Hello! I'm a total newbie.

No Snacks, no sweets, no seconds. Except on Days that start with S. Too simple for you? Simple is why it works. Look here for questions, introductions, support, success stories.

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Hello! I'm a total newbie.

Post by carolejo » Wed Jul 06, 2005 12:59 pm

Just thought I ought to introduce myself. I started doing 'No S' on Monday this week, so I haven't even gotten to my first set of S days yet.

So far I'm doing OK, but it was really really hard yesterday. I had to confront the fact that I'm a total sugar junkie as I got terrible cravings for something ANYTHING with a refined sugar content higher than 85%. Still, I managed to resist. Eating a small, very firey, green chilli helped, which I thought was a little bizzare, but hey!

The only way I've been 'cheating' a little is that I'm eating a small raw carrot at about 11am and a piece of fruit mid afternoon most days. I plan to cut this out gradually as my body gets more used to only eating at certain times of the day.

My husband is also joining me in doing No S. He finds it hard not to snack on savory things, and tends to come home at 5pm and eat everything in sight before I get back. I deliberately asked him to make an extra sandwich for his lunch instead and it seems to be working! He found it quite amusing though, quote "I've never been on a diet before where they tell me to eat MORE!" So far it seems to be working though and by eating more at lunchtime he eats much less in the evening before dinner. Hopefully as the habit is built up, we'll both start to feel fuller sooner and be able to scale it all down a bit.

Anyhow, I'll check back soon and let you know how it's going.

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Post by Jammin' Jan » Wed Jul 06, 2005 1:07 pm

Hi CaroleJo, glad you have decided to join us! There is a really great bunch of people here and I know you are going to enjoy your No-S adventure!

I have to have a pretty good-sized lunch, too, to survive until I feed the family in the evening. But breakfast and dinner have gotten smaller, so I think there is some progress made over time. You and your husband will discover what you need to eat, rather than letting habit dictate. But it takes time and patience. Also, if you are really strict with yourself on No-S days, and then cut a little slack on S-days, you will find your need for sugar lessening over time.

Did you discover the Daily Check-in yet? It's fun to see how everyone is doing day by day, and equally fun to have your own little corner for posting your own experiences.

Best wishes to you and your husband!

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Post by sibyl » Wed Jul 06, 2005 1:10 pm

I found the first week of 'no snacking' to be the worst - I was feeling 'hungry' less than two hours after lunch. Lunch time snacking was my big pitfall.
Now, while the cravings are still there, its much easier to ignore, and they are hitting later and later each afternoon. I find chewing gum and drinking a lot of water helps, as does getting up and going for a quick walk around the office to distract myself. I mean, I would have been getting up to go to the snack machine anyway, so I'm not taking any more time out of my work day - but instead of going to the snack machine I'll pick up the mail or drop off a report.
The extra sandwich is a great idea. I hope it works for him. I'm glad you're trying to support each other.
Have a good No-S week!!
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Post by cvmom » Wed Jul 06, 2005 5:21 pm

Hi CarloeJo:


I have been doing NoS for about a month and a half. At first I was in a bit of a panic thinking that I'd faint between meals. But, after a few days I realized it would be fine.

I too, used to crave a lot of sweets. I can tell you that if you honestly stick with it for a good 3 weeks or so your cravings will go away.

Good luck. :D


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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Jul 06, 2005 9:50 pm

Heyo Caroljo!
I love your photo! It is very very funny! :lol:
You seem very cool, and you also seem like you're already off to a good start. I think you will especially do well because you and your hubby are doing it together...
United you will stand!
Good luck to you both....
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Post by carolejo » Thu Jul 07, 2005 8:10 am

Thanks guys for all your helpful comments and support!

Glad you like my photo, Deb.
It was taken in the office when a workmate was messing around with her new digital camera. The full picture shows me hiding behind a large potted plant, next to the water cooler.

The first time my husband saw the picture, he just responded with "Huh! Good to see that large multinational companies take their employee safety seriously and provide training in escape, evasion, concealment and locating water sources! Might be handy if they ever send you to the amazon".

So far, the furthest I've been is Paris, and although it's quite a green city by some standards, it's more 'urban jungle' than 'rainforest'.

Still, I've been going less than a week and already I've lost 2lb in weight, so perhaps the 'concealment' part is about to become much easier!

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Post by ClickBeetle » Thu Jul 07, 2005 12:45 pm

Carole Jo, how did you get the photo reduced down to an acceptable size for an avatar? I've been fiddling with MS Paint and other imaging stuff on my computer, but can't seem to reduce the pixel count (without just lopping off the entire photo, and only ending up with one feature in the picture).
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My Avatar

Post by carolejo » Thu Jul 07, 2005 2:18 pm

I used a combination of reducing the picture size and cropping it. I admit it's not very easy. The original picture for this one was about 50 times bigger and my head was only about double that size already on the whole picture.

The best advice I can give is start with a picture where you're nearly the right size anyway and then tinker with it from there.

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Post by reinhard » Thu Jul 07, 2005 2:45 pm

Welcome, CaroleJo. It is funny that, as you point out, the nos diet encourages you to eat more food on the micro level of the first (and only) course. Most other diets obsess over this micro level. Every little thing you put in your mouth is scrupulously examined. This is foolish. The micro level doesn't matter. It's the macro level. Bigger first courses means less food overall -- and you won't even notice. Bigger firsts might even be embarrassing. It'll seem like you're eating so much. But this is good embarrassment, good seeming. It keeps you in line. Just think how much more you were eating when you were sneaking snacks all day long, putting on a great show for everyone except your scale.

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Post by carolejo » Thu Jul 07, 2005 8:23 pm

you are so right! The stupid thing is that most of the time I never even NOTICED the nice stuff I was putting in my mouth! it just went in, without any thought at all.

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Post by Jammin' Jan » Fri Jul 08, 2005 11:53 am

I have gotten a lot pickier about what I eat, and I notice and appreciate it more. Also, I have slowed down when I eat. No more inhaling the food; no more shovelling (save the latter for Shovelgloving!). There are only three opportunities to eat in any given day, so I want to make the most of them!

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