free time..go for a a book..enjoy!! This is a lesson I am having trouble learning. :cry: It would do me so much good to remember: stop and enjoy I think it will help me to come back and read this often. To the grocery store and that's it..the rest of the day is mine!!
Pangelsue2, glad I could be of some help! i am excited for you and your venture!

Posted: Sat May 14, 2011 3:00 pm
by idontknow
I love the 'good enough is good enough' point of view and I often say it to other people. But, like you, I always struggle to apply it to myself :roll: Good luck in enjoying your free time - read a book and post us a review :D

Posted: Sun May 15, 2011 4:12 pm
by Grammy G
YOu know how the saying goes that a job takes the amount of time you have to do it? That is what happened to me! :cry: Once again, my choice.. :cry: since I had the time..I went to a little deli to pick up potato salad..I like it best from them..probably no one else cared... I went to the bakery to pick up rolls..only I cared..but know everyone likes these rolls best. I made a breakfast casserole and cut up fruit for a fruit salad so breakfast would be easy on me..Then I cleaned up the kitchen and we left with food in hand to go to son's home. I didn't even read the newspaper, let alone a book! I did manage to sit down w/a cup of coffee and a magazine for a few minutes right before we got into the car. All MY doing!! I can't blame anyone..I was talkin' the talk but not walkin' the walk :cry: will I ever learn?
Right now, it is a little after noon, everyone has gone home. Brunch was a success..and easy..the kitchen is in order.. leftovers planned for dinner. I AM going to make another pot of the Sunday paper...take a nap..and do nothing :wink:

Posted: Mon May 16, 2011 12:29 pm
by Grammy G
Monday morning..the beginning of the second week of my 21 day challenge. I actually did what I planned to do yesterday..absolutely nothing. I kept green (remember I am trying floating me S days), although my meals were a little strange... maybe that is the only "treat" I need on many of my days to make S days less important. In reality, I do not usually crave sweets so maybe a little dessert once a week or so would work for me most weeks. :shock: Something to think about.
Sunday Meals:
B: yummy egg strata I made,1/2 ww bagel,fresh fruit salad
L: left over cold tuna salad on potato chips, egg strata,raw carrots
D: (at 4p.m.!) cold chicken BBQ, potato salad
I was hungry at 4 and so decided to just eat dinner and have a cup of tea or two in the evening. It worked for me. Hubby was watching golf and was happy to have chicken and potato salad and cherry tomatoes when he felt like making a plate..and I was free to do as I pleased! (What I "pleased" involved getting online and ordering myself a handbag and my favorite Dior perfume from Macy's! The purse is my "prize" for returning to noS and really getting right back in the swing. I rationalize that by carrying it I will constantly be reminded of noS when I am out and about! :roll: yea, i'm good at the"rationalizing" thing!! The perfume will be my prize when I have success with this May challenge..and i will do it!! :D :) :D


Posted: Mon May 16, 2011 1:38 pm
by tobiasmom
Sounds like a great Sunday! I think I had better find some No-S online purchases to make! ha. That egg strata sounds yum...was there meat in it or just cheese?

Posted: Tue May 17, 2011 11:56 am
by Grammy G
tobiasmom, the strata I made was full of meat to satisfy a hubby and son-in-law that are meat/potato guys and since I wasn't making potatoes, I loaded it with meat! I used crumbled turkey sausage and bacon (pork) and lots of cheeses..a bit of whatever I had in the frig..except "blue". I usually make it using up my stale bread and left over veggies that I have frozen and a bit of ham and lots of cheese and fresh herbs. (I hate to throw food out and try to put left overs to a good use in another meal. right now, the left over strata is frozen in serving sized portions ready for a quick meal as are the toasted bagels we didn't eat.
Monday was as close to normal as I ever get. I went to yoga class in the morning feeling very heavy-of-limb and sluggish.. but..I went :D . While in class, the thought came to me that the reason I was feeling sluggish and heavy (my weight hadn't changed) was my meals! Since Thursday, I had been eating white bread, white potatoes, red meat, sauces..things I usually don't eat at all (white bread,sauces) or eat on a very limited basis. I had had very few veggies or fruit servings during those days.. do even though my weight didn't go up.. I felt like that picture Who Me sent me..yep..that slug that only a mother could love! I made sure to have a nice fruit salad for lunch along with my veggies stuffed half a sandwich on ww bread and a brown rice/veggie/fish dinner with a fruit "dessert' . I drank large amounts of water all during the day and into the evening. I'm feeling more myself this morning, thank-you-very-much. Live and learn! :wink:

Posted: Tue May 17, 2011 12:27 pm
by Pangelsue2
Why do we love the foods that make us feel awful? I do the same thing. We had fish last night with sweet potatoes and broccoli. I felt great after eating it and satisfied. The night before we had a cheesy lasagna thing and it was delicious until the heartburn, heavy feeling and blahs set in. By our age, you would think it would sink in "heavy foods-bad, light foods-good". I will say that the longer I live without those foods, the less appeal they have and the more I notice how awful they make me feel. Progress? Dare I hope? Maybe so.

Posted: Tue May 17, 2011 1:09 pm
by Who Me?
I think that we tend to eat a huge hunk of heavy food, with a tiny bit of veggies on the side.

We'd probably benefit from reversing the proportions. Lots of veggies, and a little bit of the rich, heavy stuff.

Posted: Tue May 17, 2011 10:41 pm
by Grammy G
Pagelsue&Who.. how right you both are! I can't remember the last time I had lasagna..or any large amount of red sauce and cheese in a dish. I just can't do it! This weekend, I served BBQed ribs and chicken. I took one bite of one rib and passed the rest to hubby.. just knew what would happen if I ate them and it wasn't worth it! (In the past, I have eaten them and then been up all night.) I really am trying to serve smaller portions of meat and larger portions of veggies at dinner and lunch. I try to keep carrots,celery, peppers,lettuce,and tomatoes ready to add to a lunch plate and we always have grapes, apples, bananas, and grapefruit available.. My stomach requires that I have a slice of bread or serving of rice/pasta/potato with my meals or it rebels. I would love to just have a large salad for lunch or dinner but (sigh) those days are gone! (In fact, aren't they called our "salad days?) Guess we will all play with the hands we are dealt.....

Posted: Thu May 19, 2011 1:21 pm
by Grammy G
Ahh ..yes... Wednesday! :roll: Another raining day in paradise. I decided to tackle indoor projects.. (I would have looked pretty silly washing windows or weeding in the downpour we experienced) :roll: :roll: I was not a happy camper. Didn't want to hit the grocery store so made a 3 bean chili for the the crock pot and made a corn bread and salad. Problem: I was hungry for salmon! Easy solution: go to the market or just go out for dinner.. hubby would have been fine with that. Noooo... ate the chili dinner..not happy...offfered to do the dishes for hubby who was having arthritis issues in his wrists..I hate doing dishes..sat in the kitchen, feeling sorry for myself.. I know. I KNOW..this is a really bad thing for me to do! :shock: :shock: :shock: My decision, good or bad, was to take an S day (I am floating them) and just have a nosh after dinner. Comforting myself with food is not a good thing, I know :shock: On the "up" side, I did use an S and I didn't go crazy with it and I thought about what to do in the future. so today..another rainy one.. I am going to 1.break out my new walking DVD and give it a try 2. take an umbrella and stroll around downtown after a dentist appt 3 go grocery shopping 4. go out for dinner so I am not rushing home from grocery store having to unpack groceries and cook all at the same time. i can unpack the groceries, enjoy dinner (no dishes) and grill salmon tomorrow evening. Lesson learned .. I hope!! :shock: :shock: :shock:

Posted: Thu May 19, 2011 2:18 pm
by Who Me?
Salad makes you ill? That's horrible.

Posted: Thu May 19, 2011 2:40 pm
by Grammy G
You are right, Who, it is horrible!! all the salads you love when you are young.. you never know what you digestive system will decide to reject when you are older. I can eat a smallsalad once a day..but not as a "starter" to a meal. The Italian way of salad after main course works best for me. I miss being able to fix a large plate of freshly picked greens and add fresh veggies and some cheese..a little good oil... sigh :cry: Oh well..could be worse.. I am happy..

Posted: Sat May 21, 2011 11:57 am
by Grammy G
boy..what a few days..I didn't fall off the wagon but I was definitely hanging by my fingertips! I had a dentist appointment on Thursday and it fell when I would have been eating lunch. I really wasn't hungry so had a banana and called it lunch. So naturally I was really hungry for an early dinner..which I had. Then..I was hungry in the evening and decided to do an S and have a planned snack instead of grazing. That set me up for not being hungry for breakfast on Friday! I ate a bit around 10...ate a bit of lunch at 2 and then was really hungry at 4! I do not have the option of glasses of milk (Lactose issues) and coffee sounded did tea. So I ate a sandwich. This really set me up for disaster because I had wild Alaskan salmon out for grilling! Yep, I made it. Nope, I didn't eat it. Hubby said it was great (how could it not be!) I'll have some great salmon, mushroom, and peas pasta for dinner tonight. If I had eaten that meal, not only would I have had to post a Failure, I would have felt lousy (mentally and physically) all night. Whew!
Today, it is actually sunny! I am going to get myself dressed and go for a nice walk before the "life" takes over and I don't get to do this for me!

Posted: Sun May 22, 2011 12:48 pm
by Grammy G
Spent yesterday working outside. There is so much to do and so little time between rain events! We did a " good enough" job on many areas of the yard and deck..nothing is really weed free or scrubbed but it is "good enough" that we can enjoy it a bit! Even had a lovely dinner on the deck: left over salmon/ whole wheat pasta with cream, cheese, peas, and mushrooms/tomato w.garlic, olive oil and fresh herbs (I cleaned up the herb garden and found parsley, thyme, sage, loveage, and onion blossoms!) and a nice glass of wine.
Had breakfast on the deck this morning..left over and kept frozen Breakfast Strata from last weekend.. fruit salad of pineapple, cherries, banana, and blueberries. I am off for a walk and then plan to enjoy some quality time with a book in the hammock before those raindrops appear again!

Posted: Sun May 22, 2011 7:35 pm
by Strawberry Roan
Who Me? wrote:Salad makes you ill? That's horrible.

Love reading this thread, what a fun bunch.

Wow, salad a no-no, I wouldn't know what to eat - I eat a huge salad every day it seems, every veggie I can think of, cheese, chopped boiled egg, croutons, etc.. I will be very grateful and thankful , when I eat my salad today (at least I hope I get one, we are getting ready to go to a graduation Whole Hog Roast, I don't eat hog but I know there will be plenty of sides, hopefully a fresh green salad. Wonder if they have any of my pomegranate vinegar? :D

Posted: Sun May 22, 2011 7:51 pm
by Grammy G
Berry..just finished reading your thread@pig roast and was "binged" with your message. I'm sure you will have a lot of lovely sides to eat! Having a pig roast is a "thing" where I live too. My neighbor made his own outdoor spit and does his own roasting. I was the official pig decorator one for the pig's mouth..a daisy chain around the neck..grapes of various colors edging the huge platter. Quite a sight (I don't eat pork!).. The family grandfather ate huge amounts of "cracklin's" ..and then complained to me the next day that I must not have washed the grapes..He had eaten a few and was sick all night! No way anyone could convince him that all that greasy skin had anything to do with his illness!

Posted: Sun May 22, 2011 11:02 pm
by Grammy G
Sunday evening..a very nice day! It is amazing what a little sunshine can do to lift the spirits and resolve! Had a lovely bowl of cream-of-wheat for lunch..added wheat germ, nuts, dried fruit, a bit of cinnamon..yum!
Dinner was beef,peppers,mushrooms, and onions on crusty bread/ broccoli/ grape tomatoes. One of the few prepared foods I buy is Hormel prepared and packaged beef found in the packaged meat section of the market. It is usually hung over the packaged meat cuts. I used the "Italian Style Roast Beef" au jus. We do not eat a lot of beef and I can't remember the last time I made a roast. This package is perfect for sandwiches for 3 (or sandwiches for 2 and left overs over rice another night)! There is plenty of tasty juice for soaking bread or making into gravy. This package microwaves to piping hot in 4 minutes so it is a great quick meal. I added the peppers, mushrooms, and onions that I had sauteed just a bit. I have tried Tyson brand of the same product and Hormel wins by a landslide. It often goes on sale and I do stock up and freeze them when that happens. It is nice to have a quick meal at a moments notice (very good over noodles!!)
It ended up not raining and I spent the day doing absolutely nothing....except "reflect" on everything and nothing. Everyone needs a day once in awhile to do just that! I am feeling at peace.. strong.. energized.. ready to face the week! I wish the same to you! :)

Posted: Mon May 23, 2011 5:36 pm
by Pangelsue2
What a lovely post. I am having a day today doing nothing but what I want to do and I was feeling really guilty until I read your post. I am going to just enjoy it. The work and things I need to deal with will just have to wait until tomorrow. Thanks for the Zen moment.

Posted: Tue May 24, 2011 12:20 pm
by Grammy G
Thanks, Sue2! I absolutely know I need days to just reflect and regroup. A friend sent me a retirement card which stated:

How wonderful to spend the day doing nothing, and afterward, to rest.

I've taken that to heart and practice it as often as possible! :wink:

Posted: Tue May 24, 2011 1:29 pm
by kccc
Grammy, it is SO nice to have you here again! I like your "rest and regroup" line. (I'm getting ready to go on vacation, and driving myself crazy about it, lol!)

Posted: Tue May 24, 2011 3:10 pm
by Strawberry Roan
Oh Grammy, I know cracklin' s :wink: - ever had cracklin' cornbread? Yummy.. Loved your pig decorating story, I could do that before I could eat one :roll:

Posted: Tue May 24, 2011 6:42 pm
by Grammy G
KCCC, thank you for your kind words! Is this a major trip you are planning? I remember your trip west! Remember, there are stores everywhere now and if you forget something, you can always buy it along the way! Berry, I have never tried cracklins or had cornbread made with cracklins. Maybe when i am in FL for the winter, I will scout out the cornbread.. I think I would have trouble finding it here in PA!
This is a week filled with appointments and friends and so I am just going to roll with it. Whatever I feel like doing, I will do.
OH...isn't this typical: Hubby has been no Sing along with me since we returned from FL in April. He has not given up his pre-dinner treats of chip/pretzels/nuts and a beer. He eats a plateful of dinner and a nice salad on the side and has another beer or wine. He announced today that he has lost 10 lbs! I do not see him struggling with snacking or eating after dinner or craving desserts. He will eat desserts on the weekends and that is that! No drama.. He just does it! all my complaining and stressing..I just checked and I have actually lost 5 lbs. so...good for me too!

Posted: Tue May 24, 2011 8:05 pm
by Strawberry Roan
Way to go Grammy and Mr. Grammy :D

I actually haven't had cracklin' cornbread for about thirty or forty years but it was good, nice crunchy real pork rinds - cannot imagine eating it now but if my grandma was here and made it for me, I sure would :wink:

Posted: Wed May 25, 2011 1:44 am
by kccc
Congrats to you for losing weight... AND for maintaining your temper with your hubby for effortlessly losing more! (Probably one of the most irritating things otherwise nice men do!)

Posted: Fri May 27, 2011 12:31 pm
by Grammy G
Oh, KCCC, you know how unnerving that is!! I am happy that he lost the weight but..... I kinda wish I had never checked on my weight loss because I think (no, I know) I used it for permission to eat a pint of Starbuck's wonderful coffee ice cream :cry: It was the perfect storm! I had a $! coupon for the treat..a coupon to double it,,the ice cream on sale. That was the first wave.. (hubby won't touch coffee ice cream so no matter what I say.. it was for me). I had a very busy day of errands and managed to get in a yoga session and a 1 1/2 mile walk. then did kitchen chores of making stock, putting groceries away, cooking dinner, and on and on. Just when I sat down to relax, the electricity went out. I read until it was dark (over 1 1/2 hours) and then decided I should taste that ice cream as it was probably melted to the perfect eating temperature. This was the huge wave of that storm hitting me! It was soooo goooood. I took a few lactaid pills, made myself comfortable and enjoyed luscious ice cream by candle light. Didn't put it into a bowl. Didn't stop until I was finished with it all! Lesson I learned: I will not ever buy Starbucks Ice Cream unless it is an S day! There is no reason to have it in the house! I feel OK about this slip! I can "mark it and move on" without beating up on myself. This is a big step for me!! The rest of the day was absolutely green. Had lunch with friends,, no problem..had a glass of wine with dinner and then switched to water.. no problem. Just had that ice cream calling my name :shock:

Posted: Fri May 27, 2011 6:27 pm
by butterfly1000
Hi Grammy,
I thank you for your comments on my Daily Check In. I hesitated before joining again because I feel that I can never stick to anything long enough to see results. But giving up is not an option, so I'm just going to keep trying.

Good luck to you too.


Posted: Sat May 28, 2011 7:55 am
by idontknow
Well done on the weight loss, Grammy. :D Bad luck on the ice-cream - but well done on finding a solution for the future :D And double well done for not using it as an excuse to carry on eating for the rest of the day.

Posted: Sat May 28, 2011 11:48 am
by Grammy G
thank you ladies for the high fives..but..alas :( I had a couple of crackers and a bit of cheese last evening.. not the full blown clean-out-the frige binge.. not even close.. but it was a snack and i shouldn't have done it. :( :( I think that I am of the Paul Simon school of thought on this one: "the nearer your destination, the more you slip-slide away".. I'm near and I am aslippin' and aslidin'! I am going to think about this as I walk this morning. I think I may tend to do this in other areas of my life too.. mmmmm :?

Posted: Sun May 29, 2011 7:53 am
by idontknow
Do you mean you are self-sabotaging?

Posted: Sun May 29, 2011 5:04 pm
by Grammy G
idon'tknow wrote:Do you mean you are self-sabotaging?
oh yea..big time.. It is one of the things I am very good at doing!! I will be addressing this area in my next 21 day cycle.
In reality, I didn't go crazy on my F [ /b] days, a few crackers and cheese, some Combo pretzel snacks, the pint of Starbuck's Ice cream.. that is, one of those "treats" for each day. My S days were very calm too.. a drink or two..a grazing evening. So, I think I am ready to attack that little voice that talks me into failure. I am thinking about that as I wash windows and get the screens in today.. Both chores are getting my "good enough" treatment so i am really almost done!

Posted: Mon May 30, 2011 3:45 pm
by Grammy G
Next 2i days
1. Continue flexible S days 2. walk 5 days a week for 30 minutes..which can be divided but will be walking for walking sake.
I know that one new task for 21 days works for me so, even though I am anxious to build more good habits into my life, I am going to take "baby steps" and aim for success the entire three weeks. I will be aware that I tend to sabotage myself as I near my goals. Any help for this problem will be appreciated. Thanks!

Posted: Mon May 30, 2011 8:24 pm
by butterfly1000
I agree that taking baby steps is the way to go (not always easy, because we want fast results), but they will probably be long-lasting results. We can't give up, even when we have small setbacks. When I don't stick to my daily goal I tend to sabotage the rest of the day ... I'm trying to avoid that by dividing the day into 6 parts so that even if, let's say, I have dessert at lunch (which will give me a red), I can still have greens for the other part of the day. There are days that I feel optimistic and others where I'm totally discouraged. We have to take one day at a time and do our best.


Posted: Tue May 31, 2011 6:56 am
by idontknow
I completely agree, Butterfly and Grammy. The days where I am most successful are when I don't think about the big picture. I just focus on doing the right thing at that moment.
My new mantra is 'just for today I will follow the rules of No S'. It relieves all the pressure to lose weight, or to keep this up long term - I only have to think about today.
Good luck :D

Posted: Tue May 31, 2011 11:47 am
by Grammy G
Thanks Butterfly and IDK..that is just what I needed to hear! :D
I am off to a good start and am going to do my posting here on a little chart of my own making. Dinner with friends tonight but they are not the tiype to linger over drinks and starters or order dessert...good week-day friends to dine with, I wold say! I got out my new walking DVD yesterday afternoon and did 2 miles. Did some stretches for 20 minutes too ..I feel good! (Did Lil' Richard sing that?) Today, I am aiming for a morning walk while it is still cool and breezy. I am sitting on my deck, drinking coffee, and repeating my morning mantra: "quiet morning, whisper my hope for a peaceful day". Does it get any better than this? :wink:

Posted: Tue May 31, 2011 11:56 am
by Grammy G
MY 21

I am going to chart my floating S days and use emoticons for success with my plan to walk 30 minutes 5 days a week.The * symbol means I did NOT need a mini meal in the evening to take meds, Here I gooooooo!

week one: ]G-R-E-E-N!!! whoo-hoo!!
Mon. N*// :D (1)
Tue. N* // :D (2)
Wed. N* // :D (3)
Thu. N*// :arrow:
Fri. S*//:D(4)
Sat. N*// :arrow:
Sun. S*// :D(5)

week two
Mon. ]N* //:arrow:

Posted: Tue May 31, 2011 4:37 pm
by Pangelsue2
Way to go on the 5 # weight loss. Men lose weight faster than women and they stress less about it. That is a fact of life. A maddening one but none the less a fact. Comparing is not always good. Last January, my husband and daughter and I decided to do a 3 month weight loss challenge. I should never have agreed to this. When my husband puts his mind to something, he just does it (like your husband) so he lost at a steady rate. My daughter is half my age and exercised like crazy. She lost very quickly. Guess who kept losing and gaining the same 2 to 3 pounds for 3 months. I berated myself and felt like a big loser. So, of course, I countered that feeling with binging and saying who cares anyway. That was followed by about a 5 pound weight gain. So, I am trying to worry only about me this time around and like Who said, I am trying to not think of the long haul, just this moment. I can do just this moment.

I hear you on the ice cream thing too. I can't believe what I did over the weekend. I am a coupon lady and couldn't resist a Breyer's sale of 4 containers for $10.00. Too good to pass up, right. Well, there was way too much ice cream eaten on the S days. And now there is a ton of it left getting freezer burned (that is what I am telling myself anyway) and it is eating a hole in my brain every time I think of it. Dumb move on my part but I will have to learn from it and move on. I am trying to talk myself into throwing some of it out but I am too thrifty to do that. Yikes!! Maybe I can use it to prove to myself, it is better to let it get freezer burned than eat it. What do you think?

Good luck with your new 21 day plan and don't sabotage yourself. Winning feels far better than losing but first we have to get over the fear of maintaining the winning streak. It sometimes seems like just giving up right away would be easier than winning and then slowly backsliding and losing. We are all here to say, it isn't. Hang in there.

Posted: Tue May 31, 2011 8:08 pm
by Grammy G
Yea, Sue2, is a bummer to be the one preparing the meals that everyone else is losing weight on faster than you..t'aint fair :? But, I guess "it is what it is" and on we go from there! still a bummer!
I am lucky in that I really don't like ice cream other than Starbuck's and a few Ben and Jerry's flavors. And, if I want to eat ice cream, I must take lactose pills or s-u-f-f-e-r. I bought (a double $1.00 off+sale price!!)Magnum triple chocolate ice cream bars for hubby and he said they were absolutely delicious.. I didn't even taste them.
Today is not turning out to be the day I expected. Hubby is coughing and sneezing and cold (the house "air" is set at 74) and tired and aching otherwords ..ill. I canceled our dinner w/ friends and put him to bed ..where he stayed (so he really is ill!). I did get me 30 min.walk in and did a bunch of errands. I made some very nice soup(turkey, noodles,white beans, and spinach) that I think hubby will be having for dinner and I am extremely hungry for a hamburger... so that is what I will be having...along with raw veggies and some apple slices. Let's see what tomorrow brings!

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2011 3:25 am
by Pangelsue2
Good for you for taking the walk. Way to make your own needs important too.
Also congrats on having the hamburger. I have to remember that. My husband and daughter love spaghetti with meat sauce and I have never been a fan but I eat it when I make it for them. Maybe from now on, when they have spaghetti, I will have a hamburger instead or whatever is zinging to me. Thanks for the inspiration.

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2011 2:42 pm
by kccc
Hope your hubby is feeling better. I'm cheering you on your 21-day streak!

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2011 11:51 pm
by Grammy G
Once again, the day wasn't as I planned! Hubby, who told me he wanted something "light" for dinner Tues. evening, decided my 'burger looked really good so he had one too! We had the soup today(Wed.) for lunch and it was really yummy so I'm kinda glad he decided to not have it for dinner on Tues!
I spent my morning today (Wed.) with a neighbor who needed a ride for an eye appointment and then to the pharmacy and then the wait for the meds.. We were gone all morning, which is fine, we had a great time gabbing so the time flew..and I took a book so I had a quiet spot (the waiting room!) to read while she saw the doc. After lunch, I decided to run to the local mall and spent an hour wandering around. As I was driving home, :twisted: tried to convince me I could call that hour my 30 minute walk! :shock: argued that I said I was doing 30 minutes of "walking for walking's sake" not wandering aimlessly about!! :twisted: :D :twisted: :D It went back and forth the whole drive home (luckily, a short trip) !! As soon as I walked in the door, I put on my sneakers and got out the walking DVD (too muggy and too much pollen to be outside very long) and did two miles!! I am very proud of myself for just plowing ahead and doing it!
:D Hubby is still not feeling well...the tree pollen is really a problem right now and I understand many folks are really feeling unwell because of it. He says he is sick of being sick..I see that as a good sign! Tomorrow is Thursday already.. Wow! good luck out there!

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:01 am
by Grammy G
Special Announcement :arrow: It is after 9PM and I am sitting in the living room having a cup of tea w/milk! :D :D for those of you who know my struggles.. this is a big accomplishment!! :D :D I have not had to stay upstairs to avoid the kitchen at night.. I have not opened the frig "looking" :shock: for anything..I am here and happily sipping tea!! I hope I have rounded the bend on that problem.. I am NOT going to get complacent and think I have night eating totally under control but.. tonight I have..last night, I stayed downstairs and was fine and several nights last week!! Whoo Hoo for me!!
For those who know I ordered my fav Dior perfume as a "prize" for being a success at my 21 day challenge.. I still haven't opened the package because i had 3 failures during that time. Hope I get to use it at the end of this 21. I did give myself the purse I ordered as soon as it came because that was mine because i came back to noS and am trying my best! I know this is really silly but, as someone mentioned: if it works, it works and this works for me! So far, so good!

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:19 am
by thtrchic
Congratulations, Grammy! Great work!


Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:56 am
by Strawberry Roan
Hey - Way to Go Grammy !!!! :D

Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2011 2:00 am
by Pangelsue2
You are so awesome at motivating yourself and also talking down that inner voice that tries to undermine your best intentions. You have every right to be proud of yourself. There are no silly methods if they work. The only methods that are silly are ones that make you miserable or consistently don't work. Good for you and I hope you get to open your perfume.

Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2011 6:15 pm
by Grammy G
Thank you..thank you..thank you! I am blushing with happiness! I used an S day yesterday mainly because I had decided not to use two S days in a row if I could help it.. I had an extremely busy day yesterday beginning with a yearly physical (all is well) and ending at the grocery store. By evening, when I sat down w/my tea, I decided to have a Girl Scout cookie or two.. and that is exactly what I did! I had two cookies w/ my tea! :D 140 calories for the counters out there.. a serving! i didn't eat the whole bag.. I didn't feel guilty..I enjoyed every crumb!
Today is hubby's birthday but we are celebrating tomorrow. He is still not feeling well! Better each day but.. we actually went to the walk-n clinic but they had as many people waiting that they weren't taking anyone else. Doc on Monday if he isn't near perfect by then. I'm having a N day today..S tomorrow for sure! Birthday cake!!
Today was the first day of our farmers' market and, as usual, I went crazy! Since it is almost the end of the asparagus season here, I bought a huge amount and plan to have asparagus at least once a day all week. The lettuce at each vendor's booth looked so beautiful..I bought diffferent varieties from four vendors. That's a lot of lettuce!! Pickling cukes, small heritage tomatoes,baby green beans, snow peas, beets with their greens attached (two batches of those!), spring onions, eggs, radishes.. remember, there are just the two of us! We will really be enjoying this all week! i stopped at the grocery store for some fruit and the Copper River Salmon was half price for one day! It was $24.98 a pound!! I actually took a deep breath and spent over $53 ... half price and a real treat we will enjoy when the whole family gathers at the end of the month. Still... gulp! :shock:
I have now spent the major part of the day involved with food in one way or another and i still have to clean up the kitchen after all my prep work. I just made myself a cup of hazelnut coffee and will enjoy that while I read over some posts and then I'll finish up. Easy dinner tonight: left over ham and couscous, asparagus and salad! Happy week-end!

Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2011 6:25 pm
by Grammy G
I just reread what I wrote and think I need to state in a post of it's own, that I realize i don"t have to use two S days.. It was just so nice to sit down and truly enjoy those two cookies! It wasn't a "reward" wasn't a "what can I eat?" moment.. it wasn't that I had planned it all day... It was just ..nice :).
Tomorrow (Sunday) is an S day for me, so all I have to do is fit in a 30 minute walk and I will have a perfect week! I can do this!!
I hope!

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2011 1:17 am
by Grammy G
Grammy G wrote:MY 21

I am going to chart my floating S days and use emoticons for success with my plan to walk 30 minutes 5 days a week.The * symbol means I did NOT need a mini meal in the evening to take meds, Here I gooooooo!

week one:
Mon. N*// :D (1)
Tue. N* // :D (2)
Wed. N* // :D (3)
Thu. N*// :arrow:
Fri. S*//:D(4)
Sat. N*// :arrow:
Sun. S*// :D(5)
First week is a GREEN one! Good for me!!
week two
Mon. N*// :arrow:
Tue. N*// :D (1)
Wed. N*// :D (2)
Thu. S*// :arrow:
Fri N*// :D (3)
Sat. S*// :D (4)
Sun. N*// :D (5)
Week Two is GREEN!! WoooHoo[/color]!!!

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2011 1:34 am
by Grammy G
I'm going to keep moving the information of my week on Sunday so I can review it and get your help. This week was easier than I thought it would be. I seem to finally be getting the mind set to just do what I say I am going to do! Why do I fight that concept? :shock: Today was hubby's birthday dinner (he is finally feeling better)and a day that was definitely an S day! I made sure to make time for myself in the early morning to get in a half hour walk outside. It really helps me if I do not let my exercise totally slide on S days..I feel like I am still in control of the day. Had a bigger than usual lunch..still fit on the plate (which was a luncheon size paper plate) and a few pretzels and a coke mid afternoon. Dinner was grilled flank steak, grilled asparagus and spring onions, a salad of greens,beets,mushrooms,cherry tomatoes,cukes,and red onion..oil, vinegar, and a little blue cheese...I skipped the corn on the cob and the bread but not the birthday caramel cake with that Starbuck's ice cream I love (flavor tomight: coffee, vanilla, caramel swirl!!). Had a Jack and Ginger before dinner too.. a nice day with kids and grandkids and good food! I am wiped out from it all but do not feel especially stuffed and miserable, and I am ready for Monday :)

Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2011 12:42 am
by Grammy G
Monday evening...spent the day putting the house back in order after the day w/grandchildren here yesterday. i really enjoyed the day but was just not ready to face a day full of physical activity so took a :arrow: day for my walking and had a wonderful massage in the late afternoon.. I had it scheduled for two weeks..perfect timing. Dinner was left over corn on the cob, grilled asparagus and onions, snow peas, and a fresh green salad. I found a square of breakfast strata in the freezer when I was moving things around and that added a nice touch (we split it) to the plate too. I absolutely love spring veggies!!
I have been thinking about my inclination to put my "wants" second to what hubby/kids want to do..or I think they want to do and my thinking I have to do all the "work" involved with entertaining or the world might come to an end. :roll: I am concluding that I have been making mountains from mole hills and need to just stand up more often and say what I want to do or what I am going to do. Example (to most of you this is probably silly): Sunday morning, I wanted to get in a walk before 9:30 AM..That was my plan and goal. I told hubby that i was going to walk at around 8:45 because I wanted to be back by 9:30. He said that if I would wait until 9:30 to go, he could come too. In the past, I would have changed my plans.. rushed out to get the groceries first and get them put away and walked at 9:30 and then rushed to shower, etc. This time I told him that I needed to go earlier and he was welcome to join me but at 8:45. He said Ok..and did! How easy was that? Usually I rush to get everything perfectly ready before anyone comes for a meal..even the family. Yesterday, I read a magazine instead and when they got here, we all pitched in and got the food on the table and everyone helped get it cleared away after the meal. I did the same thing with dinner so I got to spend the major part of the day enjoying the grandkids. That was very freeing for me and I think good for all of us. I'm not sure how all of this involves my eating patterns, but I'm sure it does because it is a pretty basic part of who I am, any insights appreciated..

Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2011 11:50 am
by Grammy G
I think I am doing OK with meals but, I am going to post what I'm eating for the next two weeks so I (and you) can review it and comment. I was hungry around 9 last night..made a cup of "sleepy-time" tea and then another..and here I am this morning.. I did not die of hunger! :roll:
breakfast (7:30am) coffee (,,,)/1/2 large pumpernickle bagel w. cheese// fresh fruit salad (strawberries, banana,pineapple)
lunch (12:30pm)1 slice mestermacher rye bread w.turkey/cheese/apple slices/dried cranberries/lettuce yummy//carrot and celery sticks//water
afternoon cafe au lait with cinnamon sprinkled on top (at home)
dinner (5:30) chicken,steamed green beans,cauliflower&cheese casserole, tomato&bread salad,water

Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2011 12:48 pm
by Pangelsue2
My only comment is that you are doing terrific. I think the decisions you are making are life changing. And they are related to your eating. The more things you change in your life, the more powerful and in control you feel. That is bound to spill over into your eating patterns as well. We have talked before that a lot of our stuffing emotions led to stuffing food too. Change is hard but sometimes, as you pointed out, we are the only ones really tied to the old patterns. Our family and friends don't care as much as we think they do when we state our feelings.
Again, you are an inspiration. The last 8 months, because of health issues, I have been feeling very powerless. No S is helping me realize a decision at a time that I am more powerful than I thought. It will take time to build my confidence back up but your journey is helping realize the potential in changing behavior.
Thanks and keep up the good work.

Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2011 1:19 pm
by kccc
Grammy G wrote:I have been thinking about my inclination to put my "wants" second to what hubby/kids want to do..or I think they want to do and my thinking I have to do all the "work" involved with entertaining or the world might come to an end. :roll: I am concluding that I have been making mountains from mole hills and need to just stand up more often and say what I want to do or what I am going to do. Example (to most of you this is probably silly): Sunday morning, I wanted to get in a walk before 9:30 AM..That was my plan and goal. I told hubby that i was going to walk at around 8:45 because I wanted to be back by 9:30. He said that if I would wait until 9:30 to go, he could come too. In the past, I would have changed my plans.. rushed out to get the groceries first and get them put away and walked at 9:30 and then rushed to shower, etc. This time I told him that I needed to go earlier and he was welcome to join me but at 8:45. He said Ok..and did! How easy was that? Usually I rush to get everything perfectly ready before anyone comes for a meal..even the family. Yesterday, I read a magazine instead and when they got here, we all pitched in and got the food on the table and everyone helped get it cleared away after the meal. I did the same thing with dinner so I got to spend the major part of the day enjoying the grandkids. That was very freeing for me and I think good for all of us. I'm not sure how all of this involves my eating patterns, but I'm sure it does because it is a pretty basic part of who I am, any insights appreciated..
Grammy, I could have written this - not the specific details, but the larger theme of "putting myself last for what I think other people want." I have gotten much better about that in recent years, and I think we are ALL happier as a result. (The other part of that cycle is that eventually resentment would build up and I would be less-than-nice to the people I love most. :oops: )

I follow a blog called the "Happiness Project" ( and one othe insights the author made is that one of the best ways to make other people happy is to be happy yourself. There's some truth in that.

Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2011 4:55 pm
by Grammy G
Sue2 and KCCC..thank you for your kind comments. I believe that if we were all honest about what is going on in our lives, we could be such a help to each other. I have learned so much from the both of you and many others here too. Sue2, I once posted a poem called Indigestion that I wrote during a particularly low point in my life. I remember that KCCC read it. It is about stuffing down feelings and eating. If you can't find it, tell me and I'll look or rewrite it. KCCC..I am going to check out the "Happiness Project" site... sounds like something I would appreciate.
I like the way I am feeling lately and hope I can continue to keep this inner calmness when things get crazy..and we all know they will!
On a totally different note: hubby finally went to the walk-in clinic this morning. (He waited almost 2 weeks to seek help and now our doc is on vacation!).. He has inflamed nose and throat and ..this is the strange thing .. his ears clogged with wax! The doc said that the plugged ears were causing his light headedness and dizziness! The pressure could not get equalized because of these huge plugs (he also couldn't hear.. I thought it was just age related loss). He has always had a problem with wax and has had to get wax removed before but, we just didn't think of that as being part of his problem. Easy solution and maybe this info will help someone out there!

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2011 5:38 pm
by Grammy G
...and so the calm is shattered! could it be only yesterday I was speaking of my 'calm self'??? This morning I discovered my dryer had died overnight..he (I think of dryers as masculine, don't know why) let a busy and long life (believe it or not 28 years old!!!...and from the 'scratch and dent dept. at Sears!!) soo..may he rest in peace. Meanwhile, my peace is shattered :cry: .
I must go out and buy a new appliance.. not my cup o' tea! I was distraught for about two minutes about it when I made the discovery and thought the following; it is so old, I was doing the last load of weekly laundry, I didn't have a houseful of company, I can afford to go out and buy a new one. Once I thought of those things..what was there to be upset about? :roll: ( I actually prefer to hang the laundry outside to dry but the lack of sun has made the dryer an important appliance.)
Got in a 30 minute walk and a yoga class this morning so feel really good about keeping to my goal plan.
Not going to be back online until tomorrow.. busy times!
Breakfast fried egg/toast/fresh fruit salad topped w. Greek yogurt&cinnamon/coffee
lunch salad of: mixed greens (about a cup)plus turkey, cheese, mushrooms, apple, dried cranberries, celery w. dressing of Greek yogurt mixed with a little ranch dip/slice of rye toast/iced tea
dinner (planned) salmon cakes/corn on cob/green beans/tomato salad

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2011 5:59 pm
by Pangelsue2
WooHOO. Way to go. You are super-charged.
Hope your husband will be feeling better now that his ears are cleaned and he has help with the allergies. I don't know about where you are but the allergy index here in Wisconsin is very high.

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 1:00 pm
by Grammy G
Another hazy, hot, humid day :cry: . I have an outdoor hot tub that still is wearing it's winter "blue tarp" coat! covered with puddles of yellow pollen.
Hubby is feeling well enough to be doing the dishes and straightening the kitchen..right up there with my least fav jobs and he knows it is very nice of him to take that over again.
Breakfast: Fiber One (mix) pancakes with applesauce instead of syrup/ turkey sausage/ strawberry and pineapple fruit salad//coffee
Lunch (planned); ho-made cauliflower,mushroom&cheese soup/rye toast/HB egg/grapes
Dinner (planned) ho-made veggie chlli over corn bread/green salad with Greek yogurt dressing/beets
I still have the feeling that I am in control of my eating..and it is still a peaceful calm that is flowing into all aspects of my life... which means it is flowing into hubby's life too! I can see the difference!! :D
S treat: 2 Girls Scout Somoma (?) cookies topped with fav. Starbuck's ice cream.. that's it :D :lol: :D

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 10:43 am
by butterfly1000
Grammy G wrote:I still have the feeling that I am in control of my eating..and it is still a peaceful calm that is flowing into all aspects of my life...
Thanks for keeping an eye on me -- I hope so much to make it work this time. I guess, as you say, we strive for feeling in control of food and not the other way around. I'd like to reach a point where I will have a dessert because I'm really in the mood for it, and not because of some kind of craving that when I finish eating the dessert and I stop to think about it -- wasn't even that satisfying.

Keep it up!

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 3:06 pm
by Grammy G
Those smiling faces at the end of my last post are really just there to mock me I'm sure!! And hers the reason they are doing it:
As I was clearing things in the evening, I picked up a bag of pretzel nuggets with salty mustard sauce on them..mmm..I decided to give them a taste taste (as though I didn't know what they taste like?!?) ..and then decided to sit down w/the bag and eat a few (ha ha..from the bag :twisted: ) and watch the news on TV. The only good thing about this story isI was not in the kitchen! I didn't finish the bag but I also ate more than one helping, that's for sure. I was an S day for me..but..I'm still not happy about it :( Here is why: eating in the evenings is never a good thing for me..I end up not sleeping well and not being hungry for breakfast but starving by lunch..setting me up for another day of crazy eating. So even on S days, it is to my advantage not to eat in the evenings.
Also, I did what I stated I was going to try to avoid doing :arrow: I took an S day for food and also a "skip" day on walking. That combo seems to set me up to be mindless about everything (I also did no yoga) i guess this incident proves the point that I do need to keep my S days and "skip" days apart. Really not a hard thing to do if I think about it!
Story told :arrow: moving on :wink:
Breakfast: (slept in 'til almost 8 because didn't sleep well) coffee and fresh fruit salad (banana,strawberry, pineapple)
walked for 30 minutes at 9:30...feel better about things already :)

Lunch: (planned) Turkey sandwich with lots of veggies on one of those 100 calories sandwich rounds(I love them! raw carrots, 1/2 apple
dinner (planned) salmon cakes (left over), asparagus,perogies, green salad with beets, red onion, blue cheese and oil&vinegar dressing

Saturday will be an S day for me beginning with going to the little girls' (8 yrs and 5 yrs) soccer games(luckily at the same field) ..and ending with a picnic dinner at a neighbors' home. I know I can get a walk in during the day with no difficulty. Should be a fun day from beginning to end! Happy week end :D

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2011 1:07 pm
by Grammy G
Saturday was an S day for me that wasn't too crazy. I think I finally got my head around the fact that eating after dinner just makes me uncomfortable for sleeping and starts off the next day with me being not hungry for breakfast and just feeling sluggish. Why would I want to do that to myself even if I have "permission"? Don't know..but I sure did it for a long time! :oops: Treats for the day included a few cookies from the farmers' market..about 1/2 cup of MY ice cream..all consumed in the afternoon because I knew we were having dinner around 7:30 at the neighbors' picnic. At dinner, I had one plate of yummy food and two small bowls of a delicious spicy bean soup that I an going to be making myself in the future. No sweets... the second bowl of soup was what I wanted that is what I had! Had 2 1/2 light beers to drink... I'm happy with that!
I really had to have one of those fights :evil: :) :evil: :) with myself to get my 30 minute walk in..but I finally got out there and did it and was very proud of myself for not letting :evil: win! (I really want that perfume "prize" waiting for me in one more week!
Today, Sunday, is a normal day for me and that is fine. I am going to wash some bedding and hang clothes lines on this beautiful day (plus the new dryer hasn't arrived..but isn't bedding wonderful when air-dried!?) I'll get my walk in and a little yoga. A friend shared a DVD "yoga for arthritis" for hubby and I want to try it and then see if I can get him interested.
Haven't planned the meals for today.. just had a (breakfast) slice of olive oil bread toasted and coffee. That large dinner later than I am used to eating left me with little appetite for breakfast or for planning meals... we'll see how I do without a plan in place! I think OK since there are so many veggies around, farm eggs and good cheeses...Lunch2 egg omlette filled with veggies and topped with 2 cheeses//1/2 slice rye toast//fresh fruit salad of strawberries,pineapple,banana dinnergrilled shrimp//brown rice w. peas and celery/green salad onion and cauliflower//1 beer.
I walked for 30 minutes in the afternoon so,,ta,da .. week two was a success! Here comes my problem week..but, this time , I am r-e-a-d-y! :wink:

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2011 7:48 pm
by Strawberry Roan

I don't treat the S days much differently from the N days as my goal is not weight loss as much as healthy eating. If I want a little something, which is rare, I have it and move on. The goal is sane eating for me. Waiting five days to gorge for two doesn't seem productive to me either. I hate that feeling of Geez, why did I have to eat all that? :roll:

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2011 4:11 am
by Grammy G
Exactly, Strawberrry!! I am finally getting to the place of realizing that! :roll: What took me so long??? I do need to lose weight and I still don't trust myself to just say eat a treat whenever..but I'm getting there!I have been thinking about wht to do about my next "21" days..I still have a week to go for this "21" to be a success but I reallly want that perfume so I AM going to do it! (I work on 3 week cycles and then reevaluate ..seems to work best for me). Anyhow, my next 21 will bring lots of company:a son and his family that we only get to see once or twice every year and a dear friend and her husband that we see once a year, if that. I think I am going to use the Four Agreements "do your best..not less..not more" as my goal for the cycle. I think I am ready for that and, Strawberry, it seems to be pretty much how you are living NO-S. am I right? So, life can be a bowl of cherries...just be sure there is no sugar added unless it is an S Day! :wink:

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2011 8:11 pm
by Grammy G
Grammy G wrote:
Grammy G wrote:MY 21

I am going to chart my floating S days and use emoticons for success with my plan to walk 30 minutes 5 days a week.The * symbol means I did NOT need a mini meal in the evening to take meds, Here I gooooooo!

week one:
Mon. N*// :D (1)
Tue. N* // :D (2)
Wed. N* // :D (3)
Thu. N*// :arrow:
Fri. S*//:D(4)
Sat. N*// :arrow:
Sun. S*// :D(5)
First week is a GREEN one! Good for me!!(5)
week two
Mon. N*// :arrow:
Tue. N*// :D (1)
Wed. N*// :D (2)
Thu. S*// :arrow:
Fri N*// :D (3)
Sat. S*// :D (4)
Sun. N*// :D (5)
Week Two is GREEN!! WoooHoo[/color]!!!

Week three My :twisted: week!!
Mon. I am zapped. Just plain zapped today. Did the grocery shopping this morning and that was it. Planned to make fish for dinner but think I am sending hubby out to Mickey D's place. I'm going to have a Big Mac .. don't remember the last time I had one.. and a decafe coffee. This will be my "skip" day for walking. I am going to have a green week!
Mon.Check in:N*// :arrow:
Tues. N*// :D (1)
Wed. N*// :arrow:
Thu. S*// :D (2)
Fri. S*// :D (3)
although I don't like to have two S days together, hubby and I went to a new restaurant for dinner and ate on the patio and it just felt so good to linger over dinner and a pitcher of icy cold beer and then split a slice of chocolate torte with our coffee. this is the first time in several weeks we have been out for a meal together because of his feeling so lousy.. so it was very S-special!
Sat. N*// :D (4)
one day to go!! :lol:
Sun. N*// :D (5)

:D :lol: :) :lol: WHoo-Hooo I made it :D :lol: :D :lol:

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2011 12:42 am
by Pangelsue2
Loved you sharing your weekend on my post. Feel free to do it anytime.
Regarding the friends coming over at supper time to have a drink or two and then dragging out your supper time. That is really one of my pet peeves. We have several friends who do that. They show up unannounced. Time marches on. I want supper so I ask them to stay. They say they can't but then continue to stay and hold up my supper. I would like to get to the point where I would comfortable saying, "I am going to start our supper now. We are really hungry and don't like to eat too late. Again, you are welcome to stay but if you don't want to eat, you will have to excuse us eating in front of you." As I said, I would like to get to the point where I would say that but I don't know if I ever will. I am too much of a people pleaser and too polite to eat in front of someone. It is really rude and annoying when someone does that. If I eat too late at night, I usually get heartburn. I feel your pain.

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2011 12:58 am
by Pangelsue2
By the way, I am happy for you that you will have such great company to look forward to. You will do fine. You have already had several dress rehearsals for their visit. Don't fuss with the food. Make the food secondary. It is all about the visit and relaxing surrounded by loving friends and relatives. Plan lovely walks and talks. Have a full line up of things to do together that are not food related. It might make it easier to resist splurging. Save that for a nice meal or two at home or out. Then draw out coffee with a campfire or something. Are there any events you can attend together, concerts, plays or something like that? I hope you have a ball. It will be a nice reward for all your hard work.

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2011 12:59 am
by Grammy G
I knew you would know what i was talking about Sue2! I wish I were brave enough to make your little "speech" I would rather get in the car and drive around after announcing I had to leave in an hour...or, like you just suffer! I am angry with myself ...still!! ..and you are right..last night was the first night in weeks that I had heartburn and was up for hours (being angry with myself) aaaaggggghhhhh! I'm concerned that if I talk them out of coming before dinner, they will say they'll be over after dinner and then I won't be able to get them to leave....aaaagggghhhh!!!

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2011 1:20 am
by Grammy G
Thanks and I must have been posting at about the same time! I am looking forward to the kids and grandkids being here! My sons are great cooks and I pretty much just have to buy the ingredients and turn them loose!
We have a fire ring at the back of our property and sitting around it in the evenings is always a part of our visits. We have a large hot tub on the deck and that is always a place to gather too..the kids in the day and the adults at night. We always get a fresh keg of beer in before they come and we do spend time just hanging out. We will probably do one "fancy" dinner to celebrate our anniversary and my son's and his long time significant other's engagement. ( I sent him his great-grandmother's engagement ring for the event!)
The friend who is coming is my ex-sister-in-law and her husband. She has been like a sister to me..She hasn't seen her grand nieces for several years so we will have a ball doing things with the little girls.
We have bike trails and bikes..kayaks and lakes... It will be fun!! ..and i will do my less!!

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2011 11:45 am
by Grammy G
oh dear!!I forgot to say a very important thing about the-evening-of-the-never-leaving guests: I didn't eat a thing while they were here! Not a pretzel nor a chip! I drank unsweetened ice tea with lemon! No one said,"What are you drinking" or "Why aren't you eating?" Proving once again that no one cares (most of the time) what is going in our mouths!!

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2011 1:38 pm
by Pangelsue2
Thanks for adding that last bit about the weekend. Then you were already personally rose above that occasion. If these people are hard to get rid of, making up appointments is possibly the best answer. You don't want to have angry neighbors but they can't run your lives either. We have already faked having to be somewhere as well. As you said, you find yourself sitting at Walmart or something to avoid being caught in a lie. What tangled webs we weave. I asked my husband what he would do and because he is way more outspoken (and way thinner) than me, he said he would tell them we were about to eat and they could stay or watch. Then he added, but you wouldn't let me say that. He's right. Next time, I will give him free reign to say whatever he likes and see what happens.
Your upcoming weekend sounds like a blast. Enjoy every minute. The Master Garden Garden walk is this weekend. We are having a potluck with the owners of the participating gardens tonight so they get a chance to see each other's gardens. It should be fun. I am declaring it one of my S days for the week. Sunday will be an N day.

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2011 3:08 pm
by Grammy G
Whew! This is always the hardest of my 3 week KCCC pointed out to someone, by now the novelty has worn off and reality is setting in. There is no way I know of (except maybe aversion therapy :? ) to form a habit other than doing..and doing and doing that habit! I feel pretty confident about the three meals and no snacking and have just got to get the walking in. and I will!!! I had two little granddaughters here for a sleep-over and then the day yesterday and we were very busy all day..including a picnic lunch and afternoon at a playground. I got them home after dinner and a bath and a drive of singing silly songs so they wouldn't fall asleep. I had stated that I would only consider "walking for walking's sake" as filling my goal of a 30 minute walk 5 days a week..and I knew that wasn't going to happen yesterday. I did get a lot of exercise and collapsed into bed last night and my weight was down a bit this morning. I will have to walk today to meet my weekly goal and that is probably a good thing..I can't, ahum, turn into that slug that greets me whenever I look at page one of my thread! and I want that perfume!