Here I go!

No Snacks, no sweets, no seconds. Except on Days that start with S. Too simple for you? Simple is why it works. Look here for questions, introductions, support, success stories.

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Here I go!

Post by Dawn » Fri Feb 08, 2008 6:57 pm

I have considered a plan similar to this for years in my mind. The only thing that has kept me from doing it is that when I have kinda done it, it seems that I undo all my good work that I did all week in the two days that I can go off my plan. I have always known in my heart that this type of a plan is just what I need for maintenance, but since I am 20 pounds from that point, this just doesn't seem like it would work. I am not trying to be negative, just realistic. The no sweets, no snacks and no seconds completly captures my problem. And I totally agree with the idea that habit replaces habit. And as many bad habits I have I do have good habits too, and they would be hard to break so I get that whole idea.

Wish me luck and I will keep you posted on my progress.

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Feb 08, 2008 7:04 pm

Best of luck!
Debs 8)
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Post by elizabeth333 » Fri Feb 08, 2008 9:30 pm

So are you saying that you don't think you can lose the weight if you take full advantage of the S days? If so, are you planning on not having seconds, snacks, or sweets on S days as well? Won't this cause the feeling of deprivation that causes complete failure?

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Post by Dawn » Fri Feb 08, 2008 11:32 pm

To Elizabeth 333 - No, I don't plan on not taking advantage of the S days (that would be a guaranteed disaster), it's just that in the past I have gone all week doing really well and then the weekend hits and I fall off of the wagon and by Monday I weigh the same as I did the Monday before, and the Monday before that. Of course in the past the "diets" I was on M-F were basic low cal diets, probably an average of 1400 cal per day but once I went off over the weekend - and I am not talking going crazy, just not anywhere near where I should have been with the calorie count, it seemed to be just enough to undo what I did the week before. Like I said before, I can how this way of eating could keep you from gaining, I just don't see how it will help me lose the 20 pounds that I have been fighting with since the twins were born nearly 13 years ago!! I think it sounds great and I totally get how you can say no to cravings when it's not forever but rather a few days or so. And I really like the idea of eating 3 real meals a day. So I will do this as it it meant to be done and let you guys know how I am doing.

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Post by elizabeth333 » Sun Feb 10, 2008 12:20 am

dawn, i'd skip the s days too if i thought it was possible, but i've learned from personal experience that, (for me), deprivation, (no sweets), would guaruntee complete failure. This is only my first week on the plan, and today is my first s day, so i do completely understand the fear that 2 days off every week could keep you from losing weight. I'm gonna do it with the s days and see what happens. I want to lose over 100 pounds, so weight loss is important to me as well, and if it doesn't happen I'll have to tweek it a little too, but i just couldn't give up sweets forever! I'm hoping it's NOT too good to be true!

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Post by Dawn » Sun Feb 10, 2008 1:04 am

E-333, yeah, just saying no to sweets or snacks does not work.

I have a "thing" on Monday so I am doing my 2 S days for Sunday and Monday, yeah I know I am not supposed to do that but it was either that or wait until after Monday to start this and I was just in the right mind set on Friday. So far today I have been fine, busy, so that helps a lot. I did do very well on a little road trip with the twins today. It was about an hour there and an hour or so back and the twins had lots of munchies to keep them from driving me crazy, and normally I would have really gotten in their stash, but I was good!

So now wish me luck as I get into my S days. I want so much to be able to do this without going nuts. No one wants to see another episode like the Atkins diet where I ate two whole chickens just because I could - oh that one didn't work out in case you were wondering! :oops:

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Post by phano » Sun Feb 10, 2008 7:32 am

Not to introduce unnecessary complication, BUT a lot of people have posted that planning a special "S" treat or two has helped them not go crazy on S days. I've incorporated this from the beginning, and I find that it helps me continue to be more mindful of my food choices on S days. For instance, I have a standing date with my son to make pancakes or muffins for breakfast on Saturday. I also usually buy myself some lovely chocolate treat or really nice ice cream to enjoy with my husband on Saturday afternoon or Sunday evening.

Good luck to you!

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Post by Dawn » Sun Feb 10, 2008 3:21 pm

rxea - excellent idea. I usally make a nice dinner and dessert on Sunday so I know anticipating the nice dessert will help.


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Post by reinhard » Mon Feb 11, 2008 3:33 pm

Welcome Dawn!

I'm glad you find the rules so on target -- but as others have mentioned, the exception is kind of critical, too. Unless you're some kind of saintly hermit in the desert who's really into mortification of the flesh, there's no way you're going to do without any esses at all forever

And I think S days days are more than a necessary evil -- they're actually a positive good. Pleasure is good. Sweets are good. It's in excess that they're bad. So even if it were possible, it wouldn't actually be superior to do without them completely.


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