Hello from Iraq!

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Hello from Iraq!

Post by misguided_angel » Mon Feb 20, 2006 2:50 pm

Good Morning Everyone,

I have been in Iraq for 8 months now and during this time have been following a Low Carb Lifestlye (with success). I am so sick of thinking about what foods I can or cannot have and basically I eat only meat and veggies. I am going home next month and am looking for a way of eating I can do for lifetime to maintain the weight I am at now. I have been reading posts on this forum for the last 2 days and this seems very doable.

I already never get seconds and sweets/snacks shouldnt be too much of a problem. If anything snacks will be my biggest area of concentration. I started the No-S today but I have a question, since I have been doing low carb I am worried about how to incorporate higher carb items without gaining the weight back. Do all of you eat carbs at every meal? As in bread, rice, potatoes etc.....

Any guidance you can give me would definitely be appreciated :)

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Post by Pete » Mon Feb 20, 2006 2:57 pm

I've never done the low carb thing but maybe just start easing it back into your food intake? don't go out and eat a whole loaf of bread with dinner but just have a slice? :D

Most meals I cook seem to have a carb portion, usually brown rice or noodles. Though to be honest I never really notice what "groups" I'm cooking, just the "petes belly gets filled" group :)

I'm sure some of the other boardies will have more useful advice.

Hello and welcome btw!

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Post by misguided_angel » Mon Feb 20, 2006 3:00 pm

Pete wrote:Hello and welcome btw!
Thank you Pete :)

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Post by reinhard » Mon Feb 20, 2006 3:03 pm

Welcome to the group, Misguided Angel (and welcome back home, soon).

I don't think about carbs at all -- except that a meal would feel weird without some. I usually have bread or cereal with breakfast, oatmeal for lunch, and pasta/rice/or potatoes with dinner. More often than not, these are whole grain carbs, but I don't make a hard rule of it.

If that feels too shocking to you, feel free to ease into no-s more gradually. In fact there's no reason you can't do low carb and no-s at the same time for a while (or indefinitely) if you want. There's nothing in no-s that contradicts low carb.

Best of luck and keep us posted,


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Post by carolejo » Mon Feb 20, 2006 3:21 pm

Hi Angel.

I suggest that you start by adding in some unrefined carbohydrates to your diet in small portions. Say, 1 slice of wholegrain bread with your meal in place of something else on you plate, or 1/2 a cup of cooked wholegrain brown rice. If you suddenly start eating a whole loaf of white bread in a sitting, it could be a bit of a shock to the system after 8 months without! As long as you continue to eat everything in moderation and make sure that you stick to 3 meals a day, 1 plate at a time, I seriously doubt that you will regain the weight you lost on low carb diets - although it might take a month or two for your body to adjust back to eating normally again.

Good luck. Welcome to NoS.

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Post by doulachic » Tue Feb 21, 2006 1:03 am

Welcome Angel!

I agree with carolejo as far as adding in good, whole grain carbs...like whole wheat, whole grain breads, brown rice, etc. Even the South Beach Diet (which is low carb that promotes "good" carbs) has these kinds of carbs in the diet. also, if i were you i would just make sure the carb portion of your meal isn't bigger than the other portions...basically, just make sure your protein, veggies, and carb portions are basically even....

or like the South Beach Diet says, just add one carby thing a week and see how it affects you....but really, i think it will be fine. your body may do some adjusting at first, but i think it will even out once you are eating normally again.

just my 2 cents! :D

"When you are in a jam, a good friend will bring a loaf of bread and peanut butter..."

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Post by misguided_angel » Tue Feb 21, 2006 4:47 am

Thank you all for your suggestions and your welcome to the board. this way of eating does sound very do-able. I knew when starting low carb I wouldnt be doing it forever. It served its purpose though and I lost the weight I wanted to lose, now its time for maintenance and this looks like a great way to maintain my current weight. Because of where I am it is hard to get any whole grains but I will be coming home in about 2 weeks and will add that stuff in then, until that time I will just make the best choices Ican. It is hard to eat carby things though since I have been doing this for so long I automatically think (god this has "however many" carbs in it). I know it will take awhile to get out of that mindset, but I am thinking maybe it will also help me to maintain and not get into carby foods to fast.


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Post by Ladybug » Tue Feb 21, 2006 6:53 am

Glad you're coming home - welcome back!

My experience with adding carbs back to my diet after being on a low carb diet is that I gained some water weight back. I looked the same just weighed a little heavier on the scales. Just add unrefined carbs back in slowly. A carb per meal is what I eat now and if you never started eating the "bad carbs" again you would be alot better off. It's when you start eating the cake, cookies, candy, ice cream, etc. is when you will see a big weight gain. Been there, done that. That's why I'm on the NoS diet and having great success, I might add. It's definitely a diet I can live with. :)

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