Marking "No S" on the calendar

No Snacks, no sweets, no seconds. Except on Days that start with S. Too simple for you? Simple is why it works. Look here for questions, introductions, support, success stories.

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Marking "No S" on the calendar

Post by piratejenny » Wed Jan 25, 2006 4:35 pm

I have a wall calendar at home, next to my bed. I have started marking the "No S" icon (that S inside a circle with a slash through it) on each calendar day for which I successfully followed the rules and had no Sweets, Snacks, or Seconds. Does anybody else do this?

I feel a tremendous sense of accomplishment when drawing that symbol on the calendar, right before going to bed. It validates and rewards all of that day's tests of willpower.

Yesterday evening, I found myself declining a snack that a friend offered. I was consciously thinking that if I swallowed that piece of Twix bar, I couldn't mark today as a No S day on the calendar. Silly, perhaps! But that's how good that feeling is!

Now I only wish I had some little "No S" stickers to put on the calendar instead of drawing the symbol freehand!

:) Pirate Jenny

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Jan 25, 2006 8:28 pm

Yay Pirate Jenny! I know what you mean..
There's something nice about making a physical mark on the calendar..
It feels great to see those days slashed out during the week..
Then if a person has one or two so-so days, it's in context and you can still see the big picture...

I did the same thing with my calendar for the first year or so...
I also drew little shovelglove icons in purple marker on the days I SG'd...

There's actually a way to download NoS Stickers, but Reinhard has to dig up the link about that one...

Also, Office Depot and Staples can make customized Rubber Stampers, and all you have to do is send them the NoS logo via computer upload and they can make you a stamper for about 13 dollars with an ink pad...
Just click and save the NoS avatar Reinhard uses, to your computer, and that should be about the size of the stamper...

Actually I think that would be a nice thing for Reinhard to create a link for, on the NoS site..
But I know he said it was okay to use the logo when I requested permission to make a stamper back then...

Have a great day!
Peace and Love,
8) Deb

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Post by KrazyKat » Thu Jan 26, 2006 12:31 pm

I too, have started out my No S Diet with a calendar specifically for that purpose! I have those old fashioned foil stars that teachers used when we did a good job on our paper.

I am only in my second day of this approach to diet, but I am very visually oriented and I do understand how gratifying and reinforcing having such a tool can be! Much the same as or a variation of, imaging, which is used by many!

Since I tend to get overly complicated, I prefer NOT keeping a journal and NOT having to count calories, portions, etc. I get lost in the details and I think it is a form of avoidance so I like the No S and the Calendar approach for myself! Good luck and keep me posted on how it goes for you.

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Post by That guy » Thu Jan 26, 2006 1:37 pm

Hey, that's a good idea!

I keep a log here, but I just went through and marked all my S and N days from my second start -- every bit of reinforcement helps
Starting over 07/31/06 @ 262
Current: 262, Goal 160

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Post by KrazyKat » Thu Jan 26, 2006 1:56 pm

Hi, ThatGuy:
Well I still have not figured out how this site works, where I can see a tally of S and N days easily without having to go to each entry; heck, I dont even know yet if my days are going to show up as replies to my post; if so, it must be a built-in mechanism. One I am not familiar with.
So I prefer to have something concrete here at home.

Maybe later I will understand this site better.
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Gold stars!!

Post by piratejenny » Thu Jan 26, 2006 2:54 pm

Kat, I'm laughing because I thought about those gold stars, too! Marking the "S" on my calendar is like when your teacher gave you a gold star on your homework or your test, in recognition of a really excellent job and hard work. The "boost" that it gives me is just the same! Maybe I ought to buy some gold stars. I bet they sell sheets of them at Staples or whatever. Having a stamper made is a great idea too. Thanks, Deb!

:) P.J.

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Post by KrazyKat » Thu Jan 26, 2006 3:07 pm

Pirate Jenny:
Yes indeedy, they do sell them at office supply stores....probably even in grocery stores or such where they have a school supply section; I got these years ago when they were just starting to make self-sticking ones; my sheets come in green, gold, silver and red. Yahoooooo!

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Post by reinhard » Sat Jan 28, 2006 4:00 am


Slashing off days of the calendar was actually the original inspiration behind the "daily check-in." The electronic version is nice because you get community and can augment it with all kinds of details, but unfortunately, as KrazyKat points out, it's just not easy to see at a glance how you or someone else is doing. I'd like to add such a feature to the site, a simple "red/green/yellow" for "failure/success/S-day" that you could superimpose on a calendar and share (or not), but you know, that may take a while for me to get around to, and a physical calendar works pretty darn well too.


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Post by KrazyKat » Sat Jan 28, 2006 2:38 pm


I appreciate all the work you have put into this site! I just have not figured out how it works yet and I have been on a lot of sites; threads help a lot to keep me straight but not sure how that works here yet. Have been trying to name some and then not sure how the LOG works either; I see it showes
PAGES but not sure what "pages" means; ie a certain number of days, entries, bytes; at first I thought it would be Per Day but I don't see mine yet; this is my fifth day I think.

Will check back in later and see if I can putter around more!
Take care and thanks again for a great site!

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sat Jan 28, 2006 2:49 pm

Hi Kat.. Reinhard is probably going to get back to you soon.. but in the meanwhile..
This board isn't a "Blog" or whatever.. it's just a bulletin board format..

It's really simple..
Write what you want to, anytime, on your thread or other peoples..
You can always pose questions (which you see to be able to do already :) ) by going to the NoS Genl discussion section and starting a "new topic"...

Meanwhile.. You haven't said much about how you are liking NoS?
Is it working for you at all? Have you been trying out the NoS rules during the week?

Have a nice weekend!
Peace and Love,

ps.. you can doodle and noodle around as much as you want on the
"Test messages" section.. That's a good place to practice with the different functions of the board..
Take care!

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Bulletin Boards and Blogs

Post by KrazyKat » Sat Jan 28, 2006 8:00 pm

Hey, Deb:
I DO need to check out that test page and realize that is the second hint you gave me! LOL!

I have not used a blog; I started bulletin boarding way back when, so I was indeed coming from that platform, in sharing my experience. The listings in those usually had a way within the postings of individuals, for a person to target a response to that person and that thread; here, a blank subject line comes up and there is no way to target an entry for response. I forget the subject line if there IS one, when I hit reply and then I go, gee, I am not sure how to be sure I am responding to the post I want to here. LOL! SO either old age is getting to me or I just need to go to the TEST page (find it first) and then I will eventually figure this alllllllllll out!
Wish me luck!

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