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2 years this week of keeping it off

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2014 6:52 pm
by meeshofalltrades
Hi there! I just signed up after hearing about "No S" from my dad this week. I was elated to find someone had written about what I've basically been doing the past two years. Not to mention, Reinhard is fantastically blunt and his humor hits the spot. Love it.

Congratulations to all of you!

Now, onto my own "before" and "during" pictures.



During, year 1:


During, current - I've been focusing on working out smarter this year:


Total lost = ~37 pounds, give or take.

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2014 11:47 pm
by reinhard
Wow! Congratulations and thanks for posting! Really impressive. (Love the snarl of triumph in your last picture!)

I love it when people independently discover no-s or something next door to it. Would you mind sharing the details of how your version differs, how you came up with it, etc.?


Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2014 1:50 am
by meeshofalltrades
Thanks so much for the compliment! I am really proud that I have maintained this lifestyle. Admittedly, I'm a girl of many interests and I tend to, uh, not finish things I started, so I'm super excited that this is a diet that I can sustain for years to come.

The only differences/additions to my "no s" diet were the following:

1. Switching (another S, ha) - I would continue to eat the food I wanted, but switch out unhealthy things for healthier ones. Example: I'd still eat burgers, but I'd switch out fries for a vegetable and only eat the burger with the bottom bun, or no bun at all.

2. I allowed myself sweets, even during non-S days. I know myself and I know that I have an insatiable sweet tooth, so I'd give myself the option to each a) have a small "bad" sweet - something chocolately, gooey, etc. or b) have a larger, more "healthy" sweet - e.g. yogurt with fruit and honey at night after dinner.

3. I'm not a snacker, but I eat a snack if I'm feeling super crazy hungry before dinner (so as not to overeat) or before I'm going on a particularly long run or expecting to do a hard HIIT workout or something (so as not to faint.)

4. I do an "either/or" thing. For example, if I'm craving a cocktail and dessert on a non-S night, I'll say you can have one OR the other. And I'll do this at meals in general, e.g. you can have the mac 'n cheese OR the potatoes.

Besides those three differences, I follow "No S" to a T. It's been 100% sustainable IMO because it's common sense. A diet where you can't eat what you want or block out a whole category of foods is not going to last long term.

I'm excited to look around the forums and read others' stories and discussions!

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2014 6:04 am
by MerryKat
Wow!!! Congratulations on your loss!! You look amazing!!!

Interesting to read your plan and the mods you have. Thanks for sharing.

What are you doing to 'work out smarter'?

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2014 10:36 am
by eschano
Incredible result, fantastic!

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2014 4:17 pm
by MJ7910
wow, congratulations on 2 years!

i like and agree with most of your edits... i think switching out fries is something that's worked for me, and avoiding lots of bread when possible.

You look awesome

Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2014 4:45 pm
by resident0063
What's your exercise routine? Did you exercise before?

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2014 8:39 am
by germanherman
regarding the eating around exercise:

i always thought of no s diet as a way to moderate my average daily eating aka. eating to survive/live.

On the other hand for some forms of exercise i like to "fuel" myself. Like having a protein-shake directly before or after or during an intense workout. Or eating a big plate of pasta an evening before a very long race (thinking ultra-marathon).

But i don't view that as eating, but as part of the activity or as preparation for it.

That way i don't delute the habbit of eating moderate in general.