Let me introduce myself!

No Snacks, no sweets, no seconds. Except on Days that start with S. Too simple for you? Simple is why it works. Look here for questions, introductions, support, success stories.

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Let me introduce myself!

Post by Sinnie » Sun Jul 17, 2005 10:43 pm

Hi everyone :)

My name is Cynthia and I read about the nos diet quite a long time ago. I thought it made sense, was funny as heck to read and then I forgot about it.

Like so many people, I am always trying to lose weight. I did the calorie counting thing for awhile recently, but after 8 weeks I started binging and it plain just wasn't working.

Then I was reading about this book called "Mastering Leptin" or something and its principles are very similar in that you only eat three meals a day. The rules are:


It is supposed to result in weight reduction, blood sugar balancing, hormone balance, increased energy/digestion etc. Anyways, I have never read the book and probably won't but I randomly tried it out and boy I did feel great. I tend to have a problem waiting 5 or 6 hours between meals but that will come with time I hope. But with this approach you can't have anything between meals except water, unsweetened tea or coffee. I'm talking not even gum or diet soda - apparently it messes with your hormone levels.

So, for something a little simpler I remembered this great old site! I read over the nos diet and thought straightforward, no funny rules. That's for me.

Anyhow, because I am just starting I can't help but feel pessimistic because of so many failed attempts, but this truly makes the most sense to me as now I can actually enjoy normal dinner foods and cook recipes I would have deemed as "too fattening" previously. I find with this way of eating you save loads of calories by not snacking (I used to be quite the snacker).

I look forward to hopping on this bandwagon with all of you!


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Post by Catbert » Sun Jul 17, 2005 10:50 pm

Welcome Cynthia!

I'm new too (at posting, but not at NoSing). Hope it goes as well for you as it has for me. I've tried lots of other things in the past too, but this is the only one that made sense and worked for me. The only thing I ever gleaned from anyother diet book/plan/etc was that one of them said something like...

"Just remember, if you make a mistake, you are only one meal, one snack, one... (fill in the blank) from getting back on track!"

So best wishes to you and if you do "fall off" - no sweat - just get back on! :)

Keeping this all in perspective...
For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come. --I Timothy 4: 8 (NIV)

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Mon Jul 18, 2005 12:06 am

Hey Cynthia! Welcome to the group :D
This is all about creating good habits and cultivating moderation...
For many of us, that is no small task...But because NoS is so beautifully simple, and enjoyable, it stacks the deck in our favor to succeed!
It does help our Willpower, rather than sapping it... And nothing is totally restricted... Want something really badly... just have it on an S day...
(but don't make S days every other day! LOL...)
Glad to have you with us, and don't be pessimistic, but do be realistic..
Look at our new Catbert.. She lost 20 lbs in her first 8 months...
That is great! It is believed that a healthy rate of loss which is *maintainable* (not like a yo yo fad diet) is around 20 or 25 lbs in a year.
So just put your blinders on and set you sights on the long term... This will make it less likely that you are "thrown" by the relative slowness of losing the weight.. When one has heard claims of "Thirty days=thirty pounds down" and other bogus stuff, it's hard not to play into that baloney.
Ignore it all.. Focus on your habits, and if you wish, make a daily check in page so you can chart your "days on habit"... I say, even if you only are able to get 75% success with the rules, you will still be doing great..
Okay, so don't get jaded in advance of trying... Give it a good go for a few months and I'm sure you won't regret it... You will be taking back a huge part of your life... Enjoying eating!
Good luck!
8) Deb
(I think I'm down roughly 14-16 lbs since Sept... Not totally sure...)

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Post by peetie » Mon Jul 18, 2005 2:33 am

Welcome Cynthia,
My main goal with this approach is to learn to eat like a normal person after decades of dieting and bingeing, and this is exactly what this plan has given me. Wherever my body ends up, that is the weight I will accept. If the only way I can maintain a very low weight is to starve myself, then that weight isn't the right one for me. And a binge is always around the corner with that restrictive lifestyle.....and then another....and pretty soon we're heavier than ever.

There are similarities with the Leptin Diet here, but, for me, the biggest difference is the allowance of taking it easy on week-ends. There is no need to binge if your week gives you everything you want....just in a way that is not destructive like my old ways.

I had my sweets today, but am not bloated or guilty or anything a day like this would have made me feel in the old diet/binge days.

I think you'll be very happy here!


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Post by reinhard » Mon Jul 18, 2005 2:31 pm

Welcome, Cynthia.

Don't be afraid of failure. It's probably going to take some failures. The pseudostatic I've been pointed to is that it takes an average of 12 attempts to reform eating habits. Just determine that you're going to jump right back. If no s were some crazy, unpleasant potentially dangerous thing, you'd be right to wonder if it was worth it when you hit a snag. But as peetie said, the goal of this is to eat like a normal person. That's not crazy, unpleasant, or dangerous, and it's not out of reach. It's worth failing at a few times if that's what it takes.

Regarding Leptin, there have been a bunch of posts about it here recently that you might want to look at. I'm happy to find confirmation (however convoluted) of the no s principles elsewhere.

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Post by Sinnie » Tue Jul 19, 2005 12:22 am

Thank you all for the welcome. I really appreciate your wisdom and support! Today I ate 3 meals and I feel so good, so unbelievably comfortable and I didn't think about food at all except when it was time to eat. I "messed up" a little because we had a party yesterday and there was leftover cakes, and I had a small piece after dinner. But at least it was with dinner and not a "snack". But I still feel great about this and I am so excited to make this a way of life.


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