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Truly Off-Topic: Glasses at my Wedding?

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2008 5:14 pm
by Nichole
Hi all,

I have a truly off-topic opinion question. I'm getting married in December, as some of you might know. So I went to the eye doctor and we talked about contacts. I see very well near-sighted and he said that wearing contacts might be uncomfortable during my eight hours in front of the computer at work. So he suggested maybe weekend wear. I'll be used to them for my wedding.

I also have extremely bad allergies. They're bothering me right now. I know people have problems with contacts. It almost seems not worth it. Tina Fey makes glasses look cool, so why not me too?

So I'm thinking, should I just be myself and continue to wear glasses and even wear them as I'm walking down the aisle? Would that look stupid? This seems silly, but Justin knows me and loves me as a girl who wears glasses; it's almost as if I wouldn't be true to myself if I didn't wear glasses. I'd look like someone else.

I don't mind glasses for the most part, except for when I sneeze and they fall off my face. I'm thinking maybe I should get a new pair of glasses that I absolutely LOVE, since I'm kinda not liking my current pair all that much.

What do you think? Has anyone ever seen a bride with glasses on?

NOTE: I would not buy ugly huge glasses (no offense to anyone with huge glasses)...

Re: Truly Off-Topic: Glasses at my Wedding?

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2008 6:25 pm
by fkwan
nfalcone wrote:Tina Fey makes glasses look cool, so why not me too?

What do you think? Has anyone ever seen a bride with glasses on?

NOTE: I would not buy ugly huge glasses (no offense to anyone with huge glasses)...
Tina Fey. Nuff said.

I had contacts at my wedding, wish I had worn glasses. Hated contacts. Hated cleaning them, losing them, putting them in, taking them out. Went back to glasses. I had ugly huge fruit fly aviator glasses all my life until I decided it was time to look like Tina. :)

It doesnt' matter whether anyone has seen a bride with glasses on. Five zillion people could decide to jump off a cliff. Then again, you could set a trend.

Wear the glasses and be thrilled at yourself and that someone loves you.

Mazel tov,



Re: Truly Off-Topic: Glasses at my Wedding?

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2008 6:35 pm
by Nichole
fkwan wrote:
Hated contacts. Hated cleaning them, losing them, putting them in, taking them out. Went back to glasses.
Ah-ha you bring up another point! With all the good habits we have to do everday --- for me it's Proactiv once a day, medicine, exercise, practicing clarinet, keeping rooms tidy --- it just seems like another thing would be just too much. Why add something else to the routine if we can avoid it, right?

As a side note, I love Tina Fey. She went to my high school. She is my American idol. :)

BTW, I like your glasses!

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2008 9:48 pm
by navin
What do you think? Has anyone ever seen a bride with glasses on?
Actually, I believe I have. She *always* wears glasses, and would have probably looked funny without them.

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2008 11:00 pm
by DianeA2Z
I didn't wear glasses when I married the first time. The second time down the aisle I had glasses. Never even gave it a thought. I vote for getting a pair you really love. BTW, you know how dirty your lenses can get? Ever wonder where all that dirt goes if you don't wear glasses????

I need glasses to read, but not to walk around or watch TV or movies. I'm always taking them off and putting them down somewhere. Got to the point where I went to the drugstore and got a couple pair of the reading glasses so now I can have a pair in every room. And still I misplace them. No rest for the wicked or hope for the goofy I guess.


Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2008 12:10 am
by lmt2pt
Spend some extra money, get a really cute pair that compliments your face (and your dress) and wear them. I've seen many brides wear glasses and they all were absolutely stunning and they all ended up with a kick butt second pair of glasses.

Looking back at my wedding pictures my favorite photo is one where I'm sticking my tongue out like a spoiled 5 year old. It is the one where I look the most like me. Don't get me wrong I had a fabulous makeup/hair person who made me look like me, just enhanced. Enhanced or not what could be a better way of starting your new life together than looking like you. If you wear glasses, you should wear them on your wedding day. You will still be the most stunning woman who ever was and glasses (or a stuck out tongue) will only add the you-ness of that beauty.

Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2008 12:20 am
by NoelFigart
Bride can't HELP being beautiful, so go ahead and wear your glasses.

Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2008 6:31 pm
by kccc
Be yourself. That's who your husband-to-be fell in love with, right? :)

And have a wonderful day!

(But in case things go wrong, let me give you the wise words my husband gave me when we were in the throes of planning our wedding... "whatever happens, at the end of the day, we'll be married. And that's the definition of success." It was good advice, since our wedding day was a comedy of errors! I'm glad we could laugh then... and look back with smiles 17 years later.)

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2008 7:56 pm
by Nichole
Thanks everybody for your suggestions and thoughts!! I think I'm going to go ahead and wear glasses, regardless of if they are the ones I own now or new ones. I'm considering using a little bit of my stimulus check and getting new glasses. We'll see! :)