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Help Wanted: Sweetness' New Check In

Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2014 11:52 pm
by Sweetness
I have been away from the forum for a few months, so I'm starting a new check in. I titled it "Help Wanted" because that's what I need and that's what I've found here in the past. I've been kindof sortof doing No S, but have gained weight. KInda sorta won't cut it. I really need to push the restart button.

So.o.o.o.... I'm asking for help... any helpful advice or encouragement you can offer is welcome and needed.

Today I jogged for 3 miles, and I'm doing better with my eating, but I did have a little extra dark chocolate after lunch, so technically its already a fail. Tomorrow will be day one of a personal challenge for the rest of the month.

Posted: Thu Feb 06, 2014 12:33 am
by oolala53
Welcome back!

Look to see how you would really like to be with food. Is it possible even No S is too much restriction and left you wanting more of feeling you've missed out on food pleasure more than is worth it?

I really believe people will be happy with any eating plan only when that plan allows them to be an acceptable vision of themselves. That is one reason why No S works for me. I dislike the vision of myself as needing to be a certain weight even more than I disliked being heavy. I will not eat to weigh a certain amount! It's against my religion. Others can. Not me. And I will attempt to proselytize. :) I just can't accept that a measurement that has been available to use for such a short time in history can be of very much importance.

I also gave up the image of myself as an athlete or eco-warrior or modern manifestation of a hunter gatherer.

Now I just really like the idea that I can be civilized and realistic about what and how much food is enough for me. I like thinking I can take it or leave it and thrive in any situation. And I really like the idea of what I think of as relaxed discipline. It's disciplined because I limit the eating to just the three meals even though i could probably "get away" with nibbling more, but relaxed in that I can eat a wide variety of foods and that I don't feel that I'm rigid about it. Just more like, "Oh, skip that piece of chocolate someone offers me? No big deal! I'm really not missing out on much. It's an illusion that that bite will bring me that much pleasure. It's a flying monkey. Poof! Begone, silly monkey!"

My point is that it will help to think of an image of yourself you would like to cultivate and see how No S fits in. What kind of relationship do you want with food and your appetite? How does No S help you fulfill that?

Even if this sounds too vague now, I still encourage you to pursue No S while you figure it out just as a sane way to negotiate our food-rich environment. Cultures that don't have a way to do that end up getting heavy. Until you decide that that's okay with you, go with moderation. You can always eat more later...

If nothing else, think back to when you were more consistently compliant. Were you actually happier? If so, tap into that and magnify it in your mind. Do that periodically and especially when the thoughts to eat come up.

To be continued after more data comes in!


Posted: Thu Feb 06, 2014 2:55 am
by tobiasmom
Missed ya! Glad to see you back. No advice here. Just the same I'm telling myself right now.... one foot in front of the other and stick with it!

Posted: Thu Feb 06, 2014 3:47 am
by lpearlmom
Welcome back. You can do this!

It's hard to add much to what oolala has already written. So well said and I agree 100%!!


Posted: Thu Feb 06, 2014 4:59 am
by ironchef
Hey Sweetness,
Good to see you back, I'm also reconnecting with the message boards here after a bit of time "off the wagon"so to speak.

It's great that you're running - go you!

Not much to add in the way of advice, one thing that really encourages me when I'm drifting is Reinhard's Episode 13 Podcast on Strictness.

Also, remember that feeling when you are on track with No-S and the habits becoming second nature? How your brain feels less crowded because you don't think about food except at meals? How delicious a really good quality and well deserved sweet tastes on an S-day? That's what I'm aiming to crave.

Posted: Thu Feb 06, 2014 11:21 am
by NoSnacker
Oh hi Patty, so glad you are back...I think we started the same year in 2011..(June for me, August for you) I have been gone as well...I gave No S two attempts that lasted about 5 months but this time I'm so loving the whole thing...

I also been following the concepts in this e-book, it's free! ... ohnson.pdf

Posted: Thu Feb 06, 2014 11:37 am
by jw
I remember your name from my early days here, Sweetness -- glad you are back! No amazing advice here, except just to do it and know we're all supporting you . . .

Posted: Thu Feb 06, 2014 1:50 pm
by eschano
Welcome back!!

Oolala, typical words of wisdom :)

Posted: Thu Feb 06, 2014 5:27 pm
by r.jean
I am also back to posting after several months away. I also need to get back on track. Luckily, I caught myself before any significant gain in weight, but I am in danger of seriously gaining if I do not get back on track. For me that means simple vanilla no S and a habit cal in my daily planner tracking compliance. I am also tracking exercise and alcohol. The exercise goal is back to basics, doing anything for 30 minutes a day. Alcohol consumption is just something I am tracking right now to measure the impact. I am thinking of limiting it to S days or putting some other limit on it. It is too easy to just drink more often than you intend when you are retired and around friends who drink more than you do!

So here's to getting back on track and supporting each other!

Posted: Thu Feb 06, 2014 6:58 pm
by Sweetness
oolala53 wrote:Welcome back!

Look to see how you would really like to be with food. Is it possible even No S is too much restriction and left you wanting more of feeling you've missed out on food pleasure more than is worth it?

I really believe people will be happy with any eating plan only when that plan allows them to be an acceptable vision of themselves. That is one reason why No S works for me. I dislike the vision of myself as needing to be a certain weight even more than I disliked being heavy. I will not eat to weigh a certain amount! It's against my religion. Others can. Not me. And I will attempt to proselytize. :) I just can't accept that a measurement that has been available to use for such a short time in history can be of very much importance.

If nothing else, think back to when you were more consistently compliant. Were you actually happier? If so, tap into that and magnify it in your mind. Do that periodically and especially when the thoughts to eat come up.
You've given me lots to think about... Starting with this, Is my goal really to be thin or a certain weight? NO, my goal is to feel better about my relationship with food, to avoid that sick overfull feeling my body and mind get when I over eat. My goal is to feel better in my own skin, to have more energy and less body aches and pains. When I was at a lower weight I noticed this. Looking better and being able to buy smaller clothes is more secondary. At my age, almost 59, I'm actually OK with how I look at my present weight. Looking better is just a bonus.

The bigger issues are the food addiction ones. No S has been a good remedy for that. I don't like it when I'm at a party or a buffet where there are so many things I want to eat so I try everything and eat too much. My body feels miserable afterwards, and during the event I find myself too food focused. This happened to me on Superbowl Sunday. I found myself hovering over the food table even though I was already full. :?

Oolala thanks for the advice!

Posted: Thu Feb 06, 2014 7:18 pm
by Sweetness
r.jean, Glad you're back too, and we can support each other.

eschano, JW, thanks for the welcome and support! Nice to know I'm remembered!

NoSnacker, I'm so excited that you're back! you are such a great cheerleader! Thanks for the book!

ironchef, Great advice and comments. I'm going to listen to that podcast soon. I'll have to download them to my iphone. I've been listening to conferences while I jog, makes the time pass quickly. Here in mexico, because the streets are concrete, I run laps at the little end of an asphalt parking lot, a lot easier on the knees. The inspirational talks help avoid boredom. I did 3 miles again today without even realizing it!! (In Minnesota I get to run around a beautiful lake.)

Linda, tobiasmom, Thanks, every encouraging word really helps!

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 10:21 pm
by Sweetness
Oh my goodness there are a lot of people on this site! and thats a good thing... but you have to get on here often to find yourself!!!

Yesterday was :mrgreen: pretty good, I jogged about 3 miles, including jogging into the supermarket after my normal laps around the parking lot. I used a small plate at dinner, but also had a little bowl of fresh fruit with nuts, and another plate to share with raw veggies, so I was a bit full then. I have to get out of the habit again of nibbling while I'm cooking, but I'm cutting myself some slack and calling it day one and a SUCCESS.

I read the e book that NoSnacker posted. I like that, I don't have to pay attention to my urges. Kindof like what OOlala was saying "Its a flying monkey. Poof! Begone silly monkey!" I think Ive been duped into thinking that my urges and fleeting desires are important, when they are not. Almost the whole time we were up in the states (from Dec.18 to Jan. 21) I was stressed about my Mom and Dad's health and trying to help them. Every time I went to see them at the assisted living during the day, I would walk by the coffee nook where they have yummy cookies. "You deserve a cookie," is what I heard in my head, and I would help myself. I felt like I needed the cookie because I was stressed.

Posted: Sat Feb 08, 2014 12:24 am
by oolala53
When you're stressed is when you DON'T need the cookie, or should I say that the cookie is just another stressor. The time to eat a cookie is when everything is going well and you can relax and enjoy it.

I'm a pretty anxious person by nature and I've found that stressful times are better when I stick to Vanilla. I've had pretty good luck with being able to.

You're going to be fine!

Posted: Sat Feb 08, 2014 12:24 am
by oolala53
When you're stressed is when you DON'T need the cookie, or should I say that the cookie is just another stressor. The time to eat a cookie is when everything is going well and you can relax and enjoy it.

I'm a pretty anxious person by nature and I've found that stressful times are better when I stick to Vanilla. I've had pretty good luck with being able to.

You're going to be fine!

Posted: Sat Feb 08, 2014 4:41 am
by ironchef
Nice work on the running Sweetness, especially working it into other things - like the trip to the shops.
oolala53 wrote:When you're stressed is when you DON'T need the cookie, or should I say that the cookie is just another stressor.
Quoted for truth!

I had an experiment with this in 2010, when I had the most stressful work year I've ever had. Away from home, 14 hr days, 7 day week, on call 24 hrs, in charge of a job that went badly wrong and ended up costing an additional $14 million. Horrible. First half of the year: lots of sugar and caffeine to "cope". Result: still incredibly stressed, but also fatter, with cold sores and poor sleep. Second half of the year: started exercising and conscious breathing to manage stress. Result: fitter, less stressed.

Incredibly, even after this experience, I still have that little voice saying "go on, you deserve a cookie". But at least I know that little voice is full of BS.

Posted: Sat Feb 08, 2014 9:39 am
by NoSnacker
Sweetness wrote:I read the e book that NoSnacker posted. I like that, I don't have to pay attention to my urges. Kindof like what OOlala was saying "Its a flying monkey. Poof! Begone silly monkey!" I think Ive been duped into thinking that my urges and fleeting desires are important, when they are not.
Exactly, seems an urge can feel like life or death, that we have no choice but to act on it, but we do and each time we say junk thoughts be gone. What I like about the book is she doesn't believe to get where we want to be we need to distract ourselves, use will power, but just acknowledge all just junk from the past a part of us that thinks eating will make us feel better...ya for all but a you said our urges have duped us..

Have a great weekend!

Posted: Sat Feb 08, 2014 7:08 pm
by Sweetness
oolala53 wrote:When you're stressed is when you DON'T need the cookie, or should I say that the cookie is just another stressor. The time to eat a cookie is when everything is going well and you can relax and enjoy it.

I'm a pretty anxious person by nature and I've found that stressful times are better when I stick to Vanilla. I've had pretty good luck with being able to.

You're going to be fine!
That is what I need to learn, to stick with NoS during stressful times... It's been my downfall. A big part of it is NOT believing the lie that sweets and snacks will help me cope. The opposite is true. Are you listening, Self?

Posted: Sat Feb 08, 2014 7:13 pm
by Sweetness
ironchef wrote:

Incredibly, even after this experience, I still have that little voice saying "go on, you deserve a cookie". But at least I know that little voice is full of BS.
It's a big start to recognize the lies, ha,ha the little voice full of BS! Thanks for this insight. :wink: :lol:

NoSnacker, I'm looking foreword to the time when those urges really are a thing of the past, or "just junk from the past." For now I have to discount them and deny them!

Yesterday went well although I did catch myself sampling while cooking. I also stopped, so it was SUCCESS. :mrgreen: I had a morning appointment so I only had a half hour for my jog, but I did get out there! I'm getting back into really wanting to exercise because I know it makes me feel better! Today on my way back from jogging 3.5 miles I met a friend, and she told me I look younger! What a nice birthday gift! I will be 59 tomorrow. :D

Posted: Sat Feb 08, 2014 9:11 pm
by NoSnacker
I'll be 57 this year...never to late to be healthy...I never thought I'd have a food issue at my age....we'll do it this time....... :lol:

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2014 8:09 pm
by Sweetness
I had an indulgent but not over the top weekend. Regular meals with several treats, till my surprize party last night, I did some grazing on the snacks but didn't really overeat till my friend gave me a bigger peice of cake than I really wanted. I ate it because I'm the birthday girl. it was good. Overall I'm happy with how the weekend went food wise. I also really felt loved and wanted by my Mexican friends at church and my husband and my American friends at the party, and lots of nice birthday wishes on facebook too. :mrgreen: :mrgreen: 8) :lol:

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2014 8:21 pm
by automatedeating
Happy Birthday!

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2014 8:28 pm
by Sweetness

Thanks, it was and I'm still enjoying the feeling! :D

Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2014 4:02 am
by Sweetness
Today was SUCCESS I went to a pastor's breakfast with my hubby and stopped at one yummy tamale, also had fruit and atole champurado, which is a thickened hot beverage. I had forgotten to mark my calendar, so didn't get out for my jog in the morning but I walked my friend home this afternoon and she lives almost a half hour walk from here, mostly up-hill, of course then it was downhill coming back went faster about 55 minutes total, so I did get my exercise. This is day 5 for me>>>
:mrgreen: :mrgreen: 8) :lol: :mrgreen:

Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2014 5:23 am
by ironchef
Well done, and happy birthday!

Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2014 9:15 am
by NoSnacker
Happy Birthday Patty! Glad you ate you cake and enjoyed it!

Is you husband a Pastor? My husband is but is disabled at the moment..long story.

I'm so happy that you are back my friend :)

p.s. I applied the concept last night...normally after an over the top weekend it is hard to get back..but I separated the urge to continue to eat, acknowledging it for what it was, junk/bad habit...and thought of what my real self would want and poof, it was simple when applied. It felt like an emotional need but it really wasn't just old habits.

Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2014 10:35 am
by eschano
Happy Birthday! The best thing about your surprise party story is when you said you felt loved and wanted- that's beautiful and well deserved.

Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2014 3:05 am
by Sweetness
Ironchef, NoSnacker, eschano,
Thanks so much for the birthday wishes, I actually feel younger than I did a month ago when I was overeating and not exercising!

Today was SUCCESS Three good meals, and got out there earlier this morning to jog, I was starting to be concerned about the sun, some of my American friends have gotten skin cancers. So I'm happy I got out there early... 3 miles, plus I walked to my friend's house and the copy store which adds another mile or so.

I tried a new recipe today, lemon chicken with new potatoes and green beens. It was just OK, but satisfying without being heavy like some other meals. I ended up wanting something more after dinner, but ignored that urge and settled for a cup of tea. Today is day 6. :mrgreen: :mrgreen: 8) 8) :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

No Snacker, My husband and I are both ordained ministers, not pastors although we could be. We are missionaries and have healing rooms ministry here and in Minnesota. We like to help pastors so we belong to several pastor's groups and alliances. In 2013 we were both certified for inner healing prayer ministry using Wellsprings materials. I have 6 people I'm presently working with once a week. We'll pray for healing for your husband, sorry he's disabled, that must be hard.

Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2014 5:36 am
by automatedeating
good walking today!

fairness of skin and number of moles are the primary risk factors for skin cancer, if that helps you consider your risk at all....?

Also, paradoxically, the more lifetime sun exposure a person has the lower his/her risk of melanoma (the scariest kind of skin cancer). Weird, hun?

Posted: Thu Feb 13, 2014 9:39 am
by NoSnacker
Ahhh thanks Patty that would be wonderful. Right now he has to lose weight in order to have surgery - 70lbs that he has gained from being on a lot of pain meds/and unable to do too much. Some of his meds cause weight gain and so does he eating too big of prayers that God will align his eating so he can have his surgery. Long story short, he has coughed so bad one winter that he tore his innercostal muscle, ripped his diaphragm, broke some ribs and herniated his liver. Had surgery (2 years ago) but six weeks later all the mesh gave way...Let's put it this way, he is a modern day Job.

Do you know the Rilings? They travel the world and speak at conferences for pastors.

p.s. nice job on the run and getting back on track.....

Have a great day!

Posted: Thu Feb 13, 2014 8:05 pm
by Sweetness
NoSnacker wrote:Ahhh thanks Patty that would be wonderful. Right now he has to lose weight in order to have surgery - 70lbs that he has gained from being on a lot of pain meds/and unable to do too much. Some of his meds cause weight gain and so does he eating too big of prayers that God will align his eating so he can have his surgery. Long story short, he has coughed so bad one winter that he tore his innercostal muscle, ripped his diaphragm, broke some ribs and herniated his liver. Had surgery (2 years ago) but six weeks later all the mesh gave way...Let's put it this way, he is a modern day Job.

Do you know the Rilings? They travel the world and speak at conferences for pastors.

p.s. nice job on the run and getting back on track.....

Have a great day!
Thanks for sharing, I'm praying for him right now, I remembered something about a failed surgery, but wasn't sure. OUCH.

Don't know the Rilings...

Thanks for the encouragement, I feel so much better which is my biggest motivation. I didn't get out there this morning and I really wanted to! I don't think I would ever stick with exercise that was hard or that I didn't enjoy.


Posted: Thu Feb 13, 2014 8:13 pm
by Sweetness
automatedeating wrote:good walking today!

fairness of skin and number of moles are the primary risk factors for skin cancer, if that helps you consider your risk at all....?

Also, paradoxically, the more lifetime sun exposure a person has the lower his/her risk of melanoma (the scariest kind of skin cancer). Weird, hun?
That's good to know. I didn't get out before my appointment this morning, so looks like I may have to skip today.

Yesterday was SUCCESS I fought off temptation before bed I was hungry because I had eaten only fruit, with a little yogurt and nuts for supper. I had some milk with vanilla and stevia, and wanted more but didn't give in! I went for a 3.5 mile jog in the morning.
Today is a NWS day. We will be going out for Valentines day. So this is Day 8 and it looks like this>> :mrgreen: :mrgreen: 8) :lol: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :P

Posted: Fri Feb 14, 2014 9:48 am
by NoSnacker
Love your stats and the fact that you ignored your urges! It seems so easy to acknowledge them for what they are, just junk.....

Happy Valentines Day to you and your husband...

Posted: Sat Feb 15, 2014 3:49 am
by Sweetness
Hope everyone had a fantastic day of love and friendship, that's what they call it here in Mexico. Feliz Dia De Amor y Amistad. My day was fantastic. I had my NWS day yesterday and that was nice too. My Sweetie bought me flowers today, and I went with him to yet another pastor's breakfast. My job was to look beautiful by his side, and to greet and hug and kiss people. I didnt have either of the desserts and stuck to one plate, well really two because they always put the fruit on a little plate. Also passed up the sweet rolls on the table. Yay for me! I also went for a 2 mile jog before breakfast, had to get up early for that. I resisted urges this evening by having a cup of tea. Have a good weekend everyone! Today is day 9 for me... :mrgreen: :mrgreen: 8) :lol: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :P :mrgreen:

Posted: Sat Feb 15, 2014 3:53 am
by Sweetness
NoSnacker wrote:Love your stats and the fact that you ignored your urges! It seems so easy to acknowledge them for what they are, just junk.....

Happy Valentines Day to you and your husband...
Thanks! You too! Its getting easier to ignore urges as I get into habit. I did start to eat a dried up tortilla as I was cleaning up tonight, but stopped myself. I'm not ready for the fence around the law yet, if its not intentional and I stop myself, I'm cutting myself some slack.

Posted: Sat Feb 15, 2014 9:21 am
by NoSnacker
I totally agree. I think we know in our hearts if something would be a fail. When I went to my sons with pizza, I planned on have 2 squares (equals 1 slice) and 3 wings. My first plate had my square and wings then I went back for my second square. In my mind I kept saying this is a second helping...I had to push that negative thought right out of my still bothers me, but I know it is my old self trying to derail me. Old urges/thoughts can do when those negative thoughts come up treat same as an urge...working for me at work as well.

I always tell myself, I'm dumb, Ill never get it, everyone is so much smarter than me...those thoughts actually hinder me from doing the job I want to I treat them as urges/neurological junk..and tell myself the opposite.

I think I have been managing projects for 9 years now, how can I not be doing a good job..I would have lost my job :)

Have a blessed weekend.

I'm hoping for sane moderation. Haven't been applying my urge concept to the weekends YET :)

Posted: Sun Feb 16, 2014 1:39 am
by Sweetness
Deb. Yes, stop the negative self talk! Project managers have to be the smartest people on the planet! I admire you!

Today was a good SDay Three good meals with some treats. Dark chocolate, soft serve icecream cone. And I was able to get a couple miles in before we went to Mexico City for ministry this morning. We are going to teach Healing Rooms Kids at a home for street kids (boys). It is a success in the girls home. We were strategizing and praying with the small team today. Day 10 :mrgreen: :mrgreen: 8) 8) :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: 8) :mrgreen: :lol:

Posted: Tue Feb 18, 2014 3:35 am
by r.jean
Good to see you fighting your way back! It is hard, right?!

Posted: Tue Feb 18, 2014 4:15 am
by Sweetness
r.jean wrote:Good to see you fighting your way back! It is hard, right?!
It really hasn't been hard once I got back on this forum.

Yesterday was a good S Day. Enjoyed my chocolate so much more since I only allow it on S days. I went for a jog in the late afternoon, finished after sunset.

Today I'm thinking I need to call it a FAIL. I was doing fine till we were at Costco and they had samples. I was thinking about calling it part of my supper, because we had pizza there right after. Hmm... :oops:

Anyway today was a really wonderful day and we found some nice patio furniture and my hubby bought it for me for my birthday. Besides that I'm just so happy I could burst! I had such a good time with God this morning felt like he was speaking to me about all the new things he is doing. I'm excited to see how things will turn out!
:mrgreen: :mrgreen: 8) :lol: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :wink: :mrgreen: 8) :lol: :oops:

Posted: Tue Feb 18, 2014 9:12 am
by NoSnacker
Hi Patty, see if I had a couple of the samples as long as not dessert I would have decided that it was part of my meal since you ate right there. Now if they were brownies, etc....mmmm that would be a dessert :)

Others may disagree, but virtual plate seems to fit the bill here...Like Reinhard says "don't let the complicated perfect be the enemy of the simple good enough".

We cannot always be at home or at a restaurant to do things as we deem perfect.

I had a tic tac for onion breath, mmmmm I'm definitely not taking a red for a tic tac :)

Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2014 2:42 am
by Sweetness
No Snacker,
I agree with you, but I have had these perfectionist tendencies that would not allow me to fail and move on. It was actually good to be able to do that, I mean mark it and move on. I also didn't have it in my mind till later that we would eat Costco pizza, so I really was giving in and snacking. It was unplanned eating.

Today was success No S wise. I went jogging this morning, then it turned out to be a very stressful day because on my way home I was robbed by two young guys. Broad daylight about 10 AM. They didn't hurt me, but would have if I hadn't given them my iphone and some money. My husband and I spent most of the day trying to file a report and get the serial number for the police, and get the phone disconnected. I'm grateful I wasn't hurt, and that they didn't get the key to our house, which was attached to my money pouch. I opened it and gave them some bills, turns out when I checked later I still had a hundred pesos and some coins that they didn't get. I think they only got a about a 80 pesos. They were really more interested in my iphone, I had my headphones in my ears and they could see that there was something attached in my pocket. The other good thing is that when I prayed, God really comforted me, cause I felt a bit traumatized and scared at first. But I know how to pray for inner healing, I'm a certified prayer minister, and it worked for myself as well. I have peace.

Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2014 10:15 am
by eschano
Oh Sweetness! That sounds horrible. I've been robbed at knifepoint a couple of times before (as you know, this is what can happen when living in more deprived countries and bless them, they usually only want some money) and trust me - you'll get over it. Now, god forbid that this happens to you again but there are some precautions you should take:

I suggest getting an ipod mini for your runs that you can attach to the outside of your shirt - it's not worth stealing when they see it or if they still go for it the hassle and money lost will be much less.

Also, keep your keys separate from your money, possibly attached to your shirt as next time you might not be so lucky as to be able to keep the wallet. ID's, credit cards, all of that stuff is of use for some criminals.

Do find the safest route possible and keep jogging in broad daylight and not too early - it did happen at 10AM but chances are much higher to get hurt at 5/6AM when some people just stop drinking.

The best thing if at all possible: get a jogging buddy or two.

And always tell your husband your route in advance.

You're probably already doing lots of those so do forgive me if it sounds patrionizing. I just like surviving and ideally all the people I like live to old age too.

Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2014 10:40 am
by NoSnacker
Wow Patty, how horrible!!!! I'm glad God was able to comfort you and protect you from harm. I like the safety tips eschano suggested!! Can't even manage this happening to sorry....but so glad that you are okay...and are here to tell us!

Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2014 8:23 pm
by Sweetness
Thanks for the tips and concern Eschano and NoSnacker, Don't worry about being patronizing. I'll take any and all advice. I was thinking about an Ipod instead and also I should not have still been listening to it in the street, it makes you less aware of what and who is around you. I changed my route a bit. I always went on this one street because it was by where I used to live and I have friends there, but it is isolated... and no one was out on the street that day. I got robbed right in front of the house where I used to live! My neigbor says lots of people have been robbed on that little street. Thankfully there is a route I can take that has lots of people in the street. Then I jog in the Super parking lot. Many people pass through and I feel safe there. Those guys must have followed me and wited till I was where there were no people. I'm glad they didn't show me a knife or a gun! Sorry that happened to you Eschano.

Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2014 9:15 am
by eschano
Hi Sweetness,
Sounds like a great plan. I agree, earplugs in the street are not ideal but good thing you found a safer route! Jog-on ;)

Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2014 3:22 am
by Sweetness
Yesterday and today were good days. I was able to consult with people and today have a plan. NO more jogging in the parking lot. As far as I know, I am the only white american woman living here among about 50,000 people in the part of the city where I live, so I definitely have been calling attention to myself by circling the parking lot for 45 minutes almost every morning. My pastor says even if I had a running partner, I shouldn't do it. So I plan to go to the gym with my hubby. I much prefer being outdoors, but not if its not safe. When I go to Minnesota, I will have the beautiful lake to run around. Yesterday was the last time I jogged in the parking lot: 3 miles. Today I walked a couple miles to Wallmart and back, our houseguest went with me and helped carry packages. In spite of the stress and entertaining, the No S habit is working for me. I'm so glad I don't have to worry about food! So the month is shaping up like this: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: 8) :lol: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :wink: :mrgreen: 8) :lol: :oops: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2014 6:14 pm
by eschano
I'm glad you found an exercise solution that is safe as well! And fantastic on maintaining the NoS habit throughout it all :)

Posted: Sat Feb 22, 2014 7:27 pm
by Sweetness
eschano wrote:I'm glad you found an exercise solution that is safe as well! And fantastic on maintaining the NoS habit throughout it all :)
I went to the gym with my sweetie yesterday, definitely felt safe. It was hot and sweaty in there (No AC and over 85 outside, but felt cool when we got out) but I did the treadmill for about an hour reading my kindle to pass the time, and lifted some dumbells afterward. A good workout.
Yesterday was success. :mrgreen:

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2014 7:13 am
by ironchef
Wow, Sweetness, so impressed that you've taken such positive steps already so soon after a scary experience. You are a trooper!

Posted: Wed Feb 26, 2014 10:40 pm
by Sweetness
ironchef wrote:Wow, Sweetness, so impressed that you've taken such positive steps already so soon after a scary experience. You are a trooper!
Thanks, I'm finding out that its worse here than I thought! EVERYONE has a tale of themselves or someone close to them being robbed on the street or in the bus, many times with weapons. Looks like we learned a cheap lesson, all I lost was a few pesos and my iphone. They did not get my wedding and engagement rings, which I naively have been wearing all the time. Several people have told me now that that makes me an attractive target and I should not have them on in the street even if my hubby is with me. Now to find a good place to hide them in the house, in case we're broken into. My diamond is not huge but I think its 1/4 carat and worth lots more than any phone. God really has been protecting us in spite of our ignorance. I decided not to go out alone at all during carnival... Thank God they finally took it down after more than a week. There were so many drunks and traffic and strange people in the streets, and we are only 3 blocks from the zocalo where they set it up.

This week is going well no S wise. Habit has really kicked in. I'm liking how I feel. Went to the gym with Hubby Monday and today and am getting used to the treadmill... I can read my kindle and time passes quickly. I started back on the 6th, and the month looks like this including today which I decided will be green!! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: 8) :lol: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :lol: :mrgreen: 8) :lol: :mrgreen: :oops: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :roll: :wink:
:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Posted: Thu Feb 27, 2014 12:45 am
by automatedeating
Glad you're safe, and that you can bring your sunny outlook to the rest of us. :)

Help wanted: sweetness's new check in

Posted: Thu Feb 27, 2014 1:03 am
by losingforgood
I'm glad you're ok Sweetness. That had to be scarey!

Posted: Thu Feb 27, 2014 9:35 am
by eschano
Well, ignorance is bliss and I had this weird experience that naivity can be pretty protective as your body language is different. If you are carefree people will think twice to rob you as they immediately ask themselves if they are missing something (like a body guard who hangs back). Not kidding.
But now that you know: invest in a proper safety deposit box in the safest bank you can find (they might still get robbed but still). If someone noticed you wearing your engagement ring and then notices you not wearing it the first place to look would be your house. You don't want that. A safety deposit box isn't that expensive. If there are no safe banks then you might be able to strike a deal with a hotel that serves ex-pats. You can recommend them and pay them a small fee for keeping it in their safe. Just a thought.

Sorry I'm butting in so much about this. Most of my friends from university moved on to work in different countries where safety is an issue (Haiti, Congo, Mexico, etc). I get very scary emails from time to time but everyone is exchanging safety tips. I'm reading them comfortably from lovely GB, however, it's nice to learn anyways and happy to pass on anything I can.

And I should also say: while this is all scary and annoying: I remember the amazing solidarity of the ex-pat community and the brilliant, loving advice I got from locals and how helpful everyone was. That is something to celebrate!

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2014 11:34 pm
by Sweetness
Thanks Auto, and Losingforgood,

I have lots of good help from above to keep my attitude sunny!
eschano wrote:Well, ignorance is bliss and I had this weird experience that naivity can be pretty protective as your body language is different. If you are carefree people will think twice to rob you as they immediately ask themselves if they are missing something (like a body guard who hangs back). Not kidding.
But now that you know: invest in a proper safety deposit box in the safest bank you can find (they might still get robbed but still). If someone noticed you wearing your engagement ring and then notices you not wearing it the first place to look would be your house. You don't want that. A safety deposit box isn't that expensive. If there are no safe banks then you might be able to strike a deal with a hotel that serves ex-pats. You can recommend them and pay them a small fee for keeping it in their safe. Just a thought.

Sorry I'm butting in so much about this. Most of my friends from university moved on to work in different countries where safety is an issue (Haiti, Congo, Mexico, etc). I get very scary emails from time to time but everyone is exchanging safety tips. I'm reading them comfortably from lovely GB, however, it's nice to learn anyways and happy to pass on anything I can.

And I should also say: while this is all scary and annoying: I remember the amazing solidarity of the ex-pat community and the brilliant, loving advice I got from locals and how helpful everyone was. That is something to celebrate!
Eschano, Thanks for the advice! Bring it on! We need each other on this mixed up crazy planet with all the people who have such nasty backgrounds. If you apologize about it again I'll have to get mad at you. :wink: Everyone here local and expat has given me their advice, and while I can't follow it all, I really appreciate the concern and caring and so I listen consider and pray about it all.

If a carefree attitude helps then that may well be what has protected me so far! I've always walked with a bounce to my step, and I am one of the happiest people I know most of the time. This experience has not changed that! (And of course I do have a Bodyguard they can't see, maybe more than one according to Psalm 91).

I am really feeling good physically after almost a month back on NoS. While I am carrying at least 20 extra pounds around with me, I can feel by my clothes that I have lost a few, and more importantly, my energy level is so good, and I'm not weighed down by extra food in my tummy (been there done that). I have been keeping up with exercise, and that makes a huge difference. The weekends are settling for me, I'm not craving anything and don't need sweets at all. 8) This board has been a huge help this month for me. Thanks everyone.

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2014 11:45 pm
by Sweetness
This is what the month of Feb looked like (starting Feb 6th) Finished the month with a FAIL, but it was for seconds on salad and fruit at a party and was only the second fail this month. I guess I could have claimed an S event for that. I'm happy with it. I have to get rid of my perfectionist tendencies anyway.
:mrgreen: :mrgreen: 8) :lol: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :lol: :mrgreen: 8) :lol: :mrgreen: :oops: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :roll: :wink: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :oops:

Before I started back, I was addicted to chocolate again, having some every day and craving it. NO more! I'm happy to have some on the weekend, but don't NEED it anymore. Yay! This is going better than I thought it would!

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2014 1:10 am
by snapdragon
I am so impressed with people who just jump in and fail only twice in a month! And one failure is fruit! Keep up the good work!

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2014 4:14 am
by lpearlmom
Great work sweetness!!!

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2014 5:11 am
by ironchef
A great Feb Sweetness, well done :)

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2014 10:38 am
by eschano
Oh Sweetness, I'm delighted for you! You're doing really well! And I won't apologize again, promise :)

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2014 8:01 pm
by Sweetness
Eschano, Lpearl, Ironchef, Snappy, thanks for the kind words!

March is starting out well. A sane weekend, and yesterday was SUCCESS. 8) :lol: :mrgreen: I didn't work out this weekend although I did do some walking on Saturday. Yesterday and today I had good workouts at the gym. On the way back today my husband asked me to cut back his portions by a third. He has always had a good metabolism and could eat a lot, but is having trouble losing weight. Since I've been on NoS, he has too, not as strict. I have been dishing up his meals for him and I give him the same as me. He swears he hasn't been snacking. Its going to be hard to give my big man less food than I eat! My metabolism must have kicked up because I know Ive lost a few pounds by the way my clothes fit. Hmmm....

:roll: :wink:

Help wanted

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2014 9:17 pm
by losingforgood
Way to go Sweetness! Sounds like you're being the example for your hubby. It's good that you have each other's support and are doing it together :)

Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2014 2:34 am
by Sweetness
We were talking about it today and I think his downfall has been the events and parties with food. He always eats twice what I do at special events. Poor guy, his metabolism has definitely slowed down.

Today was a fail, not a big one, but I have to be more strict with myself and fess up. I was snitching potatoes as they were pan frying today as I made dinner. I do allow myself to taste food to see if its seasoned right, but I think I ate about 6 little pieces of potato before dinner today. Otherwise I was good. :oops:

Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2014 5:30 am
by lpearlmom
I hear ya. My hubby LOVES to eat and was such a beanpole when I met him. He can't eat like he used to but, then again, he was rock climbing 20+ hrs/wk in those days too! Now we have real life responsibilities. Ah well!

I allow myself to taste for seasoning too but it's so easy to let that slip into actual snacking. Good for you for reigning yourself in although I agree that it's def not a big fail!


Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2014 6:47 pm
by Sweetness
When we were first married I couldn't believe how much food my hubby could eat. He was also really high strung. I like him better now even if he does have a big belly. :wink:

Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2014 6:56 pm
by mestahl
As a newlywed (well relatively we'e been married almost 2 years) I can see a huge difference in the amount of food my husband eats. Whenever I'm going all nuts eating tons of sugar and running around feeling guilty he is also eating tons of sweets. I never realized how much pull my eating habits have on him. I noticed lately at dinner he has been less likely to ask for seconds so maybe No S is starting to rub off on him.

It didn't even occur to me until you mentioned it...maybe No S can inadvertently help my guy too.

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2014 11:07 pm
by Sweetness
Evening, I'm sure it will help your guy, if he's around you a lot, of course.

Today a young acquaintance at the market noticed I had lost weight. Yes!! I explained about NoS, and she says she is going to try it. NoS is so easy to explain, one of the things I love about it.

We got more keys made today so we can secure our place more securely when we and our landlords are gone. The wall in front of our property is about 10 feet tall but someone could still get over it pretty easily if they had help. Then the gate needs to be locked with a padlock on the inside, or they could load up a truck with everything and drive it out without calling much attention to themselves if no one was home. We have left it bolted but not locked lots of times. Most everyone we know has been robbed at least once. Just because we pray for protection, doesn't mean it will never happen to us.

Yesterday was success, and today will be too! I already decided. So March is marching on.
8) :lol: :mrgreen: :oops: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

I had a great workout at the gym today, I'm actually not minding the treadmill and extreme sweating. I feel good.

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2014 12:50 am
by Sweetness
I'm really excited about being full after each meal and then having an appetite for the next one. I was really thrilled with what I ate today. I love to cook, but sometimes I get in a rut and I don't feel like putting forth effort. For the past couple weeks I have been asking God to help me with it, to show me or give me a vision for what to have for dinner. It's been great, and I have never been happier with what I'm eating.
Today: Breakfast- Green smoothie (with spinach, avocado, apple, yogurt and about 6 other things my DH makes almost every morning) and "bird seed bar" (I forget the name of the seeds in these bars,, but someone told me they're really high in protein.)
Dinner: Chicken fluorentine: with chicken, lots of spinach, red pepper, onion, garlic, bow tie pasta, sour cream, cheddar, Parmesan. Mmmmm... Fresh black berries with a teaspoon of sugar and real cream. YUMMMMMMMM....
Supper: 2 eggs, leftover pasta with tomatoes, cucumber and avocado slices, 1/2 mango.


Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2014 9:37 am
by eschano
Sweetness, your meals sound amazing. I will cranck out the recipe book asap to copy what you made!

Delighted you had some progress on safety too. Don't stress about being robbed, if it happens it happens, as long as you and your husband are safe it's just a nuisance.

Doing really well hun!

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2014 4:01 pm
by Sweetness
eschano wrote:Sweetness, your meals sound amazing. I will cranck out the recipe book asap to copy what you made!

Delighted you had some progress on safety too. Don't stress about being robbed, if it happens it happens, as long as you and your husband are safe !
Eschano, That's exactly what I was telling my landlady yesterday. The important thing is our lives, and if they cleaned out our whole house, we would go on. God provided it once, and He can do it again.

The recipe for Chicken Florentine is my own modification from a tuna Florentine recipe I have. I added red peppers because I love them and it adds flavor and color. It's a really fast meal to make, I just throw it together. By the time the pasta is done, you can usually have the rest of it done too. Let me know if you can't find a good recipe, and I'll be glad to type out mine. The green smoothie, I'm sure I put that recipe somewhere on my old thread, I would just have to search.

Have a great weekend everyone! 8)

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2014 5:51 pm
by mestahl
Sweetness, your meals sound absolutely delish - fresh blackberries with cream oh my goodness - I have a weakness for cream AND fruit.

I've never thought of putting apples in a smoothie but ya know - it totally works. I will keep that in mind whenever I have greens leftover.

Posted: Sat Mar 08, 2014 3:09 am
by Sweetness
eveninglightwriter wrote:Sweetness, your meals sound absolutely delish - fresh blackberries with cream oh my goodness - I have a weakness for cream AND fruit.

I've never thought of putting apples in a smoothie but ya know - it totally works. I will keep that in mind whenever I have greens leftover.
The blackberries were heavenly, a man was going door to door selling fruit.
I use whipping cream in my coffee here, because half and half is not available. I'm not afraid of natural fats. I've been trying to have some avocado with lunch and dinner every day, and I put virgin coconut oil on my granola or fruit in the morning. Yum.
B-This morning I had a green smoothie, and a little granola with raw nuts, craisins, coconut, coconut oil, and milk. Mmmm...
Din-leftover chicken Florentine, avocado,carrot,jicama, cucumber, and half a mango.
Supper- grilled chicken and chees sandwich, jicama, avocado
no exercise today but SUCCESS! I'm tempted to start my weekend early with a little dark chocolate but it will taste good with my coffee tomorrow.

Posted: Sat Mar 08, 2014 3:12 am
by lpearlmom
You're doing great & everything sounds delish! I eat avocado almost every day! Love it & it's so healthy!

Enjoy your S days!


Posted: Sun Mar 09, 2014 4:33 pm
by mestahl
Sweetness I'm with you on the natural fats. I use real butter - real whole milk - real cream - whole milk yogurts and sour cream and extra virgin coconut oils and heck I even save the fat from my bacon and use that for collards and other greens. One of the reasons I love the No S diet it because I can cook real food on it. I try to stick to a diet that my ancestors would have recognized as food - I mean I'm no paleo girl but I've pretty much ditched any processed pre-made stuff in my kitchen.

You just feel better and satisfied when you eat real food.

I love coconut anything - I use the extra virgin coconut oil in my granola along with the dried coconut - very tasty

Posted: Sun Mar 09, 2014 11:42 pm
by Sweetness
Evening, Linda,
I love the feeling of fullness that natural fats give you. It's like my body has received exactly what it needs, and then I don't need to snack, or dessert. On the other hand for instance if I were to eat some chips or fries fries in commercial oil, even if I'm super full, the feeling I have is kindof sick and still craving something healthy. After dinner every day I have a cup of decaf with cream and that has really solved my wanting sweets or more food after dinner.

Hullo old friend!

Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2014 12:50 am
by No BS
I thought I would pop up and say hullo and offer words of encouragement to you, Patty. Our oft-times hilarious and always supportive commentary over a year ago sure helped & gave a lot of encouragement.

Plus I got such a kick out of your winters in Mexico while I was toiling away in the High Arctic.

Glad to hear you are still putting on the miles running and keeping the faith.

Hang in there, Patty. :D

Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2014 11:19 am
by eschano
Thanks Sweetness, I'll have a look for the recipe asap and otherwise circle back to you :) Thanks so much for the inspiration! And so funny you said the same thing to your landlady.

Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2014 10:11 pm
by Sweetness
No BS, Welcome Back, I'm sure you have some winter stories to share, even if you did move to southern Canada! You probably don't want to hear how hot it is here now. Any time I feel too hot I just think of my friends and I decide to enjoy it!!!

I had a really good weekend. Saturday was a bit busy, doing ministry from early morning till 3PM and then rushing off for our date. I had 3 meals plus 3 squares of Dark Chocolate, some Hersheys bites, and a soft serve cone. One of the meals was home made popcorn. We rented the Ten Commandments, and enjoyed it, most of it was like seeing something we've never seen before because its been at least 20 years. It was so long though. It was my Hubby's night to choose what we do, and I fell asleep during part of the movie, which is not so bad. Sunday was just three normal meals plus a snack after church and my dark chocolate. I didn't get any exercise though, except a couple short walks.

Today we hosted a pastor's breakfast here at our house. I expected about 12 people or less and 20 showed up. We had set up for 12 down on the patio. Our landlord's son donated the use of the tables, umbrellas, chairs and table cloths, he has a banquet business. Our landlords who are also mission pastors joined us. When there were 16 people I invited the wives to come up on our balcony (we have the 2nd floor apartment) and asked my hubby to go buy more tamales. Then 2 more couples came. There were 12 pastors and 8 pastor's wives total. I'm so glad I had hired a friend to help, and she worked hard for 5 hours cleaning and serving, plus I was running up and down the stairs to bring things and serve people, making more coffee,, etc, I guess that's my exercise for today!! All my jogging has paid off and I'm not worn out afterwards. My landlady helped serve and rescued me when I ran out of fruit, bringing more from her house. I kept saying, "This is a wonderful problem to have!" Usually this group has low attendance. I finally sat down and ate. We had a great time sharing and praying for each other.

BreaKfast: Tamale, mixed fruit with yogurt and granola, oatmeal atole (a thick hot drink) Agua de jamaica (hibiscus flower drink)
Dinner: Homemade chicken soup with dumplings, crackers, cheese
After dinner I was putting something away and caught myself with a small handful of pecans, I caught myself, then decided to eat them... FAIL. :oops:

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2014 6:42 am
by lpearlmom
Sounds like a great weekend! Not a bad fail at all!

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2014 7:28 am
by ironchef
Sweetness wrote:After dinner I was putting something away and caught myself with a small handful of pecans, I caught myself, then decided to eat them... FAIL. :oops:
Just think, this time, you caught yourself about to do it. So you've got that step in the right direction, awareness (thank you No S). Next time, you'll pop them back in the jar.

On a tangent: sometimes No S kind of reminds me of that Portia Nelson poem "There's a Hole in My Sidewalk". Except instead of the hole, it's like:
I sit down for a meal
There is lots of food
I overeat and feel awful
It isn't my fault
I spend time beating myself up

I sit down for a meal
There is lots of food again, but I'm going to eat healthy
I overeat and feel awful, I can't believe I've done this again
But it wasn't my fault, I try to eat healthy!
I spend time beating myself up

I sit down for a meal
There is lots of food, and I know overeating will make me feel gross
I overeat anyway
It was my fault
I mark it and move on

I sit down for a meal
There is lots of food
I eat one plateful
It was my choice
I mark a green day

I sit down for a meal with the right amount of food

Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2014 3:31 am
by Sweetness
Linda, I'm getting to have a healthier attitude about fails.

Ironchef, Love the poem/song. Soooo true. Been there! Thanks for sharing it.

Today was a good success. I finally got to the gym, felt so good, then made skillet lasagna for lunch. It was very good. I used fresh tomatoes, chopped, instead of canned, and added some white cheddar on top. will make this again.

Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2014 6:29 am
by lpearlmom
Oh yay! You got your lasagna. :)

I know I used to be so afraid to fail but now when I do, they're super minor and not a big deal.

Thanks for posting the recipe link. Will check it out!


Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2014 11:28 am
by eschano
Another recipe to copy :) Thanks for the link!

Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2014 12:47 pm
by mestahl
Oh yum, I adore lasagna - thanks for sharing the recipe - skillet lasagne sounds like a much quicker way to get my meat, sauce, noodle, cheese fix than traditional lasagna

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2014 5:03 am
by Sweetness
Another good day and success! :mrgreen:
Linda, thanks, you got me started,and I sure enjoyed my lasagna fix! Would have been a long trip to Arizona! The skillet lasagna was lots easier and faster, and it sure was good leftover today!
Great workout at the gym today too.

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2014 3:01 am
by Sweetness
Today was success with an S event. It was our date night, and we had ice cream cones after the movie. No exercise today. :mrgreen:

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2014 12:01 pm
by mestahl
We are totally on the same page - I'm having ice cream on my S day - I want to splurge and go to one of those hispter gelato places.

Isn't it great to not exercise and to not feel guilty about it? I'm downright sassy about it. :D

Posted: Sat Mar 15, 2014 2:55 am
by Sweetness
Today is a success... Right now I have the kettle on so I can have a cup of tea to ward off the chocolate cravings. Chocolate can will taste good with my coffee tomorrow. I went to the gym today and had a shorter workout. I need new tennies, should have bought some in January, now it has to wait till May! My right knee is bothering a bit and my second toe on my left foot almost lost the nail today. Rats, but I do love how the rest of my body feels when I exercise! March 14, after the weekend we'll be half way, and its shaping up like this.

8) :lol: :mrgreen: :oops: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :D :) :oops: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :wink: :lol:

Posted: Sat Mar 15, 2014 3:01 am
by Sweetness
eveninglightwriter wrote:We are totally on the same page - I'm having ice cream on my S day - I want to splurge and go to one of those hispter gelato places.

Isn't it great to not exercise and to not feel guilty about it? I'm downright sassy about it. :D
I have to have an ice cream every weekend, but before NoS it would call my name all week. Now I can wait, and since i had some on Thursday maybe I wont really want it this weekend. I guess I'm not hipster cause I don't even know what gelato is!!! Have fun and tell me about it!

I don't feel guilty, but I wish I could fit exercise into my schedule every day! My metabolism kicks up and i feel so good.

Everyone have a great weekend!

Posted: Sat Mar 15, 2014 2:19 pm
by MJ7910
I agree with a lot of what has been posted here. Mainly I think it's important to view ourselves as healthy, not as a certain weight. That has been the biggest hurdle for me. Trying to accept myself as I am. I am a pretty active person now and that's the goal, not a # on the scale. I still do check my weight monthly but I don't let it become an obsession like it used to be back when I was calorie counting. Also something that took me a long time to learn is that we all mess up and there is no point in shaming ourselves. Just accept it and move on. After a while not snacking or eating sweets or seconds becomes normal and it is habit. It takes a long time to build though and we all have wild days. I try my hardest to identify emotional eating and so some other self care strategy instead of eating. I'll maybe have a cup of tea or do something else... it does take time. I have maintained about a year now around the middle of my healthy BMI range and even though my "goal" in the past was to be in the bottom of healthy BMI range, I know that is not realistic for me and my body does not settle there naturally. We all have a set point and sometimes that is underweight, sometimes "normal" BMI and sometimes in the overweight according to BMI. but we must remember BMI doesn't mean that is what we "have" to be in order to be healthy. There was a study done that we can be overweight and technically be healthier if we are active and that is just how we are (meaning our body's set point). I have no idea where it is but i remember seeing it and thinking how BMI ranges might be wrong after all. My point is just see where things go when you get the habit down. You might be surprised at where your body feels comfortable. Don't pin yourself down to one weight.

Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2014 1:07 am
by Sweetness
MJ, I've just been going by how my clothes feel, and I know I've lost a little weight since I started back on No S. Plus I feel wonderful, and will feel even better when I have less weight to carry around!

Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2014 4:38 am
by lpearlmom
Yay!! :D

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2014 9:57 pm
by Sweetness
Linda, Thanks!

It was a good weekend then about midnight I got sick and was up most of the rest of the night. Must have ate something not so good... Couldn't go to the gym yesterday, and calling yesterday a sick S day. I just ate less than normal and then at bedtime I was feeling better and hungry so I had some crackers and milk.
It felt really good to get to the gym today after 3 days off. I've been walking to and from the gym (about 1Km each way) plus jogging on the treadmill for about 45 minutes, then working a little with 5 lb dumb bells for upper body strength. I have an extra rib in my neck, so I have to take it easy with the weights, but its helping. I have less pain in the neck and shoulder, and my fingers have not been going numb at night like they have in the past. 8)

Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2014 9:42 am
by eschano
Glad you're feeling better now and that you're doing so well on the gym.

Sick days are definitely S days :)

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2014 3:40 am
by Sweetness
eschano wrote:Glad you're feeling better now and that you're doing so well on the gym.

Sick days are definitely S days :)
Eschano, Thanks!

Tuesday, Wednesday and today are all success. Time is going by so FAST! It was our date today so I went out for lunch and had popcorn for supper. I was able to get two good workouts in and will go again tomorrow. :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

I'm excited about my book finally being also available as an e-book on Kindle (after 2 years in paperback). I had some technical problems and then just procrastinated, but this week I got it done! If you care to check it out here is the link: ... +and+light


Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2014 4:57 am
by lpearlmom
Wow congratulations Patty!! That is quite an accomplishment. You must be super proud of yourself. Sounds like a beautiful book.

Linda :D

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2014 6:48 am
by ironchef
Just lovely, Sweetness, congratulations :)

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2014 10:07 am
by eschano
Congrats!!! That's brilliant :)

Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2014 3:10 am
by Sweetness
Eschano, Linda, Ironchef, Thanks!

It's been a week since I posted last. My Dad broke his hip on Saturday, so I've been on the phone and a bit stressed since then. It's in a place where they can't fix it. Together with his other health problems, heart, memory and attitude it's a situation where hospice is getting involved. My family really needs me to help, so I just bought my ticket to go up there (Minnesota) on Tuesday, but My hubby's visa is in process, so he can't leave Mexico till it's complete. We're hoping he will be able to join me by the end of April, then we will both stay up there till mid July.

My No S and exercise habits are working well for me this week, but I've mostly done well in Mexico, and fallen off habit when I've been stressed and back in the states so the challenge is ahead of me!

Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2014 1:07 pm
by eschano
So sorry to hear that Sweetness! I hope your dad recovers soon!

It's amazing that your habits are fine despite the stress- that's a real win and looks like it's a good chance that you'll be able to continue this in the states. don't worry about some extra S days or some red days, just take it meal by meal.

Best wishes to you and your dad!

Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2014 3:10 pm
by automatedeating
Oh, Sweetness, sorry to hear about your dad. I am glad you are able to fly there and be with him, though. I hope your husband can join you soon!

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2014 12:36 pm
by ironchef
Sweetness, I'm really sorry to hear about your father. Safe travels, and be extra kind to yourself.