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not sure if it's genuine shovelglove, but.... BEAT THE TIRE!

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2007 7:13 pm
by JWL
I'm not sure this counts as shovelglove, as it must be done outdoors, you need more than just a sledgehammer, and it doesn't simulate "useful movements" per se.

Basically, it's beating a tire, which seems to be one of the more common sledgehammer exercises out there. I've been wanting to try this for a while, and now that I have I wanted to document it here. (Reinhard, feel free to move this to general discussion if you don't want this under Shovelglove Moves).

The other day I picked up an old, large tire from my neighborhood garage. So now I shovelglove with my 16# hammer, and between moves I use the 10# hammer to beat the tire. For this, I use an overhead motion, and almost do a full squat as I bring the hammer over my head down onto the tire.

First of all, I cannot begin to describe how satisfying this is. It's definitely a good release for anger, as I can use a sledgehammer to hit something as hard as I can without hurting anything. :-)

Secondly, this is GREAT cardiovascular exercise. I breathe deeply and methodically but within a few dozen strokes I'm breathing very heavily.

So I've been using this exercise as a sort of "windsprint," I do it until I'm out of breath a bit, then grab the 16# sledge to do those movements while I catch my breath again. Once I have my breath, I go back to the tire-beating.

Wow. Wow. Wow. What a workout.

The only drawback is that I have to do it outside; pulling this off indoors is NOT a good idea.

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 3:52 pm
by reinhard
I envy you! I wish I could do this movement. But I think I'd get arrested if I started whaling on a tired in the narrow crawlway behind our house. Not only does it sound satisfying as hell to actually whack things, but I bet the reverberations from the impact are good for your muscles/bones.

If we get a bunch of "outdoor only" shovelglove moves, maybe I'll set up another list from the movements page.


Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 10:56 pm
by chentegt
It's a shame I can't do that move because of the "outdoors" factor, same as Reinhard.

Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2007 2:29 pm
by urbansix
I have seen this or similar workout on Youtube ... re=related (edit: okay you did say it was one of the more common sledgehammer workouts. Your squat/lunge does add another dimension :) )

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2007 2:12 am
by JWL
Yeah, that's the video I saw that made me really want to try this. :-)

I do bend my knees a bit more, I wouldn't say it's a full squat, maybe halfway between what he does and a squat. Of course, my tire is smaller and is right on the ground (so it's lower), plus I'm probably taller than he is. So I *have* to bend down lower just to hit the tire.

I've been taking it easy with this workout, but man, it's amazing. It moves a lot of energy, a great release for aggression.....