No sweets is getting depressing here on Day 4...

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No sweets is getting depressing here on Day 4...

Post by hhenders » Fri Apr 01, 2016 4:11 am

(reposted from my check-in thread)

Urgh... I'm getting pretty blue about the no sweets thing. No sweets *most* days for the rest of my life??!! Suddenly, it doesn't sound doable! Or desirable! I have used sugar and (especially) chocolate to boost my mood on a daily basis almost my entire life.

Does dark chocolate have to count as a sweet?! I could maybe survive if I got my 2 small squares of dark chocolate once a day... :-(
I'm not targeting a goal weight or size, since that's counterproductive. I just want to eat sanely and look slender always! 4 weeks of very consistent No-S led to no weight loss. Not sure what to do now.

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Post by hhenders » Fri Apr 01, 2016 4:13 am


I think I'm doubly depressed about no food at bedtime. Going to bed hungry really feels horrible. Between no late supper and no sweets, I feel I have nothing to look forward to in my day. Guess that tells you how much I've relied on food emotionally. :-(
I'm not targeting a goal weight or size, since that's counterproductive. I just want to eat sanely and look slender always! 4 weeks of very consistent No-S led to no weight loss. Not sure what to do now.

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Post by Merry » Fri Apr 01, 2016 5:34 am

I'm sorry you're having a rough week. I used to have chocolate (dark or otherwise!) daily too! And I did miss it at first. Something that helped me was the advice on here to plan a special treat for your S days. For me, sometimes that's something home baked, or it's a specialty coffee--something I wouldn't normally have had necessarily but now I look forward to each week. Think about what feels like a treat to you, and reward yourself on S day. "Treat days" make it worthwhile for me, LOL!

Another thing that helped me was to remember why I was doing this (I know I'll feel better physically when I take off some weight, I want to be healthier because my husband is disabled and I want to be there for him, if I kept going as I have for years with the sweets, I could easily end up diabetic, etc...)

Overall, I have found that I feel much better when I don't overeat. In fact, I didn't realize how much I overate daily, until I stopped stuffing myself. I'm rarely truly hungry--and I've learned that feeling "comfortably empty" is much better than that "overstuffed" feeling I thought was normal.

If you are truly hungry though, what about doing a transition time, such as:

An apple or other piece of fruit before bed
splitting dinner into two smaller meals
A new habit such as a cup of decaf tea you really like
A glass of juice or milk

I used to always eat in the evening (snack all evening is more like it!), but I only do that on S days now, if I want to. I usually *could* eat, but I'm not usually really hungry if I eat a good dinner--I'm simply used to the habit. And, it's a habit that put a lot of weight on me.

Do you have the NoS book? If not, that was very helpful to me in getting into the psychology of understanding how to make this way of eating work for me, plus it really is astounding to think about all the sweets and snacks we've come to eat as a nation--I had no idea. All that worked together to help me stick to this new plan.

Anyway, hang in there & I hope you can find a way to make it work for you. And hey, S day is coming soon!
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Post by Merry » Fri Apr 01, 2016 5:38 am

Oh, one more thing--try to have a food you really enjoy at each meal, but maybe especially dinner. Then you have that to look forward to each day.
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Post by osoniye » Fri Apr 01, 2016 11:04 am

Merry wrote:...try to have a food you really enjoy at each meal...
I think this is key. There are so many great foods to enjoy that are not sweet.
You can retrain your pallet to some extent. You can really enjoy your meals, once the focus is off the sweets and on planning yummy meals of your favorite foods!
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Post by Bean&Sprout » Fri Apr 01, 2016 1:11 pm

I do treat very dark chocolate, in small amounts (one square, virtual plated with my meal), as N day acceptable. I prefer 85% or higher, but will go down to 70% if that's what's available. If very dark chocolate can fit in to a low carb diet (it does), then I really don't think of it as a sweet. I would consider anything below 70% cocoa content to be a sweet (for myself--you can decide for yourself what you consider a sweet).

As for the time between dinner and bed, my husband and I have made a ritual of making something hot to drink. He always has a hot apple cider (definitely a sweet, as it's nothing but apple-flavored sugar with spices in a packet), but I usually have a peppermint tea. If I'm feeling actively hungry, then I'll make a cup of what I call Angry Hot Coco. I take cocoa powder, a dash of cinnamon, and a tiny bit of cayenne, and add hot water slowly. Once the mug is about halfway full with water and cocoa, I fill the rest of the mug up with whole milk. I find the milk makes it sweet enough for my tastes, though a teaspoon of sugar wouldn't be amiss.

It does get easier with time. Hang in there.

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Post by Jen1974 » Fri Apr 01, 2016 3:17 pm

I too was a big fan of dark chocolate for my sweet after meals. I never liked anything more than 60% cocoa, I liked the sweet (: I'm not doing sweets on No S but I sure wouldn't let that be the reason I gave up on the plan. You COULD eat potato chips at every meal & be following the "rules" of No S. Most people probably wouldn't though (: I eat REALLY good meals that I'm super excited about & have a small bowl of Total cereal with a little milk after breakfast & lunch which seems to satisfy the kid in me who likes dessert after meals (:

If it's frustrating you, it might be the difference in being able to stick with the plan vs. not & if I were you I would make a mod & add the dark chocolate in. I would make it a "1 square per meal at MOST, anymore is seconds & it does not open up the door to any other "sweets" being allowed during N days" mod. You could also slowly wean yourself, to maybe only 2 meals per day, then one than every other day if it was a goal you wanted to reach. I don't eat perfectly healthy foods only on my N days. Life is too short to be on any plan that makes me miserable. Dark Chocolate at least has some health benefits (:

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Post by MaggieMae » Fri Apr 01, 2016 3:36 pm

I went through this, too! I was addicted to sweets, especially chocolate. After a few months( and a lot of red days) I have gotten to where I don't miss them. I never thought that would happen. I just started a few days ago allowing a small snack at night because I get really hungry. We tend to eat dinner earlier than most people due to our schedules. Hang in there! Allow some mods at first such as a piece if dark chocolate with dinner or small snack in the evening, but don't give up!

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Post by hhenders » Fri Apr 01, 2016 3:55 pm

Thank you guys so much.... I think you may have saved my No S life ;-)

I can definitely do 1 or 2 squares (depending on how big the squares are) of 70%+. It won't spiral on me, I don't think. I can use it as a daily reward - do No S all day and get my chocolate after dinner. It's just hard for me to stay motivated with the weekend reward because I'm SUCH an "instant gratification" person! (Not good for waistlines or budgets...)

I did read the book, and it made so much sense. Otherwise I probably wouldn't even have tried it. I first heard about No-S a couple of months ago but it didn't sound doable for me. (But it also kept calling to me until I bought the book!)

So far as a dinner I'll enjoy... problem is I almost never cook at home. I'm pretty busy. I just counted up, and in the last 3 weeks, I was at home with time to cook dinner 3 times. So I end up packing something processed or frozen or getting fast food, and none of those options are very satisfying once you've indulged in them a few times! I think the daily chocolate reward might make me feel good enough to make it through, though.

I'm still working on mealtimes. I had posted about "off-kilter" schedules a few days ago. I was going to stick with my usual, later meals. But rereading the book made me want to try harder to eat at proper mealtimes.

I am having hot tea with milk and sugar - 2 cups! - plus a cup of milk at night. Still feel hungry and depressed. So I think I'll try eating a bigger dinner and a bit later. It's just really hard on me to go to bed hungry. I grew up in a food-insecure household, and I think that going to bed hungry might hearken back to that in a bad way. I think I need to take it easy on myself for that reason. Maybe keep eating my one piece of whole-wheat toast before bed as long as I feel like I really need it. But I'm working on it!
I'm not targeting a goal weight or size, since that's counterproductive. I just want to eat sanely and look slender always! 4 weeks of very consistent No-S led to no weight loss. Not sure what to do now.

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Post by Jen1974 » Fri Apr 01, 2016 4:38 pm

A lot of nights I don't have much time to cook either so I've got a list of my go to meals that as long as I have some ingredients on hand (see My Pantry) are SUPER QUICK & EASY to make. Not sure if you're taste is at all similar to mine, but thought I'd shoot you over what I do. It's all such easy stuff that it's kind of embarrassing that I've even posted them online LOL. Here's the link:

If you click meals at the top it gives you my list. Pantry at the top is my grocery list. The recipes on top are a couple of things I'll make when over the weekend so that I can use them during the week in lunches & dinners.

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Post by hhenders » Fri Apr 01, 2016 5:29 pm

Thank you so much, Jen1974! I also loved your posts about eating more fat and about the "whoosh effect"! Very helpful!
I'm not targeting a goal weight or size, since that's counterproductive. I just want to eat sanely and look slender always! 4 weeks of very consistent No-S led to no weight loss. Not sure what to do now.

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Post by oolala53 » Sat Apr 02, 2016 1:00 am

I have to accept that you are really hungry at night before bed. I haven't been truly hungry after dinner for years, but some people are! But saying that you sound sad over it sure sounds a little like... addiction or just plain ol' strong habit. That's the brain pattern doing its thing to try to get you to stay on it. No matter, the reduction method is very good. And who knows? If you feel good and look good, no real reason to change. No S is more about setting limits you will stick to. If this is what it takes to live with moderation, so be it.

But I have a feeling in a few weeks, you'll be coming back to report surprising changes.
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Post by hhenders » Sat Apr 02, 2016 2:24 am

Thanks, Oolala! I'd be more than happy to see that happen! :-)
I'm not targeting a goal weight or size, since that's counterproductive. I just want to eat sanely and look slender always! 4 weeks of very consistent No-S led to no weight loss. Not sure what to do now.

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Post by RAWCOOKIE » Sun Apr 03, 2016 12:56 pm

Swuddly wrote: If I'm feeling actively hungry, then I'll make a cup of what I call Angry Hot Coco. I take cocoa powder, a dash of cinnamon, and a tiny bit of cayenne, and add hot water slowly. Once the mug is about halfway full with water and cocoa, I fill the rest of the mug up with whole milk. I find the milk makes it sweet enough for my tastes, though a teaspoon of sugar wouldn't be amiss
This is how I deal with a 'need' for sugar on an N day - I make myself a cup of hot chocolate in the evening I use nutmeg and chilli and cocoa powder just like Swuddly. I use all water, then stir in a light creamer (which has glucose in I know, but I only use a little) I wouldn't usually choose anything synthetic like creamer - but for this use, it really is a 'damage limitation' thing. But whole milk is fine of course! I've been amazed at how I can now go all week without sweet foods (apart from fruit)! and, like others have said, I really look forward to my weekend treats!

Keep going!
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Re: No sweets is getting depressing here on Day 4...

Post by Red » Tue Apr 05, 2016 9:20 pm

hhenders wrote:Urgh... I'm getting pretty blue about the no sweets thing.
OH goodness, I TOTALLY understand. I come from a long line of excellent home cooks, bakers, and family show-offs at get-togethers. The bounty of food in general, and sweets in specific has been a big thing throughout my life. My mom used to make eclairs during the week for desserts, pound cake for breakfast, and pudding for lunch... it wasn't a meal without a huge dessert. I COMPLETELY get it.

There are days when I have to iron-grip the edges of my desk, and breathe deeply. I figure these are hormonal(ly) driven, and hope my system calms down soon.

This is my second month on NoS and I'm slowly getting the hang of not having a sweet after every meal. I'm also getting more comfortable with being hungry in between. I figure this may take another 1-2 months to settle down, if not longer, since my system has been out of whack for so so so many years.

Whatever you do, I'm sure you'll be fine - if you stick with it!!! Also I have found exercise helps mitigate those kinds of thoughts, and if you throw yardwork, or housework in there, you're getting things done!! LOL.... but all joking aside, I pray for the day when I no longer crave them, or hopefully over time, am able to not focus on it so much.

Hang in there!!!!
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Post by hhenders » Fri Apr 08, 2016 4:02 am

Thank you, Red! It's great to know I'm not alone!! :-)
I'm not targeting a goal weight or size, since that's counterproductive. I just want to eat sanely and look slender always! 4 weeks of very consistent No-S led to no weight loss. Not sure what to do now.

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Post by reinhard » Tue Apr 12, 2016 2:05 pm

"No Sweets" gets really nice on day 6, if you can make it just a little longer. :-)

Habit will make those intervals much more bearable, kind of nice even.

By reducing your tolerance, a little goes a much longer way, and you'll get more enjoyment from your weekend indulgences.

In the meantime, lots of great advice in this thread on how to mitigate this (temporary!) state of craving.


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