
No Snacks, no sweets, no seconds. Except on Days that start with S. Too simple for you? Simple is why it works. Look here for questions, introductions, support, success stories.

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Post by kccc » Tue Nov 27, 2007 2:38 am

After the excesses of Turkey Day and the following weekend (when I "perma-snacked" both days), I'm having to work to get back on track. My stomach is too quick to fall back into expecting mass quantities of food!

Anyone else in the same boat? I feel like I'm dealing with a critter or child that's suddenly reverted to bad behavior that I'd thought was behind us.

With the holidays coming up, I want my habits "well-trained" to bear the onslaught of temptation. So, I'm being strict today and this week. Encouragement, tips, or commiseration would be welcomed. :)

On a positive note, I'm pleased I kept both the Wednesday before T-day and the Friday after as N-days. Since I was off work, that was actually a bit of a challenge for me.

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Post by reinhard » Wed Nov 28, 2007 3:20 pm

It sounds like you did pretty well, keeping even the Friday after thanksgiving an N-day.

I'd say just keep keeping those non holiday N-days N-days, whatever their proximity to an actual holiday and however great the temptation of leftovers.

As for the holidays themselves, you are going to overeat, just reconcile yourself to that. But there are better ways to overeat, both in terms of pleasure and habit. Instead of permasnacking, try holding out for the meals. Then enjoy the meals without scruple; go ahead and overeat. But I think meal based overeating, though it's still an excess of course, will wind up being less food, enjoyed more, and your "metronome" of no snacking (or at least not mindless permasnacking) stays intact.

And most importantly, if either or both of these tactics doesn't quite wind up working, DO NOT BEAT YOURSELF UP. The holidays are hard. We have to adjust our ambitions. The biggest danger is not failure but discouragement at failure which will derail you completely. So just relax and do the best you can. Always, but especially during the holidays, maintenance is progress -- the most important kind.


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Re: Re-training...

Post by silver » Thu Nov 29, 2007 7:18 pm

KCCC wrote: So, I'm being strict today and this week.
be strict, but not more that any other n-day before. just have totally normal and ordinary n-days, not n-days minus something. this isn't really a diet. it's a lifestyle. no failure should ever be punished ever again! that's why this thing works! because you don't have to look for excuses or justify or make up for anything. that reduces the guilt. or vice versa?

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Post by kccc » Fri Nov 30, 2007 2:53 am

In terms of strictness, I mostly meant following the N-day rules closely and precisely, not adding to them.

I have to watch "muddying" the rules, and every now and then tighten up just to stay in line. With the holidays, I'm wanting to be very on target with my N-days, so I can enjoy my S days.

I used the word "strictness" because that's the term Reinhard uses in one of my favorite podcasts.

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