Post Your Proud Moments-I Stayed on Habit and Resisted!

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Post by Mavilu » Tue Dec 02, 2008 4:08 am

There are these Trader Joe's cookies that only appear during December and we wait all year to eat them, the same with Panettone, which is a tradition in my country that immigrants brought with them from Italy and we just bought two boxes of cookies and two boxes of Panettone to start the first weekend with a bang!, however, I can hear them calling my name already so, let's hope that I can post in this thread by the end of the week!.

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Post by howfunisthat » Fri Dec 05, 2008 9:06 pm

I bought my daughter a milkshake today....she drank half of it & handed me the rest. She's only three, but already understands the concept of stopping when she's full. Amazing. Anyway...there I was trapped in the car with half a fresh chocolate milkshake....and it was in the front cupholder....totally within an arm's length....calling my name....loudly. I reached for it...I put the straw in my mouth....I tasted....and said, "Yuck....I don't want that!", and put it down. The rest went triumphantly in the trash. Technically, I swallowed about 12 calories of is today a green day? ABSOLUTELY!!! I put a milkshake...a CHOCOLATE milkshake in the myself....without being threatened with bodily harm or anything....and no one had to pry my fingers off the cup. I'm definitely counting today as green....maybe even bright neon lime green!

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Dec 05, 2008 9:19 pm

Janie!! You totally rock!!!!!!!!!!
That's like when I threw the stale donut out my car window :wink:

You should definitely be very proud of yourself!!!!! :wink:
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Post by BuckeyePink » Fri Dec 05, 2008 9:58 pm

This week is the first full-green week for me (so far...but I'm almost there!) I've had to face the following and came out a victor:

1.) Husband bringing home a whole grocery bag of leftover baked goodies from a workplace bake sale. I brought in most of them to my workplace for everyone else and put three things in the freezer for tomorrow. :)

2.) Retirement Party for a coworker. They served fruit, cheese, crackers and cake. I didn't even have punch and was still politely sociable.

3.) Had a tremendously emotional moment this afternoon which resolved positively. I did not run to the vending machine for chocolate comfort but took a 10 minute walk instead to calm my nerves.

I am looking forward to official weigh-in day tomorrow morning. :-)

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Post by howfunisthat » Fri Dec 05, 2008 10:32 pm

Deb...thanks so much! Stale donuts & chocolate shakes have no power over the two of us!!!!!!

BuckyePink...Good for you! You had a lot of victories this week! Enjoy your two well-deserved "S" days...

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Post by orangemeg » Tue Dec 09, 2008 4:13 am

My roommate's boyfriend brought over some Moose Munch tonight. The kind with some caramel popcorn AND some milk-chocolate-covered caramel popcorn, as well as a variety of nuts.

(See?: ... B0000DH809 )

I went to eat some at first, since I love Moose Munch and I rarely have it, since it is kind of expensive and hard-to-find as far as sweet snacks go.

But then I remembered NoS. And I turned it down. And I'm feeling pretty good about that, now. (At the time I was kind of bummed out, but I obviously didn't need it.)

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Post by thomer » Tue Dec 09, 2008 4:21 pm

There was Christmas candy on my desk yesterday. My favorite kind of Christmas candy!

I did not eat it. It is sitting in my purse waiting for Saturday. I might share with my family.....

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Just say no! . . . to holiday goodies

Post by la_loser » Tue Dec 09, 2008 6:14 pm

That's awesome. I think that this month will be a great one to add lots of entries to this thread!

After Halloween, I brought a big bowl of leftover packets of M & M's and Snickers and other S stuff and intentionally put them on a shelf in my office for all the world to see, deciding it would be a good test for me. I am pleased (and amazed really) to report that I have yet to eat one piece of that chocolate. And I'm getting so many visitors to my office who pop by to say hello and oh, yeah, grab a bag or two for themselves!

Meanwhile, I'm managing to
"just say no!"

So come on everybody--just think when one of those temptations tries to get the best of you this month, just think-"ah, if I stay strong, I can add it to this thread!" Yea!
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Post by babyprrr » Tue Dec 09, 2008 8:06 pm

said no to dessert of jelly ( my favorite kind of dessert!) and ice cream. Didn't feel deprived at all really!

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Resisting freshly baked cookies

Post by Happy Cooker » Thu Dec 18, 2008 12:55 pm

I love to bake and this is the time of year to do it. This past week I spent several days making cookies to send to relatives. On Saturday, I did have some delicious biscotti scraps as they came out of the oven and four or five with coffee on Sunday morning (they were partly whole wheat and contain no butter, so that's not quite as decadent as it may sound). I also tried some cherry double-chocolate cookies, which I'd made on Thursday, amazing myself by resisting even the one that broke as I took it off the pan. That never would have happened before No-S.

Tuesday I made gingerbread cookies and Wednesday we decorated them. All that playing with sugar and I didn't eat any of it, not even the ones that came out kind of ugly that I knew I wouldn't send to anyone. It helped to have a damp rag to wipe my icing-covered fingers. It's weird to have dozens of homemade cookies around and not eat them, but it's a good kind of weird.

I've enjoyed reading about others' successes in this thread. All your experiences resonate with me. Good for us!

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Dec 18, 2008 1:59 pm

Wow!!! You are a cookie resisting Superhero!! :wink:
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Post by babyprrr » Thu Dec 18, 2008 6:16 pm

resisted dessert of ice cream and brownies AND mint chocolates.

This was on a Monday night after a weekend of an early Christmas dinner and a buffet with friends. I felt so stuffed on Monday morning that I wasn't even tempted.

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Post by reinhard » Thu Dec 18, 2008 7:05 pm

Congratulations! The enemy was coming at you from three directions and you still held your ground. :-)


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Post by CrazyCatLady » Tue Dec 23, 2008 5:22 am

Oh, it is lovely to read this entire thread!

I had wandered away from the No S principles, and ended up proving to myself that just "eating healthy" doesn't work for me. I need some boundaries! I had several false starts, with no more than 2-3 green days per week. :( I finally determined to resume, mostly because I don't like feeling stuffed anymore. I now have 10 successful No S days...I'm going for 21!

My biggest success....two weeks ago I was gifted with 5 tiny Lindt chocolate snowmen. (See Mavilu's post above-this is truly good chocolate!) In previous years, I would have savored each chocolate, and perhaps even shared one. They would have lasted 15 minutes, tops. LOL. This year my first thought, Lindt chocolates, my kids LOVE them! Won't they be fun in the stockings (5 people in the family). I set them on top of my computer at work. I had read an article about how having treats around but resisting them strenghtens your ability to avoid indulging. (See Reinhard's post above on Nov 12 responding to Ryan that "every time you resist, the angel gets stronger and the devil gets weaker.")

Today as I was sorting Christmas gifts, and the various items for stockings, it felt very good to know that we will each get a tiny snowman in our stockings on Christmas morning.

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Post by Happy Cooker » Tue Dec 23, 2008 1:11 pm

I'm impressed, CCL!

Lindt chocolate is great, so that's a tough one. I also have noticed that sharing treats is easier all the time. Sugar has much less of a hold on me than it ever did--partly it must be the combo of it being permitted but not constantly "available" (though it is in real terms always available), and partly because of the nature of sugar itself, pleasing but not appetite-satisfying so you tend to want more after you have some.

I'm also impressed that you "wandered" and came back--the positive habit has a hold on you!

Also wanted to say thanks to Debstar for affirming me as cookie-resisting superhero! I can feel that cape flapping proudly on my back.

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Post by kccc » Sun Dec 28, 2008 10:19 pm

This isn't so much an "I'm so proud" moment as "I'm so amazed."

At Christmas, there were tons of goodies, including homemade fudge. My sister was eating piece after piece and saying how good it was. I tasted one, and said "it's pure sugar!" Sis agreed, laughed, and said that's why she liked it.

I thought "pure sugar isn't very interesting" and quietly disposed of my piece.

Then my mind registered my reaction, and I was amazed. It made me realize that my tastes have really changed. I like more complex flavors than I used to, and "pure sugar" is... well, boring.

Several other family-traditional candies fell into that category for me this year. That's not to say I didn't eat sweets and treats - I did! - but I was far more selective and far less into quantity. I feel like I've broken out of sugar addiction at a level I've never been able to before.

I only wish my sis (very overweight) would also do so... but I know better than to push. However, when she becomes self-motivated, I will cheer her on.

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Mon Dec 29, 2008 1:42 am

Good for you! That's a nice bit of NoS evolution KCCC! :wink:
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Post by BuckeyePink » Tue Dec 30, 2008 5:28 pm

My proud moment of the last weekend was stepping on the scale after Christmas was over. I have not gone above my starting weight of 11/12/08! I reached my goal of not gaining through the holidays. :o

I am really looking forward to the next month. ;-)
Finally giving up on Dieting!

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Post by Too solid flesh » Tue Dec 30, 2008 11:14 pm

BuckeyePink wrote:I reached my goal of not gaining through the holidays. :o
Congratulations! That's really impressive.

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Post by Mavilu » Tue Dec 30, 2008 11:30 pm

BuckeyePink wrote:My proud moment of the last weekend was stepping on the scale after Christmas was over. I have not gone above my starting weight of 11/12/08! I reached my goal of not gaining through the holidays. :o

I am really looking forward to the next month. ;-)
Wow, hats off to you!.

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Post by MerryKat » Wed Jan 07, 2009 8:51 am

Congrat to all with such fantastic successes.

After wondering around lost in the world of diets and other 'bright' ideas, I am back to No S (forget 12 tries, this has to be around 24 or so!).

My successes this week include:

Monday - Happily drinking a cup of coccoa after dinner (no sugar & only a little milk) while bringing DH his usual couple of pieces of chocolate & a few jelly sweets (smelt awesome). When DH offered them I happily said "No thanks it is Monday" - It felt Great.

Tuesday - This was tough as I the devil was definitely urging me to have just a little something out of the sweet cupboard (2 shelves of left over Christmas sweets / nut / treats) - But I resisted and just had my coccoa and felt Very pleased with myself.

The best thing is that I feel so much better when I wake up - I am insulin resistant and find that sugar at night makes me feel lousy the next morning.
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Jan 07, 2009 4:38 pm

Good for you Merry!
Last night I opened a bag of Hersheys Kisses which I bought for someone else for a belated Christmas gift, and I ate about five of them sometime in the middle of the night.
This morning I flushed the whole rest of the bag down the toilet!!!
I'm sorry I didn't take off the wrappers, as I am usually a rabid anti-litterbug, but I had to dispose of them asap and I knew if I put them in the trash, I'd probably be in the trash later this afternoon fishing them out.
I suggest that you don't keep so many shelves of temptations around Merry.
It's just self torture!
Stick to your cocoa :)
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Post by howfunisthat » Wed Jan 07, 2009 9:06 pm


Don't be too hard on yourself! I still think you had a great success...I don't know about you, but 6 months ago I wouldn't have stopped...I would have eaten the whole bag! You stopped! That's a victory! Flushing them was a great idea! I'll have to remember that when I need to get rid of something.

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Post by MerryKat » Thu Jan 08, 2009 6:34 am


CONGRATULATIONS on only eating 5 and for removing the rest from your reach.

Unfortunately for me my DH is a chocoholic and has a couple of pieces each night - and he was given loads for Christmas.


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Post by kccc » Thu Jan 08, 2009 1:58 pm

My success is that my house is STILL full of chocolates and treats... and I'm simply not eating them. We even had a guest over the other night, and I offered her truffles and fancy cookies without a twinge of desire.

(Of course, part of this fortitude is due to an idiotic S-day that left me feeling ill... TOTALLY not interested in doing that again! N-days are such a RELIEF after excess!)

We have...
A bag of Dove chocolates
Two large tins of truffles (very good)
A tin of fancy cookies (imported chocolate-covered goodies)
An unopened box of chocolates, given as a gift
Another unopened bag of cookies, a Christmas specialty type
... and probably more that I'm forgetting.

Every now and then I look at this stuff and think "this will last me until July!" However, it won't... the family will eat it, we'll donate it to the church coffee hour, or we'll throw it away.

In a way, such excess makes me uninterested.

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Post by MerryKat » Fri Jan 09, 2009 10:12 am

KCCC - Congrats on resisting the goodies!

Every Thursday we have dinner with the In-laws and there is always pudding of some sort.

I resisted last night and just watched them have their apple pie and custard - it was surprisingly easy as there was no actual decision to make - It is Thursday therefore no seconds or sweets = pudding is not an option!

I did not fancy the lunch I brought to day and contemplated getting chips or junk from the vending machine, but sanity prevailed and I decided "Lunch may not be thrilling, but it is filling - so just eat it".

Every little success makes the next one that tiny bit easier.
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Post by howfunisthat » Thu Jan 29, 2009 10:21 pm

I keep coming back to this thread because it's so encouraging to hear other's stories. Every victory takes us one step closer to being healthier....I love reading about them.

I went to the "Y" today...and then went grocery shopping. Any grocery store is a HUGE temptation for me as I used to "treat" myself quite often to something bad for me..... chocolate.... cookies.... snack food...yuck. Today I did my shopping after having a bowl of soup & a roll and I didn't even realize something until just a minute ago after all the groceries were put away....I wasn't tempted to eat ANYthing snacks...and I was walking around in a sea of food for at least an hour since I was doing my own shopping and shopping for a friend. I didn't look at the candy and think, "Nope, can't have that today.", or smell the fresh bagels and determine not to have one. I know this might seem minor, but this is an amazing moment for me...I didn't have to resist temptation...there WASN'T any! THIS is new...THIS is quite mind-boggling. My mind was on shopping...not eating! I've been dieting all my life...literally...and I can't remember a time when I wasn't either struggling to stay on a diet or in-eating-out-of-control mode. Today gave me a glimpse of the future if I choose to keep working on this...there WILL be a day when eating will be a non-issue....when I can walk through a day and enjoy eating, but not be controlled by it.

Okay...I'm done...just had to write this out & share it. Yeeee haaa!

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Post by adriana » Thu Jan 29, 2009 10:46 pm

I've known about No-S since before the book was even thought of, but wasn't able to string together even a few green days until I started again two weeks ago. (Pop has always been my downfall--once I was able to not drink a bottle of pop on most days I could start to think about everything else).

I'm posting today because of a success at lunch I am quite excited about. I belong to a service club that meets weekly for lunch. This week our lunch included a dessert--some sort of bar made by a place that always has sweets I like. Not only did I not eat it, I didn't save it for later (it certainly wouldn't be any good by Saturday!), and I didn't look at it more closely to see what kind it was. I feel especially good about this success because last night's pizza, while one plate, was a rather "piled up" one plate, and it's nice to have a really obvious win.

Thank you to everyone who has been posting recently. Reading these forums has helped me keep on track.

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Post by Nichole » Fri Jan 30, 2009 12:48 am

adriana wrote:I've known about No-S since before the book was even thought of, but wasn't able to string together even a few green days until I started again two weeks ago. (Pop has always been my downfall--once I was able to not drink a bottle of pop on most days I could start to think about everything else).

I'm posting today because of a success at lunch I am quite excited about. I belong to a service club that meets weekly for lunch. This week our lunch included a dessert--some sort of bar made by a place that always has sweets I like. Not only did I not eat it, I didn't save it for later (it certainly wouldn't be any good by Saturday!), and I didn't look at it more closely to see what kind it was. I feel especially good about this success because last night's pizza, while one plate, was a rather "piled up" one plate, and it's nice to have a really obvious win.

Thank you to everyone who has been posting recently. Reading these forums has helped me keep on track.
That is quite a good one!! :)

I had one the other day. I was soooo hungry and didn't have a healthy snack with me. But someone put out a chocolate cake. It didn't even look very good. It looked so obviously boxed. Sooo I started to cut a piece in half and then decided, 'NO NOT WORTH IT,' and left the plastic knife where it was. I walked away from the cake. Yaaaay! :)
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Post by wrigleyj » Fri Jan 30, 2009 10:41 am

Hah, this is just the thread I needed.

Last night, on the way home from work my front tyre (on my motorcycle) started to lose air. I was only halfway home and in the middle of nowhere (for the UK) so I foolhardily pressed on. I managed to limp into a petrol station with a totally flat front tyre, with my veins coursing with adrenalin from holding the bike under control and while I waited for somebody to come and help me (it was well past dinner time by now and it was cold) I managed to overcome the need to go into the shop and fill myself with sweet things.

Today is therefore my last N day towards 21 days on habit. Since it will be difficult to screw that up with the next two being S days, I'm very nearly there!
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Post by Spudd » Fri Jan 30, 2009 4:41 pm

Yesterday I had two. We had a free lunch at work, where I filled my plate and ate a nice balanced meal. However, there was also a platter of huge cookies, and normally I would have had one after the lunch. But I didn't.

In the evening, we went out to the movies. We have some passes that offer 2 admissions, free popcorn, and free drinks. I suggested we not use those passes, since neither me nor my husband (he is also No-Sing) would eat the popcorn. So we didn't.

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Post by babyprrr » Tue Feb 03, 2009 11:38 am

Went to my friend's house for a casual birthday get-together. I was stuffed after dinner ( takeaway curry) so I saved a slice of the birthday cake for the next day. ( my noS mod is that I'm allowed to eat whatever I want for breakfast. This stops me from a 'now or never' attitude when it comes to sweet things).

I had it this morning. It was very nice :)

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Post by Consu » Wed Feb 04, 2009 12:15 pm

I'm a newbie (21 days of being a No-S-er) chiming in. At my job, there'll be treats sometimes--and not healthy ones, either. Yesterday someone brought in not one but TWO big bags of chips. WITH DIP, y'all! Chips are one of my "trigger" foods. But because I've been on No S for 3 weeks now, it was easier for me to pass by everybody munching and not munch with everybody else.

The interesting thing is, in the past I would have felt deprived. I didn't feel that way at all. My exact thought was, "It's Tuesday; I'm not into snacks on Tuesday. Saturday I can have Cape Cod chips!" (Which I like better!)

It was a proud moment for me and one that I was at peace with myself. :D

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Post by howfunisthat » Wed Feb 04, 2009 1:05 pm

Consu...Congratulations! Resisting chips is indeed a big deal! You're doing great....

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The Cake

Post by bluebunny27 » Sun Mar 01, 2009 11:07 pm

Good thread here. I like reading those success stories.

My proud moment ... well I have had many since I have been losing weight regularly now.

I'd say, when I went to the doctor's and weighed myself for the first time after not having been there for a long long time and finding out I had lost about 30 pounds (since the last time I had weighed myself about 2 and a half months earlier) Big numbers are usually nice to see.

Also the other night a lil' moment ... after I went to my parents' for dinner and my mum filled this plate for me with this rich cake, and I didn't want to make her think I didn't like it, but I was full ... so I sneaked back in the kitchen and put 90% of it back in the cake box, I cut it nice and straight, it wasn't all messed up ... lol ! I only had a tiny bite in the end, it's big when you can resist a huge temptation.

Also I find that postponing eating food works well for me ... so I would save some food for later instead of eating it right away, when I have already had my one plate of food for example ... I,ll save the extra rice or potatoes, pasta ... for lunch the next day. Being on No S creates more leftover food in my case, since the same amount is made each evening but I don't eat everything anymore, I have lunch food ready to eat up ... works fine for me.

I say I'm on a light No S diet since I snack occasionally, only now I eat healthy food when I snack and not too much either ... also I don't really pay attention to S or no S days, I just make sure to stay on track and not misbehave too often, but there aren't a lot of rules for me ... just the rule to be good and not have too many bad days in a month or many bad days in a row, it works out. I say you do the things that work for you in general.

I do the one plate thing, no seconds ... I watch what I eat, havent been to a fast food place in 4 months for example... I can control pretty much any cravings, i just don't buy those items anymore ... since I don't have them at home, I don't eat those bad foods ... the only thing I have problems with is pizza, the one delivered from restaurants, a couple of my bad days have been due to pizza deliveries, even at someone else's place during the superbowl for example ... Pizza would be my arch enemy. ;-)

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First time reader/poster, two week NoS'r

Post by janmarie » Sun Mar 08, 2009 2:21 am

When i read the 'post your proudest moments' i thought 'those chocolate chips in the pantry' and then wow! there are other posts about chocolate chips! that was great to see! i am an absolute chocoholic, have been putting a few in my oatmeal in the morning and i am really sticking with this and i am amazed at myself!

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Post by Nichole » Mon Mar 09, 2009 1:20 pm

On Friday night I went to my in-laws with my husband for pizza. I had 3 pieces, which was fine. But then everybody wanted to get Dairy Queen. I didn't have any!! It was kind of miserable as they all enjoyed theirs and I sat there empty-handed, but it was worth it in the end. Dairy Queen has WAY too many calories anyway; store brand ice cream is much better for you.
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Took kids to ice cream and didn't have some!

Post by tlingit » Wed Mar 11, 2009 7:28 pm

Took the kids for fancy ice cream after skating and didn't have any. Not even tastes stolen from the kids. They love no-s days, since now their treats are safe from me. I used to take a chocolate tax from them and feel good about having changed that habit. After the first bit of denial, I was fine, and enjoyed watching them have their treat.

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Post by VintageGeek » Mon Mar 16, 2009 9:53 pm

It's not that big a deal, I suppose, because I don't know if I feel good about it or crappy about it, but I walked by a bowl of pretty little silver Hershey's Kisses NO FEWER than 45 times today and did not grab one. My fingers didn't even twitch. My stomach did though.

What's funny is, I never thought I even liked chocolate that much. But I guess when you have something nearly every day, it's easy to let it sort of blend in with the rest of your intake.

So that was fun. Now to head home and face the birthday cake in the fridge. I think I'll bring it to work tomorrow, and give them all a taste of their own medicine. Nasty chocolate-tempting devils. :twisted:
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Mon Mar 16, 2009 10:46 pm

I think that *IS* a big deal!!
Good for you!!!
That's the hardest thing to do.. Resisting something put right in front of you.
Nice work!
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Post by bluebunny27 » Sat Mar 21, 2009 11:10 pm

Last night I was proud cos' I really wanted a huge 2nd plate of spaghetti (I love pasta so they are a strong temptation) I had the huge plate all ready to eat but then I felt guilty cos' I had already had a nice plate so I thought I would feel guilty about 5 seconds after finishing eating that 2nd plate, so what's the point, to feel miserable ... especially since I was planning on stepping on the scale the next morning .... I chose to put the plate down and save it for another day instead. I drank a couple of large coffee mugs of water and soon I wasn't hungry anymore. I was happy I had resisted.

I weighed myself the next morning (Today) and I am dangerously close to a 50 pound weight loss now ...
50 pounds in 5 months seems like a goal I am ready to achieve (280 to 230).

Less than 2 pounds left to lose until march 31st and I'm right on track for that @ the moment. 231.6 pounds this morning, I tried a coat that wasn't fitting me 5 months ago, (I had to leave it unzipped) fits better than ever now... zipped it all the way up too. ;-)

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sun Mar 22, 2009 1:19 am

Wicked Marc!!!!
You are doing amazingly well!!! :D
Great job!!!
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Post by bluebunny27 » Sun Mar 22, 2009 2:39 pm

Thanks Debs, you rock n' roll ! ;-)

I am sticking with
No S, shovelgloving for 15 minutes in the mornings 5 times a week and also doing cardio exercises for 45 minutes in the early evenings 5 times a week too ...

I like challenges so it is likely I will try to do something like the 100 burpees challenge too, probably not now but in a few months ... more info here :

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sun Mar 22, 2009 10:58 pm

That's like the sequence in yoga, but with the added jumping up from squatting.. looks like a really good addition!
Thanks for the inspiration.
I'm happy you have stuck with your routine to see some serious results!
People need real reminders like yours to stick to their guns and not be trying to get immediate gratification and away from a quick results mindset.
Thanks for that reminder!
To me that's really impressive!
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Post by bluebunny27 » Mon Mar 23, 2009 6:31 pm

Burpees are really hard to do ... when you start and you are not in shape, you can hardly do 10 ... maybe even 5. But it's one of the best exercises too, since it's so hard, you make progress quickly.

You start on day 1 and do 1 ... easy ... but by the 100th day, you have to do 100 in a single day (not all at once, thankfully !) This is something I'll try to do in a few months probably, once I am done with the weight loss and I go in the toning phase ! :-)

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Proud Moments

Post by NCSunshine » Mon Mar 23, 2009 7:02 pm

I commend your idea of celebrating the good things we accomplish no matter how big or how small. It's a given that when we feel good about ourselves we will achieve much much more than when we feel badly about our behavior.

I approached the upcoming S days with worry that I would eat everything in sight and read comments and the podcast on Friday to fortify myself. I took the advice I found here, relaxed and ate my way through Saturday from morning til midnight! I didn't worry or scold myself however and on Sunday, I did very well and today am fine with one-plating.

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Post by Vigilant2010 » Tue Mar 24, 2009 11:45 pm

This is only Day 4 of No-S for me, and I find the "no sweets" part toughest. That said, my husband came home from work and asked me to put some chocolate chip cookies in the oven for him (we have dough shaped into individual balls in the freezer, leftover from a recent event). This task would be torturous under any circumstances, but it was especially so because I was really hungry and just 30 minutes from eating dinner.

But I made him the cookies. I handled the dough (which is SO GOOD) without eating the little bits that fell on the counter. I smelled them baking. I took them out of the oven, perfectly brown on the edges and gooey in the middle. Then I watched him eat them, still warm, with vanilla bean Haagen Dazs ice cream.

It was hell! I talked my way through the process; husband offered some to me and I declined and told him about no-S for the first time. Then I announced out loud that if I resisted, I could write about my victory on this forum. So here I am.

Resisting will get easier, right?! I had to sternly tell myself that if I gave in today, it would only be that much harder to do the right thing tomorrow.

Danger still lurks. He didn't eat all three cookies--he has no food issues whatsoever and can stop at any time. So I put the last cookie in a ziploc bag and tucked it behind the butter in our fridge, out of sight. I have to send it to work with him tomorrow morning, or flush it down the toilet. It'll have to come down to that.

But for now, yay!
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Post by kccc » Tue Mar 24, 2009 11:56 pm

Big yay is right! :) Good for you!

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Post by apomerantz » Wed Mar 25, 2009 12:59 am


If you can do what you did on DAY 4, you are serious! I'm not sure I could have done that, and I'm on like DAY 64. My hat is so off to you! Chocolate chip cookies with HD ice cream would probably be one of my top 3 desserts. I love HD ice cream. In fact, I don't buy it because I'm not confident of my ability not to eat the whole pint in a sitting. I buy Edy's instead which I can dole out in reasonable portions. I just save the HD for special occasions only . . .lol . . .but your post was literally making my mouth water.

You go!!!


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Post by Vigilant2010 » Wed Mar 25, 2009 1:52 pm

Thanks Anita and KCCC!

I didn't mean to be so graphic in my description of the ice cream and cookies, lol! But I guess I was trying to convey how tempting it was for me.

I got through Day 4, but let's see if I even make it to Day 64, as you have. :) Good for you! And I'm impressed by what you said about the ice cream because whether it's a pint of HD or Edy's or something of even lesser quality, I gotta eat the entire pint at one go unless there is something substantial to go along with it (like cookies) to fill me up before I can polish the whole thing off.

Hope that changes after awhile. :roll:
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Post by VintageGeek » Wed Mar 25, 2009 2:24 pm
8-bit is still awesome.

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Post by vmsurbat » Wed Mar 25, 2009 2:27 pm

My every day temptations aren't so dramatic as dealing with chocolate chip cookies and HD ice cream :) BUT, in the interest of being honest (especially helpful for the newbies), my biggest temptations (and therefore, successes) come with everyday meal prep. We live overseas, eat out maybe 3 times a year, get take out perhaps once a month or less. That means I am doing a LOT of cooking, every day.

I've never been a chip-candy snacker, but (after starting NoS) I realized that I tasted and nibbled all through meal prep, and all those little bites of good food added inches to my waist.

I've been successfully NoSing for 8 months and am very satisfied with my progress. But *every single day* I have to resist the temptation (aka habit) of eating the end of the carrot that was too long, the heel of bread that doesn't toast well, or as in today's lunchtime prep, popping a yummy radish in my mouth while preparing the rest for a relish tray.

I laughed to myself when reading the "how many food decisions" do you make a day thread. I think I make tons as I am always having to stop myself from the bad habit of eating that last bite of salad, or whatever.

However, the big difference since beginning NoS is that I have the RIGHT answer to the decision of "Do I eat this last bit of green beans or not?" as I load up the dishwasher. (Ans: NO!) whereas before the decision to the same question was "Of Course! Green beans are HEALTHY for you" or "Sure! It is just a few calories!"

So, there it is: a humble temptation with a humble victory, day after day after day= success.

Vicki in MNE
7! Yrs. with Vanilla NoS, down 55+lb, happily maintaining and still loving it!

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