loneliness makes me eat tons of food

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loneliness makes me eat tons of food

Post by LoveULife » Wed Oct 11, 2006 2:31 pm

Hi friends
as the subject line tells, after 2 successful weeks i droped my weapons completely and surrundered myself to FOOD.
for last 5 days i am eating like an elephant...(i don't think they overeat but..sorry for spoiling their name)
today i have a bad stomach but still i keep eating
feel like eating until i vomit :-(
i try to fill that emptynes within me by food i guess
i am going to give some time to myself to get out of this first
n i can not access special sites from internet 24 hours.
right now my job is to wait for emails from head office and sort out if there are n e issues. being far from my family and this bull shit work to be done makes me MAD and then i over eat
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Post by pangelsue » Thu Oct 12, 2006 4:33 am

Does food make you feel less lonely or more lonely? I am an emotional eater too and I am slowly finding out that I have to experience the lonely and the angry and the sad or it never goes away. How did you feel when you were successful for those 2 weeks? Better?
I don't know much about your situation so I don't know if you have always felt this way or just recently or only since this job or since being away from your family. It is hard to help without knowing what the real problem is or if the problem can be changed. There are lots of good folks here to talk to. And sometimes, like you said, you just have to work through a bad time and then start over. Good luck.
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Post by reinhard » Thu Oct 12, 2006 2:11 pm

I'm sorry to hear it LoveULife....

The problem with all this self help stuff is that we all have many problems and they're all interconnected, but you can't get anywhere unless you break off one piece at a time. It's an artificial break, but it's necessary.

Things to try/keep in mind:

1) Try to find other comfort activities besides eating. Taking a walk works really well for me. Clears my mind, and hey, it's exercise.

2) Eating less ultimately will make you feel less depressed than eating more. I'm sure you intellectually know this, but you have to make it a mantra or something. There is a self destructive element about emotional eating, of course. To beat that, take out the self destructive impulse on the self destructive part of yourself: the overeating part. By *not* overeating, you're really sticking it to the part of yourself that deserves it.

3) Since you've identified emotional eating as a primary problem, be super super strict about not doing it.

4) try to identify your other non-diet problems that are getting you down and break off tractable chunks to deal with as you can. The smaller the chunks, the easier they are to deal with. Post to the group and we'll be happy to give suggestions.


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Post by LoveULife » Tue Nov 07, 2006 5:19 am

Hi All....
I am back
and i am back with a victory over my main big big problem
i got a new job....near my home town and in a field i love to work....
i am very very very happy now and hope that i will take charge of my eating habits and fitness once again
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Post by FarmerHal » Sat Dec 16, 2006 8:24 pm

That's great news!! Happy to hear it!

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Post by hexagon » Sun Dec 17, 2006 4:30 am


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