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Shovelglove legs exercises – Calves

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 1:23 pm
by filipe
I've been using this for the last 2-3 months to increase my legs strength, and it works for me.
:?: I don't recall seeing this anywhere (I didn't spent much time browsing the forum...). If it already exist, forget this.

:idea: Principles:
Keep your back straight. Act like having a hinge in the hips.
Keep your elbow angle steady, in order to let the lower back and legs muscles do the job (like a hinge in the shoulder).
Rise the sledgehammer in simultaneous with the the heel. Both movements should begin and end simultaneously.

:!: Caution: If you're not use to exercise your lower back, start slowly. If you have issues with your lower back or knees, it's better not to start at all.


Exercise 1 should be done with the rearward leg not touching the floor (at least during the lifting phase).

:wink: Comments, critics, improvements, are welcome.

Re: Shovelglove legs exercises – Calves

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 10:56 pm
by Kevin
I'm passing on glutes and hamstrings (I'm over 50 and not very flexible), but these others look worth a try. Thanks for the effort you put in to the illustrations.
filipe wrote:I've been using this for the last 2-3 months to increase my legs strength, and it works for me.
:?: I don't recall seeing this anywhere (I didn't spent much time browsing the forum...). If it already exist, forget this.

:idea: Principles:
Keep your back straight. Act like having a hinge in the hips.
Keep your elbow angle steady, in order to let the lower back and legs muscles do the job (like a hinge in the shoulder).
Rise the sledgehammer in simultaneous with the the heel. Both movements should begin and end simultaneously.

:!: Caution: If you're not use to exercise your lower back, start slowly. If you have issues with your lower back or knees, it's better not to start at all.


Exercise 1 should be done with the rearward leg not touching the floor (at least during the lifting phase).

:wink: Comments, critics, improvements, are welcome.

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2011 1:24 pm
by filipe
Hi Kevin,

Happy to hear this can be useful to you.
I'm glad you liked the drawings.
