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Post by Sinnie » Thu Jul 21, 2005 12:00 am

I was thinking about this today and am wondering if anyone can help clarify.

I think this diet is great because it all seems to be one phase, not particularly a "losing weight" phase followed by a "maintenance" period. It's like you just eat better and the same forever.

Do you just stop losing weight at some point? What if you don't lose enough?

Does anyone feel comfortable sharing any stats of themselves? Starting weight and ending weight, or just how much you have lost and whether it just stopped at the right weight for you?

Thank you so much, and sorry for all the questions!

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Post by peetie » Thu Jul 21, 2005 12:59 am

Hi Cynthia,
Don't ever worry about questions. How else do we get answers?

I'm pretty new here, but not new to the world of dieting and gaining and all that, and it appears to me that if you eat this way, eventually you will find your natural, healthy body weight. And it won't be hard to maintain because you just keep doing what you're doing. People here have mentioned eventually needing less to make it from meal to meal.....your body gets used to smaller portions, but not so little that you waste away to nothing. Just little enough to get to your naturally weight and to keep it.

I am here mostly to maintain since I have been up and down all over the place weight wise by dieting and bingeing. And I just want a stable weight at last. I was 125 when I started here, and it's only been a couple imperfect weeks, but I dropped down to 123 during the week and seem to be up to 125 by the end of the week-end. I wouldn't mind losing another 5 lbs, since I am 5'4"" and VERY small boned, but I can live with myself at this weight since maintaining it on this plan is so darn easy! The struggle is over!

I've been much heavier and much thinner, but I am focusing now on feeling well and being healthy and not living a life of feast and famine.

I think if you don't get down to a healthy weight, for you, you could add more exercise and tweak the amounts of food you're eating, but only if it's maintainable. Gotta be realistic for the long haul.

There are people who have been here way longer than I have and are much smarter about it all, so I'm sure they will have some good info for you.


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Post by Catbert » Thu Jul 21, 2005 3:02 am

Hi Cynthia,

Don't know if you read my first post, but in it I mentioned that I've been NoSing for 8 months now. I've dropped about 20lbs (165 to 143). I am also 5'4", but I think my best weight is a little higher than Peetie's probably about 130.

Over time, I've hit a couple of plateau's where not much has happened. At those times I've been able to re-evaluate and see if there is something (maintainable) that I can do/change - such as cutting out/back on sugary drinks (if I've been indulging) or increasing my exercise - and those things have helped me on my way again.

While I'd like to lose those last few pounds, I can honestly say that if I maintain where I am today I can be happy. I am way healthier than I've been in a long time and a recent doctor visit showed all sorts of good results on my blood test's etc - I can't complain. Even so, if I continue to eat and exercise (walking) the way I have I imagine I will arrive at and then maintain my best/goal weight... that's my experience so far - I'll keep you posted on future results!

Keeping this all in perspective...
For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come. --I Timothy 4: 8 (NIV)

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Post by Jammin' Jan » Thu Jul 21, 2005 11:11 am

Hi Cynthia,

I checked into this program at 108, a high weight for me since I am 5'1" and very small boned. My best weight is 100. After No-S-ing since the beginning of May, I am at 104. I assume that I will drop another 4 pounds eventually, but if that doesn't happen, I will still be happy. My "best weight" at age 53 may not be the same number as at 43! Also, although I exercise year round on a nearly daily basis, I don't do it as intensely once the school year begins. I am on summer-cycle now,which is what you see on my daily check-in.

I like the No-S because it isn't really a diet, just good eating. I don't have to give up any food groups, and don't have to eat less food than is satisfying. Also, I get some guilt-free goodies on a regular basis, so there is never a sense of resentment..."why does everyone else get to eat (insert name of junk food here), and I can't? It's not fair!" (stomps foot and pouts :( ) I am pretty satisfied at this point with my weight, eating, and exercise.
Last edited by Jammin' Jan on Thu Jul 21, 2005 8:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by reinhard » Thu Jul 21, 2005 1:40 pm

Hi Cynthia,

If you are 180 pounds and start eating like a 150 pound person, eventually you'll get to 150 pounds, and then you'll stay there (replace 180 and 150 with your current and ideal weights). It may not happen fast, but it will happen . Making a dichotomy between 'maintenance' and 'progress' , as the few diets that even consider maintenance do, is dangerous.

How much does a person at your target weight eat? It's difficult to say exactly, but you don't need to figure it out exactly. Following the no s guidelines will give you a close enough approximation.


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Post by Sinnie » Fri Jul 22, 2005 12:16 am

I really appreciate the clarifications. I am so curious when something is new to me and I can't stop thinking about all the little details!

I am about 5'2, maybe 5'2.5, I wouldn't say I am small boned, probably medium. I haven't weighed in a week or two but I am probably 138 lbs. Ideally, I would need to get to 110-115lbs as I am obviously petite standing under 5'3.

I am not going to concentrate on being skinny yet. It's too far away and I need to focus on doing this right and better yet KEEPING it off. Slow and steady wins the race.

Jan-Tz I noticed you are also a shortie. Out of total curiousity, how did you keep your weight low in the past? I figure once I get smaller I will be eating a lot less. I guess I am wondering what your typical day looks like.

Thanks, you are all wonderful *hugs*

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Post by JWL » Fri Jul 22, 2005 4:57 am

Cynthia wrote:I figure once I get smaller I will be eating a lot less.
Not to be pedantic, but that's exactly backwards.

I just wrote in another thread. The point of all this is to cultivate health. As you get healthier, your weight will take care of itself.

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