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15 pounds - broke the 200 lb barrier :)

Posted: Thu May 03, 2012 3:59 pm
by ichigo
I always remember being chubby. In middle school one of my friends lost weight over the summer and kept encouraging me to go on a diet. I never cared enough. I liked eating and I didn't see what the problem was. I'm pretty tall for a woman (5'8") and I have a body type that hides the weight well, so I don't look fat, but I always felt sort of guilty.

Throughout high school and college I slowly kept gaining weight and by 2007 I weighed over 200 pounds.

In Fall 2007 I went to Japan for a semester studying abroad. While I was there, my attitude about food was very very different, and much more similar to no-s. I biked and walked everywhere, I ate when I was hungry and only when I was hungry, I ate 3 regular meals a day, and I cut back on my sweets significantly. In the four months I was there, I lost about 25 pounds to my all-time low of 175.

Within six months I was back up to 190, and over the next year my weight crept up to over 200. I was pretty resigned to it until Fall 2011 when I finally weighed 215 - my all-time high, the fattest I'd ever been.

I decided it was finally time to do something about it.

I came up with a variant of no-s on my own (no sweets, no snacks for a week before having a cheat day). I googled "no sweets no snacks" online and found the website. I tried it for a few weeks before the holidays and ended up falling off the bandwagon during November and December. In January I decided that I would jump back on and try again.

Since then, I've been weighing myself daily and I have lost 15 pounds in 5 months. A couple of weeks ago I got the perfect birthday present - the day before my birthday, I saw the number "199.6" for the first time in years. My weight loss has slowed down a bit but I've been keeping track of the trend and it's still definitely a downward slope. :)

The thing I love most about this is that it feels effortless. And my opinion of food has started to turn into that healthy way I felt when I was in Japan. I still love food. I just have separated it from eating. I don't want to eat, just to eat. I want to enjoy the food and not the act of eating. I've been walking more and feeling more energy and last week, when I went shopping for jeans, discovered that I'd gone down a size.

The first time around was really hard. But now my mental state has finally adjusted and eating sanely is becoming a habit, and saying no to friends offering treats is acceptable. I used to always give in to temptation, and now I truly have a choice.

I know this is sort of long and rambling, but I finally wanted to stop and say thank you! I'm so glad I stuck with it.

Posted: Thu May 03, 2012 4:38 pm
by Gobble
Well done! And thanks for is so encouraging!

Posted: Fri May 04, 2012 12:12 am
by r.jean
Fantastic! I can relate to many of the feelings you describe, and you state them well. After 16 months of No S, I am down 47 lbs. Yet, I do not feel deprived, and it has been very "doable." I also love food and this plan has actually helped me to enjoy my food more.

I remember the scale dropping below 200. It felt great! Congrats!

Posted: Fri May 04, 2012 2:58 am
by NoSRocks

Thanks for posting and many congratulations on your success! :D

Posted: Sat May 05, 2012 11:58 am
by Amy3010
This is so encouraging - thank you for sharing. I particularly like what you say about food vs eating: "I still love food. I just have separated it from eating. I don't want to eat, just to eat. I want to enjoy the food and not the act of eating." This is awesome!

Posted: Sun May 06, 2012 11:21 am
by reinhard
Congratulations! That's quite a milestone.
saying no to friends offering treats is acceptable.
Isn't it amazing how little people mind? Pre-no-s, I'd always rationalized that I had to accept such treats or I would give offense. The truth is, far from taking offense, people barely notice.


Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 9:06 am
by TUK
Good job, 1go!

When I went to Japan for 3 weeks and a half, I remember walking lots and lots there. It was something like 8 miles a day, especially in Kyôto. And I did not weigh myself, but when I came back to work, what one of my colleagues told me was "Wow, you SLIMMED!"

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 5:12 pm
by ~reneew
Yea! You go girl!!! And remember that food tastes WAY better when you're hungry. What a reward for not snacking. :wink:

Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2012 2:05 am
by Andie
Congratulations on your success and your healthier attitude about food! I like the way you word it, "enjoy the food, not the act of eating". Definately an "aha" statement. Thanks for sharing!