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15n@5n test msg

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2008 7:35 pm
by 15n@50
Just a message to test out how this works.

15n@50 test intro...

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 2:23 pm
by 15n@50
This introduction is about 10 months over due. Back at the beginning of last year I was fat, 50 and fed up. My username, 15n@50, stands for '15n lbs at 50 years old'. Very inspirational except that I chose that back in February when I turned 50 but fell out the back door of the everyday system's bus back in March.( ... hovelglove )
I'm now 20 lbs heavier than I was at my low point back then. The good news is the system totally worked while I was on it. I had dropped about 17 pounds. (Yes, that's right - I'm starting this year fatter, fiftier and more fed up than last.)

So what will be different this year?

One thing I'm doing differently is being more public about it. Last year I did it in stealth mode. Except anyone who might have stumbled on my habitcal nobody knew about it. And as you can see this time I'm doing the daily checkin. And I've told my family. They did a very good job of suppressing the eye rolling. My wife is actually going to try the No S diet with me. I may post a physical habitcal at home to keep the family in the loop.

Another difference is that I've come around to Reinhard's way of thinking. Focus on the habit and not the progress. Staying on the bus is more important than where it is going. You've actually got to take your eyes OFF the prize.

As for the username, I'll keep it as a cautionary reminder...

ps. Another interesting tidbit vis a vis the whole 'it takes 21 days to build a habit' is that I actually did manage 21 days on No S last year. I think 21 days is a good place to start but think it will take more than that for me to build a habit and then build a fence around the habit so that I can have some confidence it will stick. A year would be a good start, that way it will have weathered all the seasons. Or I guess we can chalk this up to the 'it takes 12 failures to succeed' rule. Only 11 more to go :-).

pps. I'm doing/tracking three things: No S, Shovelglove and Walking (only some of it could be called Urban Rangering). Last year I didn't track the walking and did track a glass ceiling of no more than 2 cups of coffee a day.

ppps. You gotta love a system in which you start out NOT doing it for 3 of the first 4 days. Today, New Years Day, is an S day but I shovelgloved anyways since I'm trying to build up to a full 14 minute session.

Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2009 1:50 am
by 15n@50
wondering if I can insert a medal into my daily checkin (when the time comes).


This is how it is done...

Code: Select all
