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Thirteenth year

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2022 9:56 pm
by DaveMc
Huh. I thought I was a bit last in posting this annual update, but I didn't know the half of it. I thought I was late as in "it's now August and my NoS anniversary is in July" -- but in fact, I appear to have missed my 2021 update completely, meaning that I'm over a *year* late! (Unless I posted something and I just can't find it ...)

Anyway. I haven't been on the boards, but I've been out here practicing NoS for another two years, and nothing has changed in any essential way: I stick to the plan during the week, and have some treats over the weekend (and on holidays). I think I've grown a bit less strict about the "no seconds" rule, which I try to honour (Canadian!) in spirit by not just continuing to eat absent-mindedly, but I'm no longer quite so attentive about whether my consciously-chosen amount of food literally fits on a single plate. (To my mind, "no seconds" was never really about the plates, it was about not continuing to eat without thinking about it.)

My weight and health remain good, and I'm happy to chug along with NoS providing a baseline structure to my eating habits.

To any newcomers: welcome aboard! Come on in, the water's fine, and very calming once you get over the (admittedly high!) hurdle of establishing the habit in the first place.

Here's my last post, and each one links to the year before, so if you felt so inclined you could follow this back to the dawn of time (or to 2010, which is about the same thing as the Internet marks time):


Best regards,

Re: Thirteenth year

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2022 6:15 am
by Amy3010
Well done, Dave, and thanks for letting us know that the habit continues to serve you so well! :mrgreen:

Re: Thirteenth year

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2022 2:16 pm
by reinhard
So happy to hear no-s is still working for you and thank you for letting us know!

(and the links back to the dawn of time!)

I keep thinking I should shut these old boards down since so much the traffic has moved to FB, but posts like this (and all that history) remind me why they're still valuable even in their current under-maintained state.


Re: Thirteenth year

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2022 3:09 pm
by DaveMc
FB would be FaceBook? I'm afraid I'd never see anything happening over there, so I do appreciate that these boards still technically exist ...

Re: Thirteenth year

Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2022 8:02 am
by ladybird30
Good to hear from you Dave about your continued success.