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Emma's one year check in.

Posted: Wed Oct 30, 2013 10:04 pm
by emmay
Mine is not quite a success story (yet). But it is still a testimonial for how well the No S diet works if you stick to it.
I'm female, age 36, height 167cm.
A year ago I started the No S diet. I weighed 66kg and my weight was climbing. I was an emotional eater and I snacked almost continually. Any time I tried to diet or restrict my eating I would respond by overeating. I felt that my eating was disordered and I desperately wanted order.
Finally I remembered No S, which I had come across many years earlier. Reinhard's No S rules provided order for me. A successful N day was a day I could be proud of my eating. It felt sensible, normal and ordered.
Within three months I had lost over 5kg and felt slim and comfortable. For the following 6 months I maintained my weight between 60 and 61kg.
Then, from July to September, I stopped sticking to the rules and gained it all back, right up to 66kg again. Don't ask me why, pretty dumb. I think I listened to a lot of my sabotaging thoughts.
Anyway, now I'm back to it and I intend to post a success story next year.

Posted: Sun Nov 03, 2013 2:16 am
by Anna from KC
Good for you!!! Great point that this "diet" establishes order and so helps us feel normal and successful. Best wishes.

Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2013 10:38 am
by eschano
Hi Emmay,

Many thanks for sharing. I just started slipping so many thanks for your reminder that it's all about the power of habit.

Good luck and hope to see you around the boards

Posted: Tue Nov 19, 2013 4:24 pm
by reinhard
Dear Emma,

Thanks for throwing down the gauntlet here and looking forward to reading more about your continuing experiences with No-s!
I felt that my eating was disordered and I desperately wanted order.
"Ordered" eating is what no-s is all about. A deep, rhythmic, unobtrusive order. The rules can seem restrictive and coldly rational at first, but habit makes gradually makes them largely unconscious and even almost intuitive.

(Sorry for the delayed response -- it's been a rough cold season chez Engels these last few weeks.)



Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2014 10:30 pm
by oolala53
I'm perusing testimonials and just saw this. How has your return to No S been? I'm impressed that your gain didn't send you off to some diet. I guess you knew better.

I'm also glad to see that No S helped you even though you were not close to being overweight when you started. (In the U.S, you would be in the slimmest 25% even at your highest.)