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Lil Mouse's Hole In The Wall

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2006 5:31 pm
by Lil Mouse
Good morning!

I'm not sure just where to begin yet.....still have a LOT of reading to do but thought it best to "set up housekeeping" for now. :D

I am really looking forward to "shaking things up" as far as my health & well-being are concerned.....

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2006 6:10 pm
by gratefuldeb67
Hey Lil mouse!
Welcome to NoS...
Love your checkin title..
Very cute!
Hopefully, on NoS you will one day be able to fit into a hole in the wall!
Peace and Love,
8) Deb

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2006 6:17 pm
by Lil Mouse
Thanks for the welcome, Deb!

I do hope to be successful, albeit maybe not quite THAT successful! :lol:

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2006 8:27 pm
by Lil Mouse
Okay, I've read the "rules"..... gotta love the simplicity! ;)

I'm going to give myself a day or two to peruse other'"DCI's" in order to "see by example" on what other's are doing.... In the meantime, I will just stick to the basics and see how it goes. I prefer to start new things on weekdays are more regimented. No, I will not go hog-wild over the weekend, either!

One day at a time.....


Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2006 8:03 am
by carolejo
Hi Lil Mouse!

Welcome to NoS. Hope it works out as well for you as it has for me, so far.


Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2006 4:44 pm
by Lil Mouse
Thanks, CJ!!!

I'll be peeking in on a few DCI's over the next few days......I want to make sure I'm going to be doing this correctly.

The NoS concept is basically a "no-brainer", yet a bit unnerving for me at this point......I've lost the weight I wanted to doing LC and probably could eat this way for the rest of my theory. (Just never EVER ask me to do LF!!! <shudder>) However......I've gotten to the point where my "I CHOOSE not to eat XXXX" is fast becoming "I CAN'T have XXXX" and I don't like the negativity of that. Along with the fact that I'm fast becoming tired of making separate meals at dinnertime around here...blah! (Hey! three years is a loooong time!)

Need to get some work done......I'll check in later!

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2006 7:51 pm
by Lil Mouse
Quickie drive-by posting.....

I sat down w/ DH and discussed the changes I'm planning on making....he's been VERY supportive with what I've been doing for the past three years...with the occasional "whine" about it along the way - lol - and thinks that this is going to be a good thing at this point in time as well. :D (What a guy! ;) ) I wanted to discuss it further, but our dgtr showed up and well, that was the end of THAT discussion! :lol:

Good thing I haven't "officially" started NoS, 'cuz yesterday was DEFINITELY a FAILURE. It was all good until dinnertime ~ was out of town and ate at a buffet :oops:

Today is going much funny stuff (FS) so far..... :) Kind of a "practice run", I guess.

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2006 8:25 pm
by gratefuldeb67
Well Ellen, I don't know anyone who can handle a buffet on an N day..
I personally can't..
I save buffets for very rare occasions these days and only for S days...

Don't feel bad.. At a buffet the cards are simply stacked against you..
If you had a good day till then, focus on that...
It isn't easy to have flawless N days in the first few months.. It's a learning process..
I still have some lame days.. But the good ones totally outweigh the lame ones..

Keep up a good attitude!
Peace and Love,
8) Deb

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2006 3:38 am
by Lil Mouse
I believe I can officially call today a SUCCESS! :D (EDIT: Came back to claim today as officially DAY 2)

Just for "posterity", I'm going to list my meals (or lack thereof in some cases ~ :roll: :

B: Coffee
L: Open-faced turkey sandwich on LC bread; GS apple & NPB
D: Baked chicken thighs, salad w/ Spicy Ranch, green beans, REAL mashed potatoes w/ gravy

NO FS!!! Unless one counts the 2 cups of green tea I've had this evening? I hope's getting me through the I-could-really-go-for-a-snack-right-now period of time! :evil:

Had a stressful day at work....hence, no breakfast. Even doing LC, I have gotten away (again) from eating breakfast ~~ mainly 'cuz I need it to be quick & easy (like a bowl of cereal kind of easy!) Will work on that; otherwise, I'm short-changing myself out of an entire meal every day! :shock: NOT GOOD!


Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2006 6:32 am
by misguided_angel
Boy that was SO hard!!!!! NOT.....hahaha

Nice to see you :D Its wonderful that your DH is being so supportive, and I bet you are looking forward to having a few "extras" that you couldnt have doing LC.

C-ya around

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2006 6:07 pm
by Lil Mouse
Just wanted to swing by to put a recipe in here that I just made:

TVP "Oatmeal"

Prep Time: 5 min
Cook Time: 5 hr (give or take)
Type of Prep: Boil, Crockpot, Dutch oven


2 cups TVP granules (roughly 5 ounces)
1 quart unsweetened soy milk (can use coconut milk or other milk)
1 Tbs cinnamon
1 tsp nutmeg
1-1/2 Tbs vanilla extract
(or adjust the above seasonings to your taste)
Sweetener to taste

Optional: Whisk in eggs - 4 eggs makes it more like rice pudding


Mix all ingredients in crockpot, large saucepan/Dutch oven or LARGE covered casserole dish (be careful about this - when the original author tested it in the oven, it overflowed).

Cooking Times:

Crockpot/Slow Cooker: It will be cooked in about 2 hours on high or 4 hours on low, but you can let it go longer and it won't hurt it.
Oven: About 1 hour at 350 degree F.
Stovetop: Bring to boil, then simmer for 30-45 minutes, stirring occasionally - you should know by looking when it's done.

I whipped up a batch of this last night before going to bed ~~ O.M.G.!!! Not only did my whole house smell simply DIVINE when I got up this morning, but this is SOOOOOO good!!!

It LOOKS like real oatmeal, it TASTES like real oatmeal, and it has the same TEXTURE as real oatmeal!!!

I am in HEAVEN!!!

*blissful sigh*

:D :D :D

EDIT: Oops! Forgot to mention that this makes 6-10 servings, depending upon the size. Also, it keeps in the fridge for up to a week, and freezes well, so don't be afraid to make a big batch! :D

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2006 9:08 pm
by Lil Mouse
D'oh! I'm such a DORK!

FAILURE is supposed to be in red; SUCCESS is supposed to be in green ~ :roll: I'm learning! I'm learning! :lol:

N1 - Wed, 02/22/06 - FAILURE
N2 - Thu, 02/23/06 - SUCCESS
N3 - Fri, 02/24/06 - so far, so good! :D

Even tho I started mid-week, I'm going to keep my S-days where they technically should be ~ Sat & Sun ~~ otherwise, I will REALLY mess myself up! :!:

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2006 9:54 pm
by gratefuldeb67
Have a great weekend Ellen, and enjoy your S's thoroughly!
Peace and Love,
8) Deb

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2006 10:36 pm
by Lil Mouse
Thanks Deb! Right now, I'm just trying to make it through today! :lol:

Honestly, I haven't even thought about what I might want over the weekend.....will just be "playing it by ear". Heck! I don't even know yet what we're going to have for supper! lol

I've got soooo many LC items that need to be used up ~~ I refuse to throw good $$ out the window ~ don't know how some people can do that....maybe I'm just weird! LOL

I do, however, have to keep things as low sugar as possible....diabetes runs in the maternal side of the family ~~ GM at 80 (diet controlled), Mother at 60 (on insulin) I'm gonna fight tooth-and-nail all the way, darn it! So far, I have successfully dodged THAT bullet! :D

Now that I have more "freedom of choice", DH wants me to haul out some of my cookbooks......oy vey! THIS could be dangerous! lol

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2006 11:26 pm
by gratefuldeb67
Honestly, I haven't even thought about what I might want over the weekend.....will just be "playing it by ear". Heck! I don't even know yet what we're going to have for supper! lol
I love S days for this reason!
I normally have an inkling of what I want for my S's, but often I just wing it, and enjoy the feeling of loosening up on the reigns...
Five days of N day structure, and then totally rule free S day relaxation!
It's cool!
S days are always like a little party for us!
Now that I have more "freedom of choice", DH wants me to haul out some of my cookbooks......oy vey! THIS could be dangerous! lol

Oy gevalt! :lol:
Hopefully no one will die of overcooked, underseasoned food with a lack of taste! :twisted:
Have fun experimenting!

Peace and Love,
8) Deb

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2006 11:46 pm
by Lil Mouse
gratefuldeb67 wrote:Oy gevalt! :lol:
That, too! :lol:
Hopefully no one will die of overcooked, underseasoned food with a lack of taste! :twisted:
Have fun experimenting!
LOL Deb, 99% of my cookbooks are NOT diet-related...not even CLOSE! We're talking good old-fashioned COMFORT food recipes! (yum!)

*sigh* Looks like he wants (ugh!) sloppy joes! :roll: Man-o-man! I can already FEEL the sugar molecules squirming through my system just THINKING about it! I can handle the thought of eating the (eyoo!) WHITE buns, but the sugar is creeping me out! I'll just make sure that HALF my plate is filled w/ a big 'ol salad.........

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2006 1:06 am
by gratefuldeb67
Why not make them on some really excellent bakery whole wheat rolls or something better than white hamburger buns (eeew...)
Or hey, you could make sloppy joes on cornbread!

Have a great night!
Peace and Love,
8) Deb

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2006 5:08 am
by Lil Mouse
LOL - Too late! The bun has been ingested! I would have had to go to the store to get wheat buns (which I've already added to my grocery list)......oh well! The rest of my meal was great, tho - half my plate was filled w/ salad, plus I had a HUGE orange, too! (yes - all on ONE PLATE!) :D

So, today is a SUCCESS! NO funny stuff! :D

Am I looking forward to my first S-day? Don't know yet....DH wants me to make banana bread...which I love....if it had NUTS....but he wants choc chips in it instead - blech! So THAT won't be tempting for me.

I AM going to be having more TVP "oatmeal" for breakfast, tho! How does one "plate" that?! 'Spose I could put my bowl in the middle of my plate and then surround it with something else like bacon or fruit, etc. I know! I know! NOT truly necessary for an S-day......guess I'm already planning ahead! :lol: However, it DID hold me through this morning without having anything else....

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2006 11:59 am
by gratefuldeb67
Ellen, you sound like you should open up a luxury NoS/veggie style Bed and Breakfast!!!
I would visit you for that tvp oatmeal with bacon and fruit!
(Oh wait I guess, nix the veggie part! LOL..)

I like anything which has nuts in it... Cookies, ice cream, a big open bag!!! LOL..

But I say combine nuts and chocolate chips!
Just a few for taste...

Send me some banana bread when you are done!
Have a fun weekend with the hub...
Peace and Love,
8) Deb

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2006 3:00 pm
by Lil Mouse
lol Deb, alas DH won't eat ANY baked goods w/ nuts in them - banana bread, brownies, cookies, fudge - oh, the list goes on and on! :( Our tastes in food are totally opposite with certain things! :roll:

A luxury NoS Bed and Breakfast, eh? LOL Hmmm.....something to think about for retirement maybe! ;) I'll have my NoS skills mastered by then - I hope! Of course, I'll have to get permission from Reinhard, first..... ;) it first S-day! What have I had so far? A whole 2 cups of coffee! :lol: Of course, I've only been awake (sort of) for about an hour and a half! :D Will have to see how the day plays out....

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2006 5:11 pm
by Lil Mouse breakfast was more like brunch ~~ sooo typical of me! lol

MMmmmm.....had a bowl of TVP-O, bacon, a HM cinn flax muffin & a few red grapes!

Hmmm....TVP & flax.....can we say FIBER?!?!?! :lol:

Still have no "yen" for anything in particular.......oh well.....DH thinks that it's because I've been LCing for so long...dunno.....

Off to make banana bread! :D

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2006 5:22 pm
by gratefuldeb67
Yeah just imagine..
NoS luxury restaurants popping up all over!

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2006 5:10 am
by Lil Mouse
Lil Mouse wrote: N1 - Wed, 02/22/06 - FAILURE
N2 - Thu, 02/23/06 - SUCCESS
N3 - Fri, 02/24/06 - SUCCESS
S - Sat, 02/25/06 - SUCCESS
Today was a SUCCESS yet I feel like such a GLUTTON!

TVP-O, bacon, cinn flax muffin & some grapes

Tuna sandwich (w/ lettuce) & plain potato chips

2 burritos

Bowl of LC vanilla ice cream w/ LC hot fudge

Several pcs of Dove chocolate

Hmmm......ended up w/ a combo of HC and LC items today. Interesting...

Not sure how tomorrow is going to be......breakfast/lunch will most likely be similar to today but I'll probably skip the muffin OR the bacon (or BOTH! lol)

We're making HM beef stroganoff (w/ noodles), asparagus au gratin, and rolls for dinner, with apple crisp for dessert (can you tell that DH "helped" w/ the menu?! :lol: )

It's going to be interesting to see what the scale says on Monday. So far, I'm down 1-1/2 lbs since Wed when I (sort of) started; I fully expect to be back up again on Monday....then we'll see what happens after that.

I'm getting antsy to get my WO's going again, too! I can really tell the difference now.....and I don't like it! :(

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2006 9:13 am
by gratefuldeb67
Hi Ellen...
I strongly discourage you from weighing in on Monday.. Just because you sound ready to prove that you have gained back your weight.. Well, you might actually show a minor gain.. but if you wait for a longer period of time than immediately after some semi indulgent days, you may actually level out again or continue to lose..
Don't become one of those people who tries to ruin their S day weekends by immediately weighing in afterwards.. At least not at the beginning.
Just focus on your loss so far, and get tunnel vision!
You shouldn't weigh in more than once a week anyway.. Go for it on Wednesday..
Just a suggestion which is meant to be helpful :)

Enjoy the nice meals on your menu!
Peace and Love,
8) Deb

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2006 2:04 pm
by schmiddtty
I am usually pretty good with initials, but can't figure out the TVP oatmeal...what is that? GL on NS! MJ

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2006 2:28 pm
by gratefuldeb67
TVP is something veggie..
Total Vegetable Protein.. I think!

Hi MJ!

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2006 3:30 pm
by Lil Mouse
Good morning everyone! Ah...the sun is shiining and the birds WOULD be singing if it were SPRING! :roll:

Deb - I hear ya loud & clear on the 'ol scale will be difficult, but I'll TRY to refrain from weighing myself on Monday (I am a scale whore, after all - :oops: - can I say that in here?) I do understand the whole water weight vs. real weight gain(s) along with the "shock" my system will be going through for awhile with the re-introduction of more carbs - I"m okay with that.
Just a suggestion which is meant to be helpful
I would expect nothing less from you! ;)

schmiddtty - Deb is "close" - it's Textured Vegetable Protein, aka soy!

I'm normally NOT a huge fan of soy products but dayam! this stuff is GOOOOOD! Like other soy products, it "picks up" the other flavors...cinnamon, nutmeg, vanilla....Mmmmmm! I found the recipe & picked up the ingredients (the TVP) and was planning on making it BEFORE I switched over to NoS. I'll make it again....just to use up what I've got and then start having REAL oatmeal again -- Mmmmmm! Oh, and Cream of Wheat, and..and... :lol:

Okay....NOW I'm getting hungry!!! lol

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2006 3:57 pm
by Lil Mouse
:twisted: Wow! Two pages already! I certainly AM a little "chatterbox" for being a "Lil Mouse"! :twisted: :lol:

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 11:07 am
by misguided_angel
Lil Mouse wrote:(I am a scale whore, after all - :oops: - can I say that in here?) I do understand the whole water weight vs. real weight gain(s) along with the "shock" my system will be going through for awhile with the re-introduction of more carbs - I"m okay with that.

I hope you can say it here I would hate for you to get kicked off so

When I get home I am going to TRY to weigh myself only mid-week maybe Wednesday like deb suggests...but we both know I am in the same boat you are as far a being a SW......

I was just saying in my journal that you already have 2 pages yes you are quite the chatterbox....haha

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 1:47 pm
by gratefuldeb67

"Ellen is a scale whore! Ellen is a scale whore!"....


Peace and Love,
8) Deb

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 3:06 pm
by Lil Mouse
Oh My! LMAO!!! Guess I CAN say "that word" - heck! Deb's SINGING it! :lol:

Angel - I haven't stepped on the scale yet.....but *sigh* I just KNOW I won't be able to control myself ~~ I can hear it calling my name "Ellen, oh ELLEN! C'mon KNOW you want me!!" LOL

Yesterday was a SUCCESS!!! But in a weird kind of way.....

Coffee & TVP-O in the a.m.
Nothing but coffee all afternoon! :shock: But I wasn't at home....
Frellin' STARVING by the time I did get home....scarfed down a Tbs of NPB while making dinner to hold me over

We had the aforementioned stroganoff, etc. Oh, it was DELISH! (okay...I picked out the shrooms ~ :oops: ) Here's the weird part - even tho I was really, REALLY hungry.......I only had one serving of everything! Yep! ONE PLATE - NO seconds! WTH??? (We ate the dessert later)

However, *I* was the ONLY one to clean my plate!! (yeah, the only female and the smallest person at the table) LOL

Other than that, I had 2 pcs of DH's Dove chocolates and called it a night!

I've been up for almost 2 hrs today, and I'm STILL not ready for breakfast......

Best get some work done............I'll report in later.....

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 3:15 pm
by gratefuldeb67
That's great!!!
You are a NOS natural!

Peace and Love,
8) Deb

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 4:36 pm
by Lil Mouse
gratefuldeb67 wrote:That's great!!!
You are a NOS natural!

Peace and Love,
8) Deb
Thanks Deb!

A "natural" - I wouldn't go THAT far! lol More like "I-gave-up-eating-breakfast-as-a-teenager" kinda thing! I don't usually get hungry until mid-morning ~~ like NOW! as I sit here eating my bowl of TVP-O w/ 1/2 a chopped banana in it! YUMMERS!

One thing I have noticed (since about Friday) is that I am retaining some fluid - I can feel it mainly in my ankles & feet. It's not bad, just "noticeable" to me - I can feel it.

This is multi-factorial - the increase in carbs, plus I need to increase my water intake (especially after yesterday's coffee-fest). I also have an extremely sedentary job ~~ transcription is like being an OTR truck driver but withOUT the change in scenery - I sit for hours on end! My butt SHOULD be the size of Texas after all these years (and 5 pregnancies) ~ thankfully it's NOT! LOL However, if I don't get back into doing my WO's......okay...we don't even want to go there....

Back to work for me!

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2006 4:40 am
by Lil Mouse
Today was a SUCCESS!! ::yay::

Coffee; bowl of TVP-O w/ half a chopped banana - YUM!
Bowl of Progresso LC Cheesy Chix Enchilada soup and 1/2 of a "stuffed" turkey sandwich (I literally STUFFED 2.5 oz of turkey into my one slice of bread! lol)
1-1/2 baked tilapia filets topped w/ green/red peppers & onions, salad w/ Spicy Ranch, and roasted pecan & garlic whole wheat brown rice & bulgur blend. Oh, and a glass of milk, too! :D

Of course, now I'm sitting here drinking my SECOND cup of green tea....ugh! night-time can be the worst sometimes....

I've been drinking my water....and PEEING like there's no tomorrow, too! :roll: LOL

Just for S&G's, I did a nutritional breakdown on my TVP-O -- I was "curious" since I made it w/ coconut milk. O.M.G.! No WONDER this stuff is so filling - based on 8 hearty servings, it has 34 g of fat PER SERV!!! Not to mention the 12 g of protein AND 415 CALS!!! :shock: I think that next time, I'll make it with just plain 'ol

But, then again, on NoS - I don't HAVE to count these things.....HOWEVER, since I haven't restarted my WO'S.....too much of a good thing COULD be bad, ya know! ;)

Besides, I'm just coming OUT of the mindset of counting this or counting that - UGH! Enough already!

Here's to a new day tomorrow! :D

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2006 1:23 pm
by misguided_angel
YAY for you Today is going to be a Success for me too!! your menu sounds yummmmmmy and you are right stop that counting!!!

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2006 1:57 pm
by Lil Mouse
LOL "Yes, mom!" ::snicker::

Thank goodness for tea! I caught myself glancing a couple of times at DH's bowl of Dove chocolates sitting no more than an arm's length away from me BUT, that's ALL I did - just glance -- there was NO staring longingly at it, NO drooling and, best of all, NO TEMPTATION!!!

Off to get ready for work......I'll check in later!

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 3:04 am
by Lil Mouse
Today is a SUCCESS! ::yay::

Coffee; TVP-O with a WHOLE chopped banana
1/2 c cottage cheese, 1/2 NPB sandwich, LOTS of red grapes, & a small glass of milk
Meatloaf, mashed potatoes & gravy, and a small spinach salad with shredded cheddar & Spicy Ranch

The ONLY difficult part of my day was while watching our GD, especially when she wanted an apple after dinner......I was sorely tempted, but held strong! Whew!

I have a bit of OT do to this evening, so I'm off to make some green tea to drink while I work......

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 3:49 am
by misguided_angel
OMG you ate a WHOLE pig!!!!!

Just kidding :lol: , sounds like you had a great day :) Hope you were able to catch up on your typing!

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 3:54 am
by misguided_angel
ROFLMAO!!!! I am seriously laughing OUT LOUD!!! (the cat gave me a funny look, too! ::snicker:


I couldnt help myself! I too just ate some fruit and it was yummy....honeydew and a few grapes

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 5:10 am
by Lil Mouse
Typing is done for tonite.....tea is done, too!

I'm outta here -- gotta get up at 5 a.m. tomorrow morning so I can pick up DH from work at 6 a.m. ....and then do it all again on Friday morning! :(

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 9:17 am
by misguided_angel
Hey I get up early every morning!! Well not

Hope you sleep well lil mouse.... :lol:

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 1:39 pm
by Lil Mouse
I slept GREAT, Angel! Usually I don't 'cuz I'm worried that I won't hear the alarm, so I toss & turn all night ~ :(

DH was laughing at me this morning as I told him that, first of all, I woke up BEFORE my alarm went off ( ::thumbs up!:: ); when I looked at the clock, it read 5:05 a.m. (it's set ahead on purpose). When I went into the bathroom, the clock there said 5:00 a.m. (also set ahead, on purpose!) and, by the time I went into the kitchen, the REAL time (atomic clock) was 4:50 a.m. :lol:

I told DH that if I kept going, I probably could have gone full circle and woke myself up! :shock: :lol:

Yeah....I'm a dork! ;)

I'm on my 3rd cup of coffee already this morning.......and I seriously doubt that I'll be waiting until almost noon before eating "breakfast" today. This could be a good thing, least then I won't feel like I'm constantly eating, even though I'm sticking to the 3 meals/plates per day. But when I don't eat until that late in the morning and dinner around here is usually between 5-5:30 p.m., well, crap! then I feel like I'm only getting 2 meals a day. Not that that's necessarily a BAD thing, but I can only eat so much at any given meal and I DON'T want to end up getting hungry again late(r) in the evening.....

Since the bathroom is occupied (again!), I'm off to do a little browsing before getting ready for work...........

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 1:50 pm
by Lil Mouse
WhooHoo! I just looked at the calendar ~~ other than my first (unofficial) day on NoS (the buffet fiasco), I'll have 7 successful NoS days completed by the end of today ::yay:: Only 14 more to go to complete my first 21-day run! :D

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 5:39 pm
by Lil Mouse
I ended up eating "breakfast" only about an hour earlier than usual thanks to having to run an errand between the office and back home again - grrrr! Looks like I'll be having a "light" lunch again ~ :roll:

I added a cinn flax muffin to my TVP-O w/ banana this a.m. ( ;) )

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2006 2:24 am
by Lil Mouse

TVP-O w/ a whole chopped banana + 1 cinn flax muffin
1/2 c cottage cheese; 1 GS apple w/ NPB
2 slices French toast w/ NPB; scr eggs w/ cheese; spinach salad w/ cheese & spicy ranch; small glass of milk

Drinking a cup of green tea right now, too.

Dinner tonite was a bit tough ~~ we ended up having "Breakfast For Dinner" and I'm not sure whether or not SF maple syrup is allowed on an N-day. I just smeared some NPB on my FT, folded it in half and ate it that way -- kinda "weird" but doable. Plus I wasn't able to finish my eggs which wouldn't necessarily be a BAD thing, but later on, I started to get some cravings....not true hunger, just wanting to nosh on something - ANYTHING! Hence, the tea.....

Other than that, things are going well.....still retaining a bit of fluid but I think it's starting to get a little better.

Off to whip up another batch of TVP-O (w/ MILK this time).......

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2006 10:40 am
by misguided_angel
Hi there Girly Girl!!

I am just hanging out waiting to go home!!! 2 more days......I'll check in later :)

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2006 4:42 pm
by Lil Mouse
Good Morning Everyone! :)

Another batch of TVP-O is a-sittin' in my crockpot just waiting for me! Mmmmmmm!

I stopped by the health food store on my way back from the office.......and bought their last bag of TVP! :shock: Luckily the owner WILL be ordering more. ::thumbs up!:: Now I just have to find MORE recipes for its use ~~ as much as I love the "oatmeal", I just can't see myself wanting it once summer hits! :roll:

It does fit perfectly for today, however ~~ got another 5-6 inches of fresh snow dumped on us this morning!

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2006 8:59 pm
by Lil Mouse
Poor DH! He thought I had caved and ate some of his Dove chocolates last night ~~ the "joke" was on him, though!

When our GD's mom came to pick her up, she dropped off a bag of the aforementioned chocolates for DH. Of course, A. saw the bag and wanted one! I took one piece out for her and set the rest of the now-opened bag in DH's candy dish ~~ which is what HE saw this a.m. when he got home!

It felt kinda good to be able to tell him the REAL story! And, yes, he gave me a pat on the back for being "good"! ;)

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2006 9:10 pm
by Jinx
That's so sweet :) I don't know you, but I am proud of you as well :P

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2006 4:34 am
by Lil Mouse
Thanks Jinx! Yes, it felt really good to be able to say "Oh no I DIDN'T!" LOL

Today is a SUCCESS!!! :)

Coffee; TVP-O and 1/2 of a large orange
Last bowl of Progresso LC Cheesy Chix Enchilada soup, turkey & turkey pastrami sandwich (wheat bread), and the other 1/2 of my orange
Meatballs-n-gravy over buttered noodles, green beans and 1 slice wheat bread w/ butter

That's IT! I didn't even drink tea tonite! :shock: LOL

Oh, and I have a special "treat" all lined up for Saturday! My supervisor makes the most scrumptious pumpkin cheesecake - you know, the REAL kind! - well, that's what the rest of the office says anyway. I have never tried it because I was LCing; however....she brought one in the other day and since I CAN have it now (on my S-day), I brought a slice home w/ me! :D

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2006 9:45 am
by misguided_angel
All I can say is.....

MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM....Matthew McConaughey...yes yes ...him....haha

FYI- Today is our last full day here in Iraq we will leave tomorrow night


Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2006 9:47 am
by misguided_angel
Just had a thought....(yes rare I know)

DH wont be there so maybe I will get my fav pic of him blown up poster size and drool over

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2006 2:11 pm
by Lil Mouse
LOL Then you'd NEVER want to get off your treadmill!!! :lol:

Have a wonderful flight, sweetie! Will "see" you when you get back!

Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2006 4:42 pm
by Lil Mouse
Yesterday (Friday the 3rd) was a SUCCESS!!! Yay!

TVP-O; 1 large orange
Tuna salad & baby spinach sandwich; red grapes

Since both boys weren't going to be home for dinner, DH and I decided to do Chinese take-out - yum! yum! (I'm not used to cooking for just two people! lol)

I ordered off the "Special Diet Menu", i.e. no sugar, no MSG, etc. - scallops & broccoli w/ some sort of brown sauce on the side (which I just dipped my food in instead of pouring over everything).

We shared an order of battered/deep fried shrimp, along with some pork fried rice. I did add some of DH's sweet-n-sour chicken (sans the sauce) to my plate (there was PLENTY of room!) ~~ I felt like I needed the extra "fat" and protein to satisfy my tummy! I suppose I could have just melted some butter over my scallops/broccoli....but I didn't think of that until AFTER - :roll: But it turned out well - one plate - no seconds!

And, believe me - there was enough food to feed 4 people! :shock: I just don't understand how they expect anyone to eat THAT much food in one sitting! <shakes head>

Other than that, I just had a couple cups of green tea later! :)

Tonite, we're having chicken turnovers w/ creamed spinach.....and DH wants a HM dessert so I'd best go figure out what I'm going to make! :)

Have a GREAT S-day everyone! 8)

Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2006 5:32 am
by Lil Mouse
Another SUCCESS under my doesn't sound quite right now does it?! LOL

I mean, seriously - how can anyone screw up an S-day?! <scratches head> LOL

Dinner was a HUGE hit w/ DH - he even went back for seconds! :shock: Good thing one of the boys wasn't home or there wouldn't have even BEEN any seconds! lol Youngest son wasn't too keen about dinner - wouldn't even try the creamed spinach - :roll:

However, the dessert I made (Swiss Chocolate Squares) went over well with EVERYONE! ::yay:: The recipe made a lot, so I'll be able to put a plate of those out for my guests tomorrow, too!

Speaking of tomorrow, I'm making Hungarian pot roast w/ carrots & onions along with Creamy noodles -- I needed an entree that does NOT require a lot of attention 'cuz I'll be having company all afternoon.

I got a call from one of my best friends tonite - haven't talked to her in AGES! We were on the phone for over TWO HOURS! It was soooo great! DH and I had just put a movie in when she called - sure hope HE liked it! LOL

Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2006 3:26 pm
by Lil Mouse
Change in plans regarding dinner tonite - still having the Hungarian pot roast, but decided to nix the creamy noodles; why? I don't think it would be a good idea to mix "Hungarian" with "Italian" (the noodle recipe calls for Good Season's Italian Salad Dressing mix)!!! :roll: I'm such a doofus - lol

Back to the drawing board - think I'll just do mashed potatoes on the side and find a new way to do up a veggie...........

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2006 12:39 am
by Lil Mouse
S-U-C-C-E-S-S!!! (lol)

Everyone LOVED the Hungarian pot roast - even my picky youngest son! WhooHoo!

I ended up scratching the whole idea of preparing a veggie side since there were pearl onions and carrots cooked in with the pot roast - we just poured the sauce & veggies OVER our potatoes! ::thumbs up!::

I also hauled out my bread machine, so we had fresh WARM bread to go w/ our meal! I stopped myself at one thick slice -- it wasn't easy but I'm glad I did - I would have been UNcomfortable had I eaten any more of anything!

We have another movie to watch this evening - "Be Cool" w/ John Travolta; hopefully I WON'T get any long distance phone calls! lol

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2006 4:43 am
by Lil Mouse
"Be Cool" was GREAT! John T. just keeps getting better and BETTER!

Here's to a new week!

Oh, I saw this quote yesterday:

"Some days you're the dog; some days you're the hydrant" - Anonymous

And, on THAT note, I'm off to watch a little TV with DH and then hitting the sack! :D

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2006 2:55 pm
by Lil Mouse
Good Monday Morning Everyone! :)

Yeah....I'm one of "those people" who actually kinda-sorta LIKE Mondays! Why? I don't have to go to the office today! ::yay:: In other words, I can work in my jammies ALL DAY if I want to! 8)

Today started out a bit unusual - well, for me, that is -- I actually ate breakfast EARLY! :shock: Yep! I was actually HUNGRY this morning! So, a bowl of TVP-O and a slice of wheat toast w/ NPB later, my tummy is h-a-p-p-y! :D

Speaking of wheat.....(yeah, my mind works that way sometimes - lol).....I was just reading about whole grain foods, labeling, etc. MOST interesting! I've become pretty label-savvy over the past few years, but never could really figure out the difference between a "whole grain" product and a "wheat" I know! ::thumbs up::

I went to -- really opened MY eyes on the whole subject! :shock: <------ j/k lol

The boys probably won't be too pleased the next time I buy bread (or other products) -- "Ewww! There are CRUNCHY things in the bread!" And DH most likely won't be too thrilled either cuz our grocery bill will go up a bit - :roll:

Best get back to work.......

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2006 8:01 pm
by Lil Mouse
Lunch today was YUMMMMM-O! Took my leftover scallops & broccoli, reheated them in a bit of olive oil & butter, then added garlic powder & red pepper flakes! **blissful sigh**

I know I shouldn't have, but I weighed myself this morning - :shock: UGH! I keep telling myself to NOT WORRY - this is to be expected - yada, yada, yada but, dang! I'm up 3-1/2 lbs over my "normal high-end weight". And, of course, it's "settling" around my waistline once again - grrrr! I know that a LOT of it is water retention - and the rest is due to my lack of exercise.

*sigh* The exercise room downstairs is NOT going to be ready for MONTHS, but I need to do something NOW.....before this continues to escalate. I've already mulled over a few things I can do......will try them out over the next few weeks and see what happens....

Back to work! (Oh joy! NOT!)

Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2006 4:59 am
by Lil Mouse
It wasn't easy but today is a SUCCESS.

I ended up eating three 1/2-slices (NOT 3 AND a 1/2 slices!!) of leftover HM bread while making dinner, but I made sure to virtually plate them! ::thumbs up:: Just made spaghetti w/ meat sauce tonite...nothing fancy or time-consuming! ;) I did make up a serving of my LC sghetti just to use some of it up -- still have at LEAST one more, possibly two servings left in the box.

I was sorely tempted this evening, however! My 16-YO 8% BF son made POPCORN!!! <drool> I resisted.....made myself some tea......all is well now! Whew!

Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2006 4:58 pm
by Lil Mouse
O.M.G.!!! Our dog is on EVERYONE'S Shi'ite Militia list today!!!

When DH came to bed this morning, he told me that she, for reasons unknown, had chewed through her tie-up leash sometime during the night! :shock: (As a side note - we have to leash her up when our GD is here 'cuz our GD is afraid of her - but getting better, as long as the dog is tied up).

Okay, so now I need to stop and get a new leash - no biggie, right?! gets BETTER (or worse, depending on how you look at it).....

When the boys went to put their shoes on this morning....guess what?! Yep! The dog chewed up their shoelaces!!! EVERY SINGLE PAIR!!! :x ARGH! The boys were fit to be tied!!! (no pun intended)

Added 6 prs of new shoelaces to the list..........

She has NEVER done this before! I'm trying to figure out just what the <bleep> happened to trigger this........

Oh, and one MORE thing! Came home from the office and discovered that the dog had also chewed a whole in an afghan I had draped across my rocking chair!!! DH is gonna be quite PO'd about that, too -- especially since our dgtr crocheted it for him!

This is going to be an interesting day/week.........

Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2006 7:17 pm
by Lil Mouse
After doing a bit more "browsing" around here last night, I'm going to follow the original concept of posting Successes/Failures and stop posting my foods -- one less thing for me to have to think about. :D

Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2006 10:04 pm
by Lil Mouse
I am SOOOO hungry right now! :(

Haven't eaten anything since "breakfast" at 11:30 a.m......

Drinking a cup of green tea............

Trying to hold out right now.........

cuz it's just too darn close to dinner time..........

Gotta remember to eat my first meal EARLIER in the day........ :roll:

Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2006 5:37 am
by Lil Mouse


Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2006 5:00 pm
by Lil Mouse
UGH! I have a mandatory meeting to attend at noon today for my PT job! :roll: These things are sooooo boring and generally do NOT pertain to what I do.......besides, I haven't done any work for them in MONTHS! But, I'll go.....and get paid for it.....whoopee! A whole HOUR!!!

Our bi-weekly shopping trip for tonite has been canceled - my friend is home sick with a cold and, like me, if she can't go into work, then she will NOT go out shopping later in the day/evening (unless it's to pick up OTC meds for whatever ails her!).

No worries! I'll just ask DH to go w/ me either Friday nite or Saturday morning - it's all good! :D

Back to work.............

Posted: Thu Mar 09, 2006 4:18 am
by Lil Mouse
All three of my guys have "The Crud"!! :( Youngest stayed home from school, 17 YO went to school but ended up coming home early, and DH had to call in sick tonite! ACK! I made them all eat chicken soup for dinner tonite! :lol:

DH and I will be driving down to Green Bay on Saturday morning (after we drop youngest son off at work) to do our grocery shopping.....after discussing it with him, I realized that yeah, he's usually really REALLY tired on Friday nites, but Saturday works for me, too!

Maybe while we're down there, we can geeze around and check out a few places for a new couch! :D We'd really like to "keep it local" but dayam! there's just no competition around here - UGH!

Good thing it will be an S-day! DH is NOT big on going to regular restaurants - :roll: - it's fast food with him! :lol:

Oh, today was a SUCCESS.

I was slightly tempted earlier this evening when one of the boys brought up a plateful of those Swiss Chocolate Squares <drool>, but I held strong and did not give in! :D I think there's only a few left, thank goodness!

Posted: Thu Mar 09, 2006 4:34 am
by gratefuldeb67
Good job Ellen!
Hope everyone gets better soon!
Peace and Love,
8) Deb

Posted: Thu Mar 09, 2006 6:12 pm
by Lil Mouse
Thanks Deb! Me, too!!!

The boys aren't "little" anymore, so there's not a whole lot I can do FOR them. The youngest felt well enough to go to school today, but our 17 YO is STILL in bed feeling cruddy - *sigh* Hopefully with enough rest and fluids, he'll be okay for tomorrow......

DH is feeling much better, too......but he thinks he might take tonite off as well....we'll see...

Posted: Fri Mar 10, 2006 3:07 am
by Lil Mouse
Calling it now - SUCCESS

Both boys should be back in school tomorrow.....DH did end up taking the night off again - just to make sure - he still has a slight headache but the aching has subsided a lot.

So far, I feel perfectly fine! <knocks on wood> :D

Posted: Fri Mar 10, 2006 2:21 pm
by Lil Mouse
Ugh! I feel "blechy" this morning :( No, not like I'm coming down with what my family just had.....more had better "go" and SOON! :roll:

I've noticed something this seems like I start out just fine - no cravings, etc. ...but as the week progresses, my resolve starts to flounder a bit and I find myself having to be more diligent in my thinking. A lot of this may be due to the fact that by Thur, I'm getting t-i-r-e-d -- the work week is winding down, etc. Sleep isn't an issue, but my brain is pretty much "fried" by Fri.

Will have to ponder this some more........but right now, ACK! I'm running late! :shock:

Posted: Fri Mar 10, 2006 6:52 pm
by Lil Mouse
We FINALLY picked up our 17 YO's grad pics today - almost forgot what they looked like! :roll:

Ended up deciding to make my office run AFTER picking up the pics instead of making TWO runs "across the river" today - ::thumbs up:: Of course, silly ME forgot to bring the pics INTO the office to show the gals - d'oh! But I promised I would next week! :D

Ended up not eating breakfast at all this morning, but made up a nice fruit plate for lunch w/ some SF plain yogurt dip - yum! Also 1 Tbs of NPB (for a little protein - ;) )

Planning creamed chix over baking powder biscuits for dinner tonite (to use up the leftovers from Tues' dinner) and then, damnit! I'm having some popcorn for my third meal! Yeah, I'm blurring the lines on this's definitely NOT a traditional (or nutritional) meal by any stretch of the imagination, but Mother Nature is definitely in need of a little "assistance"!

Back to work so I can bloody-hell get outta here!

Posted: Sat Mar 11, 2006 5:07 am
by Lil Mouse
Dinner was changed at the last minute - once again, both boys were gone! Instead of "ordering out" this time, I whipped up some more chix turnovers and creamed spinach for DH and I - yum!

Had my popcorn as planned - mini bag, i.e. portion control....

But, today ends as a FAILURE! :( (Damn! That red just kinda JUMPS right out at ya, don't it! )

I caved when DH brought out the donut holes......ate three of them! :shock: :oops: Dang it! And soooo close to S-days, too....... *sigh*

Back to square 1 for me.......... :roll:

Posted: Sat Mar 11, 2006 10:12 am
by gratefuldeb67
Don't get too bummed out Mousie!
You're doing great!

It takes time to quell those bad habits, or more aptly, to change them...
Temptations from unplanned goodies around the house are nearly impossible to resist....
Can you enlist your hubby to hold off till S days for those treats to enter your home?
Whatever helps...

Meanwhile, enjoy your S weekend and come back strong on Monday!
The chicken and spinach turnovers sounds like a great meal..
Could you write me on my thread with the recipe?

Peace and Love,
8) Deb

Posted: Sun Mar 12, 2006 3:44 pm
by Lil Mouse
Trip to Green Bay went well........

We stopped at a furniture store to check out sofas -- before we even got to that part of the store, I made a beeline over to the kitchen area and showed DH the kind of range/oven I want in the future. He liked the look of it, but wasn't too thrilled when I announced that I want to convert to gas. I've NEVER liked cooking/baking with an electric stove but DO because I really have no choice - :roll:

I told him that when we re-do the kitchen, I want it to be done "properly", i.e. MY dream kitchen! Of course, all of this is waaaaay down the road.......

Back to the sofa......they didn't have a very large selection for what we were looking for......had an AWESOME deal on a leather sofa/loveseat combo but we have no room for the latter and it was only being sold as a set....bummer! We basically ended up walking out still pretty much at Square One. The sales lady is supposed to call us later in the week.....there's one sofa that we were looking at in their BOOK but they didn't have any on the floor.....she's going to see about getting one brought into the showroom from the warehouse and then we can drive down next weekend to take a look at it........

Of course, DH is freaking out a bit over the cost.......we haven't purchased a brand-spanking-new sofa since our :oops: sloppy-joe set when we were first together! I paid 100 bucks for our last sofa sleeper from a friend of a friend - LOL Now we're looking at 10X that amount!

On our way home, we stopped at a local furniture store and found one that we both like (and could actually SEE and SIT ON!) for the pricing - exACTLY the same as the "bigger" store in Green Bay - with the added bonus of not having to pay a huge delivery fee.

We're going to keep that one in mind and do a little more shopping around - there are a lot more places to look at in Green Bay, it's just a matter of going down and FINDING these places -- neither one of us is very familiar with where everything is or how to get there! :roll: My friend is, so I'll be asking her for directions.

Yesterday was a SUCCESS (of course)......but I think I ate something that didn't quite agree w/ me - ended up in the bathroom several times! Oh my! Of course, since I hadn't "gone" for almost a WEEK, it wasn't ALL bad! :oops: :lol:

Off to "dig up" some breakfast........I DID find some SF cinnamon rolls yesterday (Pillsbury), but honestly, I'm not hankering for a "sweet" breakfast..........toast and NPB sounds mighty tasty, tho! ;)

Posted: Sun Mar 12, 2006 6:59 pm
by Lil Mouse
Had my toast and NPB for brekkie

DH and I took the dog for a (short) walk, let her run around by the ball field for a bit, and then back home again -- now if she would just listen to ME the way she does DH, then I could take her for walks.........will have to work on that.......

Had leftover shrimp & broccoli stir-fry for I'm off to my Sunday afternoon Stitch-n-Bitch! Maybe I'll even bring a project to work on myself........ :lol:

Posted: Sun Mar 12, 2006 7:00 pm
by Lil Mouse
Hmmmm.....over 750 "views".........wonder just WHO is peeking into my little hole in the wall?! Maybe I should tidy up a bit since I seem to be having a number of anonymous "visitors"............. ;)

Hello all you lurkers!


Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2006 4:55 am
by Lil Mouse
SUCCESS - :roll: Sometimes I feel almost hypocritical for calling an S-day a "success"........*sigh*

After sorta-kinda getting in a "walk" today (and I use that term very VERY loosely), it just fueled my desire even MORE to be able to go outside to walk! But, guess what? We're supposed to be getting anywhere from 3-6 new inches of SNOW! (maybe more - :shock: ) AAAARRRGGGHHHH!!!!

Last summer, I was walking 3 miles a day almost every single day - even when the temps were in the high 90's (talk about a good sweat!.......and yes, I always remembered to bring a couple water bottles with me). What happened? Dunno for sure......used my treadmill for awhile.......but slowly stopped using that, too......... *sigh*

Maybe I should apply the 21 Club concept to my WO's.......dunno......too much running through my head right now.......feeling a need to just "shut down" for awhile and regroup........

Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2006 2:29 pm
by Lil Mouse
Whew! The snow missed us! YAY!!! NOTHING BUT RAIN!! (Even a few thunder-boomers! My favorite! :) )

So much for thinking I could possibly walk outside today - :( Off to hit the treadmill BEFORE I start work today! :) (I gotta start SOMEWHERE!)

Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2006 3:53 pm
by Lil Mouse
Okay.....THAT felt GOOOOOOOD! 8)

25 min on treadmill
1.25 miles

Only did one segment of walking backwards.....
like a duck to water! WhooHoo!
NO handrails........NO looking at my feet! (Yesssss! <arm pump>)
Got a pretty good quad pump, too.........
I'll be feeling THAT tomorrow - :lol:
Mood is improved, too (naturally).......

Hopped on the scale this morning......NOT good! :(
Haven't seen THAT number in a long, LONG time......
Now I want it to go away........far, FAR away!

My own bad........
too much S-junk over the weekend............
here's to a new week..........
and to CLEAN N-days! 8)

Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2006 5:20 pm
by ceu
sounds like you had fun. :)

Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2006 5:32 pm
by Lil Mouse
I am SOOOO back on track today!

B - 1 GS apple w/ 2 Tbs NPB; 10 plump green grapes

::thumbs up!::

Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2006 4:02 am
by Lil Mouse
Lunch was just a spring mix salad w/ 1/2 can plain tuna, shredded cheddar, Spicy Ranch & a few croutons; 1 cinn flax muffin (no butter)

Dinner was 1 large oven-fried chix breast, mashed potatoes w/ butter, 3 multi-grain crackers, 1-1/2 slices Jack cheese, 1/2 an apple w/ 1 Tbs NPB

It's frellin' WICKED outside tonite - howling winds and anything that was wet is now FROZEN! Wouldn't be so bad, 'cept my DD stopped by and made herself a sandwich WITH THE LAST OF THE BREAD! (Youngest son takes a cold lunch to school) ARGH!

So after the little one left, I bundled up and headed to the store......38 bucks & change later - :lol: - I'm home. I was a tad hungry when I left - picked up some more bananas, strawberries, milk, hot spicy italian pork sausage (for quiche - yum!), wheat English muffins, and walleye filets! All of this is AFTER we just went grocery shopping on Saturday! :roll: (and DH wonders why our grocery bill isn't coming down now that we only have two kids left at home - :roll: )

Have a couple things to do, so I'll call today a SUCCESS......and be done with it! :)

Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2006 5:25 pm
by Lil Mouse DESIRE and my REALITY are two totally different things! :roll:

Alarm went off as set........
but, alas! I did NOT heed it's call........ :(

In my defense, however.........
I DID come home from the office and changed RIGHT AWAY into my WO clothes.....
Did a little typing.......
then hit the treadmill! (YAY!)

30 minutes today ( :D )
1.52 miles

One FULL segment of walking backwards (the whole song instead of 3/4ths of it)
My quads were really screaming when I hopped back around.....
But I worked through that and continued on.........

Feel abso-freakin' AWESOME right now........
and there's a fruit plate with MY name on it just waiting for me..... YUM!

Back to work for a bit first............

Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2006 6:27 am
by Lil Mouse
ARGH! Today ended as a FAILURE! :cry:

And everything started out sooo good, too.

Had my fruit plate after my WO - around noonish

Dinner ended up running REAL late - around 6 or 6:30! And I ate NOTHING in-between!

So, by 10 p.m., my stomach was growling - and I caved! I ate a wheat English muffin w/NPB and sliced bananas on top - :oops:

Tomorrow is another day, right?! :D

Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2006 1:57 pm
by doulachic
hey, at least it was a healthy snack and not cookies or anything, right? sounds like you are doing good to me! :D

Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2006 2:16 pm
by Lil Mouse
Thanks Tricia...........

Yes, it could have been MUCH worse - there are (unfortunately) PLENTY of tempting S's lying around here - but (on a GOOD note), I wasn't even vaguely interested in any of THEM! ::thumbs up!::

I briefly considered "rationalizing" that since I had only had TWO meals/plates all day, that it would have been my third "meal/plate" - but I also realize that once a person starts "blurring the lines", it's all downhilll from there! NOT the habit I am striving for here.

Best get ready for work..........

Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2006 4:25 pm
by Lil Mouse
Have already changed into my WO clothes and after doing a bit of work first, I'll be a-headin' downstairs! ::thumbs up!::

Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2006 6:35 pm
by Lil Mouse
35 minutes today
1.75 miles

I did TWO full segments of walking backwards......... Yay me!
Once I start walking outside, I won't be able to do any walking backwards (too many cars parked alongside the road for me to bump into).......
At that point, I will restart my squats and lunges, here and there........
Pretty soon, I'm also going to have to figure out how I'm going to squeeze in some UBWO's as well.........

Okay, okay......getting ahead of myself here..........
Just stick to what I'm doing for now so I don't overwhelm myself!

Back to work............

Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2006 7:28 pm
by Lil Mouse
Fruit and cheese today......yeah, it's late.....AGAIN! :roll:

However, I AM prepared for dinner tonite - whilst everyone is gnawing on burgers, etc., I will be devouring my spicy Italian sausage/peppers/onion quiche! (and I won't have to wait f-o-r-e-v-e-r for it to be done, either! lol) :D

Back to work...........

Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2006 9:43 pm
by ceu
sounds you got a sound plan of attack. I find cooking dinner at night the hardest time for me to resist popping extra food into my mouth.


Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 2:28 am
by vmelo
Hi, Lil Mouse. I'm new here and have just been perusing some daily check-ins to get the idea of how people work this program. I'm confused by one of your posts and was hoping you could clarify something for me. You wrote,
I briefly considered "rationalizing" that since I had only had TWO meals/plates all day, that it would have been my third "meal/plate" - but I also realize that once a person starts "blurring the lines", it's all downhilll from there! NOT the habit I am striving for here.
Why couldn't your English muffin w/ pb & banana be your dinner? It was my understanding that on N days, we're supposed to eat three meals, and anything is okay as long as it isn't a sweet. Am I wrong? Thanks in advance for your help.

Re: Confused

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 2:20 pm
by Lil Mouse
vmelo wrote:Hi, Lil Mouse. I'm new here and have just been perusing some daily check-ins to get the idea of how people work this program. I'm confused by one of your posts and was hoping you could clarify something for me. You wrote,
I briefly considered "rationalizing" that since I had only had TWO meals/plates all day, that it would have been my third "meal/plate" - but I also realize that once a person starts "blurring the lines", it's all downhilll from there! NOT the habit I am striving for here.
Why couldn't your English muffin w/ pb & banana be your dinner? It was my understanding that on N days, we're supposed to eat three meals, and anything is okay as long as it isn't a sweet. Am I wrong? Thanks in advance for your help.
I'm not really sure how to answer your question, V, as I'm a newbie, too. Maybe if it had resembled more like an actual meal instead of a snack-type thing........... I dunno. Perhaps one of the more "seasoned" NoSers could answer this better......anyone?

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 2:48 pm
by gratefuldeb67
It's probably not the best idea to do this on a regular basis, but if you really only had 3 meals, then I say you are in the clear...
Still, part of me says to listen to your own feelings of whether this felt like a violation of rules... That's very important too.. If you start associating your meals as "rationalized" instead of cut-and-dry "approved" you are setting up major internal conflict which interferes with your enjoyment of food and the "unconscious" good habits you are trying to form..
When we have to stop and rationalize something to ourselves, and that starts becoming the norm, we aren't being real with ourselves...
This is all general advice and thoughts I have... I don't think an english muffin and banana are too much to worry about...
I'm just saying to try and work on mealtime habits which are easy and healthy to maintain, physically and psychologically~

Have a great day Ellen!
Peace and Love,
8) Deb

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 3:02 pm
by Lil Mouse
Thanks Deb! You answered that SOOOO much better than I ever could! And yes, that's why I called that particular day a "failure" keep my head OUT of playing the "Rationalization Game".

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 4:22 pm
by gratefuldeb67
Cool! :wink:
Have a nice non-rationalizing N day!
Only one and a half days to S days!!!
8) Deb

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 4:42 pm
by Lil Mouse
Taking a quick break here.......

Yesterday, BTW, was a SUCCESS!

I got around the fact that once again I only had two meals by eating TWO slices of quiche last night for dinner - yes, I was pretty "stuffed" (but not too uncomfortable) afterwards but it held me through the rest of the evening and my son making up some graham cracker & frosting "sandwiches" later on! Ah, to have the metabolism of a 16 YO MALE! :lol:

Back to work for a bit and then I'm gonna hit the treadmill..........

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 6:37 pm
by Lil Mouse
After searching for like 10 MINUTES for new batteries for my CD player, I finally made it downstairs to the treadmill.

Only 30 minutes today (time constraints)
1.6 miles

Only did one full segment of WB (Walking Backwards) today but I did more partial squatting and actually worked up a bit of a pump in my hammies, too! :D

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2006 3:53 am
by Lil Mouse
ARGH! Where's that smilie bashing his head in?!

Today was a total success...........until just after the little one left this evening

While picking up a few toys, I saw that she had left 1/2 of a graham cracker/frosting "sandwich" on the end-table.......
NOT even thinking and totally going into "Mom", in this case, "G-Mom" mode, I picked it up and popped it in my mouth! :shock: :oops: :x *sigh*

Big 'ol FAILURE now!

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2006 5:04 pm
by ceu
Evil graham cracker! I swear those things lie in wait. :shock:

You're thinking about your eating and generally following a trend to better eating habits. Good work on all your healthy choices this week. :)

ps. I am getting a lot of cardio workout. 8)